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Addicted to pot ?

I bite my nails. Every day, at least one time, completelly off, habitually. If I wake up the next morning i expect my fingers to hurt, sometimes with dried blood on them, and i can NOT recall doing this to them the day before. yet ive been doing it since I can remember, every day, for my entire life. Trying to stop is like... Trying to stop breathing. Its just part of my daily routine.

Thats what your going through, isnt it? And if you've smoked for 30 years, then you've got more smoking than I do nail biting thats for sure. Its not that you feel the need to bite your nails, you feel the need to perform the action. In other words, my body does not have a problem because it needs to feel the nails in my teeth. its just a habitual condition in my head, that I cant break.
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extinctx11 said:
Thats what your going through, isnt it? And if you've smoked for 30 years, then you've got more smoking than I do nail biting thats for sure. Its not that you feel the need to bite your nails, you feel the need to perform the action. In other words, my body does not have a problem because it needs to feel the nails in my teeth. its just a habitual condition in my head, that I cant break.

Partly, yeah...but dammit it also makes all the dif in the world with my RLS...and being able to focus....

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
all these sypmtoms unpleasant though they may be, are pschol;ogical and not an real addiction i still get the same sometimes if i have to do without..... but ive never been sick, had diahorreeah, stomach cramps, suicidal feelings and unable to sleep for a months(real withrawal symptoms from true addiction) from ganja.
I look at it like this, weed aint addictive but you can indeed become psychologically dependant. Psychological dependance is not addiction-although it can be a part of it.


New member
JJScorpio: "Its good that you have weed growing. Maybe you could turn this into a positive if you could force your thoughts that way. Instead of dwelling on not having weed. Set a date your plants will be ready and tell yourself you WANT to quit until then. Use the time for a lot of physical fitness and eating good. The bottom line is you have to dwell on something positive. You will save a lot of money and when your plants are done the buzz will be great. Remember, the power of positive thinking can do wonders. Give it a try......."


Harry Gypsna: Right On, bro.

...if you can't get it, you have to move on until you can... don't screw yourself with anxiety and wallow in the shits...be strong. I always have a sleepless night or two, but then cool... You have to expect something when you stop drinking coffee, smoking crack, or whatever. Your body gets used to certain chemicals for sure, but it is more mental than physical with pot. Just take control and know it will pass...

I smoked crack for two days once upon a time, and for the next 3 days I couldn't eat or sleep and broke out with hives and all kinds of shit. Went to the Dr. and he asked me if i had used cocaine, i said yes; however, when i found out it was a drug doing this, i was higher than ever... i had control now. I could have gone down the street and got more anytime, but decided to go through 4 more days of hell and then it was over. I was stronger in my entire being. I did it and i know others can, so it makes me sad when people are portrayed as "weak" and need help... yes, some do, but most humans have great strength.

Look at the down time as good for your body. Get hold of some tranxene or valium if you need, but nothing is forever.

When people say they can't live without a drug, that is fuel to LEO's and the gov's propaganda war and throw it right into addiction. Pot is not addictive beyond a miniscule amount... I know the difference by living through it. Mind over matter, mind over body... the choices we make, not the situation we are in at the moment, make us who we are entirely.

Of course, MJ offers many advantages and is our choice, but then again, at the moment, we do not have total control of our lives, which is fckd and is what we are fighting for, but again, have faith, it will return unto you!!!

Not directed at any member, just my opinion based on my life.
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I think weed can be addictive, so i take "no smoking breaks", i smoke 24/7 for a week, don't smoke anything the next week and so on. Other than a slight loss of short term memory i have no negative effects from MJ.


You may find improvement in the memory department if you quit half-steppin it haha

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
i wouldnt even worry bout the short term memory loss..;. it was shown not so long ago that once all the dope is outta ur system it goes back to normal.
again ill say weed isnt addictive,, but you can develop a habit..... but it is a psychological habit, and that is not an addiction....it can be a part of it though like for example an iv drug user may have a needle fixation, and even if no drugs are avaliable, they wil stick a needle in because they get some releif(if not from the pysical withdrawal symptoms) from that ritual in itself, Its quite an interesting topic i think

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
i found once i smoked enough for long enough consistently i had no mem problems, or at least they werent as bad as when only occasionally using.

granma, now it looks like once again i am hoppin on the no smoke bus. totally dry right now. finished my sac of regs i bought last week (really streched it out, lol!) and now I got shit! oh well...we can all suffer together. although it wont be so bad after a few days of nothing, hitting schwag, then nothing, hittin regs, and now nothing again....oh well...so what else (besides your nice grow show) have you found to keep yourself busy? i am makin a potent batch of siberian ginseng tincture...still need to get some ashwagandha root...but i think i will have to order that off the internet...this is kinda lame. lol!


again ill say weed isnt addictive,, but you can develop a habit..... but it is a psychological habit, and that is not an addiction....

Don't sugar coat the facts Harry. Marijuana can be addictive.


the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma.

compulsive need for and use of a habit-forming substance (as heroin, nicotine, or alcohol) characterized by tolerance and by well-defined physiological symptoms upon withdrawal; broadly : persistent compulsive use of a substance known by the user to be harmful


Sheriff Bart said:
i found once i smoked enough for long enough .oh well...so what else (besides your nice grow show) have you found to keep yourself busy? i am makin a potent batch of siberian ginseng tincture...still need to get some ashwagandha root...but i think i will have to order that off the internet...this is kinda lame. lol!

Beer and benadryl to knock me out before bed...smoking crushed up seeds I found while unpacking....seeds that I had been growin all the years prior to finally getting some good stock. They finally petered out and had no potency at all...

I had been growing them for years...hermie/females every single one...

I wish more people would have a look at my Granma's Garden thread...hurts my feelings when no one posts comments...good or bad...


Don't smoke the seeds. I like the garden granma. 2 1000watters ought to be able to keep you in smoke. Those look like some broad leaf indica hash plant fo sho. That makes me want to grow out some bag seed but that won't do because I haven't bought weed in 2 years except in Jamaica on vacation. Then I was dissappointed. I was like gee I grow, do you have anything better. After making my own hash I am probably a hash snob now too. The hash I used to get would stay lit in a bowl or under a glass. My good hash ain't full melt but sure as hell won't stay lit . You have to put that stuff in some weed to smoke it.
Two more months and you will have phat buds along with the perspective to really appreciate them. I'd give you a bud out of my stash to keep you off the seeds. Peace.sumo.


Active member
Hello all,

After 30* years...when I get up in the morning, I have a pepsi and a bong.

If I am running low on buds, I have anxiety.


Yeah. But, its one that can easily be broken. Unlike cigerettes (which after25+ years I have quit) which is a much harder addition to beat.

Also on the up side...I use mj to treat a muscle spasm condition as a result of a spinal injury so I have the rationalization that its for medicine.

I have been injuried for 27 years now and have only just got a Rx never realizing all those years that the pot was the reason my leg spasms reduce when high on indicas.

Anyway, its a mild drug but a drug none the less and to debate the addiction is silly. Debate the depth and consequences of the addition.

Just my two duckets


EDIT" Perhaps I should learn to spell...addition/addiction....lol, just one more thing to worry about....get it one more thing.
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sumo said:
Don't smoke the seeds. I like the garden granma. 2 1000watters ought to be able to keep you in smoke. Those look like some broad leaf indica hash plant fo sho. That makes me want to grow out some bag seed but that won't do because I haven't bought weed in 2 years except in Jamaica on vacation. Then I was dissappointed. I was like gee I grow, do you have anything better. After making my own hash I am probably a hash snob now too. The hash I used to get would stay lit in a bowl or under a glass. My good hash ain't full melt but sure as hell won't stay lit . You have to put that stuff in some weed to smoke it.
Two more months and you will have phat buds along with the perspective to really appreciate them. I'd give you a bud out of my stash to keep you off the seeds. Peace.sumo.
I smoked the seeds because I am SOOOO sick of smoking cigarettes ...... at least they taste remotely like weed. I should have some smoke in a day or two...I get paid Friday...woo hoo...from a job that I got fired from today...

No worries though...I got another job right away....fryin fish...lol. As long as it pays.....

Those are some fat leafed babies, huh? Hope like hell they are ladies...should see some signs of sex soon....


i dunno, i think there is a difference between your body chemistry adjusting to where it NEEDS a substance, and your body chemistry adjusting to where you don't feel nermal without the substance. take prozac or any other anti depressant for instance, just like weed, they are not supposed to be physically addictive, but if you take them for a long time and get used to being on them your sure as hell gonna feel like shit once you stop taking them. No you won't have physical withdrawal symptoms like you would with cocaine or heroin, but just like weed your body chemistry would go back to normal, and after feeling artificially happy for so long normal would feel like shit.


Good sign granma,bagseed indica's.Erbal's not addictive folks,just ask granma haha.Personally, I love being addicted to the shit.Others may not become addicted in the classical sense,but it's got me by the nads and I hope it never lets go!


Nice looking plants granma. I occasionally smoke trimmed leaves from my grow when I am out of bud. It helps the cravings when you are out of smoke and taste way better than seeds. Hang in there. :joint:


hang in there granma! you'll make it. then try to budget your next harvest and have emergency reserves for such occasions.

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