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legalisation and taxation dont work together,



because once its fully legalised, drug strains will become weaker over time because of the huge ammounts of hemp that will be grown, spewing their no thc genes into smoking cannabis,

so theyre going to tax the product that once its legalised will decrease in quality with every passing year and in other countrys its been shown that once they decrim it, the usage does slightly drop over time,

so everybodys trying to get these taxation laws in, while yes, they would be protecting us from the law, but all were going to be doing is spewing more money into the pockets of the same people who made it illegal,

its a shame that growers cant actively speak about cannabis and educate the people around them and snap them out of the propaganda,

this is my veiws, they will differ from yours, so enlighten me.


I don't see why everyone would start crossing with 'rope' strains. Cannabis could be grown indoors on a large scale without anything bad happening (for example GW pharma). The homegrowers should just have to pay for a license, and maybe be subject to random visits to make sure your not taking the piss with it, and be limited to say 4 flowering plants and 10 or less vegging plants. The problem would be with the large scale production to supply coffeeshops, ie who gets a license to grow as a business, as the government would have to grant the license's and would want to have the lion's share because of the profits involved. Then of course, there will be huge tax on it to 'discourage' people from using it, just like tobacco and alcohol.


Yeah, once marijuana's legalized, we're gonna stop smoking the good stuff!


Dude, once it's legalized, there will be so much genetics work that we'll be getting more potent stuff, and we won't even have enough names for all of the strains. Imagine even just 100 DJ Shorts walking around.
I like your statement about growers educating people to snap them out of their propaganda mindsets. 100% there. As legal Montana caregivers we have had the pleasure of telling many people our business, for a change.
In some cases it is literally reality changing. You probably just told those people a truth they never thought was an option. Honestly talk to everyone you feel comfortable enough to, it will make a giant collective difference.


I think that he may mean that if there are vast fields of industrial hemp growing all over the place it's gonna pollinate your grow. That pollen gets around, you know.


yes its to do with the hemp pollen that will be everywhere,

the clone onlys will be allgood lol,

its the seedstock that will suffer quality wise,

yes people will be able to filter out the pollen, but im just saying, in spain they say the pollen can carry for hundreds of miles! imagine if farming went to hemp growing, outdoor crops would be screwed.


1. That's funny, tobacco's gotten more potent.
2. Perfect competition. Corporations would not grow weak shit because they don't want to get killed by people who can't grow for nearly as cheap yet are more competent at it.
3. We'd have genetic engineering become pretty commonplace.


haha because theres only the smoking side of cannabis sativa,

farmers are going to be growing for fiber but worrying what strain they got going?

its called 0%thc, you want that polleanting your crops?


Take A Deep Breath
They'd stop growing hemp.....worth almost nothing compared to drug cannabis.

You grow something worth £250 an acre or something worth £200,000 an acre?


They'd stop growing hemp.....worth almost nothing compared to drug cannabis.

You grow something worth £250 an acre or something worth £200,000 an acre?

Assuming 100% legalization, the price of pot would drop. Also, hemp would be used in other industries. Tobacco probably nets more money than corn, but we still have corn.

Hemp is something that would improve our resources SO much.


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
You are a moron cork144..

Every thread you start is full of conspiracy theories or arguments a 14 year old could refute..

You have been enlightened..

MOST OF THE WORLD IS GROWING HEMP RIGHT NOW! It's not a magic crop ffs...go get a degree in agriculture or stfu. No one wants to grow hemp because there is no money in it. You think when hemp becomes legal all the farmers in the U.S will start growing hemp lol ?? Why ? Just because a few hippies think it's a good idea ? You know the people that talk talk and talk and can never do anything themselves..

Maybe in a perfect world. Where our whole infrastructure is built on hemp..Then just maybe that would be the case. But right now it's a niche business. And will remain so for some time to come..


im a moron for thinking that if farming grew hemp indutrially those genes will start fucking with smoking strains?

oh the hypocracy.

im just saying theyre going to legalise, then tax a product that is going to die down once prohibition is ended.

and also once its legalised, the prices will drop,,


Active member
I would sure as fuck grow hemp if I could. And I'd grow some dank sensimilla inside my house. A filtering system is all that's needed. Who cares if pollen travels 100 miles, it's not going to travel through a few HEPA filters. There's already hemp all over the world, thought accidental pollination would probably become a little more common.

An acre of hemp has the same heating power as 25 cords of maple. [EDIT: It DOES NOT. I WAS WRONG. See my correction here.] That's insane. I could heat my home and generate electricity with a small field of hemp. Plus, any farm animals I had would love the stuff.

cork144 said:
its a shame that growers cant actively speak about cannabis and educate the people around them and snap them out of the propaganda,

Why can't they? It's not illegal to talk. If I hear someone saying shit that's not true about marijuana I correct them.


talking about it when your in an illegal situation isnt realy smart,

sorta infringes rule #1


why not power and collecting power go together make sense

keep the weed not government style chemical jaz
create jobs, in turn etc... on an on

weed will only get better right keep growing nice.

y not tax it make that $ and spend it on something good.
many business will thrive.. bong shop, 7-11, taco bell, xbox, lol really many people smoke weed and make money/have extra to spend get drunk y not high.

can for sure happen legalized and then tax all day


Well-known member
An acre of hemp has the same heating power as 25 cords of maple. That's insane. I could heat my home and generate electricity with a small field of hemp. Plus, any farm animals I had would love the stuff.

got a link for that number? that doesn't sound quite right
i'm all for industrial hemp, be glad to have fields of it if i get to grow legal inside my house


Freedom Fighter
got a link for that number? that doesn't sound quite right
i'm all for industrial hemp, be glad to have fields of it if i get to grow legal inside my house

This is not a link for the one you quoted...but I found this--
The USDA reported in 1916 that an acre of hemp produced as much paper as four acres of trees annually , yet 70% of American forest have been destroyed since 1916.
Plenty of sources listed--


Active member
Just something I was wondering about while thinking about self sufficiency. Winters are cold in New England, how great would it be to heat your house with a few acres of land?

Here's some links, I didn't find that statement, just looked up the numbers.

BTU Chart 1
BTU Chart 2

Both put maple at 24,000,000 BTU per cord.

How does hemp compare?

Hemp can produce 10 tons of biomass per acre in four months.

Hemp has 5,000 to 8,000 BTU per pound.

Low Estimate - 5,000BTU x 20,000LB = 100,000,000BTU
High Estimate - 8,000BTU x 20,000LB = 160,000,000BTU

1 Acre of hemp, grown for the summer, has as much heating power as 4-6 cords of maple.

Source for hemp info

Edit: My original statement was wrong, this is the correct info. Thanks for calling me on it igrowone. :respect: