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Another Crappy Day in Paradise....Part Four

So...how's that work...? You dictate, THEY type...?
Woah...that's not Hermies.com they're logged into, is it?
Way cool. Much better than the guinea pig trained to say "ROW", lol.
(do you guy's have that commercial, too?)


So...how's that work...? You dictate, THEY type...?
Woah...that's not Hermies.com they're logged into, is it?
Way cool. Much better than the guinea pig trained to say "ROW", lol.
(do you guy's have that commercial, too?)


lol, sure do ''took the longest to teach the fat one to say ROW, funny only being a simply word''.

I like the ''Protect your Roll'', who the heck keeps their butt wipes in a purdy container and if ya did no one would find it anyway, lol.

That tall plant looks a lot like the NL 5/Brandi, all sweet and tasty looking bud on top. It thats your test taster, i hope there is something to get pollen on as its the killa. This is what ya want to cross if you get one like this, its leaves are very thin and the smell is nice an sweet, not Skunk. I think if you could cross this, it will make your work worth it.

Thanks for the pics bro,:wave:



  • 7 7 NL BABY.jpg
    7 7 NL BABY.jpg
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Well-known member
Oh Shit....The truth comes out...

Oh Shit....The truth comes out...

That's right....I'm a slob....like I'm telling you all something you haven't already figured out....

I prefer to think I'm practical....why wash your car? It's just going to get dirty again. Same with the keyboard....when it gets bad I'll compost it.

Rusty is closer than you think. Like the hamsters rowing, I've trained Brandi to actually write Another Crappy Day. Hell, I don't even have to dictate it to them. Just put them on my dirty keyboard, their little roots sneak out and another post is born.

After the plants have done their thing, the dog comes over and proofreads it. Here he is fixing this post.


All that's left to me is hit Submit Reply. And my work here is done.


Looks like he's got a doobie in his mouth as he does your typing, way better then any Hamster trick. I like em.........



LOL! (I hate Using that expression but it works) Its the worlds smallest doob alright!
I like the dog OH you said way back in part three they're pig dogs?? I think so anyway.
Do they use them in packs similar to deer hounds over this side of the ehh... planet?
I ask cause I have a soft spot for dogs, I've got a big dumb mutt and an Irish Jack Russel terrier that would try take over if he had thumbs.

Bambi regularly kills dogs; boar must do some real damage do they?
That's right....I'm a slob....like I'm telling you all something you haven't already figured out....

I prefer to think I'm practical....why wash your car? It's just going to get dirty again. Same with the keyboard....when it gets bad I'll compost it.

Rusty is closer than you think. Like the hamsters rowing, I've trained Brandi to actually write Another Crappy Day. Hell, I don't even have to dictate it to them. Just put them on my dirty keyboard, their little roots sneak out and another post is born.

After the plants have done their thing, the dog comes over and proofreads it. Here he is fixing this post.


All that's left to me is hit Submit Reply. And my work here is done.

cool lookin dog
amazing plants it makes me speakless
i admire you for where you live and of course for what you got going
:thank you:

Dawn Patrol

Well this is some bullshit right here.....
Aloha OH,

finally got through this thread after finishing part 3. You grow some freakin trees! :respect:

Can't wait to see your next cycle. It sure is fun when you have extended growing seasons, isn't it?


only three months. in time for part five hopefully.lol.
i like how you say youll compost the keyboard when your done with it. looks like your halfway there lol...
i hope your weather picks back up OH, i know that cold must be crushing


Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
damn ive got a lot to back read bro
but love the pics
and your view is awesome.


Well-known member
The Dreaming Tree. Now progess takes away, what took so long to find

The Dreaming Tree. Now progess takes away, what took so long to find

Ahhh....wifey called it an early night. Time for a pot of coffee, a fatty, and tunes.

The motion has passed. My keyboard is the dirtiest keyboard known to mankind. I plead guilty. No remorse shown. Inokea.

LSY...here's a better pic of micro Brandi. Smells great. no WPM. Possibilities exist. Only need to figure which way to take her.


Elsweeto....The dog shown isn't a hunter. He's 14, and has earned house rights. He has me trained. If he stares at me long enough, food or a scratching is needed.

Here the police frown on you shooting rippers....but if your dogs maul one on your property it's all good. A ripper bleeds, and soon every punk knows not to hit the house. So I have a pile of mutts.

On Maui the pigs are bigger than the deer. We use the dogs on pigs like you use them on deer. Nowdays hunters spend big money armoring their dogs up, so less are hurt or killed. A good thing.

Demorville TY. I am blessed to be where I am and always wanted to be. Put bluntly I'm one lucky S.O.B.

Dawn....TYVM. MMJ is a dream come true for me. The way Hawaii law is written you almost have to grow trees. The next long season will be my third legal grow at my house. Have yet to dial it in. But I'm learning.

The extended seasons make it possible for me to make and test new strains. Without that I'd be forced to pay for seeds that everybody else has. Fun? Hell yes.

Canni...Brandi is far from my grubby keyboard. Even repotted her. I found a very unflattering post about...never mind...written by her and the dog. She's back on the deck where that won't happen again.

Nameless. You were right. A few days back I used Grey as my tester. He liked the DxR better. The keyboard issue has been addressed. And believe it or not this is the driest winter we have had in decades. Kahalui got to 87 this afternoon. 87? That's summer temps. I think part five will begin in closer to two months. Maybe sooner if a promising regrow shows up.

Gee Grey....Damn straight my view is better than yours.:wave: I think I just wet myself when I saw that. Let's just say that view is beautiful.

The Jack moms are getting close to ready. I'll take them before the next rain or when hell freezes over whichever comes first.



Besides pure Jack, it seems everything Jack fathered looks alike. I'll probably dump the whole line. Jack ain't good daddy material.

Remember a ways back where i was trying to save the EE? Did it. Here's the little clone that could.


And finally we get into the wierd season. Now the days are slowly getting longer the plants get bigger. Here are a few on the top deck of the gulch. These were planted before deadline so they should go into full bud at about 5 ft tall...but you never know this time of year.
Should is not will.



Twice as clear as heaven and twice as loud as reas
ICMag Donor
at least you are humble about it..... very beautiful.

you saved the elephant ear! nice work.


Aah yes the old; "hey two leg, I wouldn't argue if you threw some chow in that there bowl in the corner" stare... I know it well.

Pigs that big seem a bit rough on the dogs.

Nice to hear you saved the Elephant Ear, its good to see a bud that far gone can come back; might come in handy if theirs a disaster in the mother box..


Well-known member
Closing Time. Every new begining starts with some other beginings end

Closing Time. Every new begining starts with some other beginings end

Unlike long season, ending with a bang, short season outdoors here ends with a wimper. Before I went legal, this used to be the time for the big push. Green Harvest won't fly until April, the're not harvesting cane, there's lots of Holidays to work, and the winter rains make planting easy.

A seed planted right now has a good chance to be harvested by late April. Many plants will regrow, and a few will reach for the sky, hardly budding at all on their way to 15 ft. In the old days this was the time to get to work. Now we're legal, this is the time to shut down and take a couple of months off.

Pretty much cleaned out the gulch this afternoon. All Jack's moms were harvested. I did refil the holes with some EE seeds crossed with god knows what. We're into the scraps off the deck. They were rootbound, so I have no idea if they'll jump.

The first harvest of short season yielded a lb of Jack Herer, off 7 plants and another lb off of the 10 Headband and V kush clones.

Jack as a daddy was a failure. I have some (not as many as i'd like) Diesel x Rodney seeds in the freezer so I think they may get run again.

Someone aways back asked if you can plant in straight dirt. Here's a pic of a refugee plant that grew from a seed that fell out when I was harvesting the long season plants. I did hook up a drip line to her, but if she was in a hole she would be twice the size.


I promised three seasons so the gulch has been replanted once more. See what I can scrape out of there, get this boring ass, harvest peanuts, log put to bed, and move on to Part Five.


So hows it going there bro:lurk:are ya getting enough seeds for your next long run?

Just wondering how everything is going man:blowbubbles:
