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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters



Got this in my PM box lads.

Not good.


11111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1122 2222 2222 2222 222 2233 3333 3333 3333 3334 4444 4444 4444 4444 4455 5555 5555 5555 5555 6666 666 666 666 666 66


You're absolutely right bro, you fuckers are not alone by a long shot! WE know you're there, but you bastards are FAR too stupid to even bother with at this point in your existence.

Peace out dude,
Mynim Izunpronowncabletooapes
(system communications translated by: SCIENCE BITCHES!!!!!!)

PS: I enclosed a picture of something that sort of resembles what we look like


PPS: Nah, I'm just fucking with you bro, we don't look anything like that! LOL!!!

P3S: To be honest, you'd still shit your pants if you saw us though.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
some might consider religion and ancient visitations to be similar in our past, we are not off topic.. DUDE... now you are talking.. I totally agree. If you dont mind, lets examine a few things first if direct evidence will not be available to you atm. as a question, how would you respond if an 'unworldly' presence entered your home? would you be scared, or if you were told, dont fear the pain anymore? would you be prepared to listen and feel the emotions and meaning before requiring direct and verbal verification?

I had a conversation with God once. And yet I do not believe in God.

I was not scared.

If you can make an "unworldly" presence enter my home, I invite you to do so.

I am just asking what you would do in a situation you cannot fully explain without rethinking some basic hard-wiring in the brain. It`s almost religious, I would think, to witness a higher power when a person is downed - be it a child from alcoholic and abusive parents to anything else a 'good' needs from now on.
Can you expand on this idea further. I'm not sure I'm making any sense of what you are saying. what does it mean for a person to be "downed"? And what do you mean by "anything else a 'good' needs"?
Last edited:

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard

Got this in my PM box lads.

Not good.


11111 1111 1111 1111 1111 1122 2222 2222 2222 222 2233 3333 3333 3333 3334 4444 4444 4444 4444 4455 5555 5555 5555 5555 6666 666 666 666 666 66


You're absolutely right bro, you fuckers are not alone by a long shot! WE know you're there, but you bastards are FAR too stupid to even bother with at this point in your existence.

Peace out dude,
Mynim Izunpronowncabletooapes
(system communications translated by: SCIENCE BITCHES!!!!!!)

PS: I enclosed a picture of something that sort of resembles what we look like

View Image

PPS: Nah, I'm just fucking with you bro, we don't look anything like that! LOL!!!

P3S: To be honest, you'd still shit your pants if you saw us though.

Why the hell do you have a pic of my ex???


New member
my $.02

i voted yes because logic demands it...but what i really want to post is a couple stories from the 1970's

about 73 a friend and i were camping out on Mt Rainier in Washington State at about 6000' where the air is clear. the night was great: warm and calm and the stars were amazing. lying in our sleeping bags and staring at the stars we looked for and finally saw a satellite which was a bigger deal back then. anyway as we watched this satellite making a beeline from the horizon to directly overhead, it stopped and began circling. then out of nowhere several more lights appeared around it and were moving around together like bees outside a hive. this continued for quite awhile and we were pretty excited about it as it seemed to defy explanation... eventually we drifted off to sleep.
the lights appeared to be very high and/or too small to have any shape and were as bright as say the stars in the Little Dipper. we couldnt hear any engine noise but jets passing over made plenty of noise. when we were back at the parking lot the next day we asked around but no one else noticed them. thats my UFO encounter

the second story involves 2 guys who worked for me on a crew in the woods in WA. we became good friends and spent many good times camping, fishing, etc over the years. i came to know them and trust them like brothers so when they brought up this story and swore it to be true, i believed them. after reading Bushy O G and Cool Moes posts i was amazed at how similar the descriptions were and had to tell this:

in 72 these guys were camping with several other people (who verify the story exactly) up in the Cascades in a broad valley. about 10 pm someone noticed something in the sky moving slowly up the valley. they all stared as a huge aircraft came toward them at about 1000' above the ground . they described it as triangular and tall, dark, about the size of an aircraft carrier but silent. i cant remember if it had lights or not..anyway it cruised by them and went on up the valley and was gone.

its been 40 years and that story is still fresh with those guys...theyve told and retold it at many a campfire and quite a few taverns and it never gets stale...probly because they were there and lived it...and were changed by it...and that brings me to one more little side note:

ive been a picture taker since i bought my first Kodak 110. ive got lots of pics from my days in the woods, pics of different crews and friends i made out there and of course many of these two guys...and a funny thing has occurred with most of the pics they are in:

its as if a strange glow or aura surrounds them in nearly every picture...like when you accidentally open the film door before the roll is done and the light leak damages that portion of film. only this aura affects just their picture and none of the others and only affects pics with just them as the subjects. for awhile i was getting pissed that i couldnt get a good shot of the two of them...eventually i brought this up to them and it turns out the two of them feel something happened to them that night...something very subtle, something neither one wanted to expound on but the light-damaged pics seemed to them to be connected. eventually the aura stopped...actually before i really realized its significance and could test it. now it doesnt happen any more.
their butts dont hurt anymore either lol

peace, robodawg


Andinismo Hierbatero
Regarding Videos and Photographs:

So yesterday at work I was talking to this guy who is a video editor, photographer and cgi guy, well, he used to be, he's now retired and actually volunteers where I work...

anyway, I asked him about his thoughts on videos and photographs of ufos or supposed alien technology; he told me that the hardest part about believing in such photos and videos is that technically speaking, it is very difficult to photograph or film a flying object from far away; even if you decide to go out and make quality videos of airplanes and such, you need a lot of preparation and special equipment, like lenses, tripods and quality cameras.

so thinking anyone can just take out a cellphone and make a convincing video of ufos is naive he told me.

he also told me that due to this, a lot of fakes are made, which are really difficult to debunk, because the videos are shot in a very realistic way: with a shitty cellphone camera, shaky due to trying to follow a moving object in the sky that's far away.

so you can use all these conditions to your advantage to make a fake video and make it very hard to tell whether it is true or not.

I asked him on his personal opinion on the matter, whether he believed there are true videos out there or not, and he told me he does not know how to answer, as there could be real videos, but considering all of the above, it is hard to make a definite conclusion.

he told me to try to make a clear shot of a flying bird with a cellphone camera; it will be very hard to get a good video of it, and if it is flying beyond the range of the cellphone camera, it will not even be good enough to determine the species of bird. and that's considering that you are prepared to film such bird; so imagine trying to capture a ufo without any preparation to do it using a cellphone...

more food for thought.



Theres nothing wrong with imagination as long as you can tell the difference from that and reality which seems to be a problem for you and a lot of others in this thread :moon: it's a debate on whether aliens exsist or not and if you claim to know they do you should not have a problem with backing your claims with evidence yet not one person has posted anything that is remotely close to evidence i wonder why lol and i have contributed try watching the video i posted which debunk's a lot of the nonsense which gets spouted about ancient aliens which i might add is backed up with studys by people who actually work in the field they are discussing not just random quotes that can't be backed up by history channel nut jobs or story's by cranks with over active imaginations :)

OK "Berll"... prove alien life doesn't exist. Go on... I'll wait.
I've never seen anyone prove with empirical evidence that alien life doesn't and or can't exist. In fact that is IMPOSSIBLE to prove.

I believe aliens exist based purely on probability. The fact that we ourselves exist is PROOF that life can be created with whatever catalyst you may wish to imagine. Aliens can and probably do exist because we exist. We are proof that they are possible. Plus the sheer size of the universe. How many millions or even billions of years may it be possible for life to catalyse on one planet, out of the thousands in goldilocks zones, let alone trillions of planets outside of these zones that may support life in forms not suited to our planet, let alone the possibility of life forms that exist in void or open space.

What you are effectively arguing (in an amazingly self assured way) is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to shoot a hole in one playing golf after having shot one yourself. You are saying that other lifeforms don't exist despite being one yourself.

By the way, feel free to back off the smarmy emoticons. You aren't a 12 year old girl mate.


again with Noah's ark? don't you see a difference between a direct witness and religious testimony? anyway i thought that the scientific community agrees as a whole that there are many signs of ancient floods. so believing that there was a big flood that some guy only survived thanks to a big boat and his live stock isn't so far fetched is it? i mean, all the things that can happen, usually do happen at some point.


Do I believe in life in some form or another on other worlds?

Do I believe that they are building ships and doing drive bys on earth?
I still need a little convincing on this one

Oh, I saw mention of noahs ark, lmao, if you would like that bit of utter nonsense debunked just say so, I love ripping up religious myths.


Invertebrata Inebriata
Do I believe in life in some form or another on other worlds?

Do I believe that they are building ships and doing drive bys on earth?
I still need a little convincing on this one

Oh, I saw mention of noahs ark, lmao, if you would like that bit of utter nonsense debunked just say so, I love ripping up religious myths.

I bet you enjoy telling children there's no Santa Claus, too.
OK "Berll"... prove alien life doesn't exist. Go on... I'll wait.
I've never seen anyone prove with empirical evidence that alien life doesn't and or can't exist. In fact that is IMPOSSIBLE to prove.

I believe aliens exist based purely on probability. The fact that we ourselves exist is PROOF that life can be created with whatever catalyst you may wish to imagine. Aliens can and probably do exist because we exist. We are proof that they are possible. Plus the sheer size of the universe. How many millions or even billions of years may it be possible for life to catalyse on one planet, out of the thousands in goldilocks zones, let alone trillions of planets outside of these zones that may support life in forms not suited to our planet, let alone the possibility of life forms that exist in void or open space.

What you are effectively arguing (in an amazingly self assured way) is that it is IMPOSSIBLE to shoot a hole in one playing golf after having shot one yourself. You are saying that other lifeforms don't exist despite being one yourself.

By the way, feel free to back off the smarmy emoticons. You aren't a 12 year old girl mate.
I can't prove elfs don't exist does that make them real ? No one is saying aliens don't exist just that there's no evidence ! which is quite clear from my previous posts unless you can't read but you claimed there was plenty of evidence that aliens were visiting the earth and quoted the sumerian texts which i pointed out were translated by a crank yet you choose to post the above speel rather than respond to my request for you to post this supposid proof of alien intervention on earth i wonder why
And just for the record i have had a hole in one :dance013:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer

No, it actually translates very well. In fact this debate rages among the Reiki community. Reiki is a form of energy that some people feel and some don't. No one can see it. And it often conveys telempathic (telepathic and empathic) information. It translates directly. And people come at me with a vast array of judgments and hoops they think I should jump through about it. I've gone pretty much private with my Reiki, only doing it for my friends and our animals.

Just because both topics seem to involve telepathy doesn't mean it's fair to compare claiming you're in contact with a being of superior intelligence with teaching a healing technique

I think that's a fundamental misconstruction of the process in a few ways. It suggests that Darryl undertook this endeavor for some external goal. He seems to have started it for purely internal motivations. Who are we to say what his path or process should be? Ultimately he says this is a conversation between himself and another part of himself. Why all the other conditions and qualifications?

Not at all, nothing in what I said that you quoted touched on Darryl's motives. If it touched on any being's motives it touched on Bashar's motives which would presumably be for his info to reach a wider audience. If that is Basar's goal and he is this being of superior intelligence it would make far more sense to remove any roadblocks such as the financial needs of his host, rather then hope the host can figure out a way such as charging for access to information.

Again, I think it's a misplaced assumption, that he woke up one day and said I'm going to start a site and have people pay me for information I channel. I think it happened the other way around; he followed his own interests, as he began having a new experience people enjoyed it, people wanted to hear more. It became too many people to fit in a living room, so he had to rent a room, the participants paid for it.

He devoted more and more of his time and life to it, so he has it help with his bills. I just don't get why that's not feasible. It makes perfect sense to me. Have you ever tried channeling? You can't just start one day and pop off with an hour of the kind of stuff Bashar says. Try it sometime, let me know. It's a real skill, it requires extensive practice and dedication.

Again your reply has nothing to do with the quoted piece you attached you reply to. I didn't suggest any order from the process of him channeling to the point of him creating a web site. If it was him doing what he was doing for his own personal interests then how would people enjoy it and want to hear more? If I decide I'm going to go meditate to try to come to a better understanding of something, I don't go tell people, "Hey I'm going to meditate and try to figure out the meaning of life, you should come by and watch, you might enjoy it." Now if in the process of doing so I was contacted by some other entity that asked if he could speak to others thru me, I might then go on to invite people over. If however I started to have problems such as having enough space and needed to rent space to reach a wider audience I wouldn't expect the audience to foot the bill. I would either limit the audience to what I could manage on my own or I would ask this superior being to provide me with a way to do what he wants without being limited by such worldly things as location or money. Now if I were the entity making the contact and I had some burning desire to impart my knowledge to others I wouldn't impose the responsibility to burden the expenses of fulling that goal on the host. I would say "Hey I want you to reach as many people as you can and I don't want you distracted by anything else so I'm going to give you the plans to something that will make you wealthy enough to devote yourself to this and not need to ask anyone else of anything."

Also I never said needing help with bills and creating a web site to get that help was unbelievable, what I said was that it detracts from the message he's trying to deliver by making him look like others who have tried similar things (selling ideas thru websites) to gain personal wealth.

Again, the idea of gaining credibility in the eyes of others assumes an external focus that I don't believe is there.

So then you don't believe Bashar wants Darryl to pass this information on to others? Because if you do believe that's what he wants then Bashar is the external focus needing credibility. Perhaps if it was a common, ordinary, every day occurance for people to channel other beings then maybe there wouldn't be as much of a need to prove things, people would just accept it because they too have channeled someone before. Then there is the issue that Bashar is a being of superior intelligence, how is anyone to know that for sure? Just because Darryl says he is? If he some how gave Darryl something such as a device that improved life for everyone who owned one and that clearly couldn't have just been dreamed up by Darryl that would go a very long way to supporting the claim Bashar is in fact of superior intelligence as well as providing Darryl with a means of covering any and all expense channeling Bashar might create for Darryl.

One of the biggest points that Bashar talks about is challenging this mass delusion we all share; that there's an "out there" out there. Why should Darryl come as a messiah? He's not doing anything that anyone else couldn't do if they also had the desire and put in the effort. Why should his process follow this very specific track?

Who said anything about Darryl coming as a Messiah? That part you quoted above this reply is about creating something given to him by Bashar that would support the claim that Bashar is of superior intelligence. You say Darryl isn't doing something anyone else couldn't do and yet I don't see all sorts of other folks out there claiming to be channeling anyone let alone some being of supposedly superior intelligence. So I'm going to have to disagree with your opinion this is something anyone else could do.

You're entitled to that viewpoint, but it doesn't suggest that to me. What does he ask for his videos, $30 for two hours of information? I don't know, have you ever spent $30 on something that sucked? I have, way more than that.

He doesn't do hardcore marketing or high pressure sales pitches, and his stuff is very accessible. Again, I don't get why he should have to come out of pocket to pay for his web site and photoshopper, pay for the room rentals and travel himself, and do all of this after he completes his full-time job.

$30 for one two hour video? Hollywood takes years sometimes to make a movie that's usually less then 2 hours and spends millions upon millions to create the right effects and the right look to get it's story across to people and when you buy a ticket to see that movie or to rent the DVD you don't pay anywhere near $30. So if all this is, is to defer Darryl's costs why such a high price? What's so hard about setting up a web cam or a small video camera and recording him talking for two hours? Web sites aren't that expensive, you can find hosting services that cost around $10 per month and if you know what you're doing a web site can be coded in notepad although most hosting services throw in a free WYSIWYG web site editor with their service. Since he has a web site he doesn't need to travel or rent rooms, if he wanted to he could even just manage his web site from his full time job during his lunch break. So all these expenses justifying the high price tag just don't really make sense. Still if Darryl is doing this on Bashar's behalf then nobody here is expecting Darryl should foot the bill. What I and I think others have suggested is that Bashar should be the one compensating Darryl not the people Darryl is spreading Bashar's message to. Why should they have to pay for giving up the time and attention to hear Darryl's message from Bashar? Why shouldn't they be compensated in some way for giving up two hours to watch a video?

On a side note, you claim to not like tediousness in discussions and yet you made one thought of mine, "That Bashar should provide for Darryl's needs since he is expecting Darryl to perform a service for him" very tedious by dividing it into 6 different points and then took those points out of context and in very different directions then what was intended. So based on that it seems rather then not liking tediousness you go out of your way to make things very tedious.

I really don't follow this logic, though I see people having it all the time. He offers what he offers. He tells people what he believes it to be. He doesn't care if you believe him or not. He doesn't care if you buy it or not. He just puts it out there. He's not telling people they'll have magical powers or be cured of their cancer. He's presenting ideas, that's all.

Why does it have to be pigeonholed? And what pigeonhole could he use that would satisfy each and every critic that exists?

Hey, you're the one that pidgeonholed it by suggesting it might be performance art. I'm just saying that if it is in fact performance art as you hypothesized then he should clearly state that. It's called truth in advertising and is a very simple and reasonable concept.

I stopped reading when I saw a statement to the effect of, "but we have a conversation where people are saying things that aren't proven, should we let that pass without challenging them?" as though that were some preposterous idea. And my opinion was yes. This isn't an academic paper, it's a smokin' and jokin' lounge. I tend to balk at strict rules of construction when arbitrarily applied (even by me).

I find that hard to believe because if it were a true statement you never would have read my posts to you because my posts to you came well after that thought was expressed

Right. It had moved into the buzzkill zone for me.

<3 Tesla

Then I'm totally mystified as to why you're still here, disecting my posts and taking things out of context to make it seem like I'm making an arguement I'm not making rather then just responding to the arguement I actually am making.

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