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Amsterdam 'No Toking' Signs Being Pilfered



No, Doc Leaf, Many have spent months in A'dam, and never had anything like you describe occur..

Racism in Holland IS built into the system, peoples' fear of N. Africans is palatable.
It is exponentially worse in the USA, regarding any thing other than whitebread people..

Hey Dude, don;t hold anything back, OK? "Numb-skull twats that hold little respect for Dutch culture..?" Gosh, what is your crusade...? If someone smokes on the streets of San Francisco, no one calls it an assault on American culture.... It is ignored for the most part. There are far more important problems in our societies... That seems healthy to me.. Take a pill, dude.

The Dutch are potentially judgemental, in reality. Even Amsterdammers. They are also keenly aware of which side their bread is buttered on. $$$$$$$$

As is evidenced by the sales of the "No Toking" signs. Amazing...
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ICMag Donor
icysurfer said:
Hey Dude, don;t hold anything back, OK? "Numb-skull twats that hold little respect for Dutch culture..?" Gosh, what is your crusade...?

The Dutch are potentially judgemental, in reality. Even Amsterdammers. They are also keenly aware of which side their bread is buttered on. $$$$$$$$...

As I see it the Dutch Government provides people with places to smoke cannabis... yet many people (mostly tourists) abuse this privelage and choose to smoke in the straats... in turn this makes things difficult for those ppl that are happy to follow the rules,,, all sense of liberty is thrown into the wind.

my crusade is to normalise cannabis use within society... and smoking in the streets plays no part in this process!!!

peace out dL


"Like comparing Oranges to Snot-Rags" I read in a thread ...
Cool Sign , Would be nice as a table , or just hung on a wall ... that don't mean you have to post a sign state'n the politcal sig. :pointlaug
Should I sit at a table made with sign like that ? If I do am I as bad as the guy that made it ...
Sounds more like they have a hang'n around problem , don't think they care about where the "youths" were born , just that they are there break'n the law ... If i was a store owner , say the store was Alcohol related , maybe I'd make a sign to keep fat old ladies with dogs from hang'n out in the street , if that was what I was have'n a problem with , what would that sign look like :chin:
I'm against steeling signs of any kind , in some cases someone could very well be hurt or killed , what that sign says to me, now after reading this thread , is that if I were in Amsterdam , late night walk'n around as a touron (tourist-moron) , I may just want to reroute. But , someone else , that might be the political fight they want to pick :dueling: or place they were looking for :sasmokin:
My answer ... Not that anyone cares , all around the world inner city kids as well as farm boys need things to do and places to go , that are safe and fun and free , or they will find what they can , can't just throw a sign up for that :fsu:

:wave: DrWillieSurvive :joint: thats me !


ICMag Donor
Latitude18 said:
My answer ... Not that anyone cares , all around the world inner city kids as well as farm boys need things to do and places to go , that are safe and fun and free , or they will find what they can , can't just throw a sign up for that

Thiese are the most logical words in this whole thread... :yes: and dude, I care.

Fact is the law could ask people to wear pink hats and yellow shoes... doesn't mean everyone will follow it!

peace dL


This got way off topic. First off those signs are for sale by the Dutch tourist office. Not just for stealing off the street.

Second the reason their so desirable is the fact that, if you want people not to do something you put a red slash thru the sigh. The way this sign is designed it telling me it's ok to light up. That's why it makes a good sign or table. It's telling my friends it's ok to light em up. Our cultures see that sign in opposite ways.


well it is consistant with the drive'n signs in that part of the world , from what i remember , the slash threw the middle cuts down the actual area for important info.

maybe they should make the ones they sell with a green rim , That would go great on the wall of any room , or as tops to tables in any coffeeshop

thanks DL


ICMag Donor
In the UK "old-fashioned" street signs (no-cycling signs for example) are the same, they do NOT feature a red slash... (the red-line is a relatively new thing)... This used to confuse me as a kid... :confused: but then we grew into yout's and did what we liked... that is "rules are enforced to be broken"!

The real problem - government and politician man (and woman), care not for their youth, so their youth care not for them... there is no investment,,,


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