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Addicted to pot ?



Good to see experienced people looking out for the possible inexperienced ones,beats the crap out of beating the crap out of each other.And I know you didn't take offense granma.Yea thank god its not a physical game although I've heard of 3-4 restless nights from the brave few who take the plunge..No more pawnin granma,you're gonna end up making a problem where none exists now.Be patient,inquiring agressive in your quest for the erbal,but leave that dope fiend behavior in the past man.

Sheriff Bart

Deputy Spade
yea it always helps to share your case with others who know how it is!

its healthy in some ways to come clean though. after a few days of suffering you start to feel alright i think... still sendin good vibes your way though!

dandelion is a good blood/liver cleaner, some with burdock root. garlic aslo cleans and so does loads of fiber. just dont think about it so much, life goes on regardless of whether or not there is herb....
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Wait are we trying to cleanse those fatty tissues or saturate them with the good stuff?Just kidding Sheriff sometimes I toy with the idea of taking a week clean.then I wake up screaming..I hate nightmares!On the real side clean from alcohol about 4 years and lifelong drinker,clean of prescription painkillers for months now.I just don't want to become spotless haha.


My bad DG,there are other sites to help people with that shit and I need to remember that.


The American said:
Good to see experienced people looking out for the possible inexperienced ones,beats the crap out of beating the crap out of each other.And I know you didn't take offense granma.Yea thank god its not a physical game although I've heard of 3-4 restless nights from the brave few who take the plunge..No more pawnin granma,you're gonna end up making a problem where none exists now.Be patient,inquiring agressive in your quest for the erbal,but leave that dope fiend behavior in the past man.

I promise...no more pawn shop trips for me....I can't ride bare back...I fall off..lol.

As for being aggressive in my quest..apparently that ain't a good idea either, as I spoke with one of the locals who smokes last night after closing the store, and was informed that this area is hotter than I thought...and no one is likely to sell me any bud until I have been there a long time. Lots of backstabbers as well, he said. So....I will drive the distance until I can supply myself.


the cannabible by jason king tells you of some organics substances that help with those symptoms i wouldnt quite call it withdrawal
granma said:
I was not sure whether to post this here, or in the medical forum, I decided on the toker's den in hopes of getting more replies.

Having been a heavy smoker for 30 years...about a quarter oz. a day....I am suddenly onset with a myriad of physical and emotional problems after moving 100 miles from my connections...and having to start my grow over, and not having any weed to smoke...
In the last month and a half, I have smoked maybe three times. I am in an area heavily populated with weed and growers (outdoor)but have not been able to secure a connection for weed.
In the last month and a half...I have been plagued with severe anxiety...depression...migraine headaches...and my RLS has been worse than ever before. I got two hours of sleep last night...and my legs are going nuts right now.... all I can think about is how I would feel so much better if I would smoke. When I tell my horsey friends (non smoking) about my problems in PMs on the horse BB's...they say I am an addict without my drug...and going through withdrawal, that I would not have these problems if I had never smoked weed. I disagree..I feel that marijuana is my medicine...and ask them how many of them take prescription drugs for similar problems, and nearly all do...valium for anxiety..zoloft for depression..narcotics for RLS....
Money is real tight right now....so I really felt like a crackhead when I pawned my saddle, drove a hundred miles and farted around with my dealer for six hours just to get a half ounce of brick dirtweed.
I try to justify it and tell myself I am not an addict...just a person who needs their medicine...but having the troubles I do in securing bud...it is quite hard not to feel like an addict.....I know what that feels like...I had a problem with coke about ten years ago...and the feeling I had after pawning something..driving all that way for a tiny bag of **** weed was almost identical to the feeling I had after pawning something and searching all over for some coke years ago....
Any thoughts?
Shoulders to cry on ??

Please do not feel like a crack head or an addict.....

Do not compare it either....

You do not have your medicine....and your going to get sick without it....That is all...Cannabis is a harm reduction substance.

Read this article http://www.harmreductionjournal.com/content/2/1/17

here is a snip of it....

This article examines harm reduction from a novel perspective. Its central thesis is that harm reduction is not only a social concept, but also a biological one. More specifically, evolution does not make moral distinctions in the selection process, but utilizes a cannabis-based approach to harm reduction in order to promote survival of the fittest. Evidence will be provided from peer-reviewed scientific literature that supports the hypothesis that humans, and all animals, make and use internally produced cannabis-like products (endocannabinoids) as part of the evolutionary harm reduction program. More specifically, endocannabinoids homeostatically regulate all body systems (cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, excretory, immune, nervous, musculo-skeletal, reproductive). Therefore, the health of each individual is dependant on this system working appropriately.

Note: Cannabis helps so many things it would be compared to taking hundreds of medications to help a myriad of problems...So if you stopped taking your anxiety medication it would make sense that you would have anxiety...and so on....and cannabis for sure helps every symptom that you have mentioned...

But it does it safely...and it is only addicting the way going to disneyland or the beach is addicting...you like the way it made you feel so you want to go back....Cannabis is not physically addictive.

Good luck and have faith in your medicine and do not feel bad for one minute for needing your medication.
If I stopped taking cannabis my life and the lives of my loved ones would be turned upside down...

Within three days of having no medicine the bleeding from my rectum starts right up...with all the other symptoms returning as well....pain nausea cramping constant diarrhea until I would most likely die...

One of my friends already passed from the same disease because they did not use cannabis.


I have never felt like this before.....

I have never felt like this before.....

I am disoriented, can't keep a solid train of thought, edgy and confused. nervous and can cry at the drop of a hat.
I was trying to count my money at work...which is a really simple process...and I had to do it 4 times...and I was forgetting what I had counted (nickels or dimes...) I can't sleep at night...my legs are going bonkers...like water running through them.
Keep the good karma coming...I need it.....


I don't know if it has been said yet but people don't usually get addicted to the pot itself, its just the routine of doing so. Once you break routine and set something new it is a lot lot easier. You just need to forget about it and replace it with something important.


rusto said:
I don't know if it has been said yet but people don't usually get addicted to the pot itself, its just the routine of doing so. Once you break routine and set something new it is a lot lot easier. You just need to forget about it and replace it with something important.

See, I have important things to focus on...two horses to care for and exercise...a job that requires a brain....and I just can't do it. I feel abnormal when straight. When I did smoke last week, after pawing my saddle....I wrote this down....

After smoking a joint...I finally feel normal....as if while straight and not smoking...I was under the influence of a much stronger drug.


Having to pawn something valuable to buy weed is more a result of it being illegal and therefor very expensive. Do people pawn things for cigarettes and alcohol? Not so much. Part of the harm of making drugs illegal is forcing people to pay too much for substances of dubious quality.(no pun intended ha ha) So, whether or not you are addicted you are being harmed more by the laws than by the substance.
I believe the theory of harm reduction can be applied to all recreational drugs. Tolerance and harm reduction are very important principles which only people who can put aside their prejudices and look at the problem objectively can comprehend. You are not acting like an addict. You are acting like someone trying to get some liquor during Prohibition. Going to the bootlegger while waiting on your still to start producing all the while trying to stay one step ahead of the law.
Addicted? Try telling someone to give up coffee for a week. I only drink one cup of coffee in the morning but don't try to get me to give up that one cup. I only smoke 1-2 grams of bud a day but find it very difficult to abstain.

Good luck. You are lucky you grow. Think of those who have to chase herb around all the time.


Active member
You said you've just put some seedlings into flower. Don't throw away the males when they show themselves. Instead dry and smoke the leaf. It probably won't get you very high but it sure helps for me at least. Actually I've been forced to smoke male leaves for the past month while waiting the outdoor crop to finish because of no money or friends with weed around. I'd rather smoke leaves than go totally without smoke.


chumon grandma

chumon grandma

ok ill say im a addict or wteva u guys are callin it.i need it now because im a insomniac duno what to say hang in there


**AWD** Aficianado
We rely so heavily on what others feel is right to know what is right for ourselves, if others say it's bad then it must be...right?
Wrong. :fsu:
This is the one major illusion pot has freed me from, the illusion that society and structures of society want and know whats best for us, well they don't.
We live in the same world with people who medicate by prescription and look down on potheads as drug addicts, food, drink, prescriptions, money, sex, love, all drugs, all habits, all part of the illusion of the free self.
People are more apt to call the police if your growing meds in your basement than if you beat your kids and drink all day, the same bastards who drink and drive and screw hookers are the ones passing legislations on tobacco and weed and gambling, etc.
What's my point..I'm not sure.
Maybe you've lived under the illusion long enough to believe that others know what's best for us.
I feel no guilt when I toke and feel sorry for all the food addicts, smokers, drinkers and prescription addicts out there, we have been convinced that there are socially and legally acceptable forms of drugs out there when the only judge and jury you should stand by is yourself.
I've been told by non-tokers that I putting my family in danger when in fact the draconian laws society has put up with in the name of corruption and money has put my family in danger, a plant in my backyard should non equal jail time and a record, it's just common ****ing sense despite what anybody will ever tell me.
What we scrimp and save for all our lives is a quality of life, and dammit if pot helps you sleep and feel normal then go ahead and do it, your life should be yours to poison if you so chose, consuming fast food long term will have a greater impact on your health that pot ever will.
Quality of life includes feeling healthy of body and mind, the stress of not having what you crave and need to feel good is IMHO worse than not having what you crave.

My good friend JJ has it right, make sure that you eat well and excercise and make smoking a healthy part of your life.

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Thanks Subi , Sumo and JJ...excellent posts that made me feel much better...
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Suby; I will smoke a bowl to that, or actually i just did.... preach on

on a more personal side; I have been smoking marijuana for over 10 years now. It is the only thing in my life that has never let me down. Some might call that an addiction but I as well as many other disagree. I have 2 herniated disc in my lower back and one in my neck....the doctors have me taking Vicodin as needed for severe pain, and I am under DR's orders that if i keep requiring Vicodin I cant keep smoking pot....

it makes no sense to me though; I can smoke a bowl before work and be fine and pain free, drink a cup of coffee and wash my hands and no one would ever be the wiser, I could then be good until lunchtime where I could go have a bowl and come back to work 3x more productive that before I left, however if i took a 10mg vicodin in the morning i would be sleeping by noon, pain free as well, but tired as hell, pot actually makes me awake, I can't smoke right before bed.

I really wish i had the willpower and pain medicine and sick time to take a break for a few weeks, take a week off work out of that and just go somewhere in the middle of nowhere with no herb.....just to cut the tolerance down. Do you really remember what it feels like to be 'high' after u smoke every day for over a year strait.....NO you do not. I mean I am not saying you don't feel it....I am just saying if you take a break, then grow or obtain some awesome stuff, it is sometimes well worth it and needed....

The longest i ever stopped was 8 months....the day I smoked was just like being 14 all over again, total cartoon effects and floating around like they do in half baked....(good Sativa)

Right now i have not taken a break about 2 years....mostly smoking everyday, I would say 95 days out of the past 100 at least.

I have some awesome bubblegum; probably .3 gram of pure kief, and than almost another 2 grams of hash. I smoke a bowl or two, and yea with the kief and hash and herb all mixed together I can still get baked, however it does not last....30-45 minutes later I am packing it up again and it is no where near like the baked you get when you originally started smoking marijuana...

although on the positive side I live in a much more liberal state now with real crime problems, unlike the one i used to live in....from what I hear they wont bother you with a small amount here unless you are doing something else worse (drunk, fighting, hard drugs) and even then if you get an attorney it will get thrown out or pleaded down to nothing if the real crime sticks.

I do however keep some hope for the future....People really are starting to change their minds on "moral" issues, look at california and prop. 215 is it? that was 11 years ago....granted the dea think they have a right to raid those places, but I know the majority of the country does not agree, however the majority of the country doesn't vote either. Look at the state of Maine's Marijuana laws....that is ****ing amazing! Same with Alaska. (www.norml.org>state laws)

ewwww, I just got done imagining Hilary becoming president, legalizing medical marijuana and rescheduling it to V or something, whatever nicotine is....but then I imagined her in the oval office, with an intern going down on her under the desk....a women intern too....

maybe I do still get baked.

to granma: surely you cannot obtain some other sort of substance to help balance things out? Benzodiazepens (sp) work wonders for weed withdrawl, I won't even go into the non perscriptions ones, did you mention a coworker with valium or what that a different thread/site.....however be careful with them, as they are much much more addictive and dangerous (benzo's) than pretty much anything. Don't even bother with the pain meds, although i dont know anything about RLS

edit; moral of my rambling; yes you can get addicted to pot, its partial physical too, if you count not being hungry or wanting to eat as a physical withdrawl symptom and not mental. I am dependent on it, however I would not classify myself as an addict.
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