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Another "Moving to NorCal" thread...but different



not to be abrupt but i dont think you would stand for one season of growing outdoors on the east coast.. rain?.. thats the least of my worries.

hahahahahah why would I want to grow on the east coast? Not to be abrupt but I don't think you stand a chance growing out here either, you sound young and like you have a lot to learn. peace :tiphat:


those articles dont seem like anything to serious... dosent this kind of stuff always happen at the end of the season anyway? seems like a way to just control the over abundence of crop coming in at the end of the season. from what i got out of it the laws still seem flexible and not set in stone yet. i guess we will see what happens huh?
Not like this it doesn't. I take court rulings very seriously, as well as the feds. I take the IRS most seriously, they are not to be fucked around with at all.


Active member

Even if some dispensaries are shut down , it will be done to set an example, the sheer logistics of going after ALL the dispensaries in CA, is just too much. Funding is not there. Especially in a state that is as bad off as CA is.

Even if the dispensaries are shut down, then patient to patient transfers will start to spike, and if anything net more money to the grower.


feds always find funding . has shit to do with cali being broke.
i wanna move to cali, but only after i retire from growing lol. why go now and take a pay cut only to spend more money on living expenses


FWIW I was talking about the anti constitution way of the cali government, the warrantless searches of cell phones, the anti gun right's and the college money for illegal's, but also the corruption among things.


I believe this to be a bit more serious than everyone is thinking.. Every club I have talked to says they are shutting their doors. They don't want to face criminal charge nor deal with that kind of mess. If they aren't shutting their doors, the building owners are kicking them out. It's as simple as that and it's happening, fast.
Thanks for the replies everyone. Again let me emphasize....

I...........am.......NOT........moving.......to........Cali.......to........grow., make money on, dispense, or anything else having to do with weed and money exchanging hands. I already grow, don't need to move to facilitate it anymore. At most I'll smoke a friend out, but the rest is for me and mine. I do not want to deal with dispensarys in any way shape or form.

I did mention this in the very first post of this thread. Not sure why dispensarys, building owners, or even MMJ came into light here. But it IS a public forum, so...I guess that's my answer. All I wanted to know is other than Humboldt, what the mentality regarding weed is up farther North...medical or not.

A card isn't really my cup of tea as I firmly believe I have registered enough personal information with the Nazi...wait...commies....um...gestapo..shit, hold on, I'll think of it. Ohhhhhh that's right..the US Govt. Sorry...just about forgot what they were calling themselves this era. So ya...a card=a big fat can of NO. They will never get any more info on me then they already have. In all actuality, they'll probably get less.

I want to be close to the ocean and the redwoods. I would never move to a state for the purpose to grow what is currently under the FEDs scope in said region. I want to move to a mostly isolated area and pretty much be left the hell alone. As you might have guessed....I don't like people and drama/trouble that follows most. I need to get out of where I am at or I will go insane.

Thank you SeaMaiden for answering my questions. Expense is not really an issue as....like I said before...I work over the internet and can still, and will maintain my client base wherever I end up.

Also thank you to those who answered my questions that were asked. I'm not trying to come off as rude or conceited, but topics are/were being brought up that I specifically stated are not topics.



hahahahahah why would I want to grow on the east coast? Not to be abrupt but I don't think you stand a chance growing out here either, you sound young and like you have a lot to learn. peace :tiphat:
isnt that what growings about though? learning new things every step of the way? but im not gunna lie i know quite a bit about growing cannabis outdoors, which is why i want to put forth my effort for the movement of medicinal marijuana(good mj). but anyway what i ment by that was.. for a perfect climate for growing cannabis, cali...west coast.. will always have the advantage.

to me it seems like the growers in cali just cant stand more people coming just to grow pot out there.. and i dont blame them at all. but im not like any of those cash croppers.. and if you read a bit into my posts in this thread maybe you will see im unlike those people. i just want to do what i love.

but on the politcal spectrum of medicinal marijuana in california... you are very right, i do have a lot to learn. thats why i greatly appreciate everyone putting in their 2 cents for this thread.


Thanks for the replies everyone. <snipped for brevity>

I want to be close to the ocean and the redwoods. <snipped for brevity>

Thank you SeaMaiden for answering my questions. Expense is not really an issue as....like I said before...I work over the internet and can still, and will maintain my client base wherever I end up.

Also thank you to those who answered my questions that were asked. I'm not trying to come off as rude or conceited, but topics are/were being brought up that I specifically stated are not topics.

I used to work for a local realtor (I'm in the Sierra Nevada) and one thing you'll need to ask when searching for properties is availability of high speed internet. Lack of availability stopped more than one sale from going through, because, really, Hughes Net sucks ass, and apparently so does Directv satellite inet.

However! The federal government has been handing out funding to local CLECs, which are often the local ISP, to expand connectivity in rural and especially poor rural areas. Hopefully the company(ies) that serves the area you plan on moving to has already received funding and is implementing a plan.

My husband works for the local phone company (a CLEC), which is also the local cable (modem) and ISP (DSL) company, and he began building out infrastructure for wireless access to those people who aren't being served by cable modem and are too far from the central office to receive DSL services. So far so good, that business has been expanding rapidly and the influx of funding will help with further expansion, including up into the high country.

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