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ADD/ADHD anyone?


hard rain

There's a few old threads on here about ADD but they are years old so I thought I'd start a new one.

I have recently been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD as an adult in my mid 50's. I had quite a disturbing visit with a psychiatrist. I am a nightly cannabis user and until 10 days ago, also drank alcohol nearly every night (about 5-6 drinks). Anyway I stupidly told the psych this info and he totally went over the top and wanted to send me to rehab? I said "no, no, no".

Anyway he said he wouldn't treat me with ADD medication unless I completely gave up cannabis and alcohol. The reason he gave me was that apparently this medication combined with cannabis can cause psychosis in a small number of people. I can't find any info on this and am wondering if he was lying? He wants me to do a urine drug test which at my age I just find the idea humiliating.

As I wanted to stop drinking anyway, I just stopped. No drama doing that at all. The thing is, I don't want to stop cannabis. I take breaks from it anyway every few months and have no issues going without. I just simply enjoy smoking in the evenings. I have an extremely stressful job. I also have back pain issues and that is one of the reasons I have started using cannabis again. Using cannabis for this has saved me from using opiates. I didn't smoke during my 30's at all, but started again at age 40.

Now, after reading about these ADD drugs, I am not sure if I want to take them anyway? I always found cannabis helped me focus and stop the head chatter.

Does anyone else have experience with this?


Active member
huh??... i was watching the flight patterns of a dragonfly bouncing against the window... huh??... i was watching the texture change as the paint dries when suddenly... huh??... i mean it was... huh??... yeah that's me but i don't give a fff... huh??

Find things which interest you and focus on that/them. You know damn-well when something piques your interest you can concentrate like a mutherfucker. It's the boring shit you can't focus on. Fuck the boring shit. Focus on the interesting shit and jump forward. Don't let anyone tell you that you're limited in any way. They... do... not... know... your... intellect.


Indicas make dreams happen
Here's my ADD/ADHD story... When I was 7 years old my teacher told my family that I was unable to focus, be productive in school, was generally hyperactive and distracting of other students. In fairness my teacher was right because for me at the time, school was piss boring and if I had to be there I was certainly going to have a good time with it. They took me to the doctor and of course they diagnosed me with ADHD. They put me on Ritalin and I completely lost my appetite and interest in life. Switched to a different medication and within 2 weeks I started waking up in the middle of the night seeing bright lights and flashes. My family researched this and found that it was a symptom of an oncoming seizure. The doctor insisted we try more meds but my family had the sense to tell the doctor and school to fuck off. That was the end of me being medicated for ADHD.

Throughout my life I have found it very difficult to focus on things I had little interest in. Not sure if that is a disorder or a personality trait. Things I'm interested in I generally excel at. For me the risks of the medication outweighed the benefits (if there were any at all.)

Though I believe that ADHD/ADD is a real condition, I think it is over diagnosed. It's no surprise to me that many young boys who are full of energy and who want nothing other than to goof around are labeled as having a disorder that can conveniently be treated with a pill ($$$ for big pharma) that easily shuts them up and makes them behave without having to put fourth the time to discipline them. Then later on when little Johnny sits on his ass and doesn't want to go outside to play they wonder why.

Obviously the situation I speak of is different than yours. Also, I might mention that I don't think you are just imagining your condition, I just feel that I personally was misdiagnosed. Do you feel that you are unable to function unless you can take medication to correct the issue? Could the stress from your job be causing you to feel how you do? Might it be another health problem that you are not aware of?

It probably was a good idea to tell the doc about your alcohol and cannabis use just to be safe. It does seem a bit ridiculous that they want to send you to rehab and then piss test you to make sure you are not shitting them. One possibility would be that they think you may be a drug addict trying to get pills and want you to "clean up" a bit first as ridiculous as that may sound. They tested my blood when I was on medication regularly to make sure I was actually taking it. ADHD meds like Adderall are often sold on the street by people/parents of people claiming to have the disorder. I would be scared to touch it even on the slight chance it could lead to a serious mental illness.

My personal experience with cannabis is that it can make it hard for me to focus but greatly helps with my sleep disorder. Everyone reacts differently to substances. As with all drugs/alcohol/medications you have to weigh out the risks and benefits. It might not be a bad idea to get a second opinion. I would also discuss the stress you are having at work with them and the possibility of other health issues. Just my 2 cents on the situation.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Tell the doc you're not interested in big pharma's solution. Look for higher CBD content cannabis and look into making Canna-Caps. Work up a pill you're unable to 'feel' and take them 3 times a day. It can take a while to get the right combination and it's worth it.

Things get awesome around week 3. ;)

hard rain

Thanks for the reply's everyone. It's given me a lot to think about.

I am very sure I do actually have ADD. Everything seems to fit.

I am feeling a lot better since giving away the alcohol. I am just smoking a bit at night. Been reading a lot and there are plenty of things I can do to make it a little easier to function like right diet, making lists, keeping things in the same place. All those boring things that I find it hard to focus on.

Brown thumb, yes I have great focus if it's something I like. You've hit the nail on the head. I need to start to look at the positives and how I can properly channel this.

JS Tomatoes, thanks for your story and perspective. I am pretty sure the doctor doesn't think I am after pills as I was there for another reason entirely and this diagnosis came as quite a shock. I also told him that I wasn't comfortable taking pills. I have a hard time sleeping. I can think of nothing worse than taking speed which is what they are offering.

Curtis, I had thought of trying a CBD variety or oil. Maybe I should give it a go. Bit of a long term solution as I have to grow my own.

I think I have decided not to take the drugs at least for now.


Active member
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder link to genius

***Delete the "https://" from the web address after clicking the link, then press the Enter key.

A short list of individuals, past and present, who had/have ADD/ADHD...

Albert Einstein
Leonardo da Vinci
Bruce Jenner
Charles Schwab
Henry Winkler
Danny Glover
Walt Disney
John Lennon
Greg Louganis
Winston Churchill
Henry Ford
Stephen Hawkings
Jules Verne
Alexander Graham Bell
Woodrow Wilson
Hans Christian Anderson
Nelson Rockefeller
Thomas Edison
Gen. George Patton
Agatha Christie
John F. Kennedy
Whoopi Goldberg
Thomas Thoreau
David H. Murdock
Dustin Hoffman
Pete Rose
Russell White
Jason Kidd
Russell Varian
Robin Williams
Louis Pasteur
Werner von Braun
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Robert Kennedy
Prince Charles
Gen. Westmoreland
Eddie Rickenbacker
Gregory Boyington
Harry Belafonte
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Mariel Hemingway
Steve McQueen
George C. Scott
Tom Smothers
Suzanne Somers
Lindsay Wagner
George Bernard Shaw
Joan Rivers
Jim Carey
Carl Lewis
Jackie Stewart
“Magic” Johnson
John Corcoran
Sylvester Stallone


ICMag Donor
ADHD is a two edged sword. On one side it may indicate to others an inability to focus, while on the other side it can be the ability to multitask. Generally ADHD people are more intelligent but learn in a slightly different way. This is shown when a teacher with ADHD teaches and the children with ADHD go way ahead and the 'normal' kids fall behind. I think that people who learn to turn it into an advantage can be very successful while the ones that go to meds can have some very mixed results.

Why at 50 did you decide to go with the sheik and possibly the meds?


Well-known member
There's a few old threads on here about ADD but they are years old so I thought I'd start a new one.

I have recently been diagnosed with ADD/ADHD as an adult in my mid 50's. I had quite a disturbing visit with a psychiatrist. I am a nightly cannabis user and until 10 days ago, also drank alcohol nearly every night (about 5-6 drinks). Anyway I stupidly told the psych this info and he totally went over the top and wanted to send me to rehab? I said "no, no, no".

Anyway he said he wouldn't treat me with ADD medication unless I completely gave up cannabis and alcohol. The reason he gave me was that apparently this medication combined with cannabis can cause psychosis in a small number of people. I can't find any info on this and am wondering if he was lying? He wants me to do a urine drug test which at my age I just find the idea humiliating.

As I wanted to stop drinking anyway, I just stopped. No drama doing that at all. The thing is, I don't want to stop cannabis. I take breaks from it anyway every few months and have no issues going without. I just simply enjoy smoking in the evenings. I have an extremely stressful job. I also have back pain issues and that is one of the reasons I have started using cannabis again. Using cannabis for this has saved me from using opiates. I didn't smoke during my 30's at all, but started again at age 40.

Now, after reading about these ADD drugs, I am not sure if I want to take them anyway? I always found cannabis helped me focus and stop the head chatter.

Does anyone else have experience with this?

First thing, Stop, walk away from that doctor.. wait no, run...don't walk..

from my experience, You don't want the ADHD medications, I've yet to meet anyone who has had a NET positive experience being prescribed them. Yes they work.. but they work IN YOUR HEAD, your interpersonal relationships with likely be affected. not to mention physical side effects, for example, severe insomnia on my end.

OK, i'll get off the soap box to tell my story.

Diagnosed around age 25 or 26? (would have to check the paperwork to be sure), in college. Odd thing was if I wasn't Dyslexic, they wouldn't have found it. Was doing testing to verify my learning disability (dyslexia), and one of the tests the ministry put into the battery was an ADD/ADHD test. Out of a scale of 125 (I don't recall the name of the test, dsm-3 or 4) I scored 109.

I can't remember the break points, but it was outlined the lower scores were basically not likely adhd, and it got progressively more likely the higher you get, above a score of 80 or 90 IIRC, was basically indicative of a diagnosis (it in itself, wasn't a diagnosis but this particular group of professionals at that time had have had no one that score over that point that didn't end up getting a proper diagnosis after the fact from them in their follow ups.)

At the time, The doc and I decided not to get into Adhd medication due to what I thought was insomnia at the time (in the process of testing, and so far insomnia is actually ruled out they are looking at other sleep disorders now :\) fast forward a few years and not having as much trouble sleeping anymore, however having issues staying focused at work once the wake and bake wore off.

So I started medications, they let me focus, however it killed whatever patience I had at the time. among other things and in the span of almost 2 months I had "lost" a lot of friends, and nearly destroyed my relationship with my Significant other. Tossed out the pills dealt with the withdraw for a few days then went looking for sativa's, haven't wanted to look back since. In the couple years since quitting those pills and those events i've regained most of those friends, and am still with the same woman.

I've managed to get most of the benefits I got from the pharmaceuticals, without any of the side effects. From just being a little more wise about what strains I grab in the morning to start my day, that and drinking the right amount of Coffee with sugar in it. I limit my coffee a bit more these days, as its real easy to get into a working groove and next thing I know it is 1 am and i'm still drinking coffee on auto pilot.

I've been finding Haze hybrids that are sativa dominant is my jam for the morning, Just the right amount of get up an go and just the right amount of mental tickle, and taper of into the heavier indicas and hybrids in the evening.

hope it helps


New member
Thanks for the reply's everyone. It's given me a lot to think about.

I am very sure I do actually have ADD. Everything seems to fit.

I am feeling a lot better since giving away the alcohol. I am just smoking a bit at night. Been reading a lot and there are plenty of things I can do to make it a little easier to function like right diet, making lists, keeping things in the same place. All those boring things that I find it hard to focus on.

Brown thumb, yes I have great focus if it's something I like. You've hit the nail on the head. I need to start to look at the positives and how I can properly channel this.

JS Tomatoes, thanks for your story and perspective. I am pretty sure the doctor doesn't think I am after pills as I was there for another reason entirely and this diagnosis came as quite a shock. I also told him that I wasn't comfortable taking pills. I have a hard time sleeping. I can think of nothing worse than taking speed which is what they are offering.

Curtis, I had thought of trying a CBD variety or oil. Maybe I should give it a go. Bit of a long term solution as I have to grow my own.

I think I have decided not to take the drugs at least for now.

Hey there,

Thank you for telling your story. I would recommend trying CBD oil like the commenter above suggested. It gives you the therapeutic benefits of CBD without the psychoactive effects. While there hasn't been too much research on if it helps ADD or ADHD, here is an article that discusses what studies have been done using CBD Oil for ADHD. Hopefully that helps. Good luck!


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I strongly recommend using CBD:THC every day. It takes at least 2-3 weeks before you begin seeing the full effects of daily use. :D


Well-known member
they gave my oldest son Ritalin with his ADHD diagnosis. might as well have hit him with a ball peen hammer. took him off of it after a week & insisted on the teachers TEACHING instead of demanding immediate compliance. he IS a high-functioning autistic (Aspergers) and was not at all interested in boring bullshit. :biggrin: neither was i at that age. hmmmm....:tiphat:


ICMag Donor
Teachers try to play doctor. It's much easier for them having a medicated classroom.

Way wrong.


Autistic Diplomat in Training
Hey there,

Thank you for telling your story. I would recommend trying CBD oil like the commenter above suggested. It gives you the therapeutic benefits of CBD without the psychoactive effects. While there hasn't been too much research on if it helps ADD or ADHD, here is an article that discusses what studies have been done using CBD Oil for ADHD. Hopefully that helps. Good luck!
You still want at least 3% THC or you'll be doing two things you don't want to do. Paying for CBD which your body is not using, and also getting reduced effectiveness.

Always use some THC with your CBD, and vice versa. (Yes, even for kids.)


Señor Member
I was just diagnosed with ADHD a few months ago (41 years old). I had always suspected I had it. But now as a dad, my life has changed, and my coping mechanisms don't work anymore. So my wife encouraged me to see a mental health professional, and long story short, suspicions were confirmed.

I told her I self medicate with cannabis, she asked how much and how often, that sort of thing. I told her I just consume maintenance doses, to keep my brain slowed down a bit, and that I never get baked or anything. She then put me on Adderall, and now several months later I can say that this medicine works awesome, and doesn't make me feel speedy or tweaky or anything. The dose is too small for that. But it actually does help me concentrate, and focus on what needs to be done. She said there are no counter indications between adderall and cannabis. She definitely didn't tell me to stop smoking.

ADHD is not made up. But I'll bet a lot of people who are diagnosed with it have something else. All I know is, when you have it, low-dose amphetamines fix it.


ICMag Donor
Adderall can cause serious problems. If you've been dealing with it for 41 years, don't let a label cause a real issue for you. Many highly intelligent people have "it" and many have found ways to turn it into an advantage and not a handicap.