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After death, what will your legacy be?



I'm early 20s, so i don't (hopefully) have to worry bout this much..but..I had a very, very close encounter with death (5 days in hospital)...ever since, i've always tried to live for today, not tomorrow, and to make sure my family knows how much i love them every day.


You walk outside, get in your car, drive to the supermarket and on the way you are blindsided by a tractor trailer, killed instantly.

What will you leave behind, and for the taboo things, how will you have it cleaned it up?

Death is a part of Life. Being 'Okay' with dying is an essential part of life, as it can shape your entire character.

I have already talked to a friend about if i pass quickly, to discard of my illegal and other 'bad' items.

You have a time. It may be tomorrow...may be in 70 years. Why not prepare incase you are one of those who don't make it all 70 years?

I'm okay with dying. I just wish my circumstances were different so i could treat my family to what they truly deserve.

What will your legacy be?

I would honestly like to be remembered as a person who fought and believed in truth, love, kindness and peace rather than lies, hate, anger and unrest. Someone who loved his family, even though some of them made serious relationship-changing mistakes throughout life. Someone who just wanted to live life with his family, truly free.

Begs to ask the question...

Can you be what you want to be remembered as? We all got some work to do!


I actually think this is one of the worst ways to live your life. It's the ugly cousin of living to please other people.


Freedom Fighter
Good Thread!! I am going to make sure when I go...ppl who go through my shit will be like, "WTF??!!"
Going to Leave some dog treats with my red ball-gag!!:laughing::nanana:


I actually think this is one of the worst ways to live your life. It's the ugly cousin of living to please other people.

No, being okay with death just means that you understand what it is, the impact, and how life as you see it will be gone, completely. Understanding this and using it to better yourself is not a bad way to live life!

You sound like you haven't talked with death, have you?


Good Thread!! I am going to make sure when I go...ppl who go through my shit will be like, "WTF??!!"
Going to Leave some dog treats with my red ball-gag!!:laughing::nanana:


leave some milkyway's and snickers in a tubesock with a porno and a black glove with random pictures of michael jackson...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I make the best Buffalo Wings bar none.......

my tombstone is already carved with a saying meant to sound sweet
but actually meant to be deceiving "He was nothing without his wings".

if anybody around here really pays attention to my posts (& why would you?)
you might realize that a majority of them are just 'one liners', I love a good
one liner with double entendres and on a grave yard marker that one fits.......

and btw, I've been making buffalo wings since '81 & I've never shared the recipe,
I'd considered sharing it here as it seems so harmless but would Macy's tell Gimbels?



No, being okay with death just means that you understand what it is, the impact, and how life as you see it will be gone, completely. Understanding this and using it to better yourself is not a bad way to live life!

You sound like you haven't talked with death, have you?
No, I haven't. The question you asked, both in your thread title and again in your thread, is "what will your legacy be?" Not Embracing death. The important of the latter we agree. The former is the wrong question entirely.



No, I haven't. The question you asked, both in your thread title and again in your thread, is "what will your legacy be?" Not Embracing death. The important of the latter we agree. The former is the wrong question entirely.


I'm way too high to understand anything after "what will your legacy be?"

h^2 O

i will hold hands with Lucifer as we look upon the ashes of your bones and the ruins of your cities


i will hold hands with Lucifer as we look upon the ashes of your bones and the ruins of your cities

uuuuuuntil God shits on your parade and uses you two for the focus of a hilarious FAIL picture


What will your legacy be?

I'm hoping a maggot ridden, flyblown corpse and express instructions to divide it into 6 portions and catapult it onto the yard of former Australian Prime Minister John Howard whilst he's having a BBQ.



I'm hoping a maggot ridden, flyblown corpse and express instructions to divide it into 6 portions and catapult it onto the yard of former Australian Prime Minister John Howard whilst he's having a BBQ.


express instructions? sounds like a new version of Slap Chop :)

i assume dude is a piece of shit? wiki time...looks like one



haha. In other words I agree that doing the psychological work it takes to accept death is important for mental health. But I don't agree that it's healthy to think about your legacy. I think that kind of attitude is the ultimate sign of self-importance. To be worried about what people will think of "you" when you're not even around the face the repercussions; indeed, you no longer ever "are," is kinda weaksauce IMO.

But I agree that being dead isn't very scary. The actual act of dying, though, scares the shit out of me. I've told everyone I possibly could that if I'm in pain and it's a 50/50 or worse if I gut it out and try-fuck that. Pull the plug. Life isn't that great and pain sucks. It's the only thing that's real, doncha know.



haha. In other words I agree that doing the psychological work it takes to accept death is important for mental health. But I don't agree that it's healthy to think about your legacy. I think that kind of attitude is the ultimate sign of self-importance. To be worried about what people will think of "you" when you're not even around the face the repercussions; indeed, you no longer ever "are," is kinda weaksauce IMO.

But I agree that being dead isn't very scary. The actual act of dying, though, scares the shit out of me. I've told everyone I possibly could that if I'm in pain and it's a 50/50 or worse if I gut it out and try-fuck that. Pull the plug. Life isn't that great and pain sucks. It's the only thing that's real, doncha know.


well, it's not. you're looking at it from the completely wrong side. you're looking at it like it's a discussion of how good you were, in not so many words, like you're pullin' your own chain. it's not. look at it from my perspective: get people to say what they want to be remembered for, and then have them compare that to which they are now. i figured this would be a cool thread, something to discuss, and a good way to speak honestly about one's self. speaking about yourself isn't immediately a sign of self-importance. an exaggeration of one's self or constantly being self-centered would be a bad sign...simply one time, on an online message board, discussing something like this is in no way, shape or form, negative. as you can see, other members got the idea...


I make the best Buffalo Wings bar none.......

my tombstone is already carved with a saying meant to sound sweet
but actually meant to be deceiving "He was nothing without his wings".

if anybody around here really pays attention to my posts (& why would you?)
you might realize that a majority of them are just 'one liners', I love a good
one liner with double entendres and on a grave yard marker that one fits.......

and btw, I've been making buffalo wings since '81 & I've never shared the recipe,
I'd considered sharing it here as it seems so harmless but would Macy's tell Gimbels?

Well, i heard Macy's is puttin it up Gimbel's southern slope so....

can i have the recipe?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I'll make you a batch but need to ship it on ice, a food scientist can/will
break down its exact ingredients but can't tell you how it's put together.



I'll make you a batch but need to ship it on ice, a food scientist can/will
break down its exact ingredients but can't tell you how it's put together.

I don't blame you at all for this, but it's a fucked up world when people just can't share things with other people for the simple fact the person may attempt to ruin it and or capitalize on it (again, no blame on you)

but if they're as good as they sound (i dont know how to make them, but my mother does..lmao) i'd tell her to make a batch


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
I don't blame you at all for this, but it's a fucked up world when people just can't share things with other people for the simple fact the person may attempt to ruin it and or capitalize on it (again, no blame on you)

but if they're as good as they sound (i dont know how to make them, but my mother does..lmao) i'd tell her to make a batch

you're right, but I intend to capitalize on what's mine, if you've got a
problem with that then you are either a commie or a socialist, right?
after all I must share eh comrade? now if I had the cure for cancer I'd
share it immediately, but it won't kill ya not to have my recipe now will it?


any joint that has a rep for wings gets a visit from me, I've been making
these since '81 when I tripped on out to Buffalo NY to find the very best
and then to get the recipe which I hadda squeeze out of a burly bar owner
down on Pearl St. I have never found a wing that matches mine (not the
pride of ownership btw) but if I did I'd wind up with that recipe, the only
problem with your request bro is that it wasn't sincere enough, I'll make it
easy on you. In '81 I rode from NYC to Buffalo NY in a single day and spent
three days bouncing around from bar to bar making friends and chowing
one order of wings after another, I'd frikkin' had it up to here (indicates
forehead) w/wings when I discovered these @ The XXXX & XXXXXX Grill.
Turned around & rode my hog home in a single day again but in pouring rain.

seeds grow on trees but you ain't askin' for free beans here are ya? You
know I'm having a bit of fun here @ your expense but you feelin' me yet?



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