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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters


whats really interesting about the crop circles is the rumors that abound in the crop circle making community, that they will see shadowy figures helping at other points in the circle, shadowy figures that are not in the group. lol.


Andinismo Hierbatero
we did discuss crop circles several pages ago...

gaius even provided us with a youtube video of a former believer in crop circles that came to see how humans make/made most of them.

the interesting part of the video is that while most crop circles are indeed man-made, there is a small percentage that the neutral investigators cannot explain due to all kinds of reasons; like the bending of the crops is not the same as the one accomplished using planks, the fastness of apparition, etc...


Well-known member
Me and my wife took a walk in the winter time a few years ago, we stopped on a hill with a great panoramic view. Not long and we spotted something flying across the sky from one side to the other along the horizon (a very long distance). It flew in a straight line, made no reflections or movement, it was a grey "dot" and we estimated that it could not have been a passenger/ fighter plane because it was way faster.


i have seen nearly the exact same thing, it was black, perhaps a bit closer to my point of view than your sighting
i'd call it a sphere, straight across the sky, no sound, appeared to be moving quite fast
i've seen plenty of large balloons before, there's a yearly balloon festival in my area, it was like no balloon i've ever seen
also like no plane i've ever seen
i saw it when i was visiting my mother's house, i pointed it out, she said 'what is that?'
so it seemed out of the ordinary to another observer

Hank Hemp

Active member
Drunks in a?

Drunks in a?

On the subject of crop circles....


Also.... this one.... time lapse.....




What's them Limy's call a bar/tavern yeah a pub. Other than the math which would be fairly hard for none land surveyors and those guys couldn't pull a chain. They where funny, trying to pull that distance. Hell work on your knees boys and get out of the wind. I don't even wnat to talk about their chain(tape). :ying:


Bubblegum Specialist
I find crop circles fascinating. Some appear to depict sacred geometry that is the basis of our universe. All life follows these sacred structures so I think this is early communication.

Even more fascinating is the lengths people will take to fake them. But scientists have determined that the real crop circles are all wound strands that retain a magnetic field and the fake ones look similar from a distance but don't stand up to a real close look.

We did discuss this before and videos do show them appearing when a UFO flies over. That's another video that people often fake again for reasons I don't understand. Why try and prove ufos don't exist by making fake videos or fake crop circles or fake big foots.

I think suppression of the truth is a big plan and making fakes could be part of a disinformation campaign.

Why would govts suppress the truth? They always lie.

So don't believe fakers and obvious liars. Don't believe your govt. Believe your own eyes.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I think the idea that their only interest would be in meeting their own needs is a red herring. I socialize with my neighbors even though I don't particularly need anything from them. We got to know each other because we exist near each other.

<3 Tesla


Yes but in the context of the point I'm making do you socialize with neighbors thousands of miles away or in your same neighborhood?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I dunno.. maybe because you keep doing it?

Each and every attempt I make to get you to drop it (for the sake of the thread, which you are busy defending) you keep not dropping it.

I invited you to take it to PM so that you could get your say in without derailing the thread... but I guess that would take away your little audience, wouldn't it?

Have fun. Discuss anything you like.

(I hope you won't mind if I do the same.)

There you go again thinking it's all about you. :rolleyes: I only discuss you in the context of the things you feel you're contributing to the thread. It's not like somebody is discussing aliens and then I reply with, "You know that Anti dude? I hear he bogarts joints". It's pretty hard not to get into talking about the individual when you talk about the individual's opinions since they are a projection of the individual.

As for taking it to PM obviously after I ignored your offer you should have realized I'm not interested in taking it to PM's. I didn't come here to talk to just you. If I wanted to PM you I would have done so.

Audience? I have no audience, at least none that I'm aware of. I'm just one of many posters who regularly participate in discussions at this site. As you have suggested though the things you're projecting on me is much more telling of you then anything. Perhaps that's the problem though, you think it's about having an audience and performing for them? That would certainly explain your behavior and why you feel it necessary to grill everyone who has strong beliefs that differs from yours. Maybe you and your audience get a kick out of seeing if you can shatter someone's beliefs? I could see you getting excited about telling some child there is no Santa Claus or demanding imperical evidence from any child who claims to believe in Santa Claus.

As for what I'll discuss, thanks but I don't need your permission to talk about whatever I want. As for what you do, what I mind is obviously of no importance to you, so I have no idea of why you have any hopes for what I mind or don't mind? You can talk about whatever you want but if you keep attacking peoples beliefs and demanding they prove things to your satisfaction I'll keep addressing that. Whether you mind or not.


Bubblegum Specialist
I don't feel attacked by anyone. Many people may disagree with my thoughts but I feel that I have been treated with respect.

Respect doesn't mean you agree but getting personal and questioning peoples motives is disrespectful to the discussion. This isn't about us...it's about them.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Interesting videos Anti, I must admit I didn't know how well one does that with planks and ropes. Also interesting that it was made for News of the World journalists, Rupert Murdoch & Co who have shown to be quite dishonest players.

There are complex circles that you'd need aerial view over to accomplish the 3D effect, planks and ropes?

Plus planks and ropes would leave visually damaged crops. What you quoted previously talked about how the undamaged but bent stalk was the sign of a true crop circle as opposed to a faked one.


I voted absolutely no by accident, buuuut I've seen a few UFO's in my time. First one we saw was drivin in Upstate NY, long cylindrical metallic looking thing hovering next to the highway, everybody on the road coming from our direction slowed down then it just bolted above the clouds incredibly fast. Minutes later there were 3 or 4 what looked like souped up blackhawks looking around with spotlights.

Then another time we saw a dark triangular craft with some lights on it hovering over a small dip near the ocean (just like this one: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnlaNR0iTek ). Seems like people think thats our tech though.

Then last time i had some shrooms i was just staring at the sunset as it dipped behind a hill and i saw a silvery disc shaped craft zip back and forth a few times stop momentarily then just disappear.

Really cool stuff, changed my perception of whats really goin on a bit.


Active member
I will give alien doctors a vote of confidence though...

In all these reported abductions, not once has anyone come up with a forgotten anal probe left in place by mistake.

These guys got Earth doctors beat by a country mile.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I used to run a with a group of "Circlemakers".
I never went in for it as I think it's wrong fucking with a farmers crops=his livelihood. That pretty pattern can be a couple of grand and mean the difference between the farm making money that year or not.
Regarding the sacred geometry, most of the circlemakers are the same people who believe in leylines, magic healing water and pyramid power, so incorporating "Sacred geometry" into their designs is not especially unusual or unexpected.
The guys I knew made some fabulous patterns, several of which made the news. The most complex patterns that you would think are impossible to do, are actually very easy for an experienced crop vandal. You sketch your design on a piece of grid paper, and scale up the grid to the field.
The 1st crop circles in Britain were made by a mischievous old man and his mate.
Speed of appearance doesn't mean anything. A couple of hours in the dead of night can result in a pattern covering several acres.
People are using GPS to plot them out now.
Also the thing about the difference between broken or bent stems is a red herring. That is the difference between a newb and an experienced circlemaker. The newb uses his plank to stomp the crops down, where the old hand uses it to push them over.
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Sorcerer's Apprentice
Yeah I don't know, I don't think they're man-made at least wit ha plank and ropes.

Crop circles are organized harmonic forms that manifest around the world, the result of an energy interacting with the physical world - in this case plants. This energy is comprised of light, sound and magnetism. To date, crop circles have been reported in 29 countries, and have appeared in mediums such as wheat, barley, canola, trees, ice, rice paddies, even linseed."

"The plants appear to be subjected to a short and intense burst of heat which softens the stems to drop just above the ground at 90º, where they reharden into their new and very permanent position without damage. Plant biologists are baffled by this feature, and it is the singlemost method of identifying the real phenomenon. Research and laboratory tests suggest that infrasound (sound below 20 Hz) is capable of producing such an effect: High-pressure infrasound is capable of boiling water inside the stems in one nanosecond, expanding the water, and leaving tiny blowholes in the plants' nodes. The pressure applied also causes the water to steam, and it is reported by farmers that when they stumble upon a new crop circle they see steam rising from within the design. This process creates surface charring along the stems."

Maybe humans have some technology to do it?

Could you please provide the source for all the things you have quoted in your post so that I can look into it further?


(DISCLAIMER FOR IDIOTS: A request for more information about something presented in the thread is not belittling someone, beating them up, or demanding anything.)

[EDIT] Nevermind. I found it myself with google.

Your source appears to be from this link: http://www.cropcirclesecrets.org/education.html

In your opinion, we should expect the research being done by "crop circle secrets" to be 100% unbiased?

Here's a quote from the same page:

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][SIZE=-1]A hoax is a forgery, and forgers require a genuine from which to copy. So, what exactly lies behind the genuine crop circles?

[SIZE=-1]See how they set this up? A hoax is a forgery... there[SIZE=-1]fore there must be a "g[SIZE=-1]enuine" to copy from. [SIZE=-1]So [SIZE=-1]since someone decided to [SIZE=-1]make [SIZE=-1]some crop c[SIZE=-1]ircles and people decided it was aliens... those crop c[SIZE=-1]irc[SIZE=-1]les are FORGERI[SIZE=-1]ES of real crop circles?

[SIZE=-1]Doesn't t[SIZE=-1]hat seem kinda.... dumb.... to you?

[SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1][SIZE=-1]Using the same logic, [SIZE=-1]I could say that Harry Potter is fiction and fiction is forgery. Therefore, there must be a "ge[SIZE=-1]nuine" H[SIZE=-1]ogwarts out t[SIZE=-1]her[SIZE=-1]e!
I notice at the bottom of the page there are advertisements for four books they're selling on the subject.

I wonder if that affects the bias of the website they created in order to market those books?
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Bubblegum Specialist
So perhaps crop circles are communication from our people to them. These types of people who make them are into sacred geometry? So they are people like me and not debunkers?

I see...


Why do Aliens give subtle messages like crop circles and UFO's? Why not just infiltrate every computer, TV and radio on Earth and send a direct video/audio message in the appropriate language for all of Earth to know. If they are out there, they're playing us.


Well-known member
Why do Aliens give subtle messages like crop circles and UFO's? Why not just infiltrate every computer, TV and radio on Earth and send a direct video/audio message in the appropriate language for all of Earth to know. If they are out there, they're playing us.

though i've had a sighting of my own, i remain on the sceptical side
and that is the mainstream scientific thought, if they're here it doesn't make much sense in leaving strange cryptic signs
still, strange things seem to happen, and not all seem to be easily explained away


yeah it seems odd. there were some remarks about our anthropomorphic limitations earlier, but you know still odd.
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Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
So perhaps crop circles are communication from our people to them. These types of people who make them are into sacred geometry? So they are people like me and not debunkers?

I see...

Or they are people making what they see as art, and incorporating their beliefs or things they just think are cool, into the art.

There is also a competitive side to it, groups across the country(I'm talking my country here) constantly trying to one up the others and come up with more and more complicated, detailed patterns.

Most circlemakers are not debunkers. The debunkers learned the craft from the circlemakers. They are, generally speaking, "New age" types, and mischief makers who tag along with them.

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