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airport advice


New member
Hello everyone! I was hoping to get advice on getting through airport full body scanners? ie: (how they work, how much they see?)


tried hiding some exotic fruit once,was in way over my head...got boped and the rest is history


New member
Thanks KharmaGirl very informative and technical link! I guess what im getting at is it possable to get small fruits like a grape through on your body. Anyone have success?

terry the trich

Active member
Few years ago i smuggled some weed out to spain from uk. I powdered the weed and wrapped it up in a good few layers of cling film/shrink wrap, but it was a very small amount really. I put this in my mouth when i approached the bit where they scan you. There were armed police at the bit where you get scanned and it was a little worrying, but if anything happened all i had to do was swallow it. Once safely on the plane i put it in my pocket until the plane landed. The mouth idea is good but it has to be small enough to not affect your speech or bulge in your cheek etc, and the cling film must be tight and totally waterproof.

sac beh

I can't imagine being desperate enough to save a small amount of weed that I would swallow plastic wrap.


New member
I was on my way back from a trip and didn't know I would encounter one of the full body scanners. Had a couple popcorn nugs in a baggie in my pocket but nothing happened. I probably got lucky though and won't attempt that again, I'll definitely be opting for a pat down and the bud sealed and concealed in my luggage


Active member
You don't have to go through those full body scanners, you ALWAYS request a pat down if you are randomly selected. There's always room for a chunk of hash or a nug in the gooch.
If you're checking luggage, just put it in there. Just put it into a balloon or condom, tie off the end, and put it in your shampoo or bodywash bottle. Works like a charm.


Tropical Outcast
Don't do it.

It's not worth it.

Simple as that.

PS/edit: smuggling drugs on a plane in the USA automatically result in federal charges. A federal defense lawyer will cost you 50-70k.
Just so you know.
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Edit.............posted and then thought 'am i really bothered' about this...no
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Active member
Put It In A vacuum sealed bag, and then double it, and conceal that inside electronic equipment in your checked bags. Do not use cheap vacuum sealers from grocery store. Get it from Sears...about $100, but well worth it. I have carried 2 ounces using this method many times, through customs, broken up into 4 small packs. DVD players work great, or a small flat screen. Often you need special torx screw drivers to open. Carry one with you. They are not going to open it. I have never been on a plane without herb, but used to carry it in my crotch. Body scanners make that a bit dicey now. Coming out of Amsterdam, I had an ounce in my crotch, and the guy in front of me got a pat down, and they went over his crotch. I was shitting bricks, as the same tactic would have caught me. Now, I only use the vacuum seal method.

Rabbi Reefer

I wouldn't bother trying this in the USA or on USA bound flight.
Back in the early 90's I had a friend who stuffed an ounce in his crotch.
He went through the xray machine fine, and headed to the men's room to take a leak.
Standing at the urinal, he totally forgot about his "package" and whipped it out instead of his dick. Luckily, nobody was at the next urinal!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
I have done this countless times. Get a thick shampoo with small hole when uncapped. Then grind up and oz or 2 and roll into baggies like blunts i manage to get an oz into 2 baggies less then 1/2in in diameter pushed it into shampoo capped and put into luggage never had a problem with this method.

They can see it with there xray machines but they want bombs and weapons. 1 little baggie wont catch there eye unless your really that unlucky


Tropical Outcast

They can see it with there xray machines but they want bombs and weapons. 1 little baggie wont catch there eye unless your really that unlucky

...yeah and then you'll have a story to tell....a few years later though after you got back out that is.

Hiding contraband in Shampoo bottle on a plane...shit like that they'll be very happy these days to make some serious terrorist charges from it.


terry the trich

Active member
Yeah i think its not worth the risk. The only way i was and would be willing to smuggle small amounts is in my mouth. If anything happens, you just swallow it. No arrest, no suspicion, just a small amount of weed wasted...

Imagine getting it found on you by customs in a country like vietnam or thailand.. Not a nice way to end up; rotting away in some foreign jail where nobody (not even your own government) can help you.

Just be carefull.



Active member
Put It In A vacuum sealed bag, and then double it, and conceal that inside electronic equipment in your checked bags. Do not use cheap vacuum sealers from grocery store. Get it from Sears...about $100, but well worth it. I have carried 2 ounces using this method many times, through customs, broken up into 4 small packs. DVD players work great, or a small flat screen. Often you need special torx screw drivers to open. Carry one with you. They are not going to open it. I have never been on a plane without herb, but used to carry it in my crotch. Body scanners make that a bit dicey now. Coming out of Amsterdam, I had an ounce in my crotch, and the guy in front of me got a pat down, and they went over his crotch. I was shitting bricks, as the same tactic would have caught me. Now, I only use the vacuum seal method.

yeah real smart put a plastic bag in an electronic device so it looks like an improvised bomb.

just vacuum it and check it with your luggage. put the bag in pants pocket, pants folded. no smell, no worries. their eyes are on metals and electronics.

you can always put it in your prison wallet too.

if you are leaving the states for another country i wouldn't sweat it at all. they know everyone gets thorough screening in the US and you are clean as a whistle.

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