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Another hardcore criminal off the street! What a waste of tax $


MEDINA -- A Medina County senior citizen is sentenced to jail time for cultivating marijuana that he says was medicinal for his wife with cancer.

Friday, 69-year-old Gary Burton was sentenced to 60 days in jail, 30 days house arrest and two years probation, with credit for time served.

Burton was arrested in January for cultivating marijuana in excess of 1,000 grams, which is a third degree felony.

But some argue that Burton's reason for committing the crime far outweighs the law.

"He was just trying to take care of me, the best way he knew how," says a tearful Sherri Burton, Gary's wife of 44 years.

Sherri suffers from depression and anxiety, and was diagnosed with breast cancer that has now spread to her lymph nodes.

The diagnosis was a major blow to the couple.

"If I didn't have Gary there to hang onto me and hold me and say 'it's okay,' I probably wouldn't have gotten through a lot of those days," Sherri says.

But she says Gary wanted to ease her fear and pain with something natural that he could provide on his own.

"[The marijuana has] helped me in sleeping at night. Even though I'm on other medication, it's helped me to relax and not be consumed by the cancer," Sherri explains.

The couple planted two marijuana plants in a secluded spot in their own Chippewa Lake back yard.

Sherri says they chose to grow their own because they wanted it to be pure and free of chemicals.

Gary is now serving his sentence at the Medina County Jail--a sentence some consider to be lenient, but to Sherri, it might as well be a lifetime.

"I don't even want to think about the next 60 days. I don't even want to think about tomorrow," she says.

Their vow was 'in sickness and in health,' but with Gary behind bars, Sherri will have to endure her next two months of treatment alone.

"I refuse to go for surgery unless he's by my side. I need him by my side," she says. "We just want to relax and enjoy what time we have left, and who knows how long that will be. Nobody knows."

Now Sherri want to public to understand one thing.

"Marijuana is not as evil or bad as they think it is," she says. "They need to keep an open mind, and someday, they may need it themselves."

The couple hasn't had health insurance since Gary retired several years ago.

It's possible they may also lose their social security benefits while Gary is behind bars.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Its got to the point that it just makes me sick everytime i hear of such things,and fear the future of my children.I wounder if it will take a civilwar just to stop such madness.


two plants and he got burned for over 1,000 grams. sounds like mr. burton either was unlucky enough to have the cops put things on the scale wet or he knows how to grow.

a 69 year old gets 60 days in jail while his wife is dying of cancer and some people consider the sentence "lenient". WTF is that? i suppose based on that information i would have to consider "some people" delusional draconian assholes. i try really hard to not wish any ill on another human being, but the people behind actions like this make it a VERY hard thing to do some days. heartless bastards don't deserve any breaks they are not willing to give another person.

where is the instant karma when you need it?


Active member
Something's missing. You just can't believe what you read in the news? these days, especially by FOX. Something like can happen in this day and age, in California none the less? If it's true, it's a HUGE miscarriage of justice and total waste of tax dollars. There's GOT to unreported extenuating circumstance.


So sad. What saddens me most, is we have the numbers to come together and change our laws yet we wake up to news like this every day.
Not only is this elderly couple abused, but now they are exploited on Fox news as examples. :puke:


How is it possible that something like this could happen to an elderly couple on hard times in this "christian" Nation? Man's Law means everything - compassion, understanding, humanity, genuine concern, they don't enter the equation - that's the only crime here.

And we see the great American O'Reilly, sitting alone at his desk in his opulent office digs at FOX, quietly sipping on a little Chivas as he begins to smirk contentedly, knowing another druggie scumbag and his scumbag complicit wife are taken down. Keepin it fair and balanced and dead.


May your race always be in your favor
Just another case of the PO-lice getting their statistics up by arresting and convicting old people. WTF? Don't the cops in that town have any real crime to fight,Oh yeah it safer for the cops to bust an odl man for growing weed, than to arrest some tweek'd out meth cooker with guns and a "tude". Always figured thats why you hear of so many pot busts, it's easier and safer for the cops.
Its a sad statement of our country, when the banksters can steal trillions and walk away with a pat on the back, but have a doob and go to jail for years. STUPID is as STUPID does.
The answer is to vote for people that are of a like mind set, to help people, not the corporations. :smoweed:

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I wonder how the jury that found him guilty can live with themselves.

BTW, I thought Ohio had some of the most lenient mj laws in the country.
I wonder how the jury that found him guilty can live with themselves.

BTW, I thought Ohio had some of the most lenient mj laws in the country.

Don't know how the Judge, jury or prosecutor can sleep at night in this case!
Not sure I know what to say about OH's lenient MJ laws :dunno: I guess they make 'em up as they go along. I had a friend in the early 90's get caught growing more than 2 plants and didn't do more than 30 days, and another friend got it in the late 90's and had to go to a drunk driving program for a weekend. both where growing for personal use. I guess they got lucky.

A 17 year old kid about 150 miles west of this story, who hit his neighbor in the head with a pickle jar & stabbed him 55 times gets house arrest till they can find a juvenile rehabilitation facility who will accept him. Go figure??? I know if I was one of the kids other neighbors I sure wouldn't be able to sleep!
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Everyday I feel sicker about the treatment of citizens of this country & other countries, prosecuting people over a PLANT! Especially when it's helping the sick deal with their pain & sickness! WTF when will the madness end!!!!!:plant grow::wallbash: