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HookaHittn Jems All Summer long



Ha ha...see you got your stripes...:smoke:

Looking Good Bro..looking good.

I've been seed cleaning like crazy ready for setting the cupboard up..:woohoo:

I've got a fine hash stash that will save me grinding for a while. :joint:


Yes I indeed have some stripes now.. ha It took me a few mins to figure out how to get it up. I thought about putting the other "team member" one like yours. I think this will work though. Don't wear your self out mossy cleaning all your beans. Make sure you take a smoke break or two in between haha. :kos:

I Took a pic of the only plants I have going right now. They looked to be 3 males. These are Jems that I Bx1. I am actually surprised they are even looking as good as they are. They've been through about 3 inches of rain, 40-50 mph winds.... :frown: And they are still kicking ha. I think all that stress had a part in making them turn male. I'm thinking of letting them go and then saving the pollen. Maybe one of my buddies could use it on an indoor grow later to make a new AF cross. :chin: I think I mostly want to keep them going because these are my first seeds i bread my self. They're like my lil kids... haha



Well guys I was wrong about having 3 males. Seems there was a female in there too... I'm going to see if i cant get one more seed run going. Send me good vibes for warm sunny weather...


Send me good vibes for warm sunny weather...
Sending kudos for warm sunny weather your way m8....:yes:

Good luck with that girl
My weather has hit the same and those poor self seeds are as good as dead.
I did think about shoving them in the grow cupboard when I get it set up..but I think they have gone too far and the shock would kill them anyway.
I too think I am going to get mini males...boo..

Can't beat mother nature I'm afraid.

I think I mostly want to keep them going because these are my first seeds i bread my self. They're like my lil kids
Aye.. I hear you.
I don't know what it is..
but the ones you make yourself..are simply the best...because You made them :headbange
(and unlike kids..they never answer you back...:biglaugh: :biglaugh:)

Have a great weekend m8...:joint:


Yeah I think those plants will deff be some lil stumpies. I'm surprised they all haven't died yet. Temps have been getting pretty cold at night. I want to hit them with some nutrients but the soil is still so wet from all the rain we've been getting. We are spossed to get sunny days for the next week or so. Hopefully that will help them out a bit...


Sending kudos for warm sunny weather your way m8....
Got the dog out collecting it for you now m8....

She is a sunshine karma hunter....:D


FETCH.....ha ha


I think your dog may have helped mossy. Temps are in the 80s this week and supposed to stay there the rest of the week. lets hope it stays that way for awhile. The males look like they are almost about to open up. I'm thinking about just putting them directly in the ground. I'm leaving to go out of town for a week in the next few days. I want them to be able to soak up as much sun as possible...



2 of my self-seeds have lifted too m8..I would have sworn that I saw them go into stumpy mode..:chin:
but..they have surprised me.

They aren't going to amount to much..but hey self-seeded october..dank..
any return is a bonus.
Gives me a quick look-see..

Fingers crossed for the trip..and have a great weekend..:joint:


Mine looked about the same as yours mossy. I pulled the two males a couple of days ago and planted the loan female straight in the ground. Sorry for not being on IC... My sister broke her leg and I am out of town helping her get to class and school. I don't have anything really going on right now as far as plants are concerned... This is the slowest time of the year... However i have been doing some fishing. I was out all day today , but apparently the fish were not hungry... I will get you guys a few pics next time I'm out there.


My sister broke her leg and I am out of town helping her get to class and school.
Man...:eek:..send her my best wishes. Hope it heals well.
Lucky she has you around to help.


:D You will never believe this...I stuck her in the grow cupboard..
straight from bad november natural light to full 24 lighted..
and she's giving it her Best.
I love her..spirited from the start.
First Nigerian Nightmare that I have seen on AF..Ogun's Thunder.

I am looking forward to playing with her properly..:woohoo:

I pulled the two males a couple of days ago and planted the loan female straight in the ground.
How is your season going..do you ever get ground frost..?
Lowest I have been able to test is down to air frost.

I was out all day today , but apparently the fish were not hungry...

:biglaugh: Yeah..everytime I go fishing they seem to have had a banquet too..
Better luck next time..:yes:


Wow that lil lady is looking great mossy. I bet the one I left at my house in the ground is still growing pretty slowly. Temps have been getting colder as of late. Ha funny you talk about frost as we had some yesterday morning... I am going to my house this weekend so i will be able to see how she held up...Anyways not too much going on here waiting for these cold months to pass till we can grow outside again... gives you time to plan and scheme for next year ha.


you only buy them one time though. Then you should be able to make enough seeds to keep you going.
Amen HHH...

How are yours doing..
and what little jems do you have for us to ogle for your Spring garden...?

Then you go look at prices upwards of $30 a Friggin Seed, LOFL !!

YOWSER AutoFems Rule !..
$30 per seed..which ones were they...?
(that is more than my weeks pocket money for 1 seed..:faint: )


Mossy I think i have a few more weeks before I can get anything going... Spring time is getting near though. We've had a few nights of temps in the upper 60s but still a little too cold at night... I am excited to get things going as I have a few new AF additions to the garden...

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