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Am I the only one who...


Autos are for pussies!
lmao I thought I was the only one :D

I'll be back, gonna go click the "New Posts" link lol


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
new posts only link i click. i rarely go through individual forums


Green is Gold
I'd say about 98% of the things I read here I found cause it was in the "new posts" section. I do like to browse the individual forums though if there's nothing interesting in the new posts section, but overall that's mostly how I navigate this site


What were we talking about?
i am everywhere

Well get out of my bathroom, I need to go . . .



East Coast Grower
lol i always wondered what forums ppl stuck to and whatnot. I do click a lot of new ones on the side there, usually in the Den, OD or organic soil myself
Well I guess we are all a little nosey! It seems to me that we all know are MJ and we are lookin to spread the good word as much as to read it! This has to be one of the most informitive bunch of stoners/patients I have ever hung out with! Ohhhh wait what is that sayin about me LOL! Good thread who everstarted it!


ICE Cream eater
I use the "New posts" button too. Its the best way. You can`t miss anything good (((;
Also I check "My IC" to see if there something new in my subscribed threads and to check if there is something interesting in the reputation points :tiphat:


I read a lot in all the forums even if I never contribute to the discussions.
Ditto, New Posts and MyIC are my most used links.
Website Support is the only public forum I subscribe to so I can get to it through MyIC instead of having to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the forum list

Also I check "My IC" to see if there something new in my subscribed threads and to check if there is something interesting in the reputation points
'My Active Threads' under User Menu at the top is good for keeping track of threads you have posted in, I always forget it is there though
'My Active Threads' under User Menu at the top is good for keeping track of threads you have posted in, I always forget it is there though
That's great! I never noticed that was there. I have always searched my user name to check the threads I have posted in. No typing with the "my active threads" method though!