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Cannavora - Then how do you explain more guns in America today, with the lowest crime rate in America in a long time...........

Too many people that have never held a gun, fired a gun, or know the history of the gun just blindly saying ban or register. Then they change the argument to background checks, which of coarse everybody that buys a gun is subject to. The insanity is hard to deal with.


how could the media be fooling me when i said i haven't even been paying attention to any of this lol

They did fool you to the point you didn't understand their motive, right? Even if you aren't paying close attention, you didn't even know they have stated they want to take Americans guns. I would say that is being fooled into a narrative that the media is portraying. :tiphat:


Lol, it's not a Nazi salute at all. You are just a paranoid person and probably dangerous. I'd be tired of being you.

I love your arguments. Just keeping saying something is so, have no evidence, then insult others. I bet you do real well in real life...... Facepalm!

I am starting to believe you don't even know what a Nazi is, what they stood for and how they accomplished their goals. In fact, I am pretty darn sure. :tiphat:


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3rd-Eye Jedi
Sounds about right, seems most of the anti gun folk don't even own a gun. Must live in the suburbs.

funny I come from multiple generations of sportsmen and my father got his first degree at a gun smithing school

never gave up that pre 65 model 30 of his

don't keep rounds for it either

now back to the question of tough guys and swinging dicks, what kind of man needs a gun when he has a mind?


now back to the question of tough guys and swinging dicks, what kind of man needs a gun when he has a mind?

This is what's wrong with America's image of a gun. The gun isn't for a pussy who can't fight. A gun is for the person who's freedoms are being taken away from a force greater than them.......

For example, the gun if for the grandma who's house is getting invaded by intruders.

The gun is for a daughter who has to walk home from college after dark.

The gun is for a hero who wants to stop a mass shooting.

The gun can also be used for people that want to cause harm to others, but those people will always be evil and cause harm. The gun is for the good person being harmed by the evil person, and without that gun, would be defenseless. Also, the bad people will always keep guns, even in no guns zones.

Saying a gun is for pussies is the most ignorant thing that can be said about guns. :tiphat:


You are clearly full of delusional crap easygoing.

Take the Thorazine.

Says the guy that can't defend his positions...... and thinks Nazi is a kind of sandwich. Go ahead and use the tactic of a uneducated person. Throw insults and back nothing up.


Active member
See you need serious medical help. You say things with zero basis in reality. The place where normal people live.

Are you a Russian troll perhaps? Sitting in the SVR?


Active member
There are many uses for a firearm besides defending yourself... or feeling like a swinging dick.... Building a firearm can be as rewarding and building a model train... shooting a target 800 yards away is an actual accomplishment.... Going to the range and popping off a hundred rounds can be a huge stress reliever.... The most important use of a firearm is learning and/ or teaching responsibility and learning how to appreciate life....

My thing is.... if you want to own a firearm you should be required by law to take a certain amount of credit hours of safety and handling courses and pass.... every couple years you have to take the classes or an exam to renew your license.... like a vehicle.. which can also easiliy be turned into a deadly weapon.....

Guns aren't the problem... Its the lack of compassion for one another......
Seriously people... if guns were a real problem... EVERYONE would be dressed up in tactical gear and clearing buildings before entering, militias on every corner.... If I didn't choose to walk into gun shops or to a gun show.... I could go months without seeing a firearm on anyone besides a police officer


All I can say, is nobody in the history of my family has been hurt by guns.

I can say two family members have died due to abortion. (that I know about. People tend to hide abortions)

How many people here have actually been directly effected by gun violence? How many people have had a family life lost due to abortion?

2 million abortions since 1970

200-7000 school shooting deaths since 1970 (choose whatever number you want, but the % will stay roughly the same)

The numbers tell you, for every one mass shooting victim, that's 285-10,000 babies aborted. I am willing to bet people affected by abortion dwarfs school shootings.


Active member
This thread was originally about the homeless in California. Surprise surprise it got all political about guns.


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My Grandma left the Catholic Church because they were telling woman they couldn't use birth control.


Well-known member
Can't help but get the feeling Gypsy is going think this one too has clearly run it's course.


Active member
People don't respect your political position because you clearly have no respect for people. My Grandma was married and true to my Grandpa from 1930 when they got married to 1986 when she died. He had been dead for 7 years.

That's 56 years.

But you are all upset over peoples vaginas you have no business being upset over. Because you don't respect yourself or anyone else.


Can't help but get the feeling Gypsy is going think this one too has clearly run it's course.

The real question, why did Gypsy allow a America hating thread to begin with?

Especially when the first video is really just evidence of what a left wing city can create. When America continues to shine. :tiphat:
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