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all utilities included apartment- can I grow?


Hey guys. I want to put 400 watts in a tent in my apartment, but I'm wondering if it's worth the risk. I've labored over this extensively, and still don't know what I think. It's a small studio apartment, but I do use a lot of electricity; I can switch to low energy bulbs around the house (I usually keep 3 40 watt bulbs on 24/7. I sleep in the light), but ultimately there will be an increase when I grow, for certain. I've been here two years, and there is an (almost) zero chance of incident via unannounced entry. The only thing that concerns me is the electricity.

What do you think? I'm desperate to grow, both because I can't find good sativa's to help me creatively (which I have the beans for) and because of the mental health benefits of gardening.

Thanks in advance for any input here.


1 computer can pull as much as your small grow. However since it is all bills paid I would put 10k in that bitch, and make some cash.:)


Buy an LED nightlight if you are scared of the dark. Better than running 120w worth of incadescents.


1 computer can pull as much as your small grow. However since it is all bills paid I would put 10k in that bitch, and make some cash.:)
Thanks for your reply. I'm more worried because I don't know how they can monitor electrical usage; surely 12/12 400 watts would show up as a red flag for anyone not totally clueless. alas, I do live in a non-medical state, so maybe they wouldn't catch on.

@ baccus: To what end are you curious about? It has the standard stuff about a zero tolerance drug policy and a right to enter with a 24 hour notice or in case of emergency. They could claim an emergency over just about anything and enter. I accept this reality and will grow in spite of it. It's not of concern to me; it's a one in a million, for a variety of reasons.

As to electricity usage, there is nothing in the lease pertaining to it, specifically.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Why ask? You seemed determined.

Why ask? You seemed determined.

You asked for advice.
Here's some very good advice.

I would strongly advise that you do not do this.

TIOLI, it's your life.

Best of luck,


Active member
Your lamp wouldn't be pulling much more than a space heater from K-mart. It might actually pull considerably less. If you have no light or odor leaks you should be golden. Just wait for it to get a little bit more chilly before you fire everything up.


I have the key, now i need to find the lock..
when i was running a 400 watter, my electricity went from like 150, to 300. cant remember if that was 18/6 or 12/12. also, where i live, electricity is ridiculously expensive. the company charges you more for a delivery fee then they actually charge for your usage. straight insanity.
I'm on the "Don't go there" side unless you can really cut down on other power use severely. The land lord knows you by name, the electric company doesn't and just wants to get paid. If you're not in yet you might drop hints like you have several computers, leave lites on for security reasons, sometimes U fall asleep with the TV/stereo/ and or computers on. If your not in I would look else where tho. There's a reason they are paying the bill. And if you're late with rent or have made them unhappy in some way they might pull the plug until you come up with a good reason why the bill is higher that the last person. Lots of advance planning helps but if you haven't signed the lease and are not in a rush to move, don't go there. My 2 cents.

One good thought, can you go to 12/12 from seed or clone or even just 18 hours for veg? sure would slow down that meter more than 24 on.
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I grew in a rented house. The termite inspection for the owners insurance was a motherfucker. I had to put of the inspection for a month to let some finish and then move it all. They chose the date, and i had to deal with it.


Active member
I say if you keep it in the 250w-400w range.. no problem. Also: What type of landlord? A nosey fucker whos going to be over constantly wanting to fix shit? Or a lazy ass who does nothing, ever, and would rather never contact you. Those are questions you'll have to figure out. If it doesn't feel right then don't do it obviously. The biggest thing is going to be odor, not electricity usage. In a little cramped ass space like that if you don't have seriously at least a can 33 for your grow and another can 33 or can 50 just for trimming/drying, you might as well not even try.

Just a few things to consider.


The Aardvarks LED Grow Show
if your one unit is making them pay $1k+ in pg/e unlike the other units which only cost an average $100 to $200, then it will be easy for him to ask what it is you are doing to spike far more than anyone has ever done before.

Also it may have happened to him before and be able to spot it and or grow supplies, tents, dirt and so on right off the bat. Not everyone is clueless especially landlords because they have seen pretty much everything a renter can throw at them

keep it small and change your locks even if they state they need a key in an emergency. my thought is, if it is a real emergency then odds are a door or a window would get kicked in either way especially if it was actually serious. Fuck giving them the option of 24/7 access...


Active member
I'm on the "Don't go there" side unless you can really cut down on other power use severely. The land lord knows you by name, the electric company doesn't and just wants to get paid. If you're not in yet you might drop hints like you have several computers, leave lites on for security reasons, sometimes U fall asleep with the TV/stereo/ and or computers on.

I would say DON'T do this. I knew someone who called the electric company talking about "Oh we just got this new hot tub is it going to raise our bill a lot?" They ended up getting raided at 4am just before harvest and the man did 2 years (74 plants).

Just keep your business to yourself. If you pay your bills the landlord is happy.

Try not to make a mess or destroy stuff.

ballplayer 2

Active member
I'm going with don't do it. I totally feel your pain on the not being able to grow, I been there. Just bide your time, get some beans, save your money and get your own house. Its just an all around better situation.

I had a friend who was a good grower, did his thing for a good while. 600 in a tent in an apartment. One day I am reading the paper...___ ____ was arrested for cultivation, possession...and so and so forth. I call up his best friend to find out what the F was going on. Turns out there was a fire or fire alarm that went off downstairs while he was at work. Fire department breaks down his door to conduct a safety check, and the rest is history.

Whether or not there was a serious fire, or they were on to him and needed an excuse to get into his apartment I'm not for certain. The thing is shit happens, and the more you can do to keep it from happening the better.

I would not do it, this is something you cannot rush into. Especially if you are young. Take your time and save your money, then do the damn thing in YOUR house.

Hope everything works out for you either way.


Active member
whomever is paying your bill will most likely wonder why your bill is higher than what they normally pay for other tenants..


Omgoodness people.... he said a 400watter. That is like nothing. Do you guys even do the math on how your grow affects your energy bill? Do you guys even grow? 400w and you guys freak out. LOL

You're fine man. Grow on.


whomever is paying your bill will most likely wonder why your bill is higher than what they normally pay for other tenants..

If he is even slightly conscious about unplugging electronics when not in use, and not having un-needed lights/tvs/computers ect on, he can MORE than make up for 400w of usage, even 24/0 400w.

Do you realize how many people i know that leave there big flat screens running constantly just for background noise. Not to mention, you know tons of families are watching multiple TVs at once. And running many more loads of laundry than non family households. I don't think you really get it man... do you normally pay for your electric bill? Do you realize how much energy some households consume, and how little others consume? The gap is MAJOR. 400w is laughable to think that would make a unavoidable difference.
Well it is pretty overwhelming that there must be some reason the landlord wants to pay your electric bill. Some reason that they want to go to a lil extra trouble. If you don't use to much juice thats more money in their pocket. You receive no monetary benefit from conserving juice, you pay the same each month. Saving money is what helps me conserve. I get real suspicious of people who want to do things for me that I can do myself. Especially if I'm giving THEM money. I am now in "Run away from this if at all possible" mode. Something aint right here, least not for this crowd.

Ya gotta get into "what could go wrong here" mode. A good but healthy dose of paranoia sort of.........

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