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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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Active member
I also don't agree that celebrities are NOT under mind control. I'm not saying that they are, but why are all the big cheeses Scientologists??

Not all are. In fact, a fraction of "them" are. Scientology is actually interesting, I've read about it. It takes a lot of money though, and uses odd and arguably preposterous techniques.

Oprah, for example, is one of the wealthiest. I am convinced she is amongst the celbrity "elites" as someone called them. She is, however, very Luciferian. I say that with treat tentativity, because I am well versed on LaVeyan Satanism and the many variety that came from it. I happen to ascribe to some Satanistic points of view. I say this about Oprah because of many reasons besides this as well. Do some research on her. She has her own religious show she hosts and has other celebrities come on.

Mind control is more subtle and meant for the masses. Granted, celebrities tend to be a default hero in most cases, but read the book "Born to Buy" and you'll see what people with enough money can REALLY do in regards to mind control.


Active member

which one?

did they throw up the baphomet or what?

there is a new Rick Ross/JayZ song called Freemasons.

JayZ lyric "I never said I was a mason, I said I was amazin'."


Active member
I don't think they're reading the message boards. The message boards are there because they do this shit. Now its so in the open that it can even "seem" like a joke.

izzy spun

Great thread. People should always look into things for themselves, rather than simply accepting or denying information on face value


there is a video floating around youtube of a african american
being interviewd by a random couple and they go on about jayzee
and the masons.
and how he thinks he knows this and that.

here is the scary bit,-at the end the guy says "jayzee dont know shit and unfortunatly
thats my son "
i was trying to find it again but cant,if i can i will post it up.
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