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Anti's MicroStealth Cab Design (Dr. Bud Method)


New member
Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me trying to wire up lights similar to what Anti has done here with his lights. I am trying to do the same and all I manage to do is blow my fuse everytime.


number of cfl lights

number of cfl lights

hi anti and every one im a newbe ...ok my cabs are 2x2 and 2 1/2 foot tall what is the number of cfl lights i will need in each cab...thanx


so whats up anti? hows the next run going? i know revegging can be a pain in the arse and takes a while lol.


New member
Thank you to everyone who chimed in, asked questions (forcing me to figure out the answer) and pointed out issues. Whatever failures or shortcomings there may be in this grow are mine alone. All of the successes - all of the results - belong to you.

Is it OK with you Anti, that I dedicate my first ever post on this forum quoting you? I would want you to consider this as a tribute to your wonderful manners. Much respect goes out to someone so modest.

I have been lurking since the start of your adventure and I have benefited greatly from it. Many, many thanks!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Hey I was wondering if anyone could help me trying to wire up lights similar to what Anti has done here with his lights. I am trying to do the same and all I manage to do is blow my fuse everytime.

If you are having problems with your lights, I have to believe that you are crossing wires or something.

On the back of the sockets I am using (available for about $1.50-2.00 at any home improvement store or walmart) there are 4 screws. Two screws are attached to one thin piece of metal, and two screws are attached to a different thin piece of metal. (Trying to keep the terminology as simple as possible for those like me who are not electricians.) The only thing I can imagine you are doing wrong is that you are attaching a wire from one plate to another on the lights. It does not seem to matter which side you consider negative and which side you consider positive, it only matters that you are consistent! So make sure that the wires are connecting from only one side of light one's thin metal piece to only one side of light two's thin metal piece and so on. Each wire connects only to one thin metal piece on any socket. Think of the thin metal piece with the two screws as a continuation of the wire. So you want the wire to run to a screw, through the thin metal piece, out the other screw, into the next piece of wire, into the next screw, into the thin metal piece... out the other screw... get it? The thin metal piece of a light can only be negative OR positive. If you have a positive wire AND a negative wire attached to the same thin metal piece, you're gonna have a problem!

(Click Pic to Zoom in and see exactly what was done.)

Hope this helps.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
hi anti and every one im a newbe ...ok my cabs are 2x2 and 2 1/2 foot tall what is the number of cfl lights i will need in each cab...thanx

To determine your light requirements, you need to calculate square footage.

Your cab is 2x2... so 4 square feet. Which is twice as big as mine.

Mine has six 42 watt 2700k CFLs.. so you would need twelve 42 watt 2700k CFLs (and space them evenly across the top of your cab) to have the same amount of light per square foot as my cab. Whether you need as much light as I've used (or more) is a matter of debate on these forums.

I've read numerous times that the sun itself is around 10,000 lumens per square foot. My cab has somewhere around 9,000 lumens per square foot. (The exact info is close to the beginning of the thread, but I don't remember precisely at the moment.)

It has been suggested by many that 5000 per square foot is the MINIMUM you'd want to attempt, but you must keep in mind that much of cannabis cultivation is more art than science at this point. As such, you must experiment and find what works well for you.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
so whats up anti? hows the next run going? i know revegging can be a pain in the arse and takes a while lol.


I totally slacked on this thread! The second run is complete and in jars and the third run (the official start of the perpetual run) began yesterday!

I did not document the second run through the cab, because in my ineptitude, I allowed my clones to grow too large in veg (because I started them too soon) so that by the time the first run had cleared out of the cab, they were already in danger of overgrowing the available space! So the second run was a bunch of little bushes competing for space instead of a bunch of little plantlets behaving themselves.

I asked dr. bud about this (specifically, why he uses 16oz containers and not something more like the 32oz containers I was using) and his reply was that with a container much bigger than 16 oz, the plants will have a tendency to "explode" which I took to mean bush the fuck out. (Which is exactly what my clones did.)

It took many hours of searching locally and online, but i found reusable soil containers that I have now cut down to 16 oz (and they're square!) and I can now fit thirty six 16 oz containers in a 2.01 sq ft space!

Yesterday, I put 9 clones of my top two plants from round 1 into a new batch of soil (going more organic this round) and into the cab. They're currently on 18/6 but I will start dropping them into 12/12 when they reach about 4" of growth. I'm going to use Dr. Bud's method to determine the "sweet spot" and dial the two strains in for the cab size. (Which means to grow one clone to 4" and the next to 5" and the next to 6" and see which of them finishes up right before it hits the glass, and then to use that as my benchmark for when plants go from veg to flower.)

Four of the clones from round 2 were harvested and dropped in next to my mama AK and are already showing regrowth within a 2-3 week period of being reintroduced, in the same container and with no amendments) to 18/6 light. They get misted with water (alternating with water with superthrive) twice a day and watered once a week. I'll be able to start cloning from them in another week or two and the flower cab will really start to fill up.

I'll be posting pictures in the next few days. I neglected the second run because of the time it takes to take, edit and upload pics, but I will document the results from the perpetual harvest because that was the point of the cab from the beginning!

Sorry it has taken me so long to answer everyone. I got busy in one of my other threads and because traffic had slowed down so much here after I posted results of round 1, I kinda forgot anyone might still be reading it.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Is it OK with you Anti, that I dedicate my first ever post on this forum quoting you? I would want you to consider this as a tribute to your wonderful manners. Much respect goes out to someone so modest.

I have been lurking since the start of your adventure and I have benefited greatly from it. Many, many thanks!

Wow. Thank you so much. I am humbled and embarrassed by your praise! But I am glad to have been at service. The beauty of this community is that we can all share with one another and we can all learn from one another. My results are because of a participation in this community, not because I'm some kind of old school zen bud master. In my entire life, I've had two successful harvests, and both of them are in this cab, which was built to the specifications and suggestions of the ICMag community.

I have learned a lot from this cab and if the results from this first perp harvest are good, I will probably build a second cab with a larger flowering room to replace it.

Currently, with my plants taking about 9.5 weeks to finish, it means that with 36 plants, I'll be able to pull 3 plants one week, 4 plants the next week, back and forth, forever. (As long as I add 3 or 4 new clones each week, of course!) If I can get 7 grams per plant, I'll be looking at 3/4 to an ounce per week, which should more than supply my personal needs. (The 3.2 ounces from the first harvest lasted nearly 2 months of uninhibited smoking and sharing.)

I will do my best to get some pics of the new containers and the itty bitty clones within them in the next day or two.

This coming harvest over the next two-three months is going to determine the viability of this method for me and perhaps for other beginners out there who want to have a relatively small and stealthy place to satisfy their own personal needs.


I allowed my clones to grow too large in veg (because I started them too soon) so that by the time the first run had cleared out of the cab, they were already in danger of overgrowing the available space! So the second run was a bunch of little bushes competing for space instead of a bunch of little plantlets behaving themselves.

I asked dr. bud about this (specifically, why he uses 16oz containers and not something more like the 32oz containers I was using) and his reply was that with a container much bigger than 16 oz, the plants will have a tendency to "explode" which I took to mean bush the fuck out. (Which is exactly what my clones did.)

Good info. I've been wondering a lot about SoG and container size and guess it never occurred to me that bigger containers would cause plants to get especially bushy.

It took many hours of searching locally and online, but i found reusable soil containers that I have now cut down to 16 oz (and they're square!) and I can now fit thirty six 16 oz containers in a 2.01 sq ft space!

Link? 3"x3"? How tall? That's been one of my issues. 20oz bottles don't look fun, but I don't seem to be finding any similarly sized square (or round for that matter) containers.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Link? 3"x3"? How tall? That's been one of my issues. 20oz bottles don't look fun, but I don't seem to be finding any similarly sized square (or round for that matter) containers.

This is what I went with:

Click to Zoom In

You can order them online here.

What I did was buy the MT2510. The MT2510 is a 2.5x2.5x10" and comes in at 857ml or about 29 oz. You can fit 36 of them in that TRAY6 which is (conveniently for me) 16.5" square (leaving .5" in all directions in my cab, effectively filling it completely.

Now, at 29oz, even the MT2510 is likely to be too big, so what I did was measure out 16oz of water into one and mark that point and then cut about 1/2 inch higher than that. So my scaled-down MT2510s will hold somewhere between 16-17 oz. Just Like Doc Bud. Except that all of mine fit nicely into a snazzy tray which fits nicely into my snazzy chamber. And no soda bottles.

Best part is that the MT2510s are about $0.50 US each and the TRAY6 are about $2.50 US each. So you can afford to order a bunch of extras to play around with. (I have enough extras that I can have some of them in the mom chamber to veg my fresh clones so that once it's full it can be run perpetually, with 3-4 coming out each week and 3-4 instantly replacing them.

(And therein lies the beauty of the perpetual system.)

I'll take some pics and try to get them up tonight or tomorrow afternoon.



+rep for the follow-up.

Those container's look decent, tray's are a tad off though. I'm trying to fill 2'x3'. Some of this stuff is deceptively hard to locate for purchase. Who would've thought I'd literally spend days googling places to buy plastic trays from....


wow nice grow n stuff, a dream cab i'd say. only thingis aren't anyone curious why theres so much room behind the CD-s?

and other thing, id love to see this thing with a 150-250w hps or cmh :)


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Average Joe said:
only thingis aren't anyone curious why theres so much room behind the CD-s?

This has been addressed already, but the answer is "I use it to store a bunch of crap I almost never need." If they're still curious, the follow up would be, "honestly, I had hoped to put some doors on it so I could have easy access to storage, but my carpentry skills kinda sucked and I was in a hurry so this'll have to do for now." The first question has only been asked once, however, and no follow up was required. I assure you that it looks very natural in its setting.

If I were not me or if my needs were different, I would probably construct something that had less depth (like 1.5 ft deep max) and more length. In fact, once I've established (by the results of the perp run which is in progress now) that I am satisfied by this technique, I plan to redesign and rebuild this cab and double the size of the flowering room. Guess that'll be the 4000 model for 2010. :joint:

First harvest in the perp cycle is set for Dec 23rd. So a merry christmas indeed!


Sorcerer's Apprentice
*UPDATE w/PICS* Container Comparison, Start of Perpetual SOG, 36 plants in 2 sq ft!

*UPDATE w/PICS* Container Comparison, Start of Perpetual SOG, 36 plants in 2 sq ft!

Comparison between 32oz containers (used in round 1 & 2) and new 16 oz containers pictured above. Second pic is detail. First shows my original AK47 survivor from round 1 with three of her clones and one clone of #3. They are revegging and have been under 18/6 since they got chopped a few weeks ago. They're already showing signs of vegetative growth.

My AK mom almost died when I neglected to water her for almost a week. She looked dead, and my heart was broken, but i decided to keep watering her anyway and now I am happy to report 6 inches of new growth on what looks like an otherwise dead plant. That's why I kept the other four from round two. I was afraid they'd be all I would get.

Because my mama ak was convalescing, I had to take the drastic measure of harvesting some popcorn and cloning IT, so the first round of my perp harvest is going to be newly rooted clones off of plants that were being harvested! Had to keep things interesting, didn't I?

Right (Flowering) Chamber w/9 AK47 clones. Far, Closer, Closest!

They're still at 18/6. I'll drop them into 12/12 when they get about 4" taller. Next round behind them will be 5", then 6" and then we wait and see where the sweet spot is.

Thanks to everyone who has commented or contributed to this thread, the build, and the grow. Keep those thoughts and positive vibes coming!



Man, plant counts are insane with these little 2.5" square pots. Figuring my 2'x3' will hold about 10x14 grid, for 140+. That just seems like way too much in too little space. I guess a 20oz pop bottle is no bigger, but that seems like really packing em in.
clones from soon to be harvested plants---cool if it works---

if you are using 1 qt. shasta or schweppes tonic water bottles for plants--
in a square foot--you can get 12-----
in half gal milk jugs --you can get 9 in sq ft

i cant determine if 9 or 12 gets most yield