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Active member
I don't know how old you are but you are full of shit ! Soap bar came way after Howard. Howard was all about quality. If it wasn't for him the entire east coast of the U.S would have never experienced some of the finest hashish the world had to offer in the 70's. I know because I was there jackass.


I don't know how old you are but you are full of shit ! Soap bar came way after Howard. Howard was all about quality. If it wasn't for him the entire east coast of the U.S would have never experienced some of the finest hashish the world had to offer in the 70's. I know because I was there jackass.

How am I full of shit? or a jackass ? how does what you claim happened in the 70s in the US have any bearing on what I heard he did here in the 80s? I never met the man so only going what I was told but if you can correct me about the period and the area I referred to Id be grateful.

I know the man has past and id hate to piss on his memory in error.


Active member
Howard Marks was mostly out of the hash game by the eighties as the quality and availability was going downhill because of the soviet invasion of Afghanistan and Amerikkkas war on the plant. He was not a big morroco guy. Afghan,pak, and lebanese was what he moved. He wasn't a grower and the seedbank was just a way to make money off his name. Why not he earned it. Paid a heavy price to be slandered by some kid after he is dead....hence the jackass comment.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
No one would accuse me of being a gun nut, but I own a few,
just like I have lots of other tools....

And just like all my tools. I use them, take good care of them and learn to get the best results they are capable of...



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Active member
I don't know how old you are but you are full of shit ! Soap bar came way after Howard. Howard was all about quality. If it wasn't for him the entire east coast of the U.S would have never experienced some of the finest hashish the world had to offer in the 70's. I know because I was there jackass.

Nothing like strolling into a party, and insulting everyone in the room with unnecessary name calling/rock throwing...get your money's worth, ya may not be invited back :tiphat:


Rubbing my glands together
No one would accuse me of being a gun nut, but I own a few,
just like I have lots of other tools....

And just like all my tools. I use them, take good care of them and learn to get the best results they are capable of...


Come on man. We can't have a peaceful Socialist utopia when there are so many guns in the hands of a totally unenlightened basket of deplorables.


Well-known member
you're one of the few that seems to think that fully automatic firearms should be deregulated
if you take the 2nd amendment literally, i can see the interpretation
anyone else on the fully automatic bandwagon?

i would like to own one, but the cost of a class 3 license is prohibitive to me.


Well-known member
it's the background check i was going for
no pass, no machine gun
crimes by machine gun? not so many
i don't recall one myself

edit: maybe one, 2 eastern european brothers i think
taped themselves up in kevlar, maybe had fully automatic rifles

only crime committed (that i have read about) by a person with a legally owned full auto was a LEO that went off the deep end a few years ago. he used his service weapon. maybe cops should not have them? lol...


Namekian resident/farmer
At least it draws attention to the laughable interpretations and flaccid 2nd amendment arguments lobbed by the willfully ignorant, meal team six types.
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The nra pours millions into campaigns for pro-gun politicians, ramps up 2nd amendment rhetoric to straight-up paranoid imbecile, dogma level and convinces the intellectually and psychologically vulnerable that firearms confer murican, self determination.

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The narrow greed of the arms industry has made puppets of politicians. Their constituents, deluded rubes who own more guns than books imagine that they are 2nd amendment and American history scholars.

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" In North Carolina, the NRA spent $6.2 million on the incumbent Republican Sen. Richard Burr, the most it has ever invested in a down-ballot race. (AP Photo/Jae C. Hong)
The National Rifle Association took a historic gamble in 2016, and it paid off in a huge way.
The gun rights group placed multimillion-dollar bets on Donald Trump and six Republican Senate candidates locked in highly competitive races. It poured $50.2 million, or 96 percent of its total outside spending, into these races"

I cannot articulate whether or not you are for or against the second amendment?

Because im all for it but i am faaar from unhealthy and fat as im obsessed with diet and fitness

(I believe in freedom and am willing to die with my gun in my hand before i am infringed upon my rights)


Rubbing my glands together
i stand corrected, then. not too big an ego to admit i am wrong. thanks, RR.:tiphat:

No problems brother. i remember him being nominated by Gerald R Ford. He gave all the right answers during his confirmation and being a republican gave him what he needed. But once on the bench his liberal side came out strong. Classic rino. Had he reveled his true feelings during his answers during the confirmation process he would have been kicked out of the running. Then again he didn't do anything different than the rest of them to get a lifetime appointment to a job where he answers to no one.


Well-known member
i understand why some would love a fully automatic, the toy appeal cannot be denied
but is it the ultimate for self defense?
i do see a rather formidable load for shotguns, kind of scary actually
instead of pellets it has steel flechetes, basically aerodynamic steel spears
surviving a blast of that seems unlikely


Active member
I've been around a lot of firearms. Used a number of them.

It's just too stupid how easy they can harm. It's equally as stupid how much damage someone can purposefully cause with them. I don't think it's right to punish everyone for the what if, or actions of a few. Believe it or not, felons used to be able to own firearms, legally.

I'm generally against society becoming more restrictive. It never did solve our problems.

It would be nice if repealing the second amendment allowed less mass shottings and less police homicides. But it's not going to go down that way.

moose eater

The Flechete round made one of several star appearances as one of a variety of rounds for the 40mm M79 shoulder-fired grenade launcher. Aside from white phosphorous rounds, high-explosive impact rounds, etc., there was the anti-personnel Flechete round. A now-deceased acquaintance, biker, and former marine who served active duty in S.E. Asia, was assigned the M79.

The M79 was available as a "Destructive Device" under BATFE's categorizing of such things, and back in the early 1980s, while our (U.S.-made) M79s were being sold on the black market in S.E. Asia/Thailand for $100 to $125 on the street corner there, registered (U.S.) collectors were paying upwards of $5,000/unit in the U.S., most of which had to be de-milled, then reassembled to conform to the 1968 NFA, because even though they were originally (often) U.S. made, many were being brought back from foreign soil, which made them (technically) an import. Go figger....

In my reading about effective home defense, the shotgun (preferably pump action) is touted as the better choice.

A fair amount of research states that even cops, let alone civilians in their residences, tend to empty the mag on a semi-auto handgun without ever coming close to actually hitting an intruder; generally poor marksmanship, amplified by the adrenaline rush that goes with such scenarios. Then, if the intruder is armed, and hasn't initially fled the scene, you now have an empty weapon, and a pissed off intruder with a gun. On a positive note, gang-bangers and generic ne'er-do-wells likely practice far less than the average gun-owner when it comes to range time.

But the 2nd Amendment was never intended to bolster either hunting/food gathering, or personal self-defense, but rather as a check and balance on tyrannical government, or invasion by another government.. Food gathering and self-defense were at that time, unarguable rights, so basic that they'd have qualified in most cases as being covered by non-enumerated 9th Amendment protections.

That said, it's been the NRA folks who largely welcomed the USA PATRIOT ACT, warrantless gathering of e-mail and other on-line or telephonic data, 'black-bag searches,' gathering of library records, etc., making those persons, for the most part, into blow-hards who don't walk their talk.. even a little bit. The NRA's shtick has, for years, mostly been a matter of "Do anything you want to the rest of the Bill of Rights, just leave the 2nd alone." Among them are many who tend to believe that "if you have nothing to hide, then why would you object to a search?" or, "The 5th Amendment only protects criminals." apparently failing to take note that the folks who spawned the American Revolution WERE fucking criminals!!! .. by definition... :)

Gun Owners of America, on the other hand, was right there along side us when we protested and questioned the USA PATRIOT ACT and subsequent Fascist/Corporatist legislation that has been misapplied and misused since its inception.

And, as I've said before, when push comes to shove, and we find our society on the brink of another civil war, with the primary body of arms owners in this country still sitting back on their laurels, as they've traditionally done, in support of the Fascist Du Jour, it'll be the outraged members of our society who do what the Mujahedeen and the Jews of Warsaw did in times of necessity and strife that required picking up arms; they will go out and kill the opposition in the dark of night, and strip them of their military hardware, putting up the necessary fight.

For those who claim that all armed revolutions have failed, you might examine the Afghani actions, involving not one, but three world super powers, and the Viet Cong.. As well as the Sons of Liberty (who also largely armed themselves with arms and cannons stolen from the King's armory), and others.

i understand why some would love a fully automatic, the toy appeal cannot be denied
but is it the ultimate for self defense?
i do see a rather formidable load for shotguns, kind of scary actually
instead of pellets it has steel flechetes, basically aerodynamic steel spears
surviving a blast of that seems unlikely


Active member
flechettes do have quite a bit of carry, though likely well short of rifles
needs do vary

One things for sure, I want the most easily accessible ammo/projectiles available on the market...and lots of powder on hand, if it ever hits the shit.

Till then I'll enjoy unique calibers and many choices in bullet styles for target/hunting enjoyment.
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