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headband 707

Plant whisperer
It's up to THEM to decide "what they're going to do to us"...we have no choice in the matter.

It's ALL we have to look into the future...and to guess, what another life form would do when it arrived. What would "we" do when we arrived at another planet and found life? We'd snatch some, experiment on it...pretty much do what we want with it...just like we always have. What would make someone believe that they'd be any DIFFERENT acting than the life we already know?

yup...we're throwing out survival of the FITTEST and replacing it with "the poor and ignorant with inherit the earth"...because THEY are the ones having all the kids. The poorer and less educated you are...the more kids you have. We're breeding ourselves into an Idiocracy.

But it's NOT rational to assume that an alien lifeform would behave any differently than all the life we ARE familiar with. ALL life I'm aware of will kill or eat you in an instant if given the chance. Why do you give aliens such "empathy" for weaker species? none of our lifeforms do. that's insanity in my opinion (don't get all bent out of shape, it's a general observation not directed JUST to you) seeing EVERY example in front of you doing one thing...whatever it takes to survive vs live and let live. It's ONLY our artificial society that allows us to be so "nice" to each other. In nature NOBODY is "nice". OK...maybe a very few species with some arrangement...symbiotic.

Empathy is for girls/women. That's the part you don't get...because your balls have been taken from you by society. Males are selfish, violent, and want to be the "king". women and girls are empathetic. It's the way it is...unless mommy took your balls away as a child. Passivity IS NOT a male trait! Girls sit back and let things happen to them...men go out and MAKE things happen. Empathy gives us a planet filled with worthless losers...helpless crybabies. Kind of like a lot of women I know. always complaining, always bitching about things...but not willing to "make waves" or actually DOING anything. My wife was like that...nothing is good enough, always wanting more and more, better and better...yet "I" was the one who was supposed to get it for her...god forbid SHE actually had to do anything about it. Most women feel entitled to others stuff...just because.

Who said "kill them off"? Why do the liberals ALWAYS inject that into EVERY fucking conversation about "equality"? No...you don't have to do shit! Just stop providing for them. Let the chips fall where they do. If you can't survive on your own...you don't deserve to live. Fuck dragging along the weak!

As for the "most intelligent were wimps"...IF they're that smart...they're smart enough to survive on their own. I'm not saying "go after" the weak and poor...just stop dragging them along for a free ride.

"You don't work in the garden...you don't eat". Can you understand that? That pretty much sums up my view of things. If you CHOOSE to be lazy...you're not going to be around to enjoy it very long. I do know one thing...we'd be a hell of a lot better off (as the human race) with about half the people on this planet gone. But overpopulation is another subject.

So...too honest? Am I looking at another 2 week vacation? It's how I see things...why can't I say it?

Bro you crack me up ..lol.. I can't say I know a lot of really violent,selfish wanting to be King, guys Thanks lol..I also know guys that have empathy lol so again your painting everyone with the same brush .. lol.. Viva la difference" lol peace out Headband707:dance013:
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
So...too honest? Am I looking at another 2 week vacation? It's how I see things...why can't I say it?

Because you insist on thinking and talking about things in a way that you know full well is not allowed. It's like the vast majority of stoners, when given a choice or opportunity they tend to move were the laws allow marijuana use more not where it's allowed less.

You know this though and it's not very flattering for you to feign ignorance.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The ability to put yourself in another person's position and feel bad for them is the reason we have programs that support people who would otherwise not survive.

I agree that some 'wimps' have been great influences on our society, but I don't think we would be any worse off than we our now had they never survived.

That's the case in point. Survival doesn't only depend on your physical ability. Look at the different species on this planet. Smarter animals survive because they outwit the dumb predators. This isn't true for all situations, of course, in which case dummy dum dums die, and the smart and/or physically capable survive.

That was my point though, see IBJ was placing an over emphasis on the stereotypical male, testosterone driven, rage machine as being ideal male behavior for surviving. My point is our strengths and weaknesses aren't limited to physical attributes. A smart person can be strong against an enemy by out thinking them into a victory. IBJ likes to compare to nature and the kill or be killed mentality. He thinks to do anything less is a sign of weakness.

Empathy in and of itself is not responsible for anything bad. Too much empathy, just like too much of almost anything else, is what can be bad. Empathy allows us to provide assistance to someone who got runover by an uninsured motorist long enough for them to recover and get back on their feet. Too much empathy causes us to keep giving out benefits beyond a reasonable time limit until you have generations of people knowing only welfare.


Active member
Because you insist on thinking and talking about things in a way that you know full well is not allowed. It's like the vast majority of stoners, when given a choice or opportunity they tend to move were the laws allow marijuana use more not where it's allowed less.

You know this though and it's not very flattering for you to feign ignorance.

WOW...just WOW! Do you realize WHAT you are saying...Taliban? Thinking and talking about things NOT ALLOWED...OK zeig heil!

Fuck that and fuck anyone who tried to tell me there are things I shouldn't think or say. What ARE you people so fucking afraid of? Is your defense THAT weak? So weak there is a whole list of things I can't bring up? So weak that I'm not supposed to even THINK about it? You DO sound like the Taliban! The minority report IS already here. Is a brain scan next at the airport? Feel my junk, molest my 4 y/o kids, strip us down, rummage though our belongings...all to make me "safe" on an airplane? How about you let me be "private in my person and belongings" like the Constitution says...and go after the REAL fucking problem FOR A CHANGE. They always piss of the "good guys" all in an effort to "stop" the "bad guys". How about actually going AFTER the bad guys? IF there ARE actual bad guys. I'm not so sure these days. That's the beauty of thinking logically, independently and not following others...it's up to ME what I believe at any given time...and if I see something that warrants it, I can change my mind. I'm ALWAYS reevaluating how I think about things. NOBODY has ALL the RIGHT answers...not me...not even YOU!

It's not ignorance on MY part! That's just it...how do I "say it" when I can't "say it"? You FORCE me to be non direct...because like you said...there are things we cannot talk about...ideas we're not allowed to have! You are THEM...the very people you despise...and you CAN'T see it...because you CAN'T be objective because you've been brainwashed since birth to think in ONE WAY. you may have broken out of the matrix in regards to smoking Cannabis...but you STILL need to take the red pill. You're STILL quite brainwashed.

So WHERE exactly CAN I move to get away from people like you? The political correctness police who want to control our thoughts?

That was my point though, see IBJ was placing an over emphasis on the stereotypical male, testosterone driven, rage machine as being ideal male behavior for surviving. My point is our strengths and weaknesses aren't limited to physical attributes. A smart person can be strong against an enemy by out thinking them into a victory. IBJ likes to compare to nature and the kill or be killed mentality. He thinks to do anything less is a sign of weakness.

Empathy in and of itself is not responsible for anything bad. Too much empathy, just like too much of almost anything else, is what can be bad. Empathy allows us to provide assistance to someone who got runover by an uninsured motorist long enough for them to recover and get back on their feet. Too much empathy causes us to keep giving out benefits beyond a reasonable time limit until you have generations of people knowing only welfare.

Not necessary for survival in our feminized world... And I believe I already mentioned that I didn't believe unbridled "maleness" would be good for us...but you SKIP right over those things and instead go for the extreme examples used to get a point through to generally obtuse individuals.

Male traits however...is what gave us the world we have now. The early explorers, the founders of civilizations...all male. Male testosterone gave you the world you live in...tempered by feminine moderation...we're yin and yang...opposites that usually work together and find balance. I'm just saying that IMO...we've moved too far towards the feminine side and we're going to swing back a bit sometime in the future. We MUST swing back...we're TOO empathetic now. We give away TOO much now. It's "too easy" anf "too comfortable" to be poor in the modern western world...we're getting too many to support and something HAS to be done. Either calmly or violently.

My point is...we've constructed society mirroring femaleness. Society is like mommy...there to protect the weak...while for the most part, stifling any "male" characteristics. These are TRUTHS yet they're "not allowed to be thought nor talked about". It's just part of the demasculization we're steadily marching towards. We're being turned into pacifist, herding, cattle...or sheep as some prefer to say. As long as we have a house, a car, food on the table and out TV and iphone...we don't care WHAT "they" are doing...we don't. The evidence is right here in the posts. Some are very ignorant and naive. Ignorant in they don't KNOW how things are in the real world...and naive because they're raised to be a "grazer" and not a predator. Grazer are SO much easier to handle and control...predators...well, they're trouble...they need to be locked away.

I'm not saying one is totally right and the other totally wrong...it's just that males for the most part are frustrated in our modern society. It's not made for us. We're ALWAYS being held back from OUR instincts. We're not taught the way we should be taught...sitting in a classroom is how girls learn best...not boys. We're made to be still all the time...boy's don't LIKE to be still...girls do...more so than boys anyway. Boys tease and pick on physically, that's outlawed...girls "fuck with your head"...which is OK. Men NEED violence, they NEED "the hunt". We're being denied...and many are being imprisoned...for doing what males do.

I'm just making points...things for you to consider...maybe take to heart. Whatever. They're just words and ideas. If YOUR institutions are so fragile that my words and ideas are so threatening...than we NEED to discuss HONESTLY...using ALL THE WORDS NEEDED...and not just the "allowed" ones. The problem is more than superficial and MAY require a rewriting of everything we think about people.

Do you HONESTLY think things are improving? For everyone? Push men too far...and a tipping point will be reached. Push too far with entitlement to people not willing to do a thing for themselves...and a tipping point will be reached. Deny too many qualified people for a quota...and a tiping point will be reached.

My advice...don't push too hard...to push us over the edge...because if you do, I fear MANY will be suffering through a long, cold, hungry winter. You DON'T want unbridled testosterone running things...think Afghanistan or Somalian warlords. THAT is what you get when the strong will no longer support the government nor society. I'll be fine...how about you?

Society...modern society is at a tipping point right now. The world financial markets are in turmoil, people are rioting over cost cutting measures as governments run out of money to pay for entitlements. A "feminized" society...providing a "safety net" (in reality coddling) may be nearing an end as the money to pay for it runs out. We've got $14 TRILLION in funded liabilities (direct debt) and estimates of $60 TRILLION in unfunded debt...meaning the medicare and social security savings have been replaced with IOUs. The federal reserve now "owns" more treasury debt that China...and we screamed anout how China "owned us"...yet sa nothing when rich bankers own us. The mortgage meltdown (caused by loaning money to the poor so THEY could have a "fair shake" at property ownership too) is still going strong and the "Fed" will be the biggest property holder the the country...holding title to ALL the foreclosed property that the banks are unloading onto it as we speak...it goes on and on.

Actually...you know...you're right! Let the aliens come and teach us how to make it all work...we sure as hell have no clue.

Whew...got on a roll.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
WOW...just WOW! Do you realize WHAT you are saying...Taliban? Thinking and talking about things NOT ALLOWED...OK zeig heil!

Fuck that and fuck anyone who tried to tell me there are things I shouldn't think or say. What ARE you people so fucking afraid of? Is your defense THAT weak? So weak there is a whole list of things I can't bring up? So weak that I'm not supposed to even THINK about it? You DO sound like the Taliban! The minority report IS already here. Is a brain scan next at the airport? Feel my junk, molest my 4 y/o kids, strip us down, rummage though our belongings...all to make me "safe" on an airplane? How about you let me be "private in my person and belongings" like the Constitution says...and go after the REAL fucking problem FOR A CHANGE. They always piss of the "good guys" all in an effort to "stop" the "bad guys". How about actually going AFTER the bad guys? IF there ARE actual bad guys. I'm not so sure these days. That's the beauty of thinking logically, independently and not following others...it's up to ME what I believe at any given time...and if I see something that warrants it, I can change my mind. I'm ALWAYS reevaluating how I think about things. NOBODY has ALL the RIGHT answers...not me...not even YOU!

You seem to think this is the USA, it is not. What it is, is a privately owned and operated site in the netherlands, run in support of a business also in the netherlands. Now tell me when you have people in your own house, do you allow them to do and say whatever they please simply because they're entitled to their own opinion or do you demand that they respect you and your home and realize they are guests there at your discretion?

What's so hard to get? This is Gypsy's house, Gypsy opened it up to people so they could come here and talk about growing weed. He didn't open it up so people could argue about religion, politics, racism, sexism, etc. Yet people like you want to do that and in the end you don't enlighten anyone, rarely if ever is anyone's mind changed about politics, religion, racism or sexism yet in the process of arguing friends do become enemies and members become non members. Usually because someone hurt their feelings with personal attacks because they couldn't win an argument on the merits of their opinion/belief. So Gypsy wanting the site to be about growing and wanting people to be happy and friendly towards one another establishes rules restricting what can and can not be talked about.

Then along comes idiots like yourself that I guess are just too fucking burnt out on drugs to understand this is not the USA, and there are no constitutional rights that guarentee jack shit on this site. Failing to recognize that because you're too immature and stupid you immediately start trying to compare the site to the Taliban and Nazis. Nobody is here telling you what to think or believe about these topics, they're telling you not to discuss them here because that's not what the site is for. If you want to talk ad nauseum about politics go to Planet Ganja, that's pretty much all they talk about over there and they believe strongly in the concept of Freedom of Speech.

Sorry IBJ, I know you were going for the irrational fear response with the Taliban thing but try to understand this if you can. In the Taliban they don't ban you temporarily and let you back in when you don't do what you're told. They tie you to a post in a soccer field and shoot you in front of an audience. With the Nazis you didn't even have to say something wrong, you could just be born into the wrong family and win a trip to the ovens.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Not necessary for survival in our feminized world... And I believe I already mentioned that I didn't believe unbridled "maleness" would be good for us...but you SKIP right over those things and instead go for the extreme examples used to get a point through to generally obtuse individuals.

Of course I skip over things you make slight minor and usually incorrect reference to and focus more on the extreme examples that make up 99.9% of what you post.

Male traits however...is what gave us the world we have now. The early explorers, the founders of civilizations...all male. Male testosterone gave you the world you live in...tempered by feminine moderation...we're yin and yang...opposites that usually work together and find balance. I'm just saying that IMO...we've moved too far towards the feminine side and we're going to swing back a bit sometime in the future. We MUST swing back...we're TOO empathetic now. We give away TOO much now. It's "too easy" anf "too comfortable" to be poor in the modern western world...we're getting too many to support and something HAS to be done. Either calmly or violently.

No, male traits are not what gave us the world we have now nor did testosterone. As it has always been from the beginning of time and always will be to the end of time, the world is what it is because of both men and women. Sure the explorers and founders of the world were mostly men but the women weren't as uninvolved as your sexist mind wants to believe. Yeah good old Christopher Columbus discovered the new world but he was only able to do so with the support and financing of Queen Isabella of Spain.

My point is...we've constructed society mirroring femaleness. Society is like mommy...there to protect the weak...while for the most part, stifling any "male" characteristics. These are TRUTHS yet they're "not allowed to be thought nor talked about". It's just part of the demasculization we're steadily marching towards. We're being turned into pacifist, herding, cattle...or sheep as some prefer to say. As long as we have a house, a car, food on the table and out TV and iphone...we don't care WHAT "they" are doing...we don't. The evidence is right here in the posts. Some are very ignorant and naive. Ignorant in they don't KNOW how things are in the real world...and naive because they're raised to be a "grazer" and not a predator. Grazer are SO much easier to handle and control...predators...well, they're trouble...they need to be locked away.

You see evidence in the posts? You do realize that you're talking about a handful of people from all over the world? People that by their common interest already stand outside what is considered the majority view. So you see posts from a handful of people from around the world that represent the fringe of society and you think you see evidence of how the world really is? Trying to judge how the world is by the few people you see here, is like trying to judge Global Warming by the daily weather you see in your home town.

Do you really not recognize how totally preposterous that sounds?

I'm not saying one is totally right and the other totally wrong...it's just that males for the most part are frustrated in our modern society. It's not made for us. We're ALWAYS being held back from OUR instincts. We're not taught the way we should be taught...sitting in a classroom is how girls learn best...not boys. We're made to be still all the time...boy's don't LIKE to be still...girls do...more so than boys anyway. Boys tease and pick on physically, that's outlawed...girls "fuck with your head"...which is OK. Men NEED violence, they NEED "the hunt". We're being denied...and many are being imprisoned...for doing what males do.

Nobody is being imprisoned for being male and doing what males do. They are however being imprisoned when they allow urges and impulses to override reason and understanding of the law. Oh and girls fucking with peoples heads are not okay and allowed. In fact most of the "bullying" cases you hear about in the news these days involve girls, not boys. The world is as it is because people of both sexes have figured out how to manipulate and distort things to serve their own corrupt agenda.

I'm just making points...things for you to consider...maybe take to heart. Whatever. They're just words and ideas. If YOUR institutions are so fragile that my words and ideas are so threatening...than we NEED to discuss HONESTLY...using ALL THE WORDS NEEDED...and not just the "allowed" ones. The problem is more than superficial and MAY require a rewriting of everything we think about people.

See it's people like you, too ignorant to understand simple rules that make the problem. It's not that there are certain words that are not allowed. It's that there are certain topics not allowed. Then some moron like yourself comes along and thinks "Hey if I don't say democrat or republican, maybe I can get away with still talking politics?

Do you HONESTLY think things are improving? For everyone? Push men too far...and a tipping point will be reached. Push too far with entitlement to people not willing to do a thing for themselves...and a tipping point will be reached. Deny too many qualified people for a quota...and a tiping point will be reached.

No I don't think things are improving. I think man is hellbent on seeing an "Armageddon" an "End Of Days" virtually every culture and religion has a belief that the world will end in the not terribly distant future. I think we believe it so completely that we will actually succeed in making it happen.

My advice...don't push too hard...to push us over the edge...because if you do, I fear MANY will be suffering through a long, cold, hungry winter. You DON'T want unbridled testosterone running things...think Afghanistan or Somalian warlords. THAT is what you get when the strong will no longer support the government nor society. I'll be fine...how about you?

I'll be fine, I didn't learn martial arts, how to hunt with a gun, bow and arrow or knife, just because I thought it would be cool.

Society...modern society is at a tipping point right now. The world financial markets are in turmoil, people are rioting over cost cutting measures as governments run out of money to pay for entitlements. A "feminized" society...providing a "safety net" (in reality coddling) may be nearing an end as the money to pay for it runs out. We've got $14 TRILLION in funded liabilities (direct debt) and estimates of $60 TRILLION in unfunded debt...meaning the medicare and social security savings have been replaced with IOUs. The federal reserve now "owns" more treasury debt that China...and we screamed anout how China "owned us"...yet sa nothing when rich bankers own us. The mortgage meltdown (caused by loaning money to the poor so THEY could have a "fair shake" at property ownership too) is still going strong and the "Fed" will be the biggest property holder the the country...holding title to ALL the foreclosed property that the banks are unloading onto it as we speak...it goes on and on.

Amazing you're aware of how the politicians have been raiding the Social Security cookie jar and yet you think it's as simple as people are rioting over cost cutting measures. People are rioting because the same people making the cuts are the ones who robbed the cookie jar and yet nothing is being done that affects them. How about politicians cutting their salaries which have increased in recent years while everyone else's has been going down? How about holding accountable and punishing the people responsible for the financial meltdown?


Active member
You seem to think this is the USA, it is not. What it is, is a privately owned and operated site in the netherlands, run in support of a business also in the netherlands. Now tell me when you have people in your own house, do you allow them to do and say whatever they please simply because they're entitled to their own opinion or do you demand that they respect you and your home and realize they are guests there at your discretion?

What's so hard to get? This is Gypsy's house, Gypsy opened it up to people so they could come here and talk about growing weed. He didn't open it up so people could argue about religion, politics, racism, sexism, etc. Yet people like you want to do that and in the end you don't enlighten anyone, rarely if ever is anyone's mind changed about politics, religion, racism or sexism yet in the process of arguing friends do become enemies and members become non members. Usually because someone hurt their feelings with personal attacks because they couldn't win an argument on the merits of their opinion/belief. So Gypsy wanting the site to be about growing and wanting people to be happy and friendly towards one another establishes rules restricting what can and can not be talked about.

Then along comes idiots like yourself that I guess are just too fucking burnt out on drugs to understand this is not the USA, and there are no constitutional rights that guarentee jack shit on this site. Failing to recognize that because you're too immature and stupid you immediately start trying to compare the site to the Taliban and Nazis. Nobody is here telling you what to think or believe about these topics, they're telling you not to discuss them here because that's not what the site is for. If you want to talk ad nauseum about politics go to Planet Ganja, that's pretty much all they talk about over there and they believe strongly in the concept of Freedom of Speech.

Sorry IBJ, I know you were going for the irrational fear response with the Taliban thing but try to understand this if you can. In the Taliban they don't ban you temporarily and let you back in when you don't do what you're told. They tie you to a post in a soccer field and shoot you in front of an audience. With the Nazis you didn't even have to say something wrong, you could just be born into the wrong family and win a trip to the ovens.

you're right...you own it...you make the rules. but don't PRETEND to be anything other than a censor...which you are. Can they DO anything in my house? Of course not...am I doing anything to your property? Can they SPEAK freely? Of course...I WANT to hear EVERYONE'S opinion...not just those that agree with me.

Just roll over Netherlands...like you did when the Muslims didn't approve of a few CARTOONS. YOU are the problem because you're either afraid or unwilling to FIX things. Hint...it's not the free speech that's the problem...it's the people who want to muzzle it that are the problem. There IS only one side of things because ONLY one side get's heard! You'll NEVER get to the TRUTH of ANYTHING as long as half the population doesn't get to talk!!!

So you win...you have successfully censored my speech...are you happy?

Of course I skip over things you make slight minor and usually incorrect reference to and focus more on the extreme examples that make up 99.9% of what you post.

No, male traits are not what gave us the world we have now nor did testosterone. As it has always been from the beginning of time and always will be to the end of time, the world is what it is because of both men and women. Sure the explorers and founders of the world were mostly men but the women weren't as uninvolved as your sexist mind wants to believe. Yeah good old Christopher Columbus discovered the new world but he was only able to do so with the support and financing of Queen Isabella of Spain.

You see evidence in the posts? You do realize that you're talking about a handful of people from all over the world? People that by their common interest already stand outside what is considered the majority view. So you see posts from a handful of people from around the world that represent the fringe of society and you think you see evidence of how the world really is? Trying to judge how the world is by the few people you see here, is like trying to judge Global Warming by the daily weather you see in your home town.

Do you really not recognize how totally preposterous that sounds?

Nobody is being imprisoned for being male and doing what males do. They are however being imprisoned when they allow urges and impulses to override reason and understanding of the law. Oh and girls fucking with peoples heads are not okay and allowed. In fact most of the "bullying" cases you hear about in the news these days involve girls, not boys. The world is as it is because people of both sexes have figured out how to manipulate and distort things to serve their own corrupt agenda.

See it's people like you, too ignorant to understand simple rules that make the problem. It's not that there are certain words that are not allowed. It's that there are certain topics not allowed. Then some moron like yourself comes along and thinks "Hey if I don't say democrat or republican, maybe I can get away with still talking politics?

No I don't think things are improving. I think man is hellbent on seeing an "Armageddon" an "End Of Days" virtually every culture and religion has a belief that the world will end in the not terribly distant future. I think we believe it so completely that we will actually succeed in making it happen.

I'll be fine, I didn't learn martial arts, how to hunt with a gun, bow and arrow or knife, just because I thought it would be cool.

Amazing you're aware of how the politicians have been raiding the Social Security cookie jar and yet you think it's as simple as people are rioting over cost cutting measures. People are rioting because the same people making the cuts are the ones who robbed the cookie jar and yet nothing is being done that affects them. How about politicians cutting their salaries which have increased in recent years while everyone else's has been going down? How about holding accountable and punishing the people responsible for the financial meltdown?

You are HOPELESSLY lost in your political correctness...you have been successfully assimilated into the Borg...welcome 7 of 9. Have fun!

What is NATURAL and NORMAL...you despise...because you HATE men and what they do and are capable of. Admit it! You'd rather have the world populated by demure, submissive, pacifist women...right?

I guess you missed my comments about the Royals being pelted by the rioting students before it was deleted? I said in essence... "Does anyone see the irony of the Royals, who live lavishly on the public dole...getting pelted with rocks on their way to see a show...by students who are protesting because the country can't afford to continue paying for their education?" WHICH is more important to the nation? People receiving an education? Or a bunch of people to gossip about? Hell, in this regard we're 100% in agreement. We're being run by crooks.

But REMEMBER...those SAME crooks are funding our science...the science is suspect too.

Unfortunately, in other areas, you and some others here are woefully misinformed.

you haven't a clue...how can we talk?
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The Voice of Reason
Head has no mod powers, and is not an administrator.
Head has no powers to ban or censor anyone anywhere here on site,
and can only edit in one small sub-forum.

no site mod powers.

no admin powers.

And head has never personally attacked anyone who has not first repeatedly attacked him.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Admit it! You'd rather have the world populated by demure, submissive, pacifist women...right?

Of course I would, what real testosterone loaded man wouldn't want to have a world full of demure, submissive, pacifist women all to himself? You must have been raped by a woman in the past and so the idea of a world full of them scares you shitless.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Unfortunately, in other areas, you and some others here are woefully misinformed.

you haven't a clue...how can we talk?

We can't because from everything I've seen you say, clearly you have no clue. Hell you can't even stay on topic. I mean here you are in a thread about alien life trying to talk about the differences between men and women and about how ironic you find the Royals in England being attacked by rioting students was. :crazy:

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