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Alpine Shangri-La: Vol 3.


Well-known member
So f***ing glad to hear your still good. No footprints is a real good sign stay on DEFCON 1 and dont let your gaurd down until they are drying somewhere safe. I got my fingers and toes crossed for you brother.


Good luck Fastpine! Thanks for the guano help earlier. Sucks about that spot and the security breach. I'll be following this thread, and hope come fall your swimming in sea of trich's.


Update..High Altitude patch. Fem bean's

Update..High Altitude patch. Fem bean's

Its been pretty warm lately. The rains that had stuck around longer than expected have turned to occasional afternoon hail storms. Some get pretty violent. Two days a go I drove a through a high Mtn pass that got such harsh hail it literally looked like it had snowed in the middle of summer.

Been battlin the stress of the low altitude patch gettin found by lots of fly fishing...:smoke:....Seems to be workin pretty well. I go back to that patch here soon......Pray for me.

As for the fem seed patch, Things are superb....(aside from the hail, of course)...It was initially ~500....Now after, tramplings, deer/bugfeasting, and runt/mutant plants im guessin its more like 450. Compared to the waves and waves of losses I took at this patch last summer Im doin quite well, and very pleased..<crosses fingers>....Not to mention last year was Male/Female stock...this year I couldnt be happier to have used fem beans..

GHS fem seed 10 packs......Thank you Old Pink.


..high altitude patch, Continued..

..high altitude patch, Continued..

...This garden is compleeeeeeeetly dependant on this spring.

Which is feeding this irrigation pond..





Here is the makeshift dam we built with sandbaggs. Built it 4~5 feet tall and four baggs deep half way up. We dug sand from the spring bed to fill the baggs. The task was backbreaking and without my lady's help holding and tying the baggs It would have been absolute hell!...

There is a "igloo" shaped portion comming off the back of the dam. I set the wx-10 in the bottom to muffle the sound. Works wonders..





The flow from the pond goes into a 3/4 inch garden hose, then into a nutrient injection system. It holds 3gal of liquid nutes and injects it into the main line at whatever ammount I want...1tsp per gal up to 3tbs per..



wow....NICE! This was the update I've been waiting for...glad to see everything's still chugging along nicely at you're alternate location.
Could I ask about the bottomless bucket system you are using? I know you cut the bottoms off the buckets and sink them into the ground (obviously), but do you re-fill them with something like sunshine mix or pro-mix (horticultural mix) or do you just refill with the native soil?


Well-known member
I have always wondered about this type of system. I knew they existed in the industrial world for water purification and mixing chemicals but didn’t know of any for home use. This is a sweet tool. Elaborate on how it works.

Can you use teas in it how clean does the mix have to be?


wow....NICE! This was the update I've been waiting for...glad to see everything's still chugging along nicely at you're alternate location.
Could I ask about the bottomless bucket system you are using? I know you cut the bottoms off the buckets and sink them into the ground (obviously), but do you re-fill them with something like sunshine mix or pro-mix (horticultural mix) or do you just refill with the native soil?

I just refill with native(at this patch). The low altitude patch I dig deeper holes and ammend the native with compost, perlite, manure, and goodies like that...

The high altitude patch is more remote, and is ALOT harder to hike in baggs of soil conditioners,,,,specially in moccasins. ouch.

Luckly at this patch the soil is already incredibly rich. Earthworms already present...

If the soil was softer I would use a auger for the holes, but it is very rocky in most places, despite the loam theres shoe size rocks and roots the size of my dick hidden everywhere.

Refilling with a medium like sunshine would no doubt be optimal,,,but in the end (for me) it would add alot of back breaking hauling to the equation..Ammending gets me pretty close to the results of a sunshine mix filled hole. Plus I always try to even things like that out by planting in numbrs, ya know..


I have always wondered about this type of system. I knew they existed in the industrial world for water purification and mixing chemicals but didn’t know of any for home use. This is a sweet tool. Elaborate on how it works.

Can you use teas in it how clean does the mix have to be?

It has to be pretty clean. The company makes different sizes of nute holding tanks....


Heres the link to some better info,,,im still pretty new to it, so I had better let them explain..


Glad to see things progressing FastPine and very good to know all is well thus far in the patch with the breach. Keep on rolling bro....pulling for ya all the while!!


"you must spread some blah, blah" tried anyway bro, you deserve it...


Thanks for the reply, I might try a few bottomless buckets next year and see how it works out. I think I'll have to use a coir/perlite mix in the 5 gallons and just try to break up the soil below.

Have you thought about using coir bricks to save on weight? I have a frame pack with a little shelf on the bottom that I built that I use to carry 5 bricks at once (around 45lbs). I strap 5 5kg bricks together with tuck tape then use a ratchet-strap to get them tight to the pack. By the time I fluff it up and add some perlite, I end up with the equivalent of three and a bit 3.8 cubic foot compressed bales of nice airy mix from 5 bricks of coir and one giant bag of perlite. I lay them out on camo tarps under tree wells in the late fall, and by the time I come back in the spring the snow has expanded them and I just shovel into garbage cans, mix perlite then fill poly bags and go.

The frame pack also cuts way back on the strain of carrying heavy supplies in. Next year I'm aiming to put out a bit smaller clones, around 1 foot so I can pack them tightly into rubbermaid storage totes and strap two to the frame pack at a time. Should be able to fit around 40 clones per trip that way..

But with moccasins? Damn man you are dedicated :bow:


FP, I'm glad to read there was no unwanted activity at your errant-hiker plot. I know you feel relieved to have gotten some water and nutes on those ladies - I bet they probably shot up a few inches that next day!

And, it was good to see some pictures of your 2nd location where we had only gotten a few nighttime shots from earlier. It is a heck of a location, and all of your ladies look to be doing great.

You'd better be running that trimmer from time to time to make sure it will be ready to handle the tubs o' buds this Fall! Continued best of luck to you!

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