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Kiss My Ring
yep, the ghosts of days past.
the fear of guilt is not about to stop me from protecting me and mine or what we have accumulated and control from those who don't.
2nd amendment or not, someone taking what is rightfully mine is going to be met with some resistance.


Right now not growing but am gonna check into things before I do a small indoor this winter. After some research recently went with a friend's recommendation and got an FN 5.7 mm. Good enough for the Secret Service good enough for me. Mil spec, hits harder than a 9 mm (dents a steel plate while a 9 just leaves a color mark), no over penetration yet goes through level 2 body armor. Was not interested in a .45, used to have a .40.

Anyway...basically got it just for rainy day stuff and don't sleep with it under my pillow.


Active member
ahh but you dont see the point, if you kill them they dont have to live with the guilt you do now...

people who live criminal lifes (i mean truly bad people) if you look at their lifes those too are probably pretty shitty, let them take what they came for and realize it can be replaced, life cant....

im just saying its easier to make a homeowners insurance claim than it is a life insurance claim...


ahh but you dont see the point, if you kill them they dont have to live with the guilt you do now...
What guilt? If you look to nature it's pretty damn brutal. If I protect myself from someone trying to off me I should feel bad why?

I don't have a concealed carry permit, don't carry a knife and only a can of pepper spray for a bit of deterence. Not much concern about stuff where I live.


Active member
What guilt? If you look to nature it's pretty damn brutal. If I protect myself from someone trying to off me I should feel bad why?

I don't have a concealed carry permit, don't carry a knife and only a can of pepper spray for a bit of deterence. Not much concern about stuff where I live.

its pretty unlikely someone is gunna break into your house just to kill you, and if so you most likely have beef with the person so thats a different story.

i dont have to watch my back, and if someone breaks into my house it's to steal something, something i may care about but all in all i value human life more than any material good, let them have it, let them lead a guilt ridden empty life... i can move on...


its pretty unlikely someone is gunna break into your house just to kill you, and if so you most likely have beef with the person so thats a different story.

i dont have to watch my back, and if someone breaks into my house it's to steal something, something i may care about but all in all i value human life more than any material good, let them have it, let them lead a guilt ridden empty life... i can move on...
Agree with the first paragraph but if someone is willing to violate your premises I'm sure they'd be willing to take it to the next level to protect themselves.

I don't have to watch my back either. Yeah but do you value human their human life more than they value yours? I doubt someone who's a thief, etc. leads a guilt ridden life and probably more gloats about the fools they life off of and they're just looking for easy prey.

If someone approached me on the street with possible violent intentions my first response would be to just hand stuff over and cooperate. If someone breaks into my house it's another story...game on :)


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
most people that rob you are not there to take your grow they have no clue there are plants and are rarely there for that. Nobody knows I grow a robber sure as shit has no idea I have plants in here. That leaves only 1 conclusion he/they are there to harm you and your family and take all your shit you worked your whole like for. That's not going to happen in my home. If my gun is not an option the sword on the wall will slice there head right off.

If you are not ready to defend your home/family you should not have a gun. I dont get all consensus's if I had to take a life. I did it to protect the ones I love. I wont have any problems sleeping at night.


ahh but you dont see the point, if you kill them they dont have to live with the guilt you do now...

people who live criminal lifes (i mean truly bad people) if you look at their lifes those too are probably pretty shitty, let them take what they came for and realize it can be replaced, life cant....

im just saying its easier to make a homeowners insurance claim than it is a life insurance claim...
Sir I truly respect your decision. Mine is not made lightly. I hav carried all of my adult life,and no one has ever been harmed. I have also carried an asshole hammer. That I have used. Those "ghosts" bother me zero. I have done more long term damage with just my bare hands. I am a very nice person, polite, respectful. Gladly give the pants off my ass to a total stranger. Thats my 'ying' . My 'yang' ??? totally oppisite.
BTW if you are growin legal by state law but not federal no homeowners claim. Just like U can't insure a meth lab.


Active member
im sorry but most home invaders run scared if someone is home and if they are willing to hurt you they in all likelyhood would only do so because you pull a weapon..

like i said before they are there for your property not your life...

If you are not ready to defend your home/family you should not have a gun. I dont get all consensus's if I had to take a life. I did it to protect the ones I love. I wont have any problems sleeping at night.

what about hunters, and i believe you mean conscientious, if so, have you ever killed someone, do you even know someone that has killed another human, prolly not, so dont go talking about how you wouldn't have even the slightest regret for killing someone no matter the circumstances...


Feeling good is good enough.
Sig 226 (old model = better) and two clips of Golden Sabers 147 gr.
Machete, SOG Seal Pup and Tomahawk.

All at arm's reach or no farther than two steps.

If you want Peace, prepare for War.

Some of us ganja growers become "Shiva like".... so cool and mellow but always READY to dissolve any bad reality walking your way.

I do not see any conflict of interests.



Active member
Sir I truly respect your decision. Mine is not made lightly. I hav carried all of my adult life,and no one has ever been harmed. I have also carried an asshole hammer. That I have used. Those "ghosts" bother me zero. I have done more long term damage with just my bare hands. I am a very nice person, polite, respectful. Gladly give the pants off my ass to a total stranger. Thats my 'ying' . My 'yang' ??? totally oppisite.
BTW if you are growin legal by state law but not federal no homeowners claim. Just like U can't insure a meth lab.

im not saying carrying a weapon is bad, just in a grow...

im all for gun ownership, it one of the only ways to really keep gov. in check...

ive beaten people up too thats a little different than ending a life no matter what you say...

and i understand a grow wont be covered on homeowners but everything else will be..
if they have the courage to rob you in the middle of night, best believe they won't have a problem pulling the trigger if you stand in their way. This is America, if you think 'most' robbers don't have a gun when they rob a house because they are 'scared of jail' then good luck.


Active member
if they have the courage to rob you in the middle of night, best believe they won't have a problem pulling the trigger if you stand in their way. This is America, if you think 'most' robbers don't have a gun when they rob a house because they are 'scared of jail' then good luck.

like i said avoid the problem, dont stand in the way...

pride and materialism have been the death of greater men...
you don't want them raping your wife, or stealing your little girl.

I will shoot to kill, and since I don't grow where i live, or family lives... then no problem.


im not saying carrying a weapon is bad, just in a grow...

im all for gun ownership, it one of the only ways to really keep gov. in check...

ive beaten people up too thats a little different than ending a life no matter what you say...

and i understand a grow wont be covered on homeowners but everything else will be..

I am a legal grower. I'm talkin crippled people,not just beaten.

Claim is totally thrown out if a grow opperation is found.

As to me keepin the gov. in check starts right at my door.The gestapo is here now. Ask Jose Gerurra in AZ.


There's nothing wrong with being prepared or defending yourself... just don't be a dumbass. A shitload of americans are killed every year with their own fucking firearm because their too stupid to secure them (even more are killed with stolen firearms). Stashing guns around your house is dumb and is just inviting an unarmed burglar to become an armed home invader. (My next door neighbor was killed with his own gun, when he walked in on a burglary in process) If you leave your house lock your gun up, when your home make sure your gun is in proximity to only you. And for godsake learn how to use it, there's a hellofalot more to defending yourself with a firearm then puching paper on the weekends with your buds. Be smart, stay safe and be vigilant. Rant over...


Overkill is under-rated.
Having a simple baseball bat wil get you a "felony posession of a deadly weapon" charge, and won't do much against a couple guys with a shotgun or an Uzi. I'd rather take my chances and have a gun in my house.

Put another way, I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.


Active member


Some of us ganja growers become "Shiva like".... so cool and mellow but always READY to dissolve any bad reality walking your way.
Gotta love Shiva. Krishna is cool too when he told Arjuna to go onto the battle field and not worry cause his combatants were already dead...lol.

Dissolution is just a natural activity of life and my 5.7 will take care of that just fine if need be :)


Power Armor rules
My arsenal is considered a form of life insurance. You want safety? Protect yourself. It's not very complicated. If you keep your business to yourself you shouldn't have any problems. If trouble comes your way let them bathe in hot lead.

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