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Another "Moving to NorCal" thread...but different

So me and the fam are moving up to Northern Cali in the future and I have a couple questions regarding growing.

Let me first say I am not growing to sell. I grow eight plants at a time, and it's all personal. I have no interest in selling, cashing in, whatever you want to call it. I still want to stay discreet and grow indoors. I have my own means of income and don't need to sell to maintain my style of living. In short...I will not be entering the market as a buyer or seller. I am Switzerland.

My target is farther north than Humboldt (without getting too specific). My question is, north of Humboldt...how are the counties or local LEO with growing. I do still plan on staying discreet, but for the "just in case", I'd like to know how locals feel about growing. I know Humboldt's story and assume I would be fine there. I just don't know anything in this regard for anything North of that (Siskiyou, Modoc, DelNorte counties etc). I've searched and can't find anything either here or any other site. I might entertain the idea of getting a card if need be, but I doubt I'll even do that.

Any info would be greatly appreciated.




follow your heart
ICMag Donor
have you ever been to this area?

ever lived there for 2 weeks?

ever walked around on foot in neighborhoods / town?

checked out the schools for your kids?

have an overall ideal of the lifestyle, things to do there?

have enough money?

I'm sorry, not to sound rude, but alot of people come in here saying there moving to CA. well first off CA is expensive. taxes are not as high as some, but not as low as others. everyone has the idea Mendocino is dirt cheap, and all your dreams come true when you magically get to CA.

maybe I was assuming all what I wrote, and what I'm about to say. but you need to take multiple trips to this area, then if you liked it, rent for at least 3 months, and go from there

don't move to CA because you can grow weed. you move to CA because you like the lifestyle, you like the quality of living, you fit with the people, you like the geographic location...

hope I didn't come off to rude, not my intention at all. just looking at places is very different from living them, trust me I know. I've lived in 5 states in the past 5 years


Greetings Switzerland!

You might also check out Southern Oregon. Either way, you'll want to get a doctors recommendation for cannabis. If you stay well within state laws, the LEO's are pretty cool.

If you like snow sports, get yourself close to Mt. Shasta or Ashland if you can
have you ever been to this area?

ever lived there for 2 weeks?

ever walked around on foot in neighborhoods / town?

checked out the schools for your kids?

have an overall ideal of the lifestyle, things to do there?

have enough money?

I'm sorry, not to sound rude, but alot of people come in here saying there moving to CA. well first off CA is expensive. taxes are not as high as some, but not as low as others. everyone has the idea Mendocino is dirt cheap, and all your dreams come true when you magically get to CA.

maybe I was assuming all what I wrote, and what I'm about to say. but you need to take multiple trips to this area, then if you liked it, rent for at least 3 months, and go from there

don't move to CA because you can grow weed. you move to CA because you like the lifestyle, you like the quality of living, you fit with the people, you like the geographic location...

hope I didn't come off to rude, not my intention at all. just looking at places is very different from living them, trust me I know. I've lived in 5 states in the past 5 years

Not rude at all habeeb. Those are all very valid points. However...I'm way ahead of you, and will reply to your points in kind:

1. Yes...but not the specific city I am looking at
2. Yes
3. Not yet
4. Yes
5. Yes

I am NOT moving there to grow weed. I grow weed where I live now and it's not even an MMJ state, been doing that just fine for the past...I don't know how many years. My main reason is for location. Love the redwoods, and MOST of the people. I have been frequenting northern cali for a few years now, specifically Mendocino. Haven't been north of that too much, but we do on occasion. I know CA isn't cheap. It's been a second home to me since I was 5.

I'm sorry, I guess I should have related a bit more of my past, but I try not to get too specific on this site. I have no fantasies of CA making my dreams come true...other than living in the redwoods and being closer to the ocean. I make multiple trips to CA a year to various locations for various reasons. As far as my income goes...I work over the internet, so I could live on Mars and maintain my business...I mean, Mars does have internet right??? I don't need to look for work where I am going and other that loving the northern forests, all my dreams have already come true.

I was just wondering about the far north counties as I haven't been there that much. When I was, I wasn't scoping out the lay of the land for LEO or a good place to grow. Guess I was just wondering how the locals feel about it north of Humboldt.

On a side note....how the hell to people think Mendo is cheapo?? I could tell from the first time I set foot in that town it was expensive.

Thank you for the input habeeb. Trust me, you're not being rude...just watching out for someone and making sure they don't get burnt. I understand that. I just feel bad that had I divulged a bit more, I wouldn't have wasted your time. But honestly, thank you for your reply.

vta and mummycat...thank you as well for your replies! I was born in Oregon, and yes we are entertaining looking at the southern part along the coast.

Thanks again everyone.



How many counties do you think are north of Humbolt? ;) The attached in no way current. It was created based on a page that the ASA took down this summer. IOW, do your own research. Not being a dick. Get your ground reports here but you should be able to find the facts on three counties after that.

When ASA took down their page which was used for a February campaign, they communicated to me that safeaccessnow.net maintains a page. You can find it here:
and here is their city by city list:

Hope this helps


  • 1986.ca-counties.jpg
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ok im just going to add to this instead of creating a new thread because its along the same lines and need some advice.

first off, ive wanted to move to cali ever since i was thirteen years old. ive been skateboarding for ten years now so you could probably say that cali and skateboarding go hand in hand.. anyway ive been to cali twice... once to socal, once to bay area... absolutely loved the bay area and did not want to leave. both for skateboarding trips...

i started smoking about 4 years ago and it has changed my life for the better. marijuana is a medicine for me.. so after a year of smoking i decided to guerilla grow outdoors for the first time and had great success. ive had three outdoor grows all with tremendous results. i also have a rep in the outdoor growers section of another very well known cannabis board. i have much confidence that i could grow amongst the greats in norcal(sorry if that came off as cocky lol,, just being logical). i have done my homework to grow giant, ORGANIC plants and pretty much just want to grow and live with my plants... but in my state it is not possible. i dont think i could ever give up growing, maybe smoking under great circumstance, but never growing.. that being said, i thing growing cannabis for patients is what i need to do. i cant stop thinking about it..

anyway this is my situation... i plan on moving to norcal to get my bachelor's degree in horticulture/ag studies.. going to apply to uc davis next month. since im planning on going to school, i guess the main question ide like to ask is of what county would you guys recommend that is suited for my needs?... also i would like to commute to school rather than live on campus.. i was thinking grass valley? but like i said im no local so suggestions would be great!

my plan was to get an apartment, meet people and get acclimated to everything rather than jumping in.. and see where it goes from there. im not trying to rush things.. i was even thinking buying some land might be a better option? yes i have the money..

sorry for the rant i just think it needed to be said.. it seems like whenever there is a cali thread the OP just gets flamed for coming just for growing... cali just seems to be the place where all my interests and needs are and where i should be.



Get your med card...don't have one and you will be the first one getting raided...doesn't matter if you are "donating" it our not...

wart, do what dude said, go there and check it out. You may not even like it if you like the bay area...


Professor Organic Psychology
A med card is good insurance to keep your life from being ruined, sent to jail for years and losing everything you own including career and family.


"CA and skateboarding go hand in hand" - you are correct sir

"I wanna grow for patients" - forget about it, grow for yourself and don't plan on making any money from it.

If you're planning to go to UCD you'll need to live closer than Grass Valley. Try Fairfield, Vacaville, Davis. If you want to get in the cuts go toward Lake Berryessa on hwy128


ICMag Donor
yea UC Davis is a long way from the coast....and deff get your med card, its easy and protects you in many ways. If your doing a small indoor grow no one will bother you. Good luck.


thanks for the feedback! i know i would love sacramento area way more than the bay area.. im a country boy and am trying to find a place in a more wooded area.. an hour from tahoe, oregon, and bay area sounds like heaven. trust me i aint taking this for granted and would appreciate norcal just as much as any local... im sure i would fall in love.. im from jersey so theres not much to leave behind here except the fam lol..

oh and the med card.. thats my number one priority before i set any type of plan up.. i mean if i wanted to grow illegaly i might as well just stay here ya know haha.. the whole point of my drive is to legally grow the plant the completes my life.

i wasnt aiming at trying to stay in the bay area, ive just visited there and out of the two cities ive been to, sf was way better than l.a. the reason im suggesting sacramento is because ive heard there are more woods up there.. but again im not trying to live in a city.. more outskirts in the woods that is still commutable to ucdavis... would humboldt state be a better option? i was kind of suspicious about humboldt there since i hear the growers are kind of harsh..

again thanks for the feedback! greatly appreciated!!:tiphat:
sacramento is a great place to be. youre relatively close to everything you would like to see. redwoods, san fransissyco, humboldt, pacific. i recently moved here, after working in trinity and humboldt county. my only advice would be to tell you to remain patient.. not to just dive into something..
as far as growers in the triangle, i would say they dont take kindly to noob city kids, who go there to exploit the land. even though a lot of guys currently there do that. although, it doesnt sound like youre going there to blow it up or make it big, so it shouldnt be much of a problem. youll see a lot of kids on the streets, having come hundreds or even thousands of miles hoping for a trim job, harvest time. some beggers. but a lot of love.
lot of cool people, good people.
i love it up there. you use what you need, no extras. that is to say, if youre not in town.


sacramento is a great place to be. youre relatively close to everything you would like to see. redwoods, san fransissyco, humboldt, pacific. i recently moved here, after working in trinity and humboldt county. my only advice would be to tell you to remain patient.. not to just dive into something..
as far as growers in the triangle, i would say they dont take kindly to noob city kids, who go there to exploit the land. even though a lot of guys currently there do that. although, it doesnt sound like youre going there to blow it up or make it big, so it shouldnt be much of a problem. youll see a lot of kids on the streets, having come hundreds or even thousands of miles hoping for a trim job, harvest time. some beggers. but a lot of love.
lot of cool people, good people.
i love it up there. you use what you need, no extras. that is to say, if youre not in town.

great input thanks, it just reassures me that its the place i want to be. my personality definitely belongs out in the west coast.. to many wound tight high strung people out here in the east.. dont get me wrong, i do love it, its totally different from anywhere els.. but it just isnt me.. i am a complete marijuana advocate and would love nothing more but than to talk amongst people like myself(growers) about what we love the most. its really slim pickins for that kind of crowd out here.. although ide have to say upstate new york is definitely a more hip scene and could see myself growing old there..

im still young though and really want to fullfill my dream before i have to "settle down". i guess im just ranting about where i want to be, or as i feel where i should be, and yes i cannot stop thinking about it that is why patients is really the only key concept in my plan.

i need to be with more people like myself, which would lead me to norcal.. i just hate not being able to freely speak my mind about what i love.. you get second guessed very easily out here


Active member
anyway this is my situation... i plan on moving to norcal to get my bachelor's degree in horticulture/ag studies.. going to apply to uc davis next month. since im planning on going to school, i guess the main question ide like to ask is of what county would you guys recommend that is suited for my needs?... also i would like to commute to school rather than live on campus.. i was thinking grass valley? but like i said im no local so suggestions would be great!


i would stay out of grass valley unless you know the locals...its a tight knit town and very expensive because its in such a prime area (good growing + 1 hour to tahoe cant beat it!)

if you are going to davis you are limited in options....check Woodland, dixon, or an hour north theres yuba city marysville.. theres still outdoor grows in those areas but its more populated not like the mountains in humbolt...i see grows but they are always fenced off so people cant see in..depends on what your goal is. if you are happy with a small backyard personal grow any of these cities work..but if you are planning a commercial grow with at least 20 big smartpots you gotta get more remote..

davis is a good town lots of younger people but outdoor growing is gonna be tough...i didnt see any farms when flying over davis its pretty populated...

sacramento is a decent town but its the state capitol so lots of feds and cops in general...


thanks yes4prop.. thats a good point, i guess the bigger outdoor setups are more north huh?.. than thats where i want to be. my goal is definitely to setup on some land in the woods but maybe it would be smart to get a small apartment first and scope the area around, ya know just gettin my feet wet.. but i definitely would rather be spread out in the woods than cluster fucked. maybe my best option as far as schools go is humboldt state.. im not sure if they have an agg program but they have soil science programs... ill have to look into it. i figure that humboldt has such a reputation that everyone would want to flee there, but if thats not the case and the locals take kindly to growers who LOVE to grow than maybe thats my best option.

another question for yall.. say i wanted to setup shop summer of 2012, would it even be possible? how fast would it take to get a card, paperwork, scripts(whatever you need to stay LEGAL)? i could easily get school started by fall semester of 2012 but if i could setup my grow before the summer than i should start making moves now, but if its not possible than i will stick another grow where im at next summer.

thanks for all of the input so far, seriously much appreciated:tiphat:

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