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Aeroponic PC case scrog


Sorry for the lapse of updates but things haven't been going very well. The grow is fine but I'm going through some tough times at the moment and it's pulling attention from the grow..
I'll tough it out, things should get better soon.

Aero, that's not good to hear. I too have been having some stressful times recently. However, I believe there are always positives to take out of every situation. best of luck with it all.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
that afgooey looks like it could be a bit leggy for the micro-guy. All the more a credit to your success here. Hope life comes around for ya:joint:


space gardener
Thanks for the well wishes everyone, you will know when things get better because I will finish the wine fridge and blow that sucker up!! Right now, I can barely keep up with the PC case...

that afgooey looks like it could be a bit leggy for the micro-guy. All the more a credit to your success here. Hope life comes around for ya:joint:[/quote

This isn't Afgooey, it's Hogs Breath, I am beginning to wish I stuck with the Afgooey as it is much more compact and grows well under Fluoros. The HB likely performs better under HID's but I'm not very happy with the stretch it had under the fluoros. Looks like I'm not going to get those taller colas after all :wallbash: It's not over yet, maybe the HB's will impress me in the end.


Aero, your show is the first to ever cause me to register and make a post! Listen, I don't know what's bummin you out friend, but I hope you get through it as quickly and hassle free as possible.

I know you must be quite busy, but I have a couple of questions about some mystery hoses coming from your sump. I've modified a couple of your pics for a better representation of what I am asking so I'll go ahead and post those here:



Alright, I'm sure you can see where my questions arise from the sketches. In the first pic, I'm thinking that the 4 hoses going into the sump bundled together are from your aerator pump that resides outside the box, yeah? And, the 2 big hoses evenly spaced are for the passive radiator, right? The (nicely done) jets are powered by the same pump inside the tank that flows the passive radiator cooling? or something else? Also, there's a hose in the top there that I can't figure out what it is for exactly.

Another thing is smell, as for the passive radiator, if I pump the air from the case into a carbon filtration exhaust, will the passive radiator's condensation carry non filtered scent and disperse into the room?

As for the third picture, the tall hose that I've marked I believe I have identified as the hose you use to drain the res. Is this the case or have I missed something? Also, what was the pump you said you used to do the res change again? Thanks in advance for assistance with my (noobish) questions. Once again, I hope things are lookin' up.


space gardener
Aero, your show is the first to ever cause me to register and make a post! Listen, I don't know what's bummin you out friend, but I hope you get through it as quickly and hassle free as possible.

I know you must be quite busy, but I have a couple of questions about some mystery hoses coming from your sump. I've modified a couple of your pics for a better representation of what I am asking so I'll go ahead and post those here:



Alright, I'm sure you can see where my questions arise from the sketches. In the first pic, I'm thinking that the 4 hoses going into the sump bundled together are from your aerator pump that resides outside the box, yeah? And, the 2 big hoses evenly spaced are for the passive radiator, right? The (nicely done) jets are powered by the same pump inside the tank that flows the passive radiator cooling? or something else? Also, there's a hose in the top there that I can't figure out what it is for exactly.

Another thing is smell, as for the passive radiator, if I pump the air from the case into a carbon filtration exhaust, will the passive radiator's condensation carry non filtered scent and disperse into the room?

As for the third picture, the tall hose that I've marked I believe I have identified as the hose you use to drain the res. Is this the case or have I missed something? Also, what was the pump you said you used to do the res change again? Thanks in advance for assistance with my (noobish) questions. Once again, I hope things are lookin' up.

Cannabi, very fine work figuring out my system, You are a quick study indeed! You have my confusing rig 99% figured out. First of all the mystery hose isn't a hose at all, it's the power cord for the maxijet 900 passive radiator pump.
The 4 hoses are the air wand supply, the hose you suspect is powering the jets used to be so but I removed the spray jets when the fogger was introduced. This is strictly a fogger setup with no spray jets. That hose is now a pressure relief to balance the fog and allow the fogless air to escape to the sump. It took alot of trials to get a fogger system that performed well enough to get those roots. The little button you didn't mention is nothing but a vent to allow the fogless air to escape to let the fog in.
You are also correct about the hose to drain the sump for water changes, it's a very small fountain pump that is only powered up to remove the water for a change. As far as condensation from the radiator goes, there is none, not a large enough temp diff to create any distilled water.
Regarding smell, I have no odor control and this is the smelliest bud I have ever grown, smells like a rotting carcus! I have a med card, well under plant limits so I am not concerned about legalities.
I am flattered my rig caused you to register with ICMAG, Thank you for the compliment!
This system has produced the most ridiculas growth I have seen yet in 15 years of aeroponics and plan to build a larger scale single plant tree grow someday after the wine fridge setup.
Thank you very much for the well wishes regarding my current situation (much appreciated) Speaking of such, I took a few more kicks in the nutz recently, laptop died, lost my home, got a case of powdery mildew, and am currently staying in a motel. I have added a blower fan under the canopy, trimmed some fan leaves to increase airflow, and it seems to be working. The aero machine has been relocated to a good bro's house but it's hard to visit it daily anymore due to working my ass off to get back on track.
On the bright side, the grow is off the hook, suffered some nute burn due to the ladies consuming nearly 2 gallons of water in 3 days of leaving them unattended resulting in 1 gallon of water with 3 gal of nutes. Not much harm done, they are booming!! The over driven PL-L is certainly producing buds all the way down to the screen and I believe if I can finish this grow, the yield will be very large for a PC case dwarfing the last run. One thing for sure, the spectrum of the fluoros is producing unbelievable trichs! The updates will be less frequent but I will try my best to finish this run...

One question for you, what's with the green fuzz by my sump evacuation hose?....LOL



space gardener
I know most would recommend removing the lower budsites but with the root structure, I'm not concerned about the ability of those lower lit buds to be fed by the root system, not to mention I am trying to test the penetration of the overdriven center PL-L tube, it's blindingly bright.

Here is some pics of the trich production and it has lots of time left before the chop.



I should get some fine hash out of those leaves!!!


One question for you, what's with the green fuzz by my sump evacuation hose?....LOL

Those are some nice ass plants Aero, I'm very impressed with what you've pulled off in a box that has the real estate of a large fruit loop box. It's seriously crazy.

I use a proxy service that won't connect to tinypic to upload photos and I didn't want to upload anything that contained cannabis, possibly causing tinypic's people to take action and delete the pics for violation of tos before you were able to see them. I'm very paranoid about these things I guess... lol


looking sweet as always aero, i hadn't checked for a few days and i was suddenly like 'oh shit! AERO!" Im pleased though ^^


space gardener
Thanks Sleestack, BC Cron, High4free, Crafty, Disfunktional, Cannabi, Zoidb3rg, and everyone else for checkin in.
Hey Deaner, good to see you, how is your PC coming along?

I went and checked on the aero machine today and I am very pleased with the progress! Even though they drank all but about 1/2 gallon of water and dropped the PH to 5.0, they are looking awesome with only some minor nute burn on the leaf tips. The overdriven PL-L has really increased the penetration and even the lower buds at the screen are getting fat and frosty.

It has been 45 days since the 12/12 flip and to my suprise the HB ladies are filling in all the way gown to the screen. Seems the colas are catching up with the root mass and have entered a very crazy growth spirt. The entire grow area of the case is full of some of the frostiest colas I have ever seen and several of the colas are 10" long. It's seriously turning into a big rectangular clump of bud.
I plan to take them another 40 days or so if I can. It's clearly going to dwarf the last grow by a mile, Lots of bud in there. I really hope I can hang on to this grow until it's finished.

Apologies for the lack of pics but I have lost my camera charge cord for the moment. My laptop breaking hasn't been any help either. I'll locate that cord and get some pics up by the weekend.

It's a trip going from seeing them several times a day to every 3 days or so. Makes the growth more noticable for sure. It's also nice to know the system is stable enough to go 3 days alone. Looks like 3 days max though, only have 3 gallons of water in there and they drank 2.5 in the last 3 days. I am going to have to visit them every 2 from now on.


It's like a goddamned Buick Regal
whaaat, how are you gonna talk about a gigantic rectangular mass of bud and not show pics????? wtf dude?!?!

jk, nice job dude!


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
clearly going to dwarf the last grow by a mile

That's what I immediately thought. I think your yield here is more dependent on the light than the # of plants... fewer plants seems like less competition for nutes

not advice, observation - I remain in awe


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Nice work as usual from you Aero, ur in the home straight now broski, inspiring as always :joint:
Happy Gardening All.