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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters
if man knew how and had the tools, whats more likely, man mad or alien made? where they got the knowledge for the pyramids and the sphinx and or abusimbel (name? place with big statues of Ramses) is another question. there again they probably had their own geniuses in those days that all worked for pharaoh, so is it so hard to imagine some of them were astronomers as well as master masons and architects, mathematicians etc.
If you look at the earlier pyramids built by sneferu and jozer you can clearly see there knowledge of building pyramids developing until it reaches its peak with the great pyramid ,no need for aliens or any other nonsense :)
Personally, the only mega structure I find mysterious is that city made of Diorite sitting on top of a mountain in Chile... Argentina? Somewhere down there.

They spent effort untold, this stuff is harder than granite or marble, 1-2 steps on the hardness scale below diamond, then they dragged these huge blocks up the side of a fucking mountain and didn't stop till they piled them together perfectly on the very top. wtf
Watch the video Carnivore posted on the previous page ,which i posted earlier in the thread it debunked all the ancient alien nonsense Tiwanaku , Bolivia is the place you mean its discussed near the beginning


which site is that again? if you mean the one from AA, it turns out that most of the stone in question is not diorite as is being claimed by some, also the largest blocks incorporated in the structure are 600 tons, not 1300. even the biggest unincorporated unfinished stone on the site is only 800 tons. but yeah the stone is not diorite instead most of it is much softer then diorite and can be worked with just copper chisels, let alone chisels made of the metal alloys they used to anker those blocks together.


Another thing came to mind as I was reading about the pyramids and how they were made by aliens... Well if your not familiar with Joe Rogan he's an announcer for UFC, hosted the show called fear factor also he's a marijuana activist which is why ingot into his other hobby.. Stand up comedy which brings me to where I was going with this ... The first one I've watched was all another how aliens came down and did all this unexplainable building which he mainly talked about the pyramids and it was funny but at the same time it made you really believe ... He also mentioned how we might have just lost knowledge as someone else stated which I'm sorry I should hav quieted the person but I'm new and still trying to figure out this forum lol anyways if your into comedy and aliens check it out ... As I said he's also one of the few famous people who admits to smoking and helps spread the word ... Actually the hash bash was this past weekend and I seem quite a few famous people and I thought I had seen him bu I have seen people like brad Pitt and David arquette was there a few years ago doing a speech... Sorry was off topic but I'm from Ann Arbor and that's where the hash bash takes place ....go BLUE


To clarify, wasn't implying alien mysteries, was wondering why people would go through all that effort in order to build a small utterly unsustainable city in the least convenient place in the entire surrounding area.


very good point, what was the point of that place. at least with the Egyptian stuff you know what it's about. but that place does seem kind of pointless, of course we are only seeing whats left after many generations of locals looting the site for building material. could have been some amazing temple or some such?


Learning the rules well,so as to break them effect
ICMag Donor

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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
if man knew how and had the tools, whats more likely, man mad or alien made? where they got the knowledge for the pyramids and the sphinx and or abusimbel (name? place with big statues of Ramses) is another question. there again they probably had their own geniuses in those days that all worked for pharaoh, so is it so hard to imagine some of them were astronomers as well as master masons and architects, mathematicians etc.

No that's not hard to imagine at all but you don't need to imagine it as there is evidence there were such skill sets back then. What puzzles me is how is it they had knowledge of things beyond their ability to see? Before astronomy religion taught that the stars were lights placed in the sky by god(s) for man. So if that was the belief why would someone think to make a device (telescope) capable of seeing out to these lights unless something happened to challenge the popular belief and suggest there was more to it then just that "god did it" or "the gods did it"? How is it that certain groups/tribes of primitive man had detailed knowledge of a star thousands of years ago that couldn't be seen without a telescope and wasn't photographed with a telescope until 1970? Why do a group of people embark on a many year long project that took an incredible amount of resources and not document how they did it since that in and of itself was almost as great of an accomplishment? On many of the stones used in ancient Egyptian construction were carved with details of what they were building and where they got the materials from yet not one mention of these mysterious technologies that if man made were way ahead of their time.

As for the what's more likely thing, depends on who you ask. If you ask someone who has never seen an alien and who thinks other peoples claims of seeing aliens are drug or insanity induced then he would likely say it's more likely man did it. If however you ask someone who was just dropped off from being abducted by aliens and who's butt was still sore from being probed he would probably say aliens did it.

That aside it's a flawed argument because likely doesn't equal fact or reality. It's just one of untold probabilities. Granted likely often turns out to be fact or reality but not always.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
You know what would be interesting? What if it turns out that one day when our science advances sufficiently, we discover we are the aliens? I mean a number of theories have as part of what they state, the belief that man is just some alien crossbreeding project. That aliens came here and decided to create an intelligent race native to the planet by crossing primates with other intelligent species. Still other scientific theories have as part of their belief, the idea that the elements necessary for us didn't exist here initially but rather were delivered at some point in earth's history by an asteroid or meteor.

If either of those possibilities are true then life among the stars might even be more prolific then we already believe based purely on odds.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
You know what would be interesting? What if it turns out that one day when our science advances sufficiently, we discover we are the aliens? I mean a number of theories have as part of what they state, the belief that man is just some alien crossbreeding project. That aliens came here and decided to create an intelligent race native to the planet by crossing primates with other intelligent species. Still other scientific theories have as part of their belief, the idea that the elements necessary for us didn't exist here initially but rather were delivered at some point in earth's history by an asteroid or meteor.

If either of those possibilities are true then life among the stars might even be more prolific then we already believe based purely on odds.

I remember a theory, that flying saucers/alien craft are actually time
machines, and the aliens are us from the future.....


Going back to the Fermi Paradox, when considered mathematically, we probably are the only intelligent life currently residing in our Galaxy, or perhaps our Universe, so the idea that we're the "aliens" is the more likely eventual outcome, we'll go out into the stars seeking something greater and instead we'll find Native Americans in space to rape and murder.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
I read a sci-fi novel that attempted to answer the Fermi Paradox with a galactic cataclysm that occured once every 100 million years or so that basically sterilized the galaxy. in the novel, many alien species were working together to construct a device that would prevent future cataclysms. But they knew that they wouldn't have time to finish before the next one. So they were basically building something for future civilizations to find so that those future civilizations would survive the galactic purge.

It WOULD explain why there are no advanced civilizations out there broadcasting anything we can pick up.

(By the time any civilization got advanced enough, a cataclysm would arrive and destroy them. It might take millions of years or more for the next civilization to arise somewhere else.)

But it was just a sci-fi novel.