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Alternative Energy Thread!


Cannabrex Formulator
Here's two things that are not talked about much.....thermal solar energy and kinetic storage.

The first is a technology that is quite well developed...there is a company in Saskachewan that makes full systems that can replace your domestic hot water tank and heat yer house.
Here's a link: http://www.wsetech.com/waterheaters.php?gclid=CNaYmvzi9ZkCFR7yDAod3WHRSQ

The other idea is one that has never really been brought it it's full potential...storing energy by converting it into potential kinetic energy, then reversing the process.


Use a windmill and a very low speed/high torque transmission to raise a large weight....the weight goes up (albeit very slowly) when ever the wind blows....
When you need energy, drop the weight and use the force of it dropping to run the transmission in reverse. You can use the resulting kinetic energy to turn a driveshaft, a pump, a generator, etc etc.
With this idea you avoid expensive, toxic deep cycle batteries, charge times, battery memory, and energy loss issues.....and you kin leave the weight up for as long as you want (years if needed)....the energy charge is always available...just drop the weight.


Cannabrex Formulator
Can it charge while its dropping the weight?

Well, if you design it to do so, sure...!

I have been looking for a mechanical engineer who is willing to work with me in furthering this concept for a long time now.......it has lotsa potential.


I've been plying with the idea of using compressed air
use sun n wind and a small battery bank when battery's
are full run an air compressor store the air till needed
let's see here..bio-diesle..no thank's..to dirty...ethonol..lol what a joke..yeah..put it in you ride if you want to start walking soon...bad nasty shit..kill's your engine..it spew's just as much pollution as anything...even bio-diesle...and to make it? not even going to get started..lol...Wait! what's that? natty gas? wow! will car's run on it? hell yes! better than all above....how much do we have? more than you will ever know......ok...for house's..what's wrong with wind power? nothing! it's awsome! coal? nothing it's awsome! we have a shit load..more then you know...solar power? fuckin A! just look at Mojave, CA...hell they have been doing it out there for 20 year's! And out west...Thermal well's! hel when i was out there..(sadly most of my life lol) that's what i did..thermal well's..with golden state drilling (and for LEO trying to figure out who i am? good luck..it's been awhile lol)...I mean come on folk's..there's so many different way's of energy it's not even funny..Way's we can do it without forcing north american farmer's and land owner's to grow corn and other grain's for bunk ass fuel...we need that shit to FEED OUR FOOD! lol...damnit...i forgot about nuclear power..bout as clean as it get's...Please dont bash on me...I THINK i still have a opinion...and what i stated are fact's...i work for the largest tech company in the world..i'm on the oilfield service side of said company...guess who made your credit card's? lol yeah...a freaking french company..that started in the oilfield! with just two brother's...now they are the world's tech leader! guess who's dumping more cash into ALT. energy? well, beside's some of those smaller energy company's that people seem to think are giant's...i.e cev, tex. shell...yeah...there in the top 15..but there not THE big dog's...anyway..there's a shit load of work being done on it...now..if we could get a certain gubment party to play along..we can get some where...and fast! that 10 year thing is a fucking JOKE....PEOPLE! PUT PREASURE ON YOUR LEADER'S.


all this global warming bullshit is propaganda anyways. Solar, Wind, are obsolete technology.

if anyones interested.
The Manual of Free Energy Devices by DA Kelly-1991

its a book. I encourage everyone here to READ rather than watch TV and believe that a bunch of puppets, like Obama and Hillary, can save you.

Problem. Reaction. Solution.

Problem- man is killing the earth !
Reaction - oh my god I believe you!
Solution - lets tax the shit out of ourselves !

...and millions rejoice while the rich get richer and the poor get more bills to pay...

Space Toker

Active member
I think you missed the point entirely and saw what you wanted to see, although I'm not sure I know what the point is so maybe I am wrong! :D
MY POINT is solar and wind are perfectly viable, not obsolete by any wild stretch of the imagination. Biodiesel/biofuel/ethanol is perfectly viable too if done right, not sure what you mean by natty but then again you do work for an oil company so that kind of explains your stance right there. But it is big of you to admit it. Nuclear (fission) as it exists now is not "clean", ever heard of hazardous wastes? How do you propose we get around that? Shipping it cross country and storing it deep underground is not a long-term workable solution, and makes it too expensive to be a viable alternative. Nuclear Fusion is much better, but that may be decades off still. We need solutions now.

Coal is not it, what are you kidding me? The dirtiest thing around and a fossil fuel last I checked. That "clean coal" thing is just a smokescreen to ram the dirty stuff down your throats, and even if they could cleanse it of all the particulates and CO2 emissions, it would be as or more expensive than the alternatives. Screw coal and oil!

Space Toker

Active member
In fact some great new super-efficient solar collectors are coming online in the desert SW. Forget what they are called but they are very efficient.