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Alternative Energy Thread!


Active member
Sure we have lot's of nice ways to generate renewable power, but it is very expensive to store it once generated. Without adequate storage capacity, renewable sources are not practical.

What good is a solar panel at night? What good is a wind turbine when there's no wind? If you could store several days worth of power in your home for a reasonable price then you could easily go 100% renewable. Batteries, fuel cells, flywheels, water towers or compressed air tanks - none is a good solution yet...

I leave my water heater on. It's very well insulated. You don't need to heat the water in a thermos to keep it hot for half a day, do you?


that T Boone pickens is just an oil chump trying to cash in on the future

and look at this US bial out on big companies ,with all the trillions handed out the us government is doing they could put solar,wind and other renewables
on so many houses in america to feed the grid

just think insted of the gov handing out stimulous checks and tax returns hand out solor and wind

right now the gov is paying farmers like 50cent a bushel to produce corn for ethanol instead of collecting 50cent a bushel on cane from import tax from cuba, it is like they are trying to run are country into poverty


Active member
kaljukajakas said:
Sure we have lot's of nice ways to generate renewable power, but it is very expensive to store it once generated. Without adequate storage capacity, renewable sources are not practical.

What good is a solar panel at night? What good is a wind turbine when there's no wind? If you could store several days worth of power in your home for a reasonable price then you could easily go 100% renewable. Batteries, fuel cells, flywheels, water towers or compressed air tanks - none is a good solution yet...

I leave my water heater on. It's very well insulated. You don't need to heat the water in a thermos to keep it hot for half a day, do you?
When you get solar panels or wind turbins you get massive battery systems and other important shitt like that. The sun don t have to be shinin all the time, youl run at night off your batery paks. Heres the real cool part tho. If your comunities power goes out, yours dont. Yours stays on because of your bateries. --Pluss your STILL hooked up to the grid. Its just that on days when you generate more electric then you use, you get paid. Most places anyhow. ---And Hey..! Bout turnin the water heater off and lights and shitt and apliances and stuff, --I run 2400 watts in my flower room and round 600 watts in my veg room. Thats along with exhaust fans, an a/c, a chiller a big 1000 watt EcoPluss and a couple other assorted pumps and my lectric bill was $156. this last bill. We got an electric stove too. We get a 20% discount but thats still just incredible LOW! :rasta:


Active member
Local news ran a story a while back about a company that was installing solar panels all over the top of some large warehouse type stores...Home Depot, Costco, etc. For the privilege of using the space they provided the store their electrical needs and sold the excess to the grid to make their profit & stay in business. I think this is just the kind of out of the box innovation that could help a lot in the long run. Local communities need to help themselves whenever they can like this to take some pressure off of the need for coal fired & natural gas electical generating plants.


Active member
I was watchin somekinda "Homes" show on some lernin chanel or somethin and I saw that Lary Haggman got lots and lots of panels on his property and he gives his electricle credits that he generates away to a fyew familys that need it. I dont see why someone who had the room and could afford it wouldnt have a whole shittload of these things on theyre property. I dont meen all stupid and all. I figure Id like to havem all over our roof. Then I think Id likem to make some shade with where ever I need it round the property. I think Id like bout 8 of them "screwey" windmills round the house too. The winds always blowin round the mountain. This shitts good and the tek IS available TODAY. Its justa li' costly yet. Still and all, God willin, soons I can Imma tryan get me somma these things.

Space Toker

Active member
yes I would prefer to be off grid, but you can sell your excess power back to the electric company if that is an option for you, and then you don't even need expensive and inefficient battery packs or whatever they call it. Sure there is plenty of room for improvement in efficiency and cost, but the tek is available today as HCA said. Usually when there isn't sun there's wind and vice versa, we can't depend on any one technology, we would be better off anyway if we had 3 or 4 or 5 different ways to generate electricity and fuel engines. there's no reason why we can't fully develop wind AND solar AND hydrogen fuel cells AND biodiesel plus maybe other things too. We need to localize electric production: first we fuel ourselves, then sell the excess to local or regional electric distribution companies, then if there's still excess it can be distributed for profit elsewhere. Each area could do what works best for them in that area. Solar is improving all the time but is very viable as it is now, and I think I heard they developed a better and cheaper way to store it that should be developed soon. So like someone said, we need to put the kind of money into alternative energy the way they are putting it into bailing out rich greedy screwballs that got us into this financial mess. If we did that we would create millions of new jobs, we could have a financial stimulus that pays for itself fast, helps people, and helps the environment all at once. I hope Obama doesn't backpeddle on that and in fact does MORE than what he said he'd do, not less. The future or lack thereof is decided now, we need to act like our life depends on it, because, well, IT DOES!

Space Toker

Active member
well that's nice! Now we need everyone driving in a solar car. Unfortunately going like 25 mph is a no go for most people.
I don't see why hydrogen isn't considered more than it is. It's 100% clean burning, and the surface of this planet is 70% water! I just don't understand why they keep trying to push that 'clean coal' garb. Isn't that an oxy-moron?

Many people have lost thier lives for taking the initiative of tinkering with the idea of hydrogen powered cars. An aussie fella did it, and drove coast to coast, on water. Later when he was found dead, the coronor report said COD was 'suspicious'. There's NO WAY that could have been the BigOil Musclemen, right? Nahhhh....

Extracting hyrdogen from water is simple science.

There have been 'windfarms' in the western US for some time now, but no infrastructure to implement the farms. WHY???

Call me wacky, but if you've seen the movie Chain Reaction, I believe that energy to power our homes and cars should be free. But it never will be, at least not in our lifetimes. It all comes down to the almighty dollar and greed, at ANY cost... even if it destroys this planet.

I wonder what the uber-rich BigOil men are gonna do when there's no planet left, and all that money means nothing.

Global climate shift is real,... and all we're doing is adding fuel to the fire.

Electric and hybrid technology has been around for YEARS. If we don't make some drastic changes soon, WE wont be.

Just mi dos pesos

Space Toker

Active member
Bush and all those oilmen deserve to be in prison, well they deserve far worse than that but that will never happen. They are committing crimes against humanity by worsening global warming. They should be stripped of all their wealth, then their clothes, then put them on the streets somewhere cold with a coffee can. Yeah I hate them. And I do feel for the homeless, so I propose a trade, give them the oil people's money and well.... that's for another discusssion.

Yes Hydrogen can easily be done now, as can wind and solar and other alternatives. It is those oil bastards that peddle the lie that this is years and years off, so they can continue lining their pockets. When I see those oil company commercials pushing oil and gas and the utterly ridiculous "clean coal", I want to, well I better not say. When has this become a country ruled by big monopolistic oil, pharmaceutical, and other megacorporations? And not by "we the people"? I don't know how, but we must get back to basics and put those scum in their place and give the power and wealth back to the people. They should be punished for trashing the planet. And fines against them used to pay for part of the conversion to a more sustainable, natural society.
Space Toker said:
well that's nice! Now we need everyone driving in a solar car. Unfortunately going like 25 mph is a no go for most people.

Ok. I believe this is mostly due to the fact that a LOT of the oil consuming citizenry tend to live out in the "burbs". Living next to everything you NEED is key, not living where ever you think you should. There is more to this transition than meets the eye. I think it will be a hard shift for most to make, but a KEY one for those who are smart enough to make it. Self sufficiency is security. Not money, or power really. When entire towns become energy independent, then it'll be power to liberate.

Space Toker

Active member
maybe there is something here relevant to some, now more than ever. even if it is old, it is still relevant.


If we can harness the power of an anti gravity machine we can have a ton of free power all we need are cats and toast.



search the searl energy generator,

free energy that when gets to a certain RPM floats!


three for playing, three for straying, and three f
let's see here..bio-diesle..no thank's..to dirty...ethonol..lol what a joke..yeah..put it in you ride if you want to start walking soon...bad nasty shit..kill's your engine..it spew's just as much pollution as anything...even bio-diesle...and to make it? not even going to get started..lol...Wait! what's that? natty gas? wow! will car's run on it? hell yes! better than all above....how much do we have? more than you will ever know......ok...for house's..what's wrong with wind power? nothing! it's awsome! coal? nothing it's awsome! we have a shit load..more then you know...solar power? fuckin A! just look at Mojave, CA...hell they have been doing it out there for 20 year's! And out west...Thermal well's! hel when i was out there..(sadly most of my life lol) that's what i did..thermal well's..with golden state drilling (and for LEO trying to figure out who i am? good luck..it's been awhile lol)...I mean come on folk's..there's so many different way's of energy it's not even funny..Way's we can do it without forcing north american farmer's and land owner's to grow corn and other grain's for bunk ass fuel...we need that shit to FEED OUR FOOD! lol...damnit...i forgot about nuclear power..bout as clean as it get's...Please dont bash on me...I THINK i still have a opinion...and what i stated are fact's...i work for the largest tech company in the world..i'm on the oilfield service side of said company...guess who made your credit card's? lol yeah...a freaking french company..that started in the oilfield! with just two brother's...now they are the world's tech leader! guess who's dumping more cash into ALT. energy? well, beside's some of those smaller energy company's that people seem to think are giant's...i.e cev, tex. shell...yeah...there in the top 15..but there not THE big dog's...anyway..there's a shit load of work being done on it...now..if we could get a certain gubment party to play along..we can get some where...and fast! that 10 year thing is a fucking JOKE....PEOPLE! PUT PREASURE ON YOUR LEADER'S.



three for playing, three for straying, and three f
I don't see why hydrogen isn't considered more than it is. It's 100% clean burning, and the surface of this planet is 70% water! I just don't understand why they keep trying to push that 'clean coal' garb. Isn't that an oxy-moron?

Many people have lost thier lives for taking the initiative of tinkering with the idea of hydrogen powered cars. An aussie fella did it, and drove coast to coast, on water. Later when he was found dead, the coronor report said COD was 'suspicious'. There's NO WAY that could have been the BigOil Musclemen, right? Nahhhh....

Extracting hyrdogen from water is simple science.

There have been 'windfarms' in the western US for some time now, but no infrastructure to implement the farms. WHY???

Call me wacky, but if you've seen the movie Chain Reaction, I believe that energy to power our homes and cars should be free. But it never will be, at least not in our lifetimes. It all comes down to the almighty dollar and greed, at ANY cost... even if it destroys this planet.

I wonder what the uber-rich BigOil men are gonna do when there's no planet left, and all that money means nothing.

Global climate shift is real,... and all we're doing is adding fuel to the fire.

Electric and hybrid technology has been around for YEARS. If we don't make some drastic changes soon, WE wont be.

Just mi dos pesos

Hmm maybe because electrolysis takes 3 times more energy than you get out of the hydrogen produced. Plus hydrogen storage is a nightmare because it is the smallest element in the periodic table..

No no..

Could not be that. Must be the big oil men and the evil capitalistic system..

jeebus this thread is the same as these 2012 threads...ICmag going downhill fast..

Space Toker

Active member
The point is, alternative energy is viable and will create jobs, and cost us less in the long run than fossil fuels will. We must move to an intelligent energy infrastructure today!