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Am I Being Douchey?


Active member
I have recently gone through a pretty major (for my tastes) dry spell of sorts. I think I went on close to 2 weeks of everyone being out out.

Fortunately for me, I had been saving all of my ABV (already been vaped) for a batch of brownies, and I had close to 2oz of duff for this purpose. This helped get me through my dry spell with much ease, however, it seemed like I was getting all of my buddies through THEIR dry spells as well. If one person had 'a hookup' they had no money. If another had the money, their hookup was dodging them.

FFWD to the weekend. I managed to finally hook up and picked up 7g of very overpriced buds and I am left with about 7-15g of ABV. Now that I have finally hooked up, all of my duff smoking buddies are wanting to 'buy' my stash from under me. Normally I would have no problems hooking my bros up, but for some odd reason I dont want to let ANY of this stash go. Call it what you will, but it feels like I was hitting the pavement harder and had better planning and preparation when it came down to brass tacks.

I really dont want to be a dick and tell my buddy that I cant help him out, but Im having a hard time rationalizing giving up half of my stash when ole boy hasnt been the most consistent.

I know the obvious answer is to start my own grow and tell everyone else to get stuffed (but thats not possible right now) So, damn should I follow the old addage of brodom even though he hasnt been pulling his weight (so to speak)?


Yeah man...peeps give me weed.
Must be my charming personality..


Your growing buddies should have your back in times of need.


When I'm tight, there are only a couple of cats that I would half my stash out to, without question, done deal.The fair-weather MF'ers can stay where they're at.

But like I said, I know they have my back. :tiphat:


Active member
I know the obvious answer is to start my own grow and tell everyone else to get stuffed (but thats not possible right now)
Why is it not possible right now?
Not even a tiny stealth cab?

All these problems go away once you have your own grow.


Active member
Im inching and inching closer towards a small cab of sorts. But the reason its a 'non possibility' right now is because I live in a prohibitionist household, and have a younger one here as well. Yes, I am on the 'Less than 10 year' countdown now, but until I get closer to having that much less to lose it aint gonna happen (yet).

I think I might steer towards hooking up my bud when I see him next. (This once again) But seriously, he needs to step up his game and stop singin it and start bringin it.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
your friend sounds like a douche. grow outdoor if you cant indoor


senior primate of the 303 cornbread mafia
"you must spread some reputation around before giving it to ddrew again."


weed fiend
I've know a squeak couple like that. Instead of buying beer, they sponge from others. Instead of rolling joints from their bags, they pack one or two hits in a nasty ass bowl and pretend to pass it around. Kinda funny when nobody else wants to hit the damn thing.


you gave them ABV and now you feel bad because you don't want to sell some of your 7? dude... 7 is not a lot of weed

you sell them a g, and boom your at 6, then you smoke a bit... then after a couple of days your at 2-3

I always understood when people told me... oh I don't have much (even if friends)

they usually wouldn't sell it, but would smoke me out a bit... but I would respect their limits and not ask to be smoked out constantly

you can't find more of that weed for your friends ?

i'm curious to how much you paid but apparently its against the TOU

if your friends cant understand, then they are bad friends

and if you have a hard time telling them... (well I don't think you should)
you should look up assertiveness on google... treat yourself man


are you being a douche ? nah I don't think so

just the fact that your wondering, and reflecting on this, I feel you have some goodness in you

you don't have to share, dude it's 7 g!!! and it's a dry spell

the fact that you feel obligated makes it seem like you are a kind person,
the kind of person people often take advantage of

but maybe your friends are actually good people.......maybe.......

clearly a part of you doesn't want to share (understandable!)
and another feels bad because of it

I don't feel you should.

listen to yourself very well... make the right choice...

take care of yourself, respect yourself, if you don't respect yourself people won't respect you
damn only 7 grams that sucks man i feel bad for you. my friends always have their own weed we always roll blunts to try and impress eachother with what we are smoking. forget about fading or even paying, i like smoking people out for free i cant smoke this whole blunt to myself anyways!


I hold El Roacho's
Hustle man, make some cheese and by a QP and make a connection with someone who always has weight and rolls with a number he can be reached 24/7 and you won't be scrounging for a crumb...


"Be shapeless, formless, like water..."
I wouldn't say douchey, I can see where you're coming from if you aren't sure where/when you'll score again. Do people usually buy your ABV from you? I mean, if you want to sell it, thats one thing. If you don't, they need to deal with it. Who buys weed thats already been vaped anyway?? Sounds like some hard up mother fu**ers! :D

I'd *give* em a joints worth since it's (a) friend(s), and tell em no go on the rest, IMO... Easy peasy.



Registered User
grind up some over-nuked orville redenbackers... smells the same & maybe it'l get him high...? :lurk:

wouldn't charge my bros anything more than 2.75 on the gram of that though... :friends:

lol I'd try CL... the local dive... a casino... a stripper... a bouncer... a cabi... the dude on the street corner... a whore... ???


If your smoking because you need it for medical purposes and your friends can't understand that then you might want to (pun coming) "WEED" them out of your life.
Good Luck

Sour Deez

i feel ya man, dry spells suck, all ur doin is tryin to conserve what u got, nothing wrong with that

funny, I just made a batch of brownies today with my vaped bud cause bud is scarce at the moment


so vaped bud still works pretty good ?

if so couldn't you vape it another round ?

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