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another 10kw coco DTW

High Jinks

Hi Pimpjuice
Lookin real good over there. Hows the electricity bill treating you? Being on the coast, you could be paying .12kwh


lol I wish I was paying .12 a kwh, unfortunately no hydro-electric around here.


Do u feel that u get even watering with those drippers? Do you ever end up with certain plants at the front or end of the rows looking overfed or underfed...?

The watering is really pretty even, the way bato buckets are designed with the reservoir you get good wicking in the coco. The little giant water wizard pump has no problem with 90 2 gph drippers. I like drippers you can take apart, the cheap pressure compensating drippers always seem to clog on me. I have never tried the high-end pressure compensating drippers from netafim but you need a lot of psi to run. As good as the flags work for me I don't plan on changing a thing.


I just wanted to say pj that your avatar is the shit!!! ya better let it loose I gotta have my pimp juice.....lol no I have pimp juice too hehe...

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