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Anti surveillance thread

Space Toker

Active member
yes I am sure
2 very low but very fast choppers in like 25 minutes here, it is a hot day and I don't see what they could be trying to achieve. One was olive green the other may have been the state but not sure. Normally 2 per month, now 2 in this time frame? And every time I turn on the hot water, which turns on the hot water heater, there is a plane (I go out and check). And no not on crack, which it was that easy to explain!


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

Space Toker, anything like this circling your block???



A plane just flew over my house so low I could see it as if it was in inch wide from like 20 miles away, and looked 3 feet wide as it flew directly over my house, this is highly unusual for a plane to fly this low, let alone this time of night! I estimate 100 foot up or less, not much above the trees. Can you please tell me a rational, non-paranoia explanation for this?

Perhaps they were spraying for Mosquitoes. West Nile Virus is rampant this year. I just heard they're going to spray my area tonight. I grew up here and have been back about 5 years and have never heard of them spraying.

Space Toker

Active member
well s4l, another chopper went racing by in a different direction (the first 2 followed almost the same exact path) at night, night choppers are highly unusual here. But I'll tell you what, I saw that thing you posted sniffing around in my backyard but not to worry tin hat is in place. I know, lame, I had some better line all planned out but forgot it.

As far as spraying, I know they do that in some areas but not to my knowledge out here in the boonies but could be for all I know. SE mass for instance they do it but not here as far as I know but again maybe they do. I am not sweating anything, just pondering my observances.


Active member
This post started 2 1/2 years ago. I think that if they were interested in you they would have raided you a long time ago.
As some one posted not long ago, it is time you sought help. It may turn your life around.


Active member
Spaceyoker... I want to tell you this so you stop freaking about air traffic. When the cops do air surveillance they do it from miles away. You can't hear the planes or choppers most of the time. My dad has a friend in law enforcement and I heard it directly from him. Relax man and try to enjoy life. Be financially prepared for the worst but live for the best. That's all we can do in this industry.


Active member
your a masshole? with the lax pot laws i wouldnt worry much. they aint spending all that time and money for some puny grow.

Space Toker

Active member
well yesterday when I was in town some chopper was circling round and round while I was at the store, this in a town of like 5000 people if you are lucky. I sat in the parking lot, the damn thing made like at least 6 and prob more like 10 passes over me. This after the gay assistant manager walked past me like 10 or 20 times while I was contemplating scratch ticket options: personal interest or did he think I was "suspicious"? either way, I wanted so much to smack him in his face! :D

today, the state chopper went over low but fast, first in one direction and then later in another. another chopper further off, could see it but from the sound of it lower and slower but further. so I keep thinking it is all a big conspiracy or something and everyone keeps telling me I am nuts, and you know what? I think you are right! :D
I have noticed this going on well before the start of this thread, I always think the latest activity is the worst and has to be something more, but thankfully I am proven wrong again and again. I report it as I see it in hopes that all this "nonsense" may be helpful in the event I am taken down. I think that everyone else thinks I think it is imminent and I am shivering under my bed with a tin foil hat as a result, that is far from the case. I go about my business day to day noticing and wondering but not putting too much stock or fear into anything. I hope I am just endlessly sputtering useless nonsense like that moronic troll I was compared to at least once, but in case it is more I say what I see and feel in hopes it will be useful to help someone else avoid problems. I have nothing but the best intentions in mind and hope it is taken as such. peace

Space Toker

Active member
thanks ohioO, I feel that too. I just like to get it off my chest and let everyone know but I feel you are right and nothing to worry about. Thing is, whether real or imagined, when I do this the nonsense seems to settle down considerably for a good amount of time before it starts up again which gives me some peace at least.


Active member
this is my opinion of the Helicopter following you type deal.


If they were wasting 1000's of dollars on diesel fuel to follow YOU around, you would probably be in jail. Either you be the Kingpin of this town of less than 5000 peeps, or you are a suspected Arms Dealer.

This Copter just happened to be flying near you. Just last year, a friend of mine(this crazy-ass hood rat type that I have known since high school) shoplifted some clothes from a TJ Maxx. The Tj maxx was in the Walmart complex, and she left there and met my fiance at the Mall 1/2 mile away. When she arrives at the mall she is positive that this helicopter was outside of the Walmart shopping area and followed her to the mall.

When we left the Mall the pilot was still flying it close to the parking lot where our car was. As we headed down the main drag in my city, the helicopter was directly above us, and we even made crazy detours and U turns, and this Fucking thing was right up our Ass's all the way downtown and stayed hovering close when we dropped the Thug Life girl off.

We found out an hour later that someone had robbed a pharmacy in between the two shopping areas, and the border partol and homeland security had copters searching for the Armed Opiate Thieves.

We actually believed for a while that the fucking helicopter was following her for stealing some discount clothing!!! LOL.



Active member
I live on a hill, and in a hilly region where other hills face mine. Sometimes I notice spotlights or headlights sitting there at night for prolonged periods and I don't know why. I can see at least a half mile down the road. There is my long drive going down a hill, then a road, then a left turn leading to another road and I can see a little beyond that intersection here in the boonies. There is this car, always at like 5:15 AM local time, it comes down the road I live on, past my drive, past that road that is the left turn for like at least 50-100 feet beyond, always turns around and goes down that other road that it could have gone down easily without turning around. Instead it turns around, drives back a little ways, stops, creeps forward a little, stops again, several more seconds before it finally goes down that road. On that other road, it stops for a few seconds whereever there is a clearing that provides a clear view between that road and my hill above. Now maybe they are just nosy commuters to some job, maybe they are just fascinated at the house on the hill with the lights on including christmas lights still, but of course I fear LEO spying. so before dismissing me as a paranoid freak, explain what logical or sensible reason someone would have to do this? This has been going on almost every day for months. Thanks
Get armed, and camoed out, go to the spot, and wait, you should get an answer, and lots of info if there is radio convo.

I would also scare the shit out of who ever it is by making a dry ice firecracker, tke bout two cups water put in two liter bottle with lid on keep ice wrapped in towel, once you see them, army crawl to a close spot to the car, put ice in bottle, close the top, and you got a few min to army crawl, away to set place to hide, or make a run to another location, whear gloves, and have a path that you can get back to your house without being seen.

Or grab a camera, roll up on who ever, and let them know that the cops are coming, if its a cop, call em out, say your wife is speaking to 911 dispatch about who ever sitting there. Ive done the video myself. I jumped over my fence, and ran up on them two cops parked, and I jam the camera in their face, and said you wanna be peeping toms, you fucks, and they jammed out, and split fast, I called police station, met with second incharge with my video, he claim they were speed trapping, and he will not tell them they cant park there. Well, my response was this, you already know I am armed, so if they want to park in the dark in that lonely park, them they can go right ahead. They never did again.

Space Toker

Active member
Your first post was helpful, thanks! I didn't really think the chopper was there for me, but as it persisted in circling I couldn't be sure. The second post made me laugh which was also valuable. I don't think I will be crawling around anywhere, I don't care THAT much and I am not in good enough condition for that. Speaking of camo though, there are what appears to be a group of crazed teens that drive around in a junky car with doors a different color than the rest of the car. They were all in camo and screaming and yelling! I'd like to know what that is all about. :D I am sometimes worried that some teens could grow on my property and I get blamed for it. I am curious, how do you listen in on radio convo now? well thanks for the help in chilling out a bit. peace


Active member
Lol, well, just a way to get answers thats all, if your out that far from town, then someone sitting there would be of top interest to me. If they were cops to any degree, they will have radio traffic, maybe talk on it themselves to inform another team, or person on another side your not seeing. But thats all I was saying, hell it could be a neighbor girl up the road having sex in her boyfriends car after she snuck out, you neve know, But still the Dry ice bomb will still be funny! Good luck either way.

Space Toker

Active member
thanks dude!
After a period of relative calm, the plane and chopper activity lately has been intense. To be expected this time of year I guess. Not that long ago, a dark chopper with light stripes horizontally across the middle flew by at about 350 mph based on my rough calculations. It was moving but went right over me and had what looked like a spare tire for a wheelbarrow in front of it. It looked in a hurry to get somewhere though so not too worried. An aircraft enthusiast would be thrilled with all the things flying by, from fighter jets in formation to choppers flying quickly in a straight line to those circling low just out of sight! One plane was so low it woke me up thinking someone was trying to forceably give me a buzz cut! :D
But no cars to try the dry ice bomb on? ;) :D Where do you get dry ice and not look totally weird doing it? So no big deal I think but feel better discussing it anyway. peace!


Active member
thanks dude!
After a period of relative calm, the plane and chopper activity lately has been intense. To be expected this time of year I guess. Not that long ago, a dark chopper with light stripes horizontally across the middle flew by at about 350 mph based on my rough calculations. It was moving but went right over me and had what looked like a spare tire for a wheelbarrow in front of it. It looked in a hurry to get somewhere though so not too worried. An aircraft enthusiast would be thrilled with all the things flying by, from fighter jets in formation to choppers flying quickly in a straight line to those circling low just out of sight! One plane was so low it woke me up thinking someone was trying to forceably give me a buzz cut! :D
But no cars to try the dry ice bomb on? ;) :D Where do you get dry ice and not look totally weird doing it? So no big deal I think but feel better discussing it anyway. peace!
We use to get dry ice from the mexican ice crean carts with bells, we would give hime 5 bucks he would give us a big chunk, and we would hold it in our shirts, and try stickin it on each others neck when not lookin, we would go to the alleys, and find 40 bottles, and make homemade m80s, or louder. Dope the little piece of the ice in the bottle with quater way of water, put the cap on tight, and run, few mins later sounds like a bomb, nothing left but glitter on the ground, awesome.


Active member
how did you figure out the chopper was doing 350 mph . just curious bro.theres so many planes, and choppers especially here. i now flip em the bird when outside just in case and smoke a j all the while. i do believe the spotlights last year set my harvest back but they caught the crazy bastards.

Space Toker

Active member
Well even though I feel you are toying with me, I will play along. I saw how fast the chopper moved from one point to another about 5 seconds it took to move a half mile. Then I did some math. I actually calculated 360 but rounded off to 350. I saw the distance and saw that it was exactly the same distance as a neighbors house that is exactly a half mile away. When I look at the night sky at night, I see the stars and feel I can tell the distance not in exact distance but can tell this dimmer star is 3 times more distance to that brighter one, I see them that much farther away and wish some astronomer gave me a chance to prove it! :D OK now that you really feel you know I am nuts instead of just suspecting as much, I will continue. Flip all the planes and choppers the bird, all the while saying rather loudly "go to hell you son of a bitch! Crash and burn you piece of shit!" I am peaceful most of the time though! :D
No spotlights here but if you really did have a problem with them glad they caught the game poachers or whatever they were!

OK today, an unusually peaceful day for the most part, except a really low night plane maybe an hour ago, and earlier in the afternoon did notice a chopper sound. Went and checked and saw this one once or twice before, an olive green one flying one pass directly overhead but high with some long tubular thing on the side. It had a white square with a red cross in the center. At first I thought it an army medic chopper then it looked like the symbol for Red Cross but I did not know they had choppers. Anyway, that was interesting along with the batman mobile like planes I keep seeing high but really noisy now and then. An aircraft enthusiast would really have a great time here, maybe they will test drive a UFO over my place soon, cant wait! ;) I saw somewhere a thread a while back on how they plan to use dragonflies and hummingbirds of all things as models for mini drones. I see a lot of hummingbirds and they seem to fly by the windows and look in a lot more than they used to when checking out a bright ornament in the window or something... are these drones spying on me? :D Even I am not that paranoid, I love those guys they are such amazing little birds and I will miss them when they leave for the season any day now! peace

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