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Any 1.5+ grams per Watt grows????

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Hi there all !!
Ive been looking for a collosium grow diary where someone has achieved 1.5g/ per watt but can't seem to find ANY...

I'm quite confident its possible can anyone help me out?


Google Heath Robinson or do a search for him on IC, he did that SEVERAL times and is somewhat of a pot (folk) hero around here, or at least to me he is a hero. Check out Bobble's Aerohead's, Whodare and Marlo's grow journals you'll see peeps getting that OR pretty damn close to it.

Grown on bro!

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
Yup check out Heath, I also know someone that got 2.3 G/pw from his last run he was running a V-SOG. clone's only had 3 day's veg. It's a KILLER system. 1.5 G/pw was the highest I ever achieved, still trying to get up there again :D, maybe this run.
I know of the illusive man named Heath from over ***** but he tends to keep his best kept secretes perminantly locked down.

Its kind of like Virgin Cola copying CocaCola's recipe with a list of half the ingredients - they are never going to make CocaCola!!

I mean his conquests for highest yield even go into the realms of using different brands of HPS/MH bulbs for different parts of the growth cycle. I do not have the money or enthusiasm for this.

Doesn't Heath do collosium and not stadium?? Doing a collosium with 100+ cuttings is going to land me hell of a lot of bother if i get caught. So like most vertical bulb growers i am sticking to stadium with large plants.

Hundred Gram Oz
WOwza!! do you know his name or any search criteria i could try out to find that grow?

mrktwiz Bro i'm digging Whodare's grow!! I plan on something very similar. I hope he posts his gpw!!!



Active member
Doesn't Heath do collosium and not stadium?? Doing a collosium with 100+ cuttings is going to land me hell of a lot of bother if i get caught. So like most vertical bulb growers i am sticking to stadium with large plants.

mrktwiz Bro i'm digging Whodare's grow!! I plan on something very similar. I hope he posts his gpw!!!


yes for the super gpw yeilds high plantcount colloseum are #1..

stadium with trees i dont think would yeild even 2gpw, but thats cause its trees not because of it being a stadium, jon jaffer hits 2gpw in his stadium but its high plant count hydro...

and thanks, i will certainly post weights up, good or bad, this is a learning experience for me as much as anyone else so im more than glad to share my adventure with anyone that wants to try it out...


Active member
I have a friend who just hit 3 lbs on a 1000 watter but he left alot of stems inbetween little buds and he doesnt trim all the way down to the bud both I think are cheeting.


Active member
i think alot of people cheat lol. i will take pics to prove a proper trim and no stem;)


I have a friend who just hit 3 lbs on a 1000 watter but he left alot of stems inbetween little buds and he doesnt trim all the way down to the bud both I think are cheeting.

dry stems and dry "sweet-leaf" trim do not weigh much...
the outside of a bud dries quickest and the stem transfers all of its moisture to the buds during the dry/cure process.
so they both are pretty dry when buds are ready to smoke.

so he did 2.5 per 1000? still impressive.


Whodare you got a link to them 2gpw jj grows thank you please :D


Active member
I beg to differ on the sweet leaf trim. I save all mine for hash and on a 1.5 pound table I get anywhere from a half to a full pound of trim for hash. I throw away any leaf not totally coverd in resin. Growers who dont do a good trim can easily add 50% to their weight.


Active member
Usualy the get the hay smell by doing that though. And smart buyers will only pay half as much.


I don't have a vertical grow done yet but I hit .8 gpw with a one plant 1200 W grow. Got over 34 ounces off of that plant in 27 gallons of soil organic. I always went by the standard in jorges book that I haven't hit yet .5 GPW per 30 days.


GPW`s are best expressed as grow`s per month , per cycle , per yr....period......

Coli setups take hundreds and hundreds of plants flipped 12/12 immediately from rooted cut , and require a clone factory to feed the beast continuously for yearly production rates....

I ran my version of Heath`s vertical racks DTW coco fed once daily till end of stretch , and then twice daily with lil runoff till end of cycle , with only 4 plants on 4 walls on 4 levels and 3-600`s stacked for lil over 1.5 gpw.......

64 plants averaged lil over 1-1/2 oz`s per for 98 oz`s +/- in 4 rooms finishing behind each other a month or so apart in age for over 4 months , so there was no fluke.....

I mean......How hard is it ta grow a 42 gram plant......Plant numbers dictate yield , ......guaranteed....butchas don`t haveta go crazy.....

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