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Analysis of the political landscape and lack of a pro weed movement


Hello, first of all I'd like to say that I really enjoy discussing the politics of marijuana, but I suppose it is impossible to talk even about marijuana, an issue that the right and the left both generally distance themselves from, without getting neck deep in partisan bickering. Which is why I propose we add a section to the politics area known as "the partisan bickering hole" and try to not involve us vs them democrat vs republican lines of thought in the marijuana politics section, but still have a place to go and get all of those angry words out of our systems

The problem with that though is people posting loaded, unfair threads that are obviously partisan biased in the first place, but I suppose it could be moved to "partisan bickering" if enough people want it too be moved.

That brings me to my next point, it's almost like that recent study they did that found that American's think they are better in math than most people in most countries, but are in fact not as good at math as those kids in other countries that don't think highly of their math abilities.

Stoners, like the hippies, feel entitled to a sense of getting shit done even though they get nothing done. People are screaming about how Obama failed them as if there is some huge movement among the people for change in marijuana law, there isn't, the pro life movement has 1000x more organization and political sway than any NORML or whatever else people got going, most dispensaries are just trying to make a buck, are these people even fighting for change in the federal law? No, and there the ones making the money off of it, so where does the marijuana lobby money come from? (nowhere)

There is no weed movement, as far as I'm concerned, outside a couple of festivals in Colorado and California where maybe 2,000 stoners might go find out about the injustice of the law regarding marijuana that they were already fully aware of.

I have a topic for the partisan bickering hole when its up


I tend to not give NORML any credit, but it looks like they can give a petition some momentum.


still not a pro weed movement really, but if this bill gets passed people won't need to be so afraid to speak out, and if it at least gets voted on, will get to see how that goes rather than let some committee decide that no one gets to vote on it so they can protect their political street cred.


Originally Posted by sso
so why dont you just start a npo or pac?...

money, time, and other resources, I can barely afford a hair cut. We are all stuck in this elitist system, all to often one must choose between survival and doing what is right, and some people's idea of survival is getting that new car and that big house, the problem is people with resources spent too much time getting their bullshit that they don't care about much else at that point. While the person that cares about, especially an issue like marijuana, can barely survive because nobody wants to hire the weed activist.

The system is stacked against us as advocates for the legalization of marijuana, it is an uphill battle, in light of all the prescription drug abuse and alcohol abuse that goes on, it's an extremely worth while cause.

What are we saying to our children, many of whom have tried the harmless drug marijuana, that marijuana is a drug that is to be feared. Meanwhile the kid is popping prescription amphetamines or some nonsense prescribed by a doctor.

More breeding of the "gateway" drug mentality, get kids hooked on (prescription) drugs, tell them that the weed plant they will likely smoke is worse than the prescriptions they are hooked on... the kid puts 2 and 2 together, the kid is hooked on drugs he/she may or may not enjoy taking, he/she tries marijuana, a harmless pleasant drug, in the context that it is a bad drug that should be feared. The kid thinks "Marijuana is bad? I enjoy it more than my Aderol... the gateway mentality now has a path of self enabling... "if weed is not as bad as Aderol or alcohol, what other 'illegal' drugs are equally harmless?" None of course, this is the gateway trap we set for our kids.

Why? To sell drugs while simultaneously harming public knowledge and the image of a wonderful plant, a plant that will surely cut into the profits of many industries, including the pharmaceutical industry.


Well-known member
I think there's plenty of movement. Medical MJ is going to be the weed produced by certain large pharms companies; all other cannabis will be considered contraband and growers will be criminals. It doesn't make any sense, but it doesn't need to - that's the great thing about absolute control and a society in fear.

Just picture Obama with his arm around Dick Cheney's shoulder, giving a thumbs up and both saying "Winning!".

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
They wont give it a hearing. they wont even answer town hall or twitter quetions what makes you think they would dignify us with a hearing. The only way pot is going to be legal is when the people making money from the drug war are dead. wanna start a useful thread start one on how we could shuffle those ass holes loose from the mortal coil with some sort of Age advancing death ray :D

he chose poorly.

look i already tested the prototype once.


Active member
i beleive their is somthing that can be done but its gotta be done this year,i beleive the complaining and complacencey has got the better of us for to long.
theres one guy that beleives we are not criminals.

RON PAUL!!! 2012


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Active member
as side note to OGmoltons idea, perhaps,a political activisim section would help? to actually join together to figure out how one should take effective and non-violent action.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
The only way pot is going to be legal is when the people making money from the drug war are dead. wanna start a useful thread start one on how we could shuffle

They been saying that same shit for years. Unfortunatly the one thing america is really good at is producing an ever increasingly group of ignorant people. Youve seen idiocracy right? Well they nailed the direction of the country, only thing they got wrong is how long it would take to get there. 1,000 years? Hah! Id be suprised if it takes more than a couple of generations...

Just go to any one of the many peon filled cesspools of racism, ignorance and hatred that is known as a teabagger rally and youll learn that stupidity is well and alive, being passed down from generation to generation, moron to moron, dipshit to dipshit, spreading like aids at a eazy e party.... and its only getting worst. Hell we went from JFK to Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman in less than a half of a decade. Can you imagine how fucking pathetic it will be in another 50 years? Well all be going to starbucks for handjobs and Buttfuckers for our kids birthday while hailing President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. AMERICA... FUCK YEAH!

Tripp Inmiasov

Tuggo got it right.

There are too many forces in place that will negate any common sense notion that cannabis be decriminalized or legalized.

The forces I refer to are labor unions, professional and trade unions, corporate entities, religious entities, associated news (propaganda) organizations and the political unions.

Lawyers, doctors, prison guards, pharmaceutical firms, medical facilities, etc, will lose substantial amounts of revenue if cannabis were to be legalized.

Cannabis is known to allow the average person to relax and have time to think and question the world around them. This obviously concerns the little men standing behind the curtains of law, medicine, education, religion and politics. They certainly don't want anyone questioning their frail existence as they blow smoke in our faces to obscure reality.

The fictitious notion that people are better off relying on incompetent organizations and government for their survival is exactly what our puppet masters are counting on. News, religion, education and media further these ideas and make us almost unable to think past these mentally debilitating hypnotic states of ignorance.

These arguments have been covered ad nauseam. There is nothing that will change them until a mass movement is created to dispel the myths and lies that we have been forced to accept as truths.

Only when we take on each and every sacred gold cow and expose all of the issues will cannabis be able to retake its place as the innocent herb it is.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
They been saying that same shit for years. Unfortunatly the one thing america is really good at is producing an ever increasingly group of ignorant people. Youve seen idiocracy right? Well they nailed the direction of the country, only thing they got wrong is how long it would take to get there. 1,000 years? Hah! Id be suprised if it takes more than a couple of generations...

Just go to any one of the many peon filled cesspools of racism, ignorance and hatred that is known as a teabagger rally and youll learn that stupidity is well and alive, being passed down from generation to generation, moron to moron, dipshit to dipshit, spreading like aids at a eazy e party.... and its only getting worst. Hell we went from JFK to Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachman in less than a half of a decade. Can you imagine how fucking pathetic it will be in another 50 years? Well all be going to starbucks for handjobs and Buttfuckers for our kids birthday while hailing President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho. AMERICA... FUCK YEAH!

Human stupidity is why I dont think it will be legalized. I think America is going to collapse though and no one will give a shit about enforcing it.


They wont give it a hearing. they wont even answer town hall or twitter quetions what makes you think they would dignify us with a hearing...

Twitter town halls are not the system, these greedy old bastards found a way to not do their job, they are using a little publicized stall tactic of assigning the bill to a committee for approval rather that having to vote on this.

Politicians don't want to vote on this, it is easy for a politician to pander to marijuana users here and there, but it seems much different for them to actually vote on it, there has to be a way that we can, at the very least, put some pressure on this committee that is holding up this bill which means so much to marijuana users.

Great answers all, I think a political activism thread is just what this forum needs, I know its an Amsterdam site, and a lot of this political discussion we speak of is American politics, but yall have your own problems with this attack on tourism, right? it would be cool to have a place to read about current injustice regarding marijuana from all around the world in one sub-forum


This is part of a response I received from Senator Pat Toomey regarding the prohibition bill...

Senator Pat Toomey said:
As you may know, Representative Pete Stark (D-CA) introduced the Small Business Tax Equity Act of 2011 (H.R. 1985) in the House of Representatives on May 25, 2011. Among its provisions, this measure would allow a tax deduction for expenses incurred in the business of buying and selling marijuana for medical purposes pursuant to state law. H.R. 1985 is currently pending before the House Committee on Ways and Means for review.

There are two additional pieces of legislation pending before the House of Representatives which also relate to your concerns - namely, the States' Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act (H.R. 1983) and the Small Business Banking Improvement Act of 2011 (H.R. 1984). Together, these proposals would provide protection and immunity from felonious charges for individuals contributing to the business of buying and selling medical marijuana. Although no such legislation is pending before the Senate, please be assured that I will keep your support for the legalization of marijuana in mind should I have the opportunity to vote on these measures.
His answer to me was basically, "there are bills in the House that are aimed to help the medical marijuana industry, but if by some chance I actually have to vote on that end to marijuana prohibition bill, I'll keep you in mind"

as I said before, pandering is apparently much easier than voting, but a promising answer none the less, especially from a Republican Senator.

honestly, I never even heard of the States' Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act (H.R. 1983), that sounds like a great bill, I wonder what that is about

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
if this want an Amsterdam site the NAZI U.S. government would have shut it down like overgrow long ago.