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ALF and the Fat B*stard AF's..



The males do stretch it a bit when they are coming to sex..especially on the pointy headed pheno.

He doesn't look as if he has started to stretch yet though..he looks positively lush.

See the fems.

10 x 10. square.

If that male is current..expect girls is 2-3 days.... :yes:

The head/spread on those JEM's you had the other day is Exactly what I am used to seeing.


Active member
Damn Mossy ....things happenin full force for you.I flowered a spring outdoor harvest myself.. in New England. I'm going to come back later for a full read..Peace Budluver


Joint Date: Today.
What I am wondering...

IMO..spring bud is stronger/tastier gram per gram than Autumn bud.
Bud that is grown in Cold conditions.

Tomatoes are the same..the ones grown in the cold are smaller..but a lot tastier.
Now does this means that there is something beneficial to canna in a cold snap..like brussel sprouts taste better after they have been frosted..
(Afghan mountains have high day temps..but bloody cold to frost nights)

does the plant..from seed have an exact blue-print which says how much strength/flavour it contains..or can produce..
so it concentrates that Specific amount into a smaller frame..so the buds you get are smaller but stronger.

Bit deep for a Monday morning..but I am sure someone will have an opinion.

afternoon pals
well from my experience i think the cannabis plant frequently reacts to cold night temps in bloom with an heavyer production of resin probably due to the fact that it feels that her life cycle is coming to an end. Cold temps during the formation of the flowers would cause the developement of smaller flowers as the nutrients flow slower in the plant.
Sometimes it seems to me that slow flowering plants produce a richer taste than extra fast ones and what i always suposed is that a longer time means more substances get carried to the buds and more terpenes and other substances are produced in the flower.. i dont believe this is true for all cases though.

I definitely believe that smaller famed plants take less energy and time to spread the nutes around all the buds compared to large framed plants and thats why several times
big plants develope smaller and less tasty/potent bud compared to small ones.

About the male selection question i would pick up the WR x AK male to add different AF male genes in the mix.. this way it sounds more natural and less artificial .. cause she doesnt have sex with her father's relatives hehe
Plus it seems like breeding backwards too much makes the offsprings weaker..

couple bubbledust shot .. shes bomb

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Ah...nice bubbledust..
Damn fine tric coverage there :yummy: :yummy:

Is it my eyes or is she fox-tailing..?

Interesting thoughts on cold temps leading to heavier production for protection... :chin:

I have read that extreme sun can cause her to increase resin production as a reaction to excess heat..
so it stands to reason she could be prompted to do the same for the cold.

I think on off-season harvests I get a higher THC content...
and it is the high THC that I need for pain-killer.
Spring bud always seems to do the job better.

I will have to try a side by side with one on ice-cube night feeds and cold showers to drop the temps..and see what happens... :smoke:

Have a look at the WR girl..boney pheno.

give our M8 the kudos for this..
he has produced a little peach... :kissass:
I like her more every day.

The Pink. (WW x Maz)

:wave: buddle..good to see you m8.
Catch up when you have time.
Safety karma to you... :yes:


very nice mossy that ww x maz and you have some buble x maz that looks sweet also

can definately tell you got that green thumb so green its falling off lol

wamen very nice dust man you doing some work with that one?

matt very cool they do look pretty big for little starting leafs and it seems like you just started them and already getting sex


JHC bpb..I hope You are not getting psychic..you know how I am held with that thumb :yes:
:D :D

Looks like the gallery has blown up.


Everything is good man.

Just starting up a couple beans, so waiting for them to pop. :yes:
How's things with you Mossy??

:wave: Matt good to see ya over here at IC
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Head is up me arse today m8.

Me step-Dad is in for a 5 heart valve replacement..

I am bricking it for him..and worried about me Mother fretting.

I think it is going to be a LONG day.

Fingers crossed and teeth clenched.

What are you setting away m8..

Anything Tasty.. :yummy:

If it begins with Lemon Stinky..don't tell me..
coz I haven't had the pleasure yet.. :joint:
but I saw one coming through the gallery @ THCtalk that would make your eyes water.
:bow: When our Friend says he has been working on them..
you can take his word on it.


I have been up playing with the girls..
I tell you..I am getting prouder by the day.

On the AK-47 X WR..
I said the leaves say she is AK dom..
the male has the pink flower tips..
exactly the same as the original WR.

The internodal difference on them is AK..
so 2 points toward AK..1 toward WR...ATM.

Could be a battle..could be a meld..
time will tell.. :joint:

All of them are starting to fatten and develop their individual looks now.

If I could get rid of this dank patch..they would probably be woof-ing.


Hey all :wave: Glad to be back. The computer puked over the weekend so I was going nuts :bashhead: Nice plants all!! Good luck to all that are getting ready to plant. I shall have pictures of my babies this weekend. They are only 12 days but look like 20! Cow manure works wonders.


hello all
mossy sounds like you got some great work in the mix and some good phenos to choose from i vote stabilize both then try and find the best one

also sorry to hear the bad news i am keeping my fingures crossed for the best health for you and all your family

oh forgot hk what kind you starting?
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Cheers guys..it went well... :yes:

Cheers esbe.

Meaty..they absolutely love cow manure..can't wait to see them.

bpb..cheers m8.

White Russian ibl's

AK-47 X WR @F1

AK-47 X JEM @f1

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the White Russians...and the pink bubble/maz.

Love this little freakie. It is the Bubble/maz AF one...in the shape of a heart..
it has to be named for me step-Dad.

Me Special germ. Remember kenzlers Darcey cross..that is her off-spring germing.
I only got 5 seeds off her..so I am nervous.. :muahaha:

I picked the right pheno to work on with this one.
See the bottom balance buds..that is where the extra weight comes from.
She has better balance than a than a chinese acrobat.
Eye pleasing in the extreme. :kissass:

The bubble/maz is going in with the White Russian male.
See how severe that super-crop is.
I did it to stop her peaking over the balcony when I went to the UK...
She has been treated like Crap..and she is still glowing..
My kinda girl. :jump:
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:listen2: Guys..
Me Mother says me step-Dad looks 10 years younger..
and it is only the day after his operation.

Probably due to the fact he is getting a bit of oxygen into his blood.
A couple of the valves were 95% blocked.

Cheers for the good karma.. :yes:


Mossy heres some karma to a speedy recovery for you step dad. Your plants look to be loving that warmer weather you've been getting. I like the colors on that Bubble/Maz. Looks like some amazing genes you got working over there. Good luck keep it nice and green.

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