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Alec Baldwin to be charged with involuntary manslaughter over “Rust” death


Well-known member
Craziest thing was right after it happened, out of nowhere, regular TV started replaying "Miami Blues" one of his early films where he's running around shooting everyone in the face. Seemed to know his way around a gun or three on that set.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Just for comparison... You guys might remember Brandon Lee was killed in the same manner but with a blank. Massee who fired the lethal shot did not face any criminal charges, but Lee's mother did successfully sue filmmakers for an undisclosed amount.


Well-known member
i saw a discussion this morn on tv - a defense lawyer argued all u need is one juror who doesn't think the case was proven beyond a reasonable doubt...,

on the other hand it was argued that new mexico is an open carry state, and that the people in new mexico who carry are by and far very responsible with their gun's , n will look at this case as someone was very irresponsible...


Well-known member
that's exactly what they are trying to prevent. a human life should not have a negotiable price tag on it varying by who ends it.
In a better world the rules would apply equally to hollywood elites. The OJ trial shows you everything you need to know about money and justice. And that was the deliberate murder of 2 people and a high speed chase across greater los angeles :oops:


Well-known member
In a better world the rules would apply equally to hollywood elites. The OJ trial shows you everything you need to know about money and justice. And that was the deliberate murder of 2 people and a high speed chase across greater los angeles :oops:
"high speed" ? you must have watched a different "chase" than i did. :dunno: but i agree with you. it's no secret that in this country, you can have all of the justice that you can afford...


Well-known member


Well-known member
That couple never pulled the trigger or cocked the hammer back. Baldwin is an asshole but it was an accident. An accident caused by his stupidity. Involuntary manslaughter is the appropriate charge. He probably won't go to jail but should do some time. The most he can get is 18 months.

The guy who took a plea said he never handed Baldwin the gun. The woman in charge of the guns wasn't even there. The crew did target practice on breaks with real ammunition.

I don't understand why the woman gun expert is even being charged with anything let alone the same charge as Baldwin.

Baldwin needs to be cancel cultured, disappear and never show his face again. The guy is a creep and a scumbag. The incident on the plane, the incident with his daughter and the incident with the guy over a parking space. But then he hated Trump and did his impersonation and the left embraced him all over again.


Well-known member
Hes far too much of a snowflake to get canceled. Even those liberal rags on The View were whining about it being a giant republican conspiracy to charge him. His lawyers would be well advised to push that narrative at some point in the trial. It couldn't hurt


Comfortably numb!
That couple never pulled the trigger or cocked the hammer back. Baldwin is an asshole but it was an accident. An accident caused by his stupidity. Involuntary manslaughter is the appropriate charge. He probably won't go to jail but should do some time. The most he can get is 18 months.

The guy who took a plea said he never handed Baldwin the gun. The woman in charge of the guns wasn't even there. The crew did target practice on breaks with real ammunition.

I don't understand why the woman gun expert is even being charged with anything let alone the same charge as Baldwin.

Baldwin needs to be cancel cultured, disappear and never show his face again. The guy is a creep and a scumbag. The incident on the plane, the incident with his daughter and the incident with the guy over a parking space. But then he hated Trump and did his impersonation and the left embraced him all over again.
At the end of the day folks there is enough blame to go around, not the least Baldwin's failure to check the weapon. Yes they use props etc... You hand me a gun, saying its cold or not, I will check that breach. Because that is what "responsible" people do!

A blank looks no where near a live round. If the round is a "prop" where one can't identify the delta. I believe it is high time, they re-visit the SOPs wrt to firearms on set. You can't fix stupid even with duct tape. Guns don't kill people!

Yes the right charge, involuntary manslaughter is the correct charge. Here's a true story from my career, some time after women were allowed at sea.

A young ordinary seaperson 17/18 (can't call them seaman any more LOL) with an itchy pussy had some fun in the mess decks. Some time after the night of partaking and sex, she developed a guilty conscience and, talked to the ships dock about it. Next thing we know she was raped. The doc, a woman (insignificant).

It was in all the papers and a full blown investigation took place. (once again insignificant). There was no rape. The charges that were brought forward, were, drinking and fraternizing in the mess. For which, this was the distribution of punishment:
  • all were served with a $100 fine for drinking in the mess;
  • the individual that brought the bottle an extra $50. He was an able seaman; and
  • the leading seaman also paid an extra $50, because as "the" ranking member present, was supposed to have put a stop to it (intervened).
Long and short, think of the young girl who goes off to college for the 1st time. She spreads her wings. She liked to have sex and was very indiscriminate about it.

They all got the same punishment. The extra fines were separate charges added to the "charge". Fair an equal distribution of punishment, for drinking in the mess.

She didn't have much of a sex life after that. There is no where to hide, in the Navy. Your reputation (regardless of why you have one) follows you wherever you go.