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Anti's MicroStealth Cab Design (Dr. Bud Method)


New member
I read this thread from start to finish in two days, I haven't been more inspired before. I am currently working on a small cabinet for growing experimentation, but once I move out of here into my own place I will no doubt come back to this thread and take some serious notes on how to build a replica of your design.

Great work Anti.


Do you have a good way to slow down a PC fan? I have two fans that came out of a huge (IBM P5) server that move some amazing volume of air, but @ full speed they sound like the shuttle @ take off. I've tried using a PC PS, but there are only 3 available voltages. I really need something like a speedster, but for DC. I'll find some specs on the fans, but I know they are speed controllable, as the server they came out of had full hardware manageability. Also, the fans have a speed control pin (labeled, but I don't know how to use it)

check out my inter cooler thread i removed the pics but you might be able to make some since of it



Active member
great job on your first run im interested to see how your yields will compare when your perpetual harvest finishes its first cycle.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
great job on your first run im interested to see how your yields will compare when your perpetual harvest finishes its first cycle.

I'm guessing that the yield-per-plant will be lower, simply because plants will be growing in 16oz containers rather than 32. I can cram 25 thirty two ounce containers into the space, or 36 16-28oz containers into the same space. What I'm probably going to do is to run 16oz the first cycle of perp and then at some point I'm going to start increasing the container size slowly to determine the perfect container size for this space/method.

36 x 5g = 180g per rotation
36 x 6g = 216 per rotation
36 x 7g = 252 per rotation

25 x 5g = 125g per rotation
25 x 6g = 150g per rotation
25 x 7g = 175g per rotation

So the low end of the sixteen ounce range(5g per plant) brings in more than the high end of the thirty two ounce range (7g per plant). My averages for container size in round one was something like 7.5 in the 32oz containers and around 5g per plant in the 16oz containers. So if this is consistent when the amount of containers is increased, I should get better results with the smaller containers. We'll see.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
do you try to get just the main cola????

it seems to me
that in 16 oz botts--no room for side leaves

Yeah, you're right. The Dr. Bud method (which I am basically following) calls for one to grow a bunch of small "plantlets" rather than a few bushier, bigger plants. The idea is to o basically grow one main branch with a cola that hopefully runs all the way down to the soil. My first round AK was like that. An ~8g cola of sticky love. Dr. Bud has suggested that a 16oz container will keep the plants from branching out nearly as much. And with all 36 of my containers growing at once, that's a damn good idea.

If people are interested in growing single plants with lbs of bud on them, I doubt CFL and microcabs are the way to go. But if I care only about quality of product and overall yield, this method will allow me to harvest 3-4 small plantlets a week. If I can average 7g per plantlet, that'd be 3/4 to an ounce per week, every week. Sounds like something worth striving for to me.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
The purpose of Perpetual SOG as I understand it is to maximize a small spaces potential for harvest.

If I were to grow a plant from seed that could take up the whole 2ft I'm using, I'd have to veg it a lot longer and then when it was done, even if I started from a clone, I'd still have to veg THAT one for a while before the following harvest.

In contrast, the perp SOG will allow me to pack the plants in very densely. You wouldn't be able to do this if you started all the plants at once. If I started 36 plants at once they'd all suffer from the general lack of space and the dense canopy would prevent all but the top of the plants from getting light. But because I'm only introducing 3-4 small plants a week (and harvesting 3-4 finished plants a week) you do not end up with an even canopy. You can put the largest plants out to the edges and the newest plants into the center, in effect creating a 'bowl' shaped canopy which will allow light to penetrate deeper. It also means that plants travel from the center to the edge and then out for harvest. So no plant lives in a perpetual hot spot, or a perpetual sweet spot. All plants get the full experience, as it were.

Any growers with actual experience growing perpSOG, please chime in. I'm working from notes and my real experience with this method has only just begun.


New member
im thinking the same cab design but 250hps in mother,flower room with a single moddified stanley blower taking out the heat of the cab, any suggestions? im also thinking maybe hydroponics


Sorcerer's Apprentice
comments please!!

My attempt at hydro several years backended quickly when I killed everything and my hoses clogged up and all kinds of hell. Stuck with soil ever since and I'm not tempted to switch. So I can't help you there.

As far as the HID light... very limited experience and it was in a glass partition similar to this, but with a fan on it that sounded like a jumbo jet landing. If you aren't worried about anyone hearing it or have some way of coping with that issue, I'd say go for it? I'm using CFL because they're available anywhere and after the initial expenditure, you don't need to replace them all at once. You could swap them out a few at a time as they approach their lifespan and pad the expenses a bit.

But try it your way and let us know your results.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
UPDATE w/pics Round 3; Week 3 of 12/12

UPDATE w/pics Round 3; Week 3 of 12/12

(L-R: Week 0, Week 5, Week 5 close up)

Since our last update, I lined the chambers with mylar and took my original AK47 from round one with the 4 best clones from round two and transplanted them into 0.5 gal containers with the same soil mix I made for round three. Each plant's height at switch to 12/12 was recorded on the plant stake so that I can attempt to find the ideal height for cuttings to enter the flowering cab.

(L,R - Moms Then, Moms 1 week after transplant.)

I've been potting everything in a mixture of miracle grow organic soil, horticultural grade perlite (about 1/3 perlite to soil) with two small bags of worm castings, lime and organic fertilizer premixed in. Since moving the moms up to the 1/2 gal containers, I've been feeding everybody an additional dose of Alaska Fish Fertilizer (4 tsp per gallon) and a few drops of Superthrive.

I water all plants every three days by partally submerging each container and then watering the top of the soil until the bubbles stop coming up.

My water sits in two 5 gal buckets which are filled from the local tap. The oldest of the two has an airstone so that it is constantly aerated for 3 days before use. After watering, the bucket is refilled and sits uncovered for three days before getting the airstone for 3 additional days. I haven't checked Ph in several months.

(Mini-Bubble Cloner w/6 three day old clones.)

These are clones that will be the next round in the cycle. There have been some hiccups in the initial round because my moms should've been replanted a lot sooner. Now I have so many sites I don't know what to do, but I'll be back on course to plant 3-4 clones per week in the flowering chamber.

Today when I finished watering everyone I swapped half of the lights in the cab for new 42w 6500k bulbs.

So now I've got four 6500k and two 2700k in the mom chamber and the opposite (four 2700k and two 6500k) in the flowering chamber. This is as I have planned it since the beginning, but it was difficult to track down the 6500k bulbs in the 42w variety in my region.

I'm hoping to see how this light spectrum shift will affect the harvest weight/density/trichome production.



Sorcerer's Apprentice
wanted to say, thanks for laying it all out - nice and clear how to duplicate results, just like thundurkle and drbud and, jeez there's about what a half dozen hardcore cfl'ers? lol

Dr. Bud and Thundurkel are the guys who inspired me to go CFL. I have been waiting for years to have the financial and living circumstances required to comfortably run a 1000+ watt grow. Then I see these guys doing it small scale and getting results that were really impressive. So that did it. I got started.

i was wondering how your coming along with the moms?

My mom chamber is a mess. I kept my four best plants from round 2 (because my labels faded and I couldn't be sure which was which) and repotted them, along with my precious AK47 from round one. They all EXPLODED with healthy green growth, but there are simply too many of them and they've grown into the glass and it's a mess. So in the next few days I will be making many, many clones of each of the 5 and pulling all but two of the moms.

Also have you figured out at 25 in the flowering chamber, perpetual, with moms and clones, what your total plant count is?

I'm currently working on the idea of putting 36 17oz containers in the 17"x17" space. (25 32oz containers would also fit.)

Thus far, I don't have the data. First round in these new containers will be coming out of the box in about 9-10 days. That'll be the start of my data, but my first round didn't get tall enough to touch glass, so round 5 (which is currently in cloner) will be allowed to veg until they are MINIMUM 6" before being introduced to flowering chamber. If they don't make it, i'll adjust up to 6.5 or 7 inches.

Eventually I'll figure out what the perfect height is. (Dr. Bud calls this the sweet spot.) Once I know that height, my yield per plant will be 'optimized' and known. I'm pretty happy with what my tiny plants look like right now. (Pictures coming soon.) But I'd like it if they were 6 inches taller and used all that space for bud production.

This process is taking longer than I anticipated, but I guess that's the difference between theory and practice. I see my knowledge and experience growing exponentially in the short time I've been doing it. I'm interested to see what it will be like in another year.

Current feeding regimen is kicking the last one's ass, for example.

When I estimated a while back that I'd get first perp harvest by christmas, I forgot about veg time. That harvest has about a week or so left. I will update with pictures soon after, if not before.

Happy New Year All!
Peace and Love and Understanding for 2010!
We're supposed to be orbiting Saturn by now, for fucks sake!


I look forward to your updates anti. I think you have one of the nicest ngb style cabs I've seen on IC. I've even used it for an example of how well you should plan out things before you start. :dance:


Sorcerer's Apprentice
UPDATE! (w/pics) Day 90 of 12/12 for first round perp.

UPDATE! (w/pics) Day 90 of 12/12 for first round perp.

Right after watering today:

Mom #3 (of 5).

The mom chamber is overflowing with the original AK47 female from round 1 with 3 of her clones and a clone of MMP#3 from round two. Why 5 moms? Because the clones got marked with a crappy marker and bled out... hence I won't know until I sample the plants which are definitely ak and which are MMP#3. Now they've overgrown my mom chamber, and are in temporary housing. Once I make the next round of cuttings, most of them are going to have to go.

Here's a top-view and a side-view of the flowering side. It's nowhere near full so we'll see what happens as it fills up. Tomorrow is day 90 of 12/12 for all the plants around the edges of the container. I may let them run a few days over. I'll post some trich pics if I get the chance. This is the first run in the 18(ish)oz containers, and these first plants were from cloned popcorn! The second round should be much more indicative of what's to come, since they came off a healthy mom under 18/6. It may turn out that I'm better off in the 32 oz containers. We're going to find out.

Here's one of the buds I grew from rooted-popcorn.
(L: after 90 days 12/12 R: just after rooting)

I'll harvest soon but I'm playing it by ear. I'll post weights and pics when these have dried.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Things are looking healthy and tight in there Anti. Keep up the good work.

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