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Another school shooting


Then you might want to park a red flag on me, Spaventa.

I've been a member here off an on for over 10 years, always under the same name, and my 56k dial-up that functions at maybe 3-8 k on incoming download packets, wouldn't likely let me upload pics to the site of I intended to.

Last time I had pics here, it was of my giant malamute, back before pieceofmyheart got banned, when I chummed around with PaloVerdeRadical and other folks here. I've deleted my account two times now. And rejoined under the same name each time after, for a total of 3 stints..

As a multi-decades grower, and half-century dealer (off an on) back then you never heard me speak of my crop, but rather in generalities, and no one ever saw me put up pics of any plants. I still don't put up plant pics.

While I appreciate those who do, due to the reasons mentioned, I won't be putting any of that up; technical and security encapsulates my reasons.

Am I deserving of the red flag??

If so, then I have little reason to stay here.

Each person has their own reasons for what they do, and how they do it.

I've smuggled, dealt, and grown longer than some members here have been alive.. Red flags my ass.

You have taken a single statement completely out of context.
What I said applies to people who are otherwise acting like trolls - this is not you.
I will give you another example to illustrate my point.
If a man is crying in the street with a dead body at his feet, a knife in his hand is a red flag - If the man is a butcher in a butchers shop standing behind the counter slicing beef - a knife in his hand is NOT a red flag.
I read the part fast where he said trolls don't last long and assumed that was directed in a threatening way at green squall. I'll take that part back but still think spaventa is trolling here and generally trying to stir shit up and twist people's words.


I read the part fast where he said trolls don't last long and assumed that was directed in a threatening way at green squall. I'll take that part back but still think spaventa is trolling here and generally trying to stir shit up and twist people's words.

This is you ignoring me? You make frequent erroneous assumptions. You need to work on that and stop trolling me.

moose eater

Thank you Spaventa for clarifying.

The English language, like many or all languages, is limited in its efficiency.

If we -all- ask questions (answer when asked) and clarify, we'll get more accomplished and be happier for it.

Thanks all who take the time to make their point clear, even when the inefficiency of our medium is such that there's lots of speed-bumps.

And as a final statement before I go check the meat in the smoker, I miss pieceofmyheart, naga, and others from back then, dearly. Seriously. I hope that where ever they are, they are well.

**If they see this SEND ME A DAMNED PM SOME TIME!!!! (*Pas and I have communicated in the last year, but he's apparently here very seldom any more for his own reasons. And MRIKO is reportedly in poor health, the last I heard through another member.. My old IC friends and crew; aging, missing in action, or off doing important stuff. Shit happens... I guess....


Thank you Spaventa for clarifying.

The English language, like many or all languages, is limited in its efficiency.

If we -all- ask questions (answer when asked) and clarify, we'll get more accomplished and be happier for it.

Thanks all who take the time to make their point clear, even when the inefficiency of our medium is such that there's lots of speed-bumps.

And as a final statement before I go check the meat in the smoker, I miss pieceofmyheart, naga, and others from back then, dearly. Seriously. I hope that where ever they are, they are well.

**If they see this SEND ME A DAMNED PM SOME TIME!!!! (*Pas and I have communicated in the last year, but he's apparently here very seldom any more for his own reasons. And MRIKO is reportedly in poor health, the last I heard through another member.. My old IC friends and crew; aging, missing in action, or off doing important stuff. Shit happens... I guess....

No problem, I hope we are good as I enjoy your posts whether we are in agreement or not :tiphat:
Is that what exit wounds usually look like?

Im not suggesting this thing never happened,. must be a miracle.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] Im just asking questions.
You bring false flags into it
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]What are the odds of it being the child of someone involved . That is remarkable as well.
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] wow, your false flag idea and now you say its a conspiracy[/FONT][/FONT][/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]This is a grown up discussion - YOU have some respect


[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

You are insinuating that a mass murder has been falsely reported.

Your corny approach of asking questions that you pretend to know the answer to is as sadly pathetic as the man who invents a conspiracy to excuse his toxic commitments.
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Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Bunch of dope smoking reprobates.

Maybe he was calling us all DOPE SMOKING REPROBATES...

.....and do you know what? He's probably right.

an unprincipled person.
"he had to present himself as more of a lovable reprobate than a spirit of corruption"
synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, unprincipled person, rake, profligate, degenerate, debauchee, libertine; troublemaker, mischief-maker, wrongdoer, evil-doer, transgressor, sinner; roué, vaurien; informalscallywag, bad egg; informalscofflaw, hellion; informalrotter, bounder; datedcad, ne'er-do-well; archaicmiscreant, blackguard, knave, rapscallion, varlet, wastrel, rakehell, scapegrace
"even a hardened reprobate like myself has some standards to adhere to"
(in Calvinism) a sinner who is not of the elect and is predestined to damnation.
"reprobate behaviour"
synonyms: unprincipled, roguish, bad, wicked, rakish, shameless, immoral, profligate, degenerate, dissipated, debauched, depraved, corrupt; More
(in Calvinism) predestined to damnation.
express or feel disapproval of.
"his neighbours reprobated his method of proceeding"
synonyms: criticize, condemn, censure, denounce, express strong disapproval of; rarereprehend
"they reprobated his conduct"

moose eater

Thanks. I assumed he was joking. I was over-personalizing for effect.

Gry's cool...
Maybe he was calling us all DOPE SMOKING REPROBATES...

.....and do you know what? He's probably right.

an unprincipled person.
"he had to present himself as more of a lovable reprobate than a spirit of corruption"
synonyms: rogue, rascal, scoundrel, good-for-nothing, villain, wretch, unprincipled person, rake, profligate, degenerate, debauchee, libertine; troublemaker, mischief-maker, wrongdoer, evil-doer, transgressor, sinner; roué, vaurien; informalscallywag, bad egg; informalscofflaw, hellion; informalrotter, bounder; datedcad, ne'er-do-well; archaicmiscreant, blackguard, knave, rapscallion, varlet, wastrel, rakehell, scapegrace
"even a hardened reprobate like myself has some standards to adhere to"
(in Calvinism) a sinner who is not of the elect and is predestined to damnation.
"reprobate behaviour"
synonyms: unprincipled, roguish, bad, wicked, rakish, shameless, immoral, profligate, degenerate, dissipated, debauched, depraved, corrupt; More
(in Calvinism) predestined to damnation.
express or feel disapproval of.
"his neighbours reprobated his method of proceeding"
synonyms: criticize, condemn, censure, denounce, express strong disapproval of; rarereprehend
"they reprobated his conduct"

I've never even heard of that word before I learn something new here everyday. He probably was just joking if not no worries I've certainly been called worse before lol.
Heard some pretty wild theories on the news today about why these school shootings happen like the normal violent video game theory all the way to abortions are to blame. One that struck me as odd and that I've never heard before was a idea from Ollie north where he blames kids who take Ritalin/adderall. I knew a few kids who took it and they didn't seem very violent to me so no idea why he'd think that.


Well-known member
I love bourbon, hate that peaty scottish shit. Id sooner pry that bottle from your warm hands but Im guessing that would be just as dangerous :biggrin:

I always buy half gallons, plenty to share. :biggrin: but yeah, definitely better than Johnny Walker I'm too cheap to buy expensive Scotch when Wild Turkey 101 does the trick with a nice flavor.


ICMag Donor
Is that you jimdc?:ban:


Again??? Recent join date. Low post count.

Search up some of his prior posts - Pure Wacko.
Here's an example. Tell me who this reminds you of.
Bird, I would say you Nailed It.

Sometimes threads are like road kill. They start off epic and end up rotting on the street attracting flies.
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Well-known member
i dont think jim is that guy unless jim is redberry too.i had no idea this thread would turn out like this when i made it.hopefully we can get her back on track

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