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American Racism - and the Anti-White Left -


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
this is a private space. Gypsy is well inside the lines by drawing lines on here. you can, i guess, still PM someone and call them a witless fucking dickhead if you want...i think? LOL! you just can't do it in public, so to speak.

no different than a medium deciding that certain criticisms of covid or religions are inappropriate - certainly not that I agree with it. However there is at least an irony.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
insult lies in the mind of lesser men, and anonymity should reflect that fact.
anonymity should be all that is required to protect that fragile facet of foolishness.
in the real world, where your real friends accept you whatever you say, this notion of insult slips away...because friendship transcends whatever pain intended.
it's rough when you take something said by someone you don't know as personal.

cancel culture eventually smothers everyone speech till it smothers free thought. everyone. that is the consequence of delicate sensitivities feeling insult of opposite opinion.

this Hatfield and McCoy approach to civil discourse must have ammunition expended before surrender to insult.
it's my opinion that some here should grow a pair.

along with a few neurons


Active member
freedom of speech is one of the cornerstones of democracy. but, most of those bemoaning the "loss of their freedom of speech" are actually bitching because they did not realize that there can be repercussions to their free speech. nor do they understand (or want to) that private platforms do not have to give them a podium to speak from. you can say nearly anything you want (i'd stop before getting around to shouting "FIRE!" in a crowded theater) , but there might be a price to pay. "but, it's not FAIR!" i hear the whining from here, lol.

Yell anything in a crowded theater, you’re bound to get kicked out. Like a protester at a trump rally.


Boreal Curing
Freedom Cafe.

All together now. Freedom.. Freedom.. Freedom..

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
...yet you are the only one here safe to disagree with the left leaning masses here at ICMag, I've seen more than a few dissenting voices silenced here because some lefty moderator abused his power.

...and since when did the world grow so
nutless that we can't have a 'dislike' button, seems to me a dislike button would give people a safe way to show disagreement without risking banning.

Was that Psycho4Bud..P4B?...you and me go way, back.....bozo ! :shucks:Dutch Pimp


Well-known member
1953 is 5 years after the parties switched lol, those racist subhumans are republicans. Hempy you're such a propagandist.

"The transition into today's Democratic Party was cemented in 1948, when Harry Truman introduced a pro-civil rights platform and, in response, many Democrats walked out and formed the Dixiecrats. Most rejoined the Democrats over the next decade, but in the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. Anti-civil rights members left the Democratic Party in droves, and Senator Strom Thurmond, the Dixiecrats' presidential candidate from 1948, joined the Republican Party."


Active member
1953 is 5 years after the parties switched lol, those racist subhumans are republicans. Hempy you're such a propagandist.

"The transition into today's Democratic Party was cemented in 1948, when Harry Truman introduced a pro-civil rights platform and, in response, many Democrats walked out and formed the Dixiecrats. Most rejoined the Democrats over the next decade, but in the 1960s, Lyndon Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act. Anti-civil rights members left the Democratic Party in droves, and Senator Strom Thurmond, the Dixiecrats' presidential candidate from 1948, joined the Republican Party."

putting things in quotes doesn't make them true.



Well-known member
it is an objective fact that the conservative democrats defected to the republican party which started in 1948 and lasted for decades after.

pretty rich though, someone who posts gateway pundit links is gonna tell me my shit is wrong? LMAO.


Active member
...yet you are the only one here safe to disagree with the left leaning masses here at ICMag, I've seen more than a few dissenting voices silenced here because some lefty moderator abused his power.

I’d say quite alot is allowed on ICMAG, if you can just hold the personal insults away.

And you can also insult people in clever ways if you just choose your words carefully without it being too obvious. You just have to be abit more sophisticated when insulting people and you don’t wanna get banned. Assholes like me enjoy constructing these kind of insults when an insult seems to be needed and sometimes they are needed. Great fun, when you come up with something clever and you can be pretty sure they’re not gonna ban you for that. Heh-heh.:biggrin:

I have to say, sometimes some mods can be abit petty here. Prolly some overly sensitive Americans. Some Americans just love to get offended by the smallest issues these days. It’s in fashion over there.
I was banned a while a go for writing something like “USA was taken over by fascist even before they shot JFK” and some half wit mod, who prolly has troble understanding what he/she reads, banned me for “calling a country or a person et al fascist”, which i obviously didn’t do.

Me calling the people who murdered JFK “fascists”, was not ok with somebody ...quite amusing, if you think about it.:biglaugh: “That’s enough with the name calling, GoatCheese. You’re out for few weeks, buddy”


Active member
it is an objective fact that the conservative democrats defected to the republican party which started in 1948 and lasted for decades after.

pretty rich though, someone who posts gateway pundit links is gonna tell me my shit is wrong? LMAO.

...pretty funny you think anything you post isn't bullshit, lol.

...and that whole 'the KKK Dumpacraps switched party's' bologna has been fully and completely debunked.


...all you need is a little integrity and you can easily find proof of this Democrat lie.


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
Nearly all media is for profit.

One has a choice to make money from their youtube station through ads or decline. In my case I declined. This man's opinion doled out in his sitting room is not worth money, in my opinion. That is what my post was about.


Well-known member


Well-known member
One has a choice to make money from their youtube station through ads or decline. In my case I declined. This man's opinion doled out in his sitting room is not worth money, in my opinion. That is what my post was about.

That makes sense.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...yet you are the only one here safe to disagree with the left leaning masses here at ICMag, I've seen more than a few dissenting voices silenced here because some lefty moderator abused his power.

...and since when did the world grow so
nutless that we can't have a 'dislike' button, seems to me a dislike button would give people a safe way to show disagreement without risking banning.

- yes this is a difficult one to answer - but I will try my best -

- We all have our own opinions on subjects of topical/political and common interests - and personally I like to hear all sides there may be on any topic that might interest myself or you - so everyone has a voice - so long as they can abide by the basic tenants of civil discourse - and not partake of ad hominem attacks towards other members - also engaging in vile/mundane and pointless gratuitous profanity (unless for comedic effect) vexes me somewhat - no matter what position they may take up - or opinion they may have - anyone can come here and say their piece - which sometimes leads to interesting and lively discussions - and more information for the forums - since ICMAG is a forum site -

- I don't take on moderators because of their political beliefs - that's not so important to me - whether they have any interest in politics or not isn't even discussed - or if they are a 'righty' or a 'lefty' - before they were engaged as moderators - they were all asked if they would like to be mods based on my perception of them being good for the site - and generally that is what they are - good for ICMAG - and we are lucky to have them here -

- Generally I leave the mods to moderate - and don't intervene - because that's what they do well - but anyone can make the odd faux pas/gaffe - I have done so myself on a few occasions - being in a position to have to make decisions is always fraught with 'you are damned if you do - and damned if you don't' situations - where-by one 'offended' member will ask you to act against another member - for some sort of direct - or in-direct perceived insult or another - so the moderator/admin can't fence surf - he/she has to choose one side or the other in the ensuing argument - so one member gets happy with how the mod dealt with the situation - and another sad/mad - some are more sensitive than others who don't really pay it much mind - and others look to be hypersensitive - and will jump on any 'offensive' word - and ride it like a rollercoaster - lol

- well - I have asked the developers to install a 'like' system - similar to what we once had on the old software - where you could leave a message - to the author of any post - it was much better than what we currently have for sure - but when this will happen is anyone's guess - first to do is the upgrade to Xenforo - then we should be able to attach all sorts of whistles and bells - to keep everyone happy -