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Allergic reaction to antibiotics


John Bourne

Hi Guys,

Was just hoping to get some advice... Had some dental work done this week. Afterwards, the dentist gave me a course of amoxicillan to take for 5 days so as to ensure there is no infection.

Last night (2 days into the antibiotic course) I had an awful reaction...spent the whole night with a fever, chills, pain, upset stomach and a bit of a rash.

I'm wondering if anyone here has had a similar experience and if they can recommend some natural remedies. I would have smoked, but I just felt too queasy to smoke, and given that I am recovering from a dental procedure, I can really eat cookies, or brownies just yet.

Last thing I want to do is take more pills to treat an ailment caused by pills!

Thanks in advance.

- John


I almost always feel worse during a course of antibiotics, I just suffer through it. The antibiotics usually seem to work fine, I just get to feel like hell on top of whatever I am recovering from.
My sympathies to you I have had alot of dental work done, I had a reaction to a thyroid med that just about rotted all my teeth out. Bad teeth suck I hope yours are better than mine.

Dr. D

Active member
Amoxicillin can be nasty stuff as with most pharmaceuticals i dont touch them, Erythromycin is another can be real heavy on the stomach lining.
Don't take them anymore, sounds like you are having a bad reaction i'd let your dentist or GP know se what they say but they'l probly just give you another antibiotic.
There are alternatives to antibiotics..Peace


Sorry for your troubles, I assuming you quit taking the antibiotic?
Anytime you get a rash while taking a new med it's serious. CALL your Dentist and let him know I'm sure he'll give you a different antibiotic. Most people don't realize how important a round of antibiotic are after dental work.
Be safe John don't take a chance with your health.


Take A Deep Breath
You also might want to get tested for a penicillin allergy. Worth having on your medical records if you are penicillin-sensitive.

Dr. D

Active member
You also might want to get tested for a penicillin allergy. Worth having on your medical records if you are penicillin-sensitive.

I think that is the alternative to Penicillin, he probably is allergic im pretty sure thats the one they give you if you're allergic to penicillin either that or the other one i mentioned...though i could be wrong.


Take A Deep Breath
I think penicillin and amoxicillin....and any other -cillin are basically the same.

But any antibiotic can cause digestive issues and rashes...just due to the carnage it causes in your body's bacterial population. Like using an atomic bomb to kill one man.


Sounds miserable :(

I discovered I had an allergy (or adverse reaction, really) to Avelox when my heart started skipping beats a few days into a course of treatment. Apparently, some people suffer a "lengthened QT interval" problem with it, where the time between heartbeats is lengthened. Some people have died from it, too. Scary shit.

I don't have any advice for treatment, but I want to re-iterate the suggestion to get this allergy documented in your medical records. That could be very important down the line. Best of luck to you!!


stone fool
Yeah, I have had the reaction you describe, and if you stopped taking the amox you have started the right way. Smoke some weed, it can only help, because eating and crapping help you get back to normal. Drink, piss, also good, stay hydrated.

You did not have an infection, you did not need this med. Stop trusting med proffesionals, question everthing. This is your lesson so they do not kill you next time.


swish mouth with warm water with salt after eating,brushing and immediately waking up.
quit the antibiotics by halving the amount for a couple of days if you believe an infection is occuring. You don't need them unless you think it's puffier than when you first had the procedure.


ICMag Donor
I'd quit taking them and contact the dentist and explain what happened. He can find you something different.

When I take what he gave you it seems to put me to sleep. A lot of people react funny to some things and if you have a reaction you shouldn't take them any longer without contacting him.....


This happened to me when I took them for my 3 wisdom teeth. Don't take anymore! for-sure. I even went to the hospital and they gave me new antib's the same nite, you went a day more then me.

PS, I smoked it did help me, but smoking helps me with almost anything really...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Probably late to chime in here,but I work in the Med field so to speak.I am sure at this point you have discontinued taking the Amoxicillin,and yes it is in the PCN family.Most important is that you didn't suffer an anaphyactic reaction ie (constriction of your airway,difficulty breathing).With that being said it is very important to update your medical info with your primary care physician,as well as report an adverse reaction to PCN as you are seen in the future in all healthcare settings.The thing is the second time you are introduced to PCN your reaction will be more severe.If you have not been able to reach the dentist due to the weekend,you need to take benadryl 25 mg tabs which can be purchased over the counter,they are an antihistamine.Take as directed and try not to drive until you see how your body reacts to the medication,as they do cause drowsiness.
Drink plenty of fluids to help flush the amoxicillin out of your system.Benadryl can work wonders.

However,if you don't feel any relief after 12 hours or 2 doses of benadryl,and symptoms persist seek medical attention right away,or if you have any respiratory involvment,I doubt this would happen as in my years in the ER patients who exhibit a severe reaction such as respiratory reactions would see this very quickly at the onset of the reaction.

But please remember each time you are exposed to this med family your reaction can worsen each time,nothing to take lightly.And please dont smoke anything until you are feeling better,you need to cleanse your system right now.As far as the rash it will dissapate over several days until gone.Hope you feel better soon,Godspeed.


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Amoxicillin can be nasty stuff as with most pharmaceuticals i dont touch them, Erythromycin is another can be real heavy on the stomach lining.
Don't take them anymore, sounds like you are having a bad reaction i'd let your dentist or GP know se what they say but they'l probly just give you another antibiotic.
There are alternatives to antibiotics..Peace



Active member
Probably late to chime in here,but I work in the Med field so to speak.I am sure at this point you have discontinued taking the Amoxicillin,and yes it is in the PCN family.Most important is that you didn't suffer an anaphyactic reaction ie (constriction of your airway,difficulty breathing).With that being said it is very important to update your medical info with your primary care physician,as well as report an adverse reaction to PCN as you are seen in the future in all healthcare settings.The thing is the second time you are introduced to PCN your reaction will be more severe.If you have not been able to reach the dentist due to the weekend,you need to take benadryl 25 mg tabs which can be purchased over the counter,they are an antihistamine.Take as directed and try not to drive until you see how your body reacts to the medication,as they do cause drowsiness.
Drink plenty of fluids to help flush the amoxicillin out of your system.Benadryl can work wonders.

However,if you don't feel any relief after 12 hours or 2 doses of benadryl,and symptoms persist seek medical attention right away,or if you have any respiratory involvment,I doubt this would happen as in my years in the ER patients who exhibit a severe reaction such as respiratory reactions would see this very quickly at the onset of the reaction.

But please remember each time you are exposed to this med family your reaction can worsen each time,nothing to take lightly.And please dont smoke anything until you are feeling better,you need to cleanse your system right now.As far as the rash it will dissapate over several days until gone.Hope you feel better soon,Godspeed.


Hey NE, buddy. Sounds like you got it covered.

I am in the med field as well (lets say I deal with this issue every day) and NE is spot on. You have a Penicillin hypersensitivity, which is a milder form of reaction than a full blown allergy. It can become one with repeated exposure. Stay away from penicillin, amoxicillin, ampicillin or Augmentin (amoxicillin/clavulanic acid)-the most common Beta-lactam antibiotics prescribed worldwide.

You should follow NE's advice and contact both your dentist and your general practitioner to have them note in your records your reaction to the amoxicilliin so that you are not given this class of ABX again.

The altenate to beta-lactams are the cephalosporin antibiotics, most commonly Keflex (cephalexin). However, most dentists tend to use clindamycin for patient with penicillin allergies (is in the erythromycin family of ABX and is know to cause GI distress, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea).

Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is a good treatment for the rash and other symptoms. It is an antihistamine (H1 histamine antagonist) and is likely to cause drowsiness. Just remember it is not a treatment for a full blown allergice reaction (anaphylaxis), so if you notice any swelling of the throat or trouble catching your breath, pop the Benadryl and head to an ER immediately.

Its also important to have this noted in your medical records and to be aware of yourself because there is a good chance your children will be sensitive to penicillins as well. (the ones you know about :biggrin:)

Hope you're feeling better soom, JB. Be careful and take care.

John Bourne

Thanks for the advice guys.

I did quit taking them, doesn't appear to be an infection at this stage, and the wound is healed enough to the point where I can smoke...so, I decided to improve on the original prescription my dentist gave me and rolled a couple of Chem D joints and have been feeling fantastic ever since :D

Thanks again for the advice.

- John


Well-known member
when i think about taking antibiotics, i think about how it messes with the microherd -- you know, the 90% of my body mass that isn't me.

dental bacteria is serious shit ... i developed "adult onset asthma" after losing tooth. i haven't (yet) taken antibiotic to see if i can nail the "asthma". i was able to get off asthma meds anyway, although i now can only vaporize, not smoke, the bud.


Who ever said, "...a watched pot never boils." is
ICMag Donor
Hey bro I really hope you keep feeling better! Not fun going through that crap at all...


Why would you ask here? The first person to talk to would be your physician.