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The Union is the root of the problem. Let states do their own thing California wants to be far left let them, the South wants to be far right cool. New England don't have nothing in common with either.

Down with the Union!! The Confederate states should have succeeded. Just like the EU, the UK is not like France. I mean sure if you love the French you should be able to move their. Borders are bullshit in that sense.

I've been thinking something similar. In a country as hopelessly divided as the US, why not have 2 governments in power at the same time (conservative, progressive) and maybe even create conservative, progressive states, where the government in those states reflects the wishes of it's people. So if you don't like where you live, just move to a state near you that you feel more comfortable in and that better reflects your bias. I'm sure there's a zillion reasons why this is a bad idea, but hey.


Active member
I've been thinking something similar. In a country as hopelessly divided as the US, why not have 2 governments in power at the same time (conservative, progressive) and maybe even create conservative, progressive states, where the government in those states reflects the wishes of it's people. So if you don't like where you live, just move to a state near you that you feel more comfortable in and that better reflects your bias. I'm sure there's a zillion reasons why this is a bad idea, but hey.

Dude! That had been the conservative view on the constitution for years, and if Trump's pompousness has proven nothing else its that states should have the right to govern themselves! The constitutional writers knew that in such a big country there would be diversity, so the federal government should be small and only deal with international defense and trade, let the states do what they want to match their peoples' needs. Finally the light shines through! If you want robust social programs move to Cali, if you want low taxes and low benefits move to Texas. This is a beautiful and just system. I only wish for people to live how they want to. This is why any logical person should regect a large federal government, because its only good when your party is in office then you wish they had no power.


Well-known member
That's what I'm saying, I don't think my way of life is for everyone so I don't expect people to live my way. It takes a conscientious person to live and let live. People like Cannavore and his socialist-democrat white suburban liberal arts college grad friends believe they are smarter than other people and that we should have to live how THEY want us to. That makes our case intellectually superior. Cannovore preaches tolerance, yet doesn't tolerate anything except his own viewpoints. I preach tolerance, and say that I hope wherever you are in Connecticut or California all your socialist dreams come true and you stay away from my neck of the woods. I'd love to see the outcome of your political "revolution" while your seeking to disarm the people and fight the government at the same time.... haha, soft little men. Go put some more lotion on your hands so you dont get blisters from typing

Yeah, Cannovore seems like a Bernie Sanders boy through and through. I did vote for Bernie just because he wanted to legalize marijuana though after seeing Canada do it, it just looks like complete bullshit to me run by corporations which he claims to be against.

But to each his own I guess. Certainly not going to get away from the corporations in America with a minimum wage of $15 an hour. Over a billion people live on less than $1 a day, why would the corporations hire Americans? Lol

Just makes no sense, how can socialism really work? Enslave the world so Americans can get an allowance?? Fuck that! I work for a living. :biggrin:

Sure McDonald's sucks but I worked there at 17 years old. Lol, Damn, sure didn't deserve much over minimum wage we were getting high on the job and it was easy as fuck. Lol

Work for me you going to be sweating just like me, but the end of the day we going to get fucked up and we got good liquor, coke, dank buds, fuck it. We work harder than McDonald's employees so we can party better.

Double the minimum wage, really?? Fuck that!! Who wants to pay double for everything? Certainly not me I don't make that much extra money and I have all the money into my small business.

Bernie Sanders would destroy small businesses. But I guess some people think the government can spend our money better than us. I personally don't think that can be further from the truth they spend more money waging war around the world than everything they do for America. Socialism is just another way for the government to take even more freedoms.

But, some want more government, just fucked up the same people screaming BLM and shit are trying to create a bigger government to control us better. Lol

I say fuck that shit! Remove the regulations I can make opiates cheaper than big pharma. Even antibiotics some of them are pretty simple to make but we have the FDA in our way. Don't believe Bernie Sanders actually wanted to end big pharma just wanted to tax them more and in return we would pay more.

Of course socialism does look great on paper but everyone to try it has failed.

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
I preach tolerance

People like Cannavore and his socialist-democrat white suburban liberal arts college grad friends believe they are smarter than other people and that we should have to live how THEY want us to.

haha, soft little men. Go put some more lotion on your hands so you dont get blisters from typing


Why do I get the feeling that if I polled a suburban liberal arts college I would find more tolerant individuals?

Rubber Chicken

Mueller indicts Trump........

*helicopters following Trump in white bronco*

Rubber Chicken



Active member
Oh I get it...it was a joke. Unless you actually think that. If so...good for you :wahey:

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
Down with the Union!! The Confederate states should have succeeded. Just like the EU, the UK is not like France. I mean sure if you love the French you should be able to move their. Borders are bullshit in that sense.

It's interesting to me that some who think that immigration reform is mandatory are the same who suggest moving out of the country for others.

What are the states without our overbloated military against a similarly funded country?

There are those who think no Federal government is a great option.

Although it's pretty much stripped down to a huge military our budget still helps people.... Real citizens. People we should be focused on.

I suppose it comes down to what you expect from a governance of fifty-some states.

I also suppose it depends on how much of those states' resources you are aware of that have already been spent on which "value".

Do you identify as a libertarian?


Active member
ICMag Donor
$15 an hour makes sense in some places. Here in San Jose, you'd need 3 roommates making that just to live in a place with air conditioning. $15 an hour is too much for an entry level worker in less expensive areas.

I can see the argument for no minimum wage. Just let the market decide. No restaurants could stay in operation here if they paid $7 an hour. No one can afford to live here on that. Businesses would have to pay more just to stay in business.


Active member
ICMag Donor
States should be able to set their own policies. I'm not a fan of the high taxes and excessive spending, but I love the liberal social policies here.

I moved here specifically for the weed laws. Growing is still considered a crime in Florida and Georgia. I won't live in a place where it's illegal again. As long as states have the freedom to decide on their own, there will be places to live where growing is legal. More states legalize it with every election.

Rubber Chicken

Oh I get it...it was a joke. Unless you actually think that. If so...good for you :wahey:

It wasn't really a joke per se, but it was in jest....

I really think (hope) Mueller will uncover some more than shady stuff about the Trumpster whether he is looking for it or not.

I saw this somewhere online and it made me laugh so thought i would share,

There's absolutely no evidence out there that Trump colluded with the Russians

except the Manafort and Gates thing

and the Flynn thing

and the Papadopoulos pleading guilty thing

and the NRA spent $30 million getting Trump elected so of course no calls for tougher gun laws thing

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Cohen thing

and the Kushner backchannel thing

and the Carter Page thing

and the Jeff Sessions lying to Congress about meetings thing

and the Wilbur Ross thing

and the JD Gordon thing

and the Erik Prince thing

and the James Comey firing thing

and the Russian hacking/Wikileaks thing

and the "Russia, if you can find those Hillary emails", thing

and the bro-love between TrumPutin thing

and the Russian propaganda machine favoring Trump thing

and the DJT "I have zero ties to Russia!" thing

and the Eric Trump "we get most of our financing from Russian banks thing"

and the Donald Trump Jr. "Our portfolio is made up of a disproportionate amount of Russian money" thing

and the DJT "I sold a $60 million mansion to a Russian oligarch known for money laundering for $120 million that he never once lived in " thing

and the Trump business ties with Putin's favorite sports athlete Fedor Emelianenko thing

and the Trump International Corporation's mysterious private server connection to Alfa Bank, Russia's largest commercial bank thing

and the Special prosecutor being named thing

and the I won't release my tax returns thing

and the Ivanka Trump's vacationing with Putin's girlfriend thing

and the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow thing

and the Trump companies business ties to Felix Sater, a criminal felon indicted for stock fraud scheme with the Russian mafia thing

and the FL Group Icelandic hedge fund with massive ties to Putin being heavily invested in Trump Soho thing

and the Rex Tillerson/Exxon ties to Russia thing

and the Russian ambassador at Trump Tower sneaking in and out thing

and the Trump tried to roll back Russian sanctions the minute he got elected thing

Let’s not forget the trying to fire Mueller in June thing

and now all the republicans retiring thing

Other than that and a whole lot more, there's absolutely no reason to suspect anything....


Well-known member
It's interesting to me that some who think that immigration reform is mandatory are the same who suggest moving out of the country for others.

What are the states without our overbloated military against a similarly funded country?

There are those who think no Federal government is a great option.

Although it's pretty much stripped down to a huge military our budget still helps people.... Real citizens. People we should be focused on.

I suppose it comes down to what you expect from a governance of fifty-some states.

I also suppose it depends on how much of those states' resources you are aware of that have already been spent on which "value".

Do you identify as a libertarian?
I really don't mind immigrants the fact refugees get a free pass and others need to jump through hoops kind of bothers me though.

If you want to be an American citizen you have to work for it as it should be. Not "we are at war with your country but come on over" we put all the Japanese in prison camps during WW2 after all. Lol, not really fair for the majority I'm sure, but better than today where we have terrorists recruiting Americans freely. Canada, the UK and EU have the same problem only they can be arrested for hate speech for speaking up.

If an Iraqi wants to go through the hoops of becoming an American citizen well they deserve to be called an American citizen. Just like this Thai family I know dude went through hell to get citizenship he clearly loves America. On the other hand many Muslim refugees hate the West and want Sharia law you can't really love America if you want the country to turn into a shit hole like Saudi Arabia.:biggrin:

Libertarian? Kind of, I do believe we need a military for "defensive purposes" certainly can't let China ship over 20 million soldiers and only have militias to fight them. But we also shouldn't be killing people in the middle East and Africa, selling arms to the oppressed people sounds good to me but our military has no business bombing these countries. I was against Iraq from the start just makes no sense Saddam was very anti terrorist mother fucker gassed the Kurdish communists for being terrorists. Lol, sure he got spanked in Desert Storm, wasn't too bad he was trying to conquer Kuwait so we spanked his ass and came back home as we should have with Al Qaeda. That's if 9/11 wasn't a inside job, I find it hard to believe airplanes took down the World Trade Towers especially building 7 that wasn't even hit. I've seen pictures of WW2 bombings them buildings got fucked up but they didn't go down like well placed explosives.

But if you work high up in the Pentagon and "lose" trillions of dollars it is in your best interest to kill the people investigating you and if you can make more money by starting a war, well that's a win win.

Having a military is fine, having a military industrial complex well that's just too far. They don't answer to our President or Congress.


Well-known member
$15 an hour makes sense in some places. Here in San Jose, you'd need 3 roommates making that just to live in a place with air conditioning. $15 an hour is too much for an entry level worker in less expensive areas.

I can see the argument for no minimum wage. Just let the market decide. No restaurants could stay in operation here if they paid $7 an hour. No one can afford to live here on that. Businesses would have to pay more just to stay in business.

Yeah, that's how the big cities are. Of course you do get paid a lot more in the big cities. But yeah, look at Bernie Sanders home state, two people working minimum wage will get by with heat and AC. Lol

I remember looking at housing in Compton for shits and giggles and surprisingly I don't really have the money to get into Compton. LMAO, NWA could have Eazily moved to Vermont. :laughing:


Well-known member
It wasn't really a joke per se, but it was in jest....

I really think (hope) Mueller will uncover some more than shady stuff about the Trumpster whether he is looking for it or not.

I saw this somewhere online and it made me laugh so thought i would share,

There's absolutely no evidence out there that Trump colluded with the Russians

except the Manafort and Gates thing

and the Flynn thing

and the Papadopoulos pleading guilty thing

and the NRA spent $30 million getting Trump elected so of course no calls for tougher gun laws thing

and the Roger Stone thing

and the Cohen thing

and the Kushner backchannel thing

and the Carter Page thing

and the Jeff Sessions lying to Congress about meetings thing

and the Wilbur Ross thing

and the JD Gordon thing

and the Erik Prince thing

and the James Comey firing thing

and the Russian hacking/Wikileaks thing

and the "Russia, if you can find those Hillary emails", thing

and the bro-love between TrumPutin thing

and the Russian propaganda machine favoring Trump thing

and the DJT "I have zero ties to Russia!" thing

and the Eric Trump "we get most of our financing from Russian banks thing"

and the Donald Trump Jr. "Our portfolio is made up of a disproportionate amount of Russian money" thing

and the DJT "I sold a $60 million mansion to a Russian oligarch known for money laundering for $120 million that he never once lived in " thing

and the Trump business ties with Putin's favorite sports athlete Fedor Emelianenko thing

and the Trump International Corporation's mysterious private server connection to Alfa Bank, Russia's largest commercial bank thing

and the Special prosecutor being named thing

and the I won't release my tax returns thing

and the Ivanka Trump's vacationing with Putin's girlfriend thing

and the 2013 Miss Universe Pageant in Moscow thing

and the Trump companies business ties to Felix Sater, a criminal felon indicted for stock fraud scheme with the Russian mafia thing

and the FL Group Icelandic hedge fund with massive ties to Putin being heavily invested in Trump Soho thing

and the Rex Tillerson/Exxon ties to Russia thing

and the Russian ambassador at Trump Tower sneaking in and out thing

and the Trump tried to roll back Russian sanctions the minute he got elected thing

Let’s not forget the trying to fire Mueller in June thing

and now all the republicans retiring thing

Other than that and a whole lot more, there's absolutely no reason to suspect anything....
Considering the Cold War ended a long time ago I don't think there is anything against doing business with Russia. Now if he's sharing top secret information with Russia that could be a problem. Though I think Mueller would have found something by now, we have been spied on openly since the Patriot Act not much can remain a secret from the FBI especially if you are running for president.

Russian trolls may have happened but unless Russians actually hacked voting machines they didn't really do much. Hillary Clinton has done and said a lot of terrible things, it doesn't take Russian trolls to prove that.

Trump joked about grabbing women by the pussy. Hillary Clinton joked about murdering Gaddafi who was beaten and sodomized with a sword..... It also brought the slave trade to Libya which was once one of the best countries in Africa.

Trump does seem like an idiot, but he doesn't strike me as a complete sociopath.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
a HUGE problem with this world IS the military - industrial complex. If you consider how many people it employs to produce and deploy weapons of mass destruction, and how much MONEY is made from it for these global corporations, it is in their best interests (not ours) for them to propagate and encourage wars and armed uprisings throughout the world and keep them going in perpetuity - so more profits for the elites who have ownership.

We have seen that these corporations have no qualms whatsoever in supplying both sides of any armed struggle with weapons/munitions, and this has been going on for hundreds of years because it is so damned profitable for them in many ways, not from just selling arms, but also in the rebuilding of nations that need investment from the M.I.C's best buddies the bankers to be able to recover from wars, and the natural resources that are gained as 'booty' from these pre-meditated/pre-ordained violent confrontations....They build them up, then knock them down, then build them up again - all for profit, while murdering millions of people.

You could also make a correlation with this line of thought to how the financial/stock markets are engineered to work with bull and bear markets that are manipulated by the banksters and corporate interests.....They build them up, then knock them down, then build them up again all to produce MASSIVE profits for the global elites who all profit from these MASSIVE financial manipulations creating MASSIVE human economical disasters.

Its a game they play with billions of human lives as COLLATERAL DAMAGE......and they own most of the media to be able to brainwash and socially engineer the worlds populace to make out like they are the good guys.

Presidents and Kings don't run this world.....its the little men/women in suits far behind the scenes that don't want or need any publicity that pull the puppet strings of Presidents and Kings.
Last edited:

Rubber Chicken

Considering the Cold War ended a long time ago I don't think there is anything against doing business with Russia. Now if he's sharing top secret information with Russia that could be a problem. Though I think Mueller would have found something by now, we have been spied on openly since the Patriot Act not much can remain a secret from the FBI especially if you are running for president.

Russian trolls may have happened but unless Russians actually hacked voting machines they didn't really do much. Hillary Clinton has done and said a lot of terrible things, it doesn't take Russian trolls to prove that.

Trump joked about grabbing women by the pussy. Hillary Clinton joked about murdering Gaddafi who was beaten and sodomized with a sword..... It also brought the slave trade to Libya which was once one of the best countries in Africa.

Trump does seem like an idiot, but he doesn't strike me as a complete sociopath.

Doesn't 'strike you' as a sociopath?

The fact that he would run for president when he clearly did for his own ego, nothing else, should be enough but there are some good interviews of a guy David Cay Johnston (i think) has wrote about Trump for 30 years and there's a lot of other things about him.

If you care to dig.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Trump is just a useful idiot for the real powers that be, just the same as any President you care to name in the last 100 years or more.


Well-known member
Yeah, hearing people shrieking Russia this and Russia that is pretty fucking ridiculous. . .
and pretty fucking old after a year + . . .

America has invaeded and interfered in so many countries in recent years, leaving millions upon millions dead and equal numbers of people without a homeland.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
If you were to list them geneva sativa, I am sure many here would be shocked beyond belief, and its not just in recent years the US intervention/meddling into other sovereign nations affairs has been wide spread.

Yeah, hearing people shrieking Russia this and Russia that is pretty fucking ridiculous. . .
and pretty fucking old after a year + . . .

America has invaeded and interfered in so many countries in recent years, leaving millions upon millions dead and equal numbers of people without a homeland.
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