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ACE Seeds' strains - cannabinoid and terpene analysis

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ACE Seeds Breeder
Black Domina 98 x ErdPurt cannabinoid analysis

Black Domina 98 x ErdPurt cannabinoid analysis

The cannabinoid analysis of the new Black Domina 98 x ErdPurt feminized limited edition shows that this new hybrid, despite being an ErdPurt hybrid, it has an almost pure THC chemotype.

The THC content of Black Domina 98 x ErdPurt is moderate/high (close to 14 %) with almost null presence of CBD and CBG.

The terpene analysis is not available yet.


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    Black Domina 98 X Erdpurt análisis de cannabinoides.jpg
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Bubba Kush x Kali China cannabinoid analysis

Bubba Kush x Kali China cannabinoid analysis

The cannabinoid analysis of the new Bubba Kush x Kali China feminized limited edition shows that this new hybrid has an almost pure THC chemotype.

The THC content of Bubba Kush x Kali China is moderate/high (close to 15 %) with almost null presence of CBD and CBG.

The terpene analysis is not available yet.


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    Bubba Kush x Kali China análisis de cannabinoides.jpg
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ACE Seeds Breeder
ErdPurt cannabinoid and terpene analysis

ErdPurt cannabinoid and terpene analysis

The cannabinoid analyses performed to ErdPurt have shown what we were guessing about this strain, that most ErdPurt plants has a remarkable CBD content.

The main chemotype found in the strain produces a 1:1 THC:CBD chemotype with moderate THC and CBD content (6 % each).

There's another, not so frequent 1:3 THC:CBD ErdPurt chemotype (this chemotype is also present in Early Bubba Hash) with lower THC content (around 4 %) and quite high CBD content (around 12%).

THC rich plants with almost null CBD content can also be found (ERDPURT ERA 8), although the most common chemotypes are the balanced THC-CBD ones.

ErdPurt has a complex terpene profile. Main monoterpenes found in the line are alpha pinene, trans ocimene and d limonene, with variability in the myrcene, beta pinene and linalool content.

Line is very rich in sesqui terpenes. Main sesqui terpene found in the line are beta caryophyllene, cis nerolidol and alpha humelene, with variability in Guaiol and alpha bisabolol content.

Updated on 9th October 2022 to add a new ErdPurt cannabinoid analysis from a new parent plant with a high THC chemotype with almost null CBD content.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Lebanese cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Lebanese cannabinoid and terpene analysis

The cannabinoid analytics done to the recently released Lebanese sativa have shown that this landrace has different chemotypes with THC content ranging from very low (0.5 %) to moderate (7 %), and CBD content ranging from 6% up to 14 %, and even a bit more.

Therefore, different chemotypes can be found in this lebanese line, all of them with remarkable CBD content. We find more classic 1:1 THC:CBD chemotypes, to 1 : 2.5 THC:CBD chemotypes and exceptional 1:30 THC:CBD chemotypes.

Without any doubt, it's a very interesting landrace sativa due to its high CBD content.

This lebanese sativa has a very complex monoterpene profile. Main monoterpenes found in the line are terpinolene, alpha pinene, beta myrcene, beta pinene, d limonene, with variability in the presence of linalool and trans ocimene.

Main sesqui terpene found in all the lebaneses is beta caryophyllene, with sometimes presence of alpha humelene too.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Zamaldelica x Kali China cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Zamaldelica x Kali China cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Zamaldelica x Kali China has a high THC content (around 20 %), with remarkable CBG content (close to 2 %), with only traces of CBD and null presence of THCV, CBC and CBN.
It has a high THC/low CBD chemotype.

Zamaldelica x Kali China has a very complex and rich terpene profile. Main monoterpenes found are beta myrcene and alpha pinene, followed by trans ocimene, beta pinene and in lesser content linalool and limonene. Very rich in sesqui terpenes too, main sesqui terpene found in the sample is beta caryophyllene, then alpha humelene and lastly alpha bisabolol and caryophyllene oxide.

Sample grown and provided by master the English Cut, grown outdoors in the cold and rainy north of Spain, yet finished with amazing expertise :thank you:


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thai Chi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Thai Chi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Thai Chi has a quite high THC content (around 16 %), with slight CBG content (around 0.7 %), with only traces of CBD and null presence of THCV, CBC and CBN. It has a high THC/low CBD chemotype.

The main monoterpenes found in Thai Chi are beta myrcene (Thai Chi 2 is especially expectional in myrcene content), then terpinolene, alpha and beta pinene, and lastly trans ocimene and limonene.

Sesquiterpenes found in the samples contain mainly beta caryophyllene, then alpha humelene, with variations in alpha bisabolol and Guaiol content.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Bangi Haze x Ethiopian cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Bangi Haze x Ethiopian cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Bangi Haze x Ethiopian has a moderate/high THC content (around 14 %), with remarkable CBG content (1.35 %) coming from Bangi Haze 29 parental plant, slight presence of THCV (0.30 %), with only traces of CBD and and almost null content of CBC and CBN. It has a high THC/low CBD chemotype.

It has a VERY complex terpene profile. The main monoterpenes found in the samples are terpinolene, alpha pinene, beta myrcene, beta pinene, then trans ocimene and limonene with variation in 3 carene presence.

Sesquiterpenes found in the samples are mainly beta caryophyllene, then alpha humelene and Guaiol, with variation in caryophyllene oxide presence.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
A5 cannabinoid and terpene analysis

A5 cannabinoid and terpene analysis

A5 is obviously NOT an ACE Seeds parental plant but guess it is interesting to share its cannabinoid and terpene profile here since we have started to work on some A5 hybrids, so the info can easily be found in the future.

A5 is an old Northern Lights #5 x Haze A male F1 hybrid selected by Nevil in the late 80s.

The A5 sample was provided by Sammy who has mastered the skills growing this parental plant for 2 decades.

A5 has a very high THC content (around 21 %), with slight CBG content (0,90 %), with traces of CBD content (0.10 %), and almost null content of THCV, CBC and CBN. It has a high THC/low CBD chemotype.

The main monoterpene found in the A5 is beta myrcene, followed by alpha pinene, trans ocimene, limonene, beta pinene and linalool monoterpenes in lesser content.

Sesquiterpenes found in the samples are beta caryophyllene and Guaiol.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Red Sapphire cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Red Sapphire cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 12-13 %
CBD: Below 0.05 %
CBG: 0-0.7 %

Despite its moderate THC content Red Sapphire hits hard ;)

Terpene profile: Complex and rich terpene profile in both monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: high amounts of beta pinene, terpinolene and alpha pinene, moderate quantities of beta myrcene and b ocimene, small amounts of limonene, linalool, gamma terpinene, alpha terpinene and traces of eucalyptol, delta 3 carene, p-cymene and camphene. Sesquiterpenes: high content of beta-caryophyllene, moderate amounts of alpha-humelene and guaiol, and traces of bisabolol, caryophyllene oxide and trans-nerolidol.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Zamal Bliss cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Zamal Bliss cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 15 %
CBD: Null
CBG: 0.4 %

Terpene profile: Monoterpenes: High amounts of terpinolene, followed by beta-myrcene. Sesquiterpenes: High amounts of beta-caryophyllene.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Panama x Tikal cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Panama x Tikal cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 18 %
CBD: 0.1 %
CBG: 1.4 %
THCV: 0.22 %

Terpene profile: Monoterpenes: High terpinolene content, followed by moderate amounts of beta-myrcene and alpha-pinene, and smaller quantities of beta-pinene and limonene. Sesquiterpenes: Small amounts of beta-caryophyllene.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Purple Honduras Haze cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Purple Honduras Haze cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 12-14 %
CBD: 0.07 %
CBG: 0.6-1.2 %

Terpene profile: Monoterpenes: Very high beta-myrcene content and small amounts of alpha-pinene. Sesquiterpenes. Small quantities of beta-caryophyllene.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Green Honduras Haze cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Green Honduras Haze cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 12-17 %
CBD: 0.07-0.08 %
CBG: 0.06-0.09 %

Terpene profile: Monoterpenes: Mainly beta-myrcene, with large variations in its content, followed by variations in the presence of small amounts of alpha-pinene, terpinolene and trans-ocimene. Sesquiterpenes: Moderate amounts of beta-caryophyllene.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Bubba Kush x PCK cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Bubba Kush x PCK cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 18 %
CBD: 0.05 %
CBG: 2.1 %

Terpene profile: Monoterpenes: High beta-myrcene content, followed by moderate amounts of alpha-pinene, and small quantities of alpha-humelene and linalool. Sesquiterpenes: High beta-caryophyllene content, and small amounts of guaiol.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Haze x Kali China cannabinoid analysis

Haze x Kali China cannabinoid analysis

Our kind friend UniqueFlower has shared with us the cannabinoid report of his latest Haze x Kali China harvest.

THC: 18.13 %
CBD: 0.07 %
CBG: 0.8 %

Thank you very much! :wave:


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    Haze x Kali China cannabinoid analysis UniqueFlower.jpg
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Auto Zamaldelica cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Auto Zamaldelica cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 11-16 %
CBD: Below 0.06%
CBG: 0.1-0.5 %

Terpene profile: It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: high amounts of terpinolene and/or beta myrcene, followed by moderate amounts of trans ocimene, and variability in the content of small amounts of limonene, alpha pinene, beta pinene and linalool. Sesquiterpenes: high amounts of beta caryophyllene, moderate amounts of alpha humulene and variability in the content of small amounts of trans nerolidol and alpha bisobolol.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Bubba Kush x Nepal Jam cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Bubba Kush x Nepal Jam cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 21 %
CBD: Below 0.05 %
CBG: 0.7-1.6 %

Terpene profile: It contains the following monoterpenes: Only very high amounts of beta myrcene. Sesquiterpenes: beta-caryophyllene (2/3) and variability in the presence (1/3) of alpha bisabolol or alpha humulene.


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    Bubba Kush x Nepal Jam análisis de terpenos Neiko.jpg
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hokkaido Japan hemp cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Hokkaido Japan hemp cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 0.6-1 %
CBD: 0-0.6 %
CBG: Below 0.1 %

Terpene profile: Only small amounts of alpha pinene, without relevant presence of other monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Moroccan Beldia Kif cannabinoid and terpene analyses

Moroccan Beldia Kif cannabinoid and terpene analyses

THC: 2.5-5 %
CBD: 0-2 %
CBG: 0-0.16 %

Terpene profile: It mainly contains the following monoterpenes: high amounts of alpha pinene and beta myrcene, followed by beta pinene in smaller quantities. Sesquiterpenes: mainly beta-caryophyllene (2/3 parts) and smaller amounts of alpha-humulene (1/3).


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