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agents of the Illuminati - Mind Control and World Domination

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Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
You're right bro. Money talks and bullshit walks, but shit rolls downhill too. In fact that shit flows all the way onto your front porch and it's looks like it's starting to get down there. Where the top of this hill is, is our point of major difference.

So yeah, I'm fuckin' nutz bro. Didn't you miss the Looney Tunes sign I posted up earlier. Either I'm crazy or you are trained to have a golfball size understanding of the world. For shits and giggles, and to satisfy your sensibilities of what you think is reality, I'm just going to sit over here in my corner and be fuckin nutz for a while because we trying to argue massive paradigms that I can't be really fucked with.

And your right, there is an element of chaos in everything, but humans are very similar to atoms in that they are very predictable, but only to a certain extent. Over time we behave the same way to historical situations. To suggest everything is chaos is to make folly of history and to believe the world is complete chaos right now would suggest that we live in totally anarchy. Are you suggesting the current global political situation constitutes a state of individual anarchy? We all live under a form of social contract theory. There are laws which are made to control violence.

I see laws that are made to perpetuate violence and chaos in the Drug War and ask why? Who would criminalize society for profit. Who would build privatized prisons and lobby Congress to lock people up. What drives leaders to want to destroy us?

That's control.

In case you missed it.


BTW, I'm not poor in any sort of material, intellectual, or spiritual sense. You'll have to leave that bag at door. :biglaugh:
If you don't know anything about this all you have to do is watch Dark Secrets at Bohemian Grove to get an understanding that the elite are very different than we are led to believe. Or consider that Skull and Bones had a lock on the Presidency in '04 with Bush and Kerry both being among the fifteen members per year who are allowed to join. Or any number of other things. It's right in your face. All it takes is a little knowledge.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
blah, blah, blah, bullshit.

If you won't take the time to read and learn a little bit. Expand your world view beyond what's been forced fed to you your whole life you may learn something. You may disagree with it in the end, but you may actually learn something. But you actually have to go out and read and research. "Blah, Blah, Blah, Bullshit" is about line of argument I would expect from someone such as yourself.

Asking reasonable questions about Constitutionally illegal secret meetings of elected and appointed representatives isn't bullshit IMO. They are breaking the law by meeting like this yet it's the majority of people like you who don't care to care about what they are doing that allows this failed system to keep operating.

To think that the decisions made in the Council on Foreign Relations meetings don't effect your life in a major way is naive at best.

But hey, you know how the saying goes. Ignorance is bliss.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
What do reckon JFK was talking about before someone blew his head off and then presented the public with some "official" story absolutely chalk full of logical holes? Was JFK a fucking nut job too or do you just not know everything he knew? Something to think about.

John F. Kennedy
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. That I do not intend to permit to the extent that it is in my control. And no official of my Administration, whether his rank is high or low, civilian or military, should interpret my words here tonight as an excuse to censor the news, to stifle dissent, to cover up our mistakes or to withhold from the press and the public the facts they deserve to know.
He wanted an open society. He was killed and then shortly after the bullshit Gulf Of Tokin incident was made up and we went full force into Vietnam. The MIC always wins because the first causality of war is always the truth.


sorry for being so late to this topic, im sat here in disbelief, a topic on this subject that HASNT been locked? my gosh!

I'm actually alittle excited
i always found it weird that the shulgins attended the bohemian grove. wish i could remember where i read that.

maybe they are all tripping their face off on some of shulgins 4 aco dmt or some 2c e while they watch a fake sacrifice happen...

El Toker

There's a strong need in many people to believe that someone is in control, that our lives aren't just a random series of events with no more meaning than that which we attach to them. It used to be god, but for some that's been replaced by a covert self-appointed elite who make the world turn, the Illuminati.

Take away that need for someone to be in control, and the kind of paranoia that cannabis can induce even in otherwise very sane people, and there is zip, nothing, nada to backup these ideas.

It also seems unlikely that if there really was such an omnipresent conspiracy to control our lives it would be the stoners who worked it out. In my experience I and all the stoners I've met struggle to find their own arse with both hands when under the influence. In fact I'd go as far as to say that that's the fun part of THC. If there was a conspiracy the stoners would be the last one's to know and would only find out after it was all over.

I've known a few powerful people in my life, and the simple fact is that they are as clueless as the rest of us and making it up as they go along. The only thing that tends to be "special" about them is that they are better able to hide that cluelessness than most.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
So do you believe that the conspiracy has gotten that oil spill in the gulf under control? What I see is sharks circling and smelling a nice meal of chum.

What coincidence. The Goldman Sach's gangsters just made a killing off of shorting Transocean stock the day before the rig blew out. :thinking:

What a coincidence indeed.

No joke: Goldman Sachs shorted Gulf of Mexico

It turns out that Goldman Sachs really did place shorts on TransOcean stock days before the explosions rocked the rig in the Gulf of Mexico sending stocks plunging while GS profits soared -- benefiting once again from a huge disaster, having done the same with airline stocks prior to 911 then again with the housing bubble.
The Huffington post orginally went to print with the story, but later retracted it because it was written by a comedian. However, upon closer investigation it looks like GS did short Transocean. Comedians can make use of satire to avoid a slander charge.

I think it's interesting to say the least.


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
I remember the good ol days before i woke up. The conspiracy or truth theories go a very long way. As of recently i dont even care anymore. My mind is free and I smile everyday. The negative karma they are after they will not get any more from me.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
There's a strong need in many people to believe that someone is in control, that our lives aren't just a random series of events with no more meaning than that which we attach to them. It used to be god, but for some that's been replaced by a covert self-appointed elite who make the world turn, the Illuminati.

Take away that need for someone to be in control, and the kind of paranoia that cannabis can induce even in otherwise very sane people, and there is zip, nothing, nada to backup these ideas.

It also seems unlikely that if there really was such an omnipresent conspiracy to control our lives it would be the stoners who worked it out. In my experience I and all the stoners I've met struggle to find their own arse with both hands when under the influence. In fact I'd go as far as to say that that's the fun part of THC. If there was a conspiracy the stoners would be the last one's to know and would only find out after it was all over.

I've known a few powerful people in my life, and the simple fact is that they are as clueless as the rest of us and making it up as they go along. The only thing that tends to be "special" about them is that they are better able to hide that cluelessness than most.

Nice post full of assumptions and personal anecdote, but would fail as scholastic analysis of historical events. At least someone can refute some of the evidence provided. How about the Gulf of Tonkin lie? Or maybe the WMD in Iraq lie? What was that all about and how can we possibility believe that the MIC doesn't continue to lie and manipulate us to make us go to war?

Now all stoners are a bunch of morons who can't think for themselves or put on their pants right in the morning? This is your rebuttal? I imagine some of the highly successful people on this board would take offense to that presumption.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
when you consider the bohemian grove and the denver airport among many other things, it becomes reasonably clear that these people (freemasons, illuminati, majestic, trilateral, whatever) are devil worshippers

no surprise since jesus actually said that satan is the ruler of this world

i suppose if one were abysmally stupid they could assume that 911 was legit (or gulf of tonkin) so, what about this oil thing -sure hearkens to 1979 quite eerily

if the same methods didn't work at 500 ft, why would "professionals" try to apply them again at 5000 ft if it were anything but a token display?

of course they have it worked out so that the "christians" buy into the politics so it gets confusing - god and country?


Active member
Wow....Whats thier goal again? Control us all? Good luck with that...as for being sold to brittian birth yadayada .... Id like to see them come collect.

But seriously If growing was a big secret society wouldnt you wanna be a part of it?

you are missing the point. they do control us. their goal is to maintain control.

just to make an example, the queen of england and king of spain sent sailors to the new world to bring back gold.

Who knows what else was, and is now, on their list. They have a secret agenda. We are supposed to be in the dark.


Active member
You're fucking nutz if you believe what you've posted. Yes, the logic to refute all the grandiose conspiracy theories is that it just can't happen. Those that believe in such impossible schemes will never be convinced that they aren't real. But the fact of the matter is I function in the upper levels of the economy, and should be invited to join the conspiracies. Instead, what I've seen is a bunch of hard headed people that want everything done their way. You wouldn't believe the number of times I've heard 'my way or the highway'. It's a life mantra for these people. If you think these egomaniacs can check their egos at the door and subjugate themselves to the conspiracy all I can do is repeat: you're fucking nutz. Believe whatever fantasies you like. It's you who's the poorer for it.

I have come to the opinion that conspiracy theories are so popular because people believe that their environment is controlled, and that if they're not controlling it then it must be someone else. The reason it doesn't work is because life is chaos, unplanned, and violent. Random happenstance regardless of your perception (or hope for) control. Yeah, people with money have gotten their way. But that simply because of the ironclad rule: money talks, bullshit walks.

So do you believe that the conspiracy has gotten that oil spill in the gulf under control? What I see is sharks circling and smelling a nice meal of chum.

You're so blinded by your cushy style of living and wealth that you couldn't even begin to imagine removing the wool blinders from your eyes.

You think the elite give a fuck about one little oil spill from one little pipe? Do you have the capability to fathom the immense wealth these people command from OWNING _thousands_ of oil pipe lines like this one that just broke.

You focus on the distraction while a bigger picture is going on.

Does anyone remember all the shit that was happening before Michael Jackson died? Iran was enriching uranium fast enough to have nukes by now and Korea was blowing their own nukes up underground and shooting them past Japan.

Then Michael Jackson dies and the world is at peace? Wtf. Tell me you can see the cover ups. Seriously.


Active member
There's a strong need in many people to believe that someone is in control, that our lives aren't just a random series of events with no more meaning than that which we attach to them. It used to be god, but for some that's been replaced by a covert self-appointed elite who make the world turn, the Illuminati.

Take away that need for someone to be in control, and the kind of paranoia that cannabis can induce even in otherwise very sane people, and there is zip, nothing, nada to backup these ideas.

It also seems unlikely that if there really was such an omnipresent conspiracy to control our lives it would be the stoners who worked it out. In my experience I and all the stoners I've met struggle to find their own arse with both hands when under the influence. In fact I'd go as far as to say that that's the fun part of THC. If there was a conspiracy the stoners would be the last one's to know and would only find out after it was all over.

I've known a few powerful people in my life, and the simple fact is that they are as clueless as the rest of us and making it up as they go along. The only thing that tends to be "special" about them is that they are better able to hide that cluelessness than most.

The dollar bill is loaded with symbology and imagery. The all-seeing-eye, the pentagram which forms "a mason" around the eye, "in god we trust," one bill has an owl hidden in the bushes.

Sure... you could say these are just signs on a piece of paper.

But let me ask you, where would you get your food, without that piece of paper?

Where would you get your water? Your clothes? Your car? Your gas?

Where I live I can not get any of these things without the all mighty dollar.

Tell me that's not control.


Active member
when you consider the bohemian grove and the denver airport among many other things, it becomes reasonably clear that these people (freemasons, illuminati, majestic, trilateral, whatever) are devil worshippers

no surprise since jesus actually said that satan is the ruler of this world

i suppose if one were abysmally stupid they could assume that 911 was legit (or gulf of tonkin) so, what about this oil thing -sure hearkens to 1979 quite eerily

if the same methods didn't work at 500 ft, why would "professionals" try to apply them again at 5000 ft if it were anything but a token display?

of course they have it worked out so that the "christians" buy into the politics so it gets confusing - god and country?

YES! Even Jesus knew what was up! That was only 2010 years ago, 3000 years after the Pyramids. A lot of time has passed to build some great monuments which still stand 5000 years later...

...and you don't think a small group of the wealthiest people can't conspire to control all wealth!?


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Then Michael Jackson dies and the world is at peace?

That's about what the TV would tell you. The war in Afghanistan is spreading into Pakistan. Obama has sanctioned the killing of an "American Terrorist" in Yemen. The same "Dead or Alive" attitude espoused by everyone's best friend Bush II. Tensions and rhetoric are escalating on the Korean peninsula and Israel/US is preparing to take out Iran and escalate it's military conflict in Gaza. Global War rhetoric is starting to slowly escalate.

When/if world war breaks out it I'm sure the explanation will be simplified into something simple like the start of WWI being
the put on the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand on Sunday, 28th June, 1914.

The Micheal Jackson suicide/homicide was a nauseating public distraction for a long time. Just goes to show how celebrity news has come replace meaningful world news. War is not newsworthy in the US. It's just for entertainment value.


An owl hidden in the bushes?Man if that isn't proof I dont know what is..


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Instead of focusing on symbolism which is arguably everywhere. That's a tiny and somewhat insignificant part of the global picture IMO. I think it's more important to analyze the historical facts of world events and the real consequences and motivation behind government policies (IE follow the money trail). Therein lies the real story.


Well-known member
yow sparkjumper! you ever seen that dollar bill, high on WEEEEED? (halfbaked mode off)

good to see, folks educating themself even in the spheres of the "esoterics"...
to me it seems, those guys, try to infiltrate the "spirits" with the usage of symbols etc, since it seems the only thing such entities fear is "free spirits", ones still fueled with love, and comphasion for all living things... i mean, once people "wake up" and realize we are all one big family, one starts to care, and consider their own actions from a different point of view -> hence comes back in "ethics/morals/...", and despite all the material driven mentality which is raging for hundreds and thousends of years, certain "concepts/ethics" resurface, so the only way to conquer is to dimm the free mans soul, till it becomes as dark as their own...

ps.: or i should perhaps put down this haze smoke ...n get some beer and watch a porn n blast some bone, thugz n harmony shizzle on da speakizzle! ya-allizle get-it-izzle?
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