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Aliens, yay or nay?

Aliens, yay or nay?

  • Absolutely no

    Votes: 18 4.8%
  • Maybe, i'm not sure

    Votes: 43 11.5%
  • Of course, there are aliens out there!

    Votes: 312 83.6%

  • Total voters


Sorcerer's Apprentice
Its obvious that your mind is not open to this sort of thing and thats fine. One day I am sure we will know for sure but until then, this is what we have. Not going to sit and try to convince a closed mind about the existance of something that said mind seems to be dead set against in the first place. I am sure if you are truly interested, you will find the time to research the subject.

It's obvious that you have no business speculating about how open my mind is.

If you present some evidence, I will review it with an open-mind.

If, having reviewed it, I find a reason to reject it, I will do so with an equally open-mind. Skepticism is a healthy thing.

If you present lists of things that you believe are evidence, I will tell you again that lists are not evidence.

Naming people who believe is also not evidence.

Evidence stands alone. It does not require name-dropping.

If I say I have a baseball and you ask for evidence, I will show you my baseball and not have to say a word.

Just because I don't jump to the same conclusions you are jumping to doesn't mean my mind is closed.

Most Christians believe I must not have read the bible since I don't agree that it is absolute truth. Generally, when we start having a discussion about the bible, we find that *I* actually read the whole thing, and the person telling me it is absolutely true didn't bother. Thus I may come up with a different answer than you simply because I have looked deeply WITHOUT a commitment to believe.


If you present some evidence, I will review it with an open-mind.

Something I've never understood in these discussions (and I've seen a lot of them) -- why should anyone convince you of anything? If you think it's bullshit, why demand that people who are interested in it present you with evidence?

Not trying to flame or whatever, it's just something I truly don't get.

<3 Tesla


Something I've never understood in these discussions (and I've seen a lot of them) -- why should anyone convince you of anything? If you think it's bullshit, why demand that people who are interested in it present you with evidence?

Not trying to flame or whatever, it's just something I truly don't get.

<3 Tesla


+ 1


Sorcerer's Apprentice

Something I've never understood in these discussions (and I've seen a lot of them) -- why should anyone convince you of anything? If you think it's bullshit, why demand that people who are interested in it present you with evidence?

Not trying to flame or whatever, it's just something I truly don't get.

<3 Tesla

So you would prefer that discussions about aliens go like this:

Guy #1: I saw aliens!

Guy #2: Neato!

Guy #3: I saw 'em too!

Guy #4: I read a book that had pictures that looked like aliens!

Guy #5: That's proof, yo!

Guy #1: The aliens are friendly!

Guy #2, #3, #4, #5: yup!

Guy #2: Aliens are cool!

Guy #3: and crop circles!

Guy #4: and pyramids!

Guy #1: Everything is so cool!


Seems lame to me...

Let me remind everybody participating that this thread is called "Aliens, yay or nay?" Not "Alien Lovers Circle Jerk".


Andinismo Hierbatero
If I say I have a baseball and you ask for evidence, I will show you my baseball and not have to say a word.

if someone asks for evidence of your baseball bat and you show them said bat, you show them proof of the bat, not evidence.

evidence of the bat would be a picture of the bat, or marks in your hands about using the bat.

two different things.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
if someone asks for evidence of your baseball bat and you show them said bat, you show them proof of the bat, not evidence.

evidence of the bat would be a picture of the bat, or marks in your hands about using the bat.

two different things.

You're still quibbling about proof and evidence?

If someone shows me a picture of the bat, that's evidence that bats exist. It is not necessarily evidence that the person showing me the picture is in possession of said bat.


Andinismo Hierbatero
there's tons of evidence of ufos, pictures, videos, testimonies of experts in the aerospace fields.

so if you want evidence, it's there.

if you want proof, you are out of luck.

and yes, I have to quibble about evidence and proof as you obviously don't understand the difference.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
there's tons of evidence of ufos, pictures, videos, testimonies of experts in the aerospace fields.

so if you want evidence, it's there.

if you want proof, you are out of luck.

and yes, I have to quibble about evidence and proof as you obviously don't understand the difference.

Bomb, you are so busy trying to find something to argue with me about that you never stop to question exactly WHAT my argument is.

Yes. I am aware there are pictures, videos and testimonials out there. I've seen a lot of them. What I haven't seen is anything that is REMOTELY convincing.

In the spirit of keeping an open mind, I am asking people to PRESENT that evidence. Nobody is required to do so, but there's nothing wrong with me ASKING, is there?

Especially in the "Aliens, yay or NAY" thread.

If people want to say "I believe in aliens no matter what you say" I won't argue. But if people claim to KNOW (and several have) I am going to ask for evidence.

It's very reasonable.

I am participating in this thread for fun.


So you would prefer that discussions about aliens go like this:

Guy #1: I saw aliens!

Guy #2: Neato!

Guy #3: I saw 'em too!

Guy #4: I read a book that had pictures that looked like aliens!

Guy #5: That's proof, yo!

Guy #1: The aliens are friendly!

Guy #2, #3, #4, #5: yup!

Guy #2: Aliens are cool!

Guy #3: and crop circles!

Guy #4: and pyramids!

Guy #1: Everything is so cool!


Seems lame to me...

Let me remind everybody participating that this thread is called "Aliens, yay or nay?" Not "Alien Lovers Circle Jerk".


come on brother why are you taking this so seriously? that usually not your style

i can't speak for tesla but here is the way i think it could work

guy#1 dude i saw something that i am convinced was a UFO>

guy #2 no shit? tell me about it

guy #1 well i was driving along and ..... blah blah yada yada etc etc

guy #2 i wasn't with you so i don't know. sounds like you are convinced though. i'll believe it when i see it, you know me

guy #1 thanks for listening homey. it's tough when people think you are a nut job because of something you need to get off your chest

guy #2 i hear ya brother! it's crazy how normally smart and rational people are will to beat the shit out of each other like kids on the play ground. i do my best to avoid it

guy #1 amen mi amigo .... amen. hey man you wanna burn a joint?

guy #2 shit bro is a ducks ass water tight? is it the same bud you had last time? that stuff knocked me on my ass man, been a long time since that happened.

guy #1 same stuff man. do you want a clone? how is life treating you and yours by the way?

guy #2 you know the drill man. things aren't perfect but complaining only gets you so far. is your wife home? i have a fucked up joke to tell ya .............

i might be a dreamer but i am damn sure not the only one:dance013:


Sorcerer's Apprentice

come on brother why are you taking this so seriously? that usually not your style

I'm not taking this seriously at all. I am entertaining myself while I have a few days of down time.

I am participating with the hope that one of these true believers will actually present evidence I haven't already seen and debunked.

I am also attempting to inject a small amount of rationality and skepticism (which are healthy traits for ANYONE to cultivate in their own minds) into an otherwise extremely irrational and anti-skeptical discussion.

i might be a dreamer but i am damn sure not the only one:dance013:
If you want a happy, peace-and-love thread, Mean Mr. Mustard's "love thread" is a good one.

If that's what you're looking for, you'd be well advised to stay out of any thread that Mr. "I know cherubs!" Hubbleman starts.

Also, everybody in your sample argument is qualifying their terms in a very reasonable way, i.e. "I saw something that i am convinced was a UFO" rather than "I saw an Alien space craft."

If you go back and read my responses, you'll see I rarely comment when someone makes a statement like "I saw something I can't explain. Maybe it was aliens." You'll see my responses when people say, "I know there are Aliens visiting earth." and my response is generally to ask for evidence.


LMAO ....... you know damn well that i'm not always about peace and love i just don't like to waste time on questions that can't be anwered

the rest of your advice is very accurate though! i actually forgot who started this mess and you reminding me put a few thing back in context

good luck with the "entertainment"


Sorcerer's Apprentice
i just don't like to waste time on questions that can't be anwered

If Aliens are interacting with humans PHYSICALLY on our planet this is a TESTABLE HYPOTHESIS. Anyone who has not DIRECTLY had contact with said aliens should NOT accept them as FACT, but should instead RESERVE JUDGMENT until such time that the hypothesis is tested and proven.

I have asked many times (to the point of being told it was retarded to do so) for evidence. If Aliens are really visiting our planet, then EVIDENCE MUST EXIST.

People keep saying I'm not open minded, but I am. I just don't leave the mind so open that my brain flops out into the dirt. My mind is open and I would be VERY INTERESTED to see evidence that these things are of extraterrestrial origin.

I haven't seen any, yet.

Claiming that it's out there and I just haven't done the right research is a very poor substitute for providing the evidence.

If you saw something that convinced you, why wouldn't you share it?


absolute proof is a really slippery slope when you get on subjects like these.

kind like debating about jesus (and i mean jesus pronounced hey soos) the illegal alien. it'll go in circles

and if you pronounce jesus like you read it the first time? .... that one has been going in circles for a while

gypsy is gonna need more server space to solve this one


Seems lame to me...

I see things all the time that are not only lame IMO, but vile. I wish they would change, but I don't feel like they owe me an explanation or an apology. When the prevailing mindset doesn't work for me I just go my own way.

I posted a link above of a guy channeling an alien called Bashar. Is Bashar a real alien? Is channeling real? Don't know, don't care. I very much enjoy the information presented. It offers me some different avenues to approach my consciousness. It's odd to me that many people want to rail at me for that.


<3 Tesla


Andinismo Hierbatero
Yes. I am aware there are pictures, videos and testimonials out there. I've seen a lot of them. What I haven't seen is anything that is REMOTELY convincing.

what would constitute a convincing piece of evidence for you though?

I agree that there's tons of people telling stories that are just not convincing at all, and in fact, it just makes you think it's all bullshit... same with many of the videos and pics.

but there are certain testimonials, videos and pics that do indeed make you wonder; specially if you have seen a ufo like I have, since it helps connect the experience with some sort of explanation for it.

a few posts back I posted a link to a video to a former minister of defense of Canada talking about the subject.

to me, that's a pretty convincing testimonial.

do I think what he said is the absolute truth? no, but I cannot discount the fact that someone as a minister of defense is able to inform himself on the subject, specially when the guy is an aerospace professional, even worked building planes, etc...

but in the end, like I said already, the only thing that makes me believe more in the evidence that is there is the fact that I indeed saw a ufo, and my woman saw it with me, in plain day-light; and I've seen videos of ufos that are exactly like the one I saw, so those videos are pretty convincing to me that they are true; why would someone fake a video that looked exactly to what I saw in real life? it would be a super-coincidence.

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AVG 2.0

i defer to carl sagan in matters if this sort:
extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence.
in this case, there is nary a shred of anything that meets this standard.

AVG 2.0

looking at these poll numbers, i am forced to conclude that a vast majority of the people on this forum are either terribly ignorant or stoned goofy. and then i remember that most of the folks on here are americans. we're talking about a country where 80% of the populace believes that angels are real beings and where 55 out of the 100 senators believe that jesus is returning to earth sometime this century. that speaks volumes.


so if you have debunked it all Anti, what's your explanation for some of the statements provided under oath in the disclosure project? that there seems to be quite strong evidence of something out of the ordinary going on. or are they all doing it with some kind of ulterior motive? it's just quite a large group of normally reliable people all telling of events that would lead one to believe they have had some kind of alien encounter, or at least encountered tech thats unknown to the general public. did you already cover this? might have missed it. but like i said it's a large group, consisting of pilots both military and commercial, radar operators, police, firefighters, military. what are they all seeing up there?


Invertebrata Inebriata

come on brother why are you taking this so seriously? that usually not your style

i can't speak for tesla but here is the way i think it could work

guy#1 dude i saw something that i am convinced was a UFO>

guy #2 no shit? tell me about it

guy #1 well i was driving along and ..... blah blah yada yada etc etc

guy #2 i wasn't with you so i don't know. sounds like you are convinced though. i'll believe it when i see it, you know me

guy #1 thanks for listening homey. it's tough when people think you are a nut job because of something you need to get off your chest

guy #2 i hear ya brother! it's crazy how normally smart and rational people are will to beat the shit out of each other like kids on the play ground. i do my best to avoid it

guy #1 amen mi amigo .... amen. hey man you wanna burn a joint?

guy #2 shit bro is a ducks ass water tight? is it the same bud you had last time? that stuff knocked me on my ass man, been a long time since that happened.

guy #1 same stuff man. do you want a clone? how is life treating you and yours by the way?

guy #2 you know the drill man. things aren't perfect but complaining only gets you so far. is your wife home? i have a fucked up joke to tell ya .............

... and then we can all sing Kum Bi Yah!

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