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After six years, it begins again... My second grow


along the sides? so the serrated parts are forming ridges?

That is indicative of heat stress, it sounds like your plants are transpiring

Yes, along the serrated edge. I've been trying to balance air flow while not having the fan pointed directly at the plants. Any recommendation in that respect? Could you elaborate on transpiring?

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
well transpiring is equivalent to you sweating in the heat. So think of you in extreme cold, you will shut down your extremities to focus on keeping the blood pumping in your core

Same deal here.

The best way to cool your room, short of using AC, is to exhaust better. If you have a good exhaust, then your heat is way more manageable. When I had heat issues at my home grow, I had to get cooltubes, that way The light is really not making any heat. i do not grow anymore at home during the summer, I find the heat is too hard to manage.


Leaf Curling and... a new fan!

Leaf Curling and... a new fan!

Here are a few images of the leaves curling. It seems to have gotten worse between when I saw them this morning and this afternoon. My mom helped me out and put this big ass Vornado down there while I was at work.

Temps seem a lot better under the light with the fan, but as always I wanted to get some perspective from my more experienced friends. Dr Dog, where you at?! :)


Hello fellow Cannagraphers!

It's been a few days so I thought I'd check in. Things haven't really changed much, plants are still growing and I've watered them once since the transplant. The smell coming from the taller plant is quite pleasant. It shifts between a characteristic cannabis aroma to the very green scent of a shot of wheat grass.

I think they're moving along nicely but I was curious if this is normal growth for 3 weeks of 24 hour light? The tall one is about 7-8 inches.

I do have two minor concerns. The yellowing on the very first set of leaves and the tips of the newest, I'm thinking this is due to the nute dose that I gave them along with the transplant last week but I'm not sure.

I've also noticed a blemish that is showing up on the lower leaves. It seems to mirror what has occurred on the lowest set in the picture just above.

Dr. Dog, many thanks for the suggestion of an exhaust fan. It has helped immensely in reducing the temperature.

I do have one final question: how long should I wait to flower these two? I want to make sure they're not growing so tall as to lose penetration because of using a single 400w Agrosun. I feel like flowering at eighteen inches to two feet would probably be the optimal range, but who knows when preflowers will start showing? I guess only time will tell.

Thanks to everyone who stops by!

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
You are welcome

As for the height, what you have to look at is the distance from your hopeful canopy to your light. You will want to keep plants a safe distance from bulb. A good rule of thumb is to place your hand, backside, under the light, if you feel the heat there, then so will your plants.

Then when you have gotten that figured out, remember that most plants will stretch 2 to 3 times their original size while in flower, so shoot to keep that distance that you had already decided was your stop height.

So if you are at 24 inches when you put them in, be prepared for them to stop at 60 inches...

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hi Cycle',:wave: The leaves you have concerns over :-, the first set? being the first and next to the soil getting splashed and knocked around they don't tend to last long, nothing to worry about but keeping these in good nick, attached, can be a measure of how well you are treating your babies.
The new growth is hard to say, what, (if anything) is wrong due to the colour of your lamp, but as there seems to be no twisting, drooping etc i would not be too worried about that right now, your plants are looking quite happy, once they get comfy in the new pots they will kick off I'm sure, regarding the height to flip them?, I reckon 18 to 2 feet is ideal, these should about double in size and be just right for your 400W.


My Hanna "Checker" pH Meter instability has finally gotten to me and I want to upgrade. I've looked at one of the $90 Hanna waterproof meters and they are recommended by several of the local hydro stores. Opinions anyone? I was interested in the Oakton Acorn pH5, but if spending $250+ isn't necessary I won't do so. :) I was planning on making the upgrade tomorrow, so please, don't be shy about offering your thoughts.


Active member
I am surprised no one suggested it yet, but you should move your set up more into a corner and cover the walls with panda paper, or even better mylar. With all the exposed framing, you could even put up a temporary wall and make a "closet", so your plants get all of the light they can(it looks like a lot of your light is "bleeding" out into the rest of the room). Another plus to making it enclosed is it is easier to control light leaks when you go to flower them.


I am surprised no one suggested it yet, but you should move your set up more into a corner and cover the walls with panda paper, or even better mylar. With all the exposed framing, you could even put up a temporary wall and make a "closet", so your plants get all of the light they can(it looks like a lot of your light is "bleeding" out into the rest of the room). Another plus to making it enclosed is it is easier to control light leaks when you go to flower them.

Funny that you should mention mylar because I just purchased a 25ft roll today. :) I was planning on using it to cover the windows in my basement but I think it would be smart, as you said, to hang it and augment the overhead lighting. I've had difficulty finding a mylar sticky or anything describing how it would be best to hang the material. Any input on designs for a structure from which to hang mylar?


Active member
Depending on how long you want the mylar to stay there, there are a few different methods. For the basic structure you could make a frame from 2"*2" boards, and sheet it with viner(I know its not spelled that way, but that's how it sounds at least).Best way to stick it up, but it stays up for good- Use a cheap paint roller to coat the viner with an even layer Elmers Glue(doesnt have to be that brand-also spray adhesive works better, but also cost more). Now that it's coated, unroll enough to cover the piece(plus a little extra, and carefully lay it over the glue. Trim off the extra and repeat for each side.
Now if you want it just up for a grow or two, you can bust out a roll of duct tape and use that to hold it up. I would recommend spending a few extra bucks on this and either getting the heavy duty tape (aka 80mph tape), or even better(and also cost more) foil tape. I used a combination of both for my cab(I wanted everything to be shiny in there). If you do it this way, you might want a set of extra hands to help you stretch it out so it's not all wavy.
On a side note, mylar over the window might draw unwanted attention, since it is all shiny(you just want to grow some pot and not look like a crack head right?). I would go with something dark in color, or perhaps a piece of plywood cut to size and put over it


Depending on how long you want the mylar to stay there, there are a few different methods. For the basic structure you could make a frame from 2"*2" boards, and sheet it with viner(I know its not spelled that way, but that's how it sounds at least).Best way to stick it up, but it stays up for good- Use a cheap paint roller to coat the viner with an even layer Elmers Glue(doesnt have to be that brand-also spray adhesive works better, but also cost more). Now that it's coated, unroll enough to cover the piece(plus a little extra, and carefully lay it over the glue. Trim off the extra and repeat for each side.
Now if you want it just up for a grow or two, you can bust out a roll of duct tape and use that to hold it up. I would recommend spending a few extra bucks on this and either getting the heavy duty tape (aka 80mph tape), or even better(and also cost more) foil tape. I used a combination of both for my cab(I wanted everything to be shiny in there). If you do it this way, you might want a set of extra hands to help you stretch it out so it's not all wavy.

Thanks for the pointers, this is going to be tomorrow's project.

On a side note, mylar over the window might draw unwanted attention, since it is all shiny(you just want to grow some pot and not look like a crack head right?). I would go with something dark in color, or perhaps a piece of plywood cut to size and put over it

lol Even though I appreciate the concern, I'm a medical patient so I can be a little more conspicuous in growing my cannabis. I plan on having a few plants in the backyard next year. That shit is going to be fun! :D

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
lol Even though I appreciate the concern, I'm a medical patient so I can be a little more conspicuous in growing my cannabis. I plan on having a few plants in the backyard next year. That shit is going to be fun! :D

You dont really want to advertise what you are doin in there

The wrong type of people might decide to come by and see what you got growing


You dont really want to advertise what you are doin in there

The wrong type of people might decide to come by and see what you got growing

You're right, even if I'm legal my efforts may be too audacious considering human nature. You're like my Yoda. :)

I think they look good for 3 weeks old, keep up the good work!

Thanks brother, I'm remaining patient until I see some preflowers, then we'll see how good they look. lol


So I've got the mylar, the wood to make the frame, foil tape that is leed certified to be low emission and hinges to connect the three panels. I'm only doing three to allow one side to be open for ventilation. I had the guy at Home Depot cut the pieces as follows: 6 48" pieces and 6 32" pieces, making the final dimensions 48" tall x 36" wide. Of course, now that I've got the materials doubts are cropping up. I wonder if 36" wide is going to allow enough room that the plants won't over heat. Would it be better to switch up the dimensions and have it be 36" tall and 48" wide or does the original plan sound workable?

Edit: As I continue to mull this over, I feel like the 36" height is not optimal but would be a good supplement and allow room as the plants continue to grow wider through flowering.

Hazy Lady

Prom Night Dumpster Baby
ICMag Donor
Hi C', I would stick to your first plan, I think 36 high is just a touch too low and you'll find it so much easier to control the heat etc with an extra foot of height,
your lamp will be that much more productive flooding 36" too.