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Any news?


Man is this forum slow, we need more people badly. Does anyone have any news about the raffle/auction/j-day.



New member
Wa hey,1 more person for you.

Heres my contribution,If your ever in the Dundalk area on a sunny day visit Castle Roche for a smoke.Lovely place and never anyone around ;) as its well of the beaten out of the way not like tourist attractions.


Welcome Emptyhead. I know the name, do you post anywhere else. I reckon the "do you speak gaileic" under the irish forum puts people off comin in, theres loads of people growin in ireland. I have faith in this site, its going places



New member
Agreed,last time i spoke Irish was 1986 or there abouts.
I have been poking my head in the OG Irish thread for advice
Only new to this growing carry on alough i should have started years ago.


New member
I agree, practically nobody speaks Irish, and the main page makes it look like this forum is in Irish, something must be done!

Uncle Hughie

ok ok !

ok ok !

What do u gys Suggest?
if you want to contribute ...or giv us Ideas ...go ahead.......

the reason the Irish/Gaeilge was put on this forum is to try to give a forum to all.....

not only English speaker grow here on the Emerald Isle...

so...English/Irish ...who cares...

So ....whats on the Menu?


New member
Hughie its just that on first glance peeps would think its Gaeilge speakers only.Due to this dumb ass political situation some punters might feel put off.If one thing knows no boundries and unites people its weed.
What about sticking Ulans/Ulster Scots in the title, im sure for some it might make them feel a bit more welcome and more inclusive.
Here don't get me wrong as i don't give a shit either way but you did ask for suggestions;)

Oh another thing, what about an Irish bud Cup ,it could work along the lines of using photos and we could vote through polls(think theres an option on create thread).I can sort out a cup and all that shit @ no charge as i know a symapathic shop that will supply.


Irish bud cup, my moneys on Unc. About the irish/gaeilge thing, i just want more people in here, get things moving:cool:

Visited a new hydro shop in belfast today, the guy who owned it(i think) was sound as a pound he give a free marijuana paper a free magazine free ph tester and a load of info. I picked up some bat guano, iv been lookin everywhere for it and bio bizz allmix soil. Cracking wee shop, dead on people and the prices are spot on too so well worth a look.



New member
Just started my 5 Powerplant ladies on 12/12 Today also took 6 cuttings and stuck them in a class wee homemade propagator i made out of clear plastic packaging(like the packaging you get with drinking glasses )
So a quick question
Do i keep feeding them Ionic Grow for the first 1 or 2 weeks then Flush and change to bloom and grow or just use bloom from 2 week onward on its own adding PK 13-14 on week 3 ?:confused:
I've checked OG faqs and can't really find a direct answer im using nft btw

Oh i this post was to keep the forum going to, not just a dumb ass question as its been asleep for what must be a week:p
Last edited:

Uncle Hughie

No Prob Empty Head...itll help to give a little more veg nutes ..just goin into it...then flush...just some ph water.....

then introduce the bloom....then ...when about 3 weeks of flowerin left..u can introduce the PK.........
Then ....If u use it !..Ripen...to finish..then a flush....then cure....then call to uncle Hughies ...lol
Good Luck...dont overkill with Kindness...


New member
Cheers Hughie,
Don't worry the bitches are getting rough love;)

Love your C99 pics they're makin my mouth water something shocking.


New member
Pretty quiet in here isnt it.

I think Gaelige should be left the front page. After all it is our native language and the more it's promoted the better. I just wish I was able to speak it a little more fluently.


Uncle Hughie



Maith go leor ...syd....
Tá sin go Maith .....
fagfaidh mé mar atá sé.........

ádh mór ort!


Alright guys hows it all growin'. Im ordering a set of Bubblebags tomorrow(S.D) does anyone have any tips. I know you have one Hughie, im ordering the 1gal 7 bag as im in an apt. and grow 4 plants max. I also wrecked a WW plant that i was experimenting on so its going in, it was about 50days into bloom but didnt look it as growth slowed quite bad but theres still over 2oz on it. What i really need to know is how much to use and is it worth while doing a second run. All the stuff is in the freezer so im getting exited. Bubblehash for me:D :) :cool: Thanx


Uncle Hughie

well now!

well now!

Hi Morganic

it depends on how much trim u got !
and rem ..bubble bags make the hash finer...so u can stop at what ever grade u need ..ie if u have only 200gms of trim and u need some good bubble but a bigger amount ..you can cut the proscess a bag or 2 short ..ie for quantity over quality..or vice versa...
a very exciting time for you ... hmmm luvley jubley..bubbley

so ...peeps recon..for 200gms of good trim..you could get up to 20 gms of good hash..

oooh i feel a bubble run comin on !



Allright Lads :cool:

OG is down so everyone flocks here, good to see a few friendly faces here, yas know me by the avatar by now :p

Morganic, why are ya getting the 7 bag set? ya dont need it buddy. I've never tried making bubblehash myself but I know the 7 bag kit is for making a few different grades of bubblehash.
Why dont you just save your money & stick to the 2 or 3 bag set (or whatever the smaller set is) & I think you'll get 2 diff grades of bubblehash :)

Keep it simple ;)

Ice Cold

Hello everyone.. My family way back is from Ireland and I have always held a special intrest in the isle.. I am glad to hear relations there seem better lately.. I havent been there YET !! I would love to see parts of the county out of the tourist beaten track.. I will have to look u guys up for a few pints and a bunch of joints :)

Uncle Hughie

No Problem

No Problem

Well u know how the whole world feels about the Irish Welcome...!

anyone is welcome to come...and im sure you will Enjoy it ...!



New member

No overgrow then ho hum same ol' same ol' :)

Whatchya smokin?


Killfest tonight muahaha! 48 hrs of PC gamin' Draw the curtains and block the sun from the screens!!

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