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ACE Seeds' strains - cannabinoid and terpene analysis

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ACE Seeds Breeder
Kali China F3 x Panama Goddess F10 cannabinoid analysis

Kali China F3 x Panama Goddess F10 cannabinoid analysis

The Kali China F3 x Panama Goddess F10 hybrids shows an almost pure THC chemotype with moderate/high THC content (14,7 %) and little amounts of CBD, CBG and CBC.

Sample grown and brought to the lab by mayan.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Purple Malawi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Purple Malawi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Purple Malawi is the mother of our Violeta hybrid and the Malawi female used for the breeding of the Purple Malawi line in the Malawis Breeder Packs.

Purple Malawi parental plant has an almost pure THC chemotype.
The THC content is lower (13,74 %) than the green Killer Malawis (which usually produce THC content between 20-25 % when are properly grown). Purple Malawi has null CBD content and a bit of CBG (1 %).

The terpene profile of the Purple Malawi is much more complex than the Killer Malawis. While the Killer Malawis have a terpene profile with mainly beta myrcene and d limonene, Purple Malawi contains a wider variety of monoterpenes being terpinolene the most abundant, with important beta myrcene and d limonene quantities too, but also with trans ocimene, alpha pinene, beta pineno and linalool.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Zamal Hash cannabinoid analysis

Zamal Hash cannabinoid analysis

Zamal Hash cannabinoid analysis, sample grown and brought to the lab by mayan in 2015.

Zamal Hash has an almost pure THC chemotype, with quite high THC content (20,8 %) and only traces of other cannabinoids.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Zamaldelica F1 original release cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Zamaldelica F1 original release cannabinoid and terpene analysis

The cannabinoid analysis of the original Zamaldelica f1 regular release (2 different cannabinoid analysis of 2 different Zamaldelica females tested at 2 different labs) show that the strain has a high THC content (between 15-20 %) with remarkable CBG content too (especially in the B analysis).

I think the newer and improved current Zamaldelica fem version has the potential to produce higher THC content (my estimation is between 20-27 %) although this has not been confirmed by lab analysis yet.

The Zamaldelica terpene profile is very complex: mainly terpinolene and beta myrcene, with remarkable amounts of caryophyllene, beta ocimene, beta pinene, alpha pinene, d limonene too, and small amounts of humulene, linalool, 3 carene, alpha terpinene and gamma terpinene and nerolidol 2.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Pakistan Chitral Kush cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Pakistan Chitral Kush cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Pakistan Chitral Kush cannabinoid and terpene analyses.

THC: 15-18 %
CBD: 0.07 %
CBG: 0.16 %

It contains the following monoterpenes: very high geraniol content, followed by moderate amounts of terpinolene, and small amounts of limonene, beta pinene, terpinene, beta myrcene, alpha pinene, p cymene, eucalyptol, carene, cis ocimene and camphene. Sesquiterpenes: very high alpha humulene content, and moderate amounts of beta caryophyllene and nerolidol.

Updated on 9th June 2020.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Violeta cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Violeta cannabinoid and terpene analysis

On the other hand, our highly worked, improved, dominant Purple PCK hybrid: Violeta, shows that this strain also has an almost pure THC chemotype, but the THC content of Violeta is much higher than pure PCK. This Violeta sample showed 16,4 % of THC.

Violeta has a very complex terpene profile, even more complex than pure PCK. Main monoterpenes found in the sample are terpinolene, alpha pinene, d limonene, beta pinene, trans ocimene, linalool and beta myrcene. It also contains the following 3 sesquiterpenes: beta caryophyllene, guaiol and alpha humulene.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Oldtimer's Haze cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Oldtimer's Haze cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Finally! :) We have the results of the cannabinoid and terpene analysis of Green Haze 19 and Purple Haze 23, our main parental plants of Green Haze and Purple Haze phenos from Oldtimer's Haze line, and main Oldtimer's Haze parental plants we use for all our current Haze hybrids.

Oldtimer's Haze has a pure THC chemotype, with null (or only traces) of CBD and CBG. The THC rates of both samples are of around 8-9 % THC (being Green Haze 19 slightly more potent than Purple Haze 23). I know this can sound a bit low for such a mythical sativa that have had such important impact in the development of some of the best sativa/indica hybrids ever produced, but take in mind these are highly inbred (since at least late 70s) pure hazes, and such long inbreeding usually implies a decrease in yield, vigor and cannabinoid production.

The analyzed samples were neither grown to their fullest potential here outdoors at 37N. Our warm mediterranean climate allows us to mature quite correctly even the more extreme and longer flowering tropical sativa types, but the light intensity and temps at night in November and December are not enough good to make justice to the requirements that these kind of tropical sativas need in their second half of flowering. So i estimate the Oldtimer's Haze THC rates can easily reach 12 % or more if it's grown to its full potential indoors or in a tropical/subtropical climate.

Take also in consideration that its THC/CBD ratio is almost infinite, due the lack of CBD, this and other variables (that we still need to understand) would explain the quality of the effects of Haze lines. As it has been previously commented widely by many pure Haze connoisseurs, the best qualities of pure haze can be restored by outcrossing her with other very rich THC non related strains, especially when Haze is outcrossed with other good and very powerful sativas, as we will demostrate with the upcoming Oldtimer's Haze hybrids cannabinoid results.

Both Green Haze 19 and Purple Haze 23 analytics are quite similar regarding cannabinoid quantities and ratios, but Green Haze effect is overall much more uplifting, clean, expansive and talkative, while Purple Haze is more introspective and dense. The effects of both phenos have no ceiling, but they do have slightly different type of psychoactivity.

The terpene profiles of our Green Haze and Purple Haze are also quite similar in the analytics, and quite simple, both containing mainly beta myrcene, trans ocimene and alpha pinene monoterpenes. Main difference is that Green Haze 19 also contains a bit of beta pinene monoterpene and also beta caryophyllene and alpha humelene sesquiterpenes, while Purple Haze 23 lacks of sesquiterpenes, at least in these 2 samples analyzed.

Hope you find the info interesting :tiphat:


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Purple Haze x Malawi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Purple Haze x Malawi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Here are the cannabinoid and terpene results of the Purple Haze 23 x New Killer Malawi analysis that our good friend mayan grown and brought to the lab, and wanted to share with us :huggg:

The same Purple Haze 23 mother that i commented in the previous post showing moderate THC content in 'pure' form (around 8 %), now it shows a very high THC content (close to 23 %) when it is outcrossed with our very rich THC New Killer Malawi parental plant.

So Purple Haze x Malawi F1 hybrid has a very high THC content, closer to the average THC content of the best killer Malawi expressions, showing also very little amounts of CBD and CBG. It has a very high THC:CBD ratio.

'Pure' Oldtimer's Haze and pure Malawis usually have null CBD content or below 0.05 %, while Purple Haze Malawi shows slightly more CBD content (0.2 %).

The main monoterpene found in Purple Haze x Malawi F1 is myrcene (main monoterpene also found in both Purple Haze 23 and New Killer Malawi parental plants), followed by alpha pinene (found also in PH 23 but not in NKM), beta pinene (found in NKM, but not in PH 23), linalool, camphene, carene, limonene, ocimene, terpinolene, and the following sesquiterpenes: beta caryophyllene, nerolidol 1 and 2 and humelene.

Overall Purple Haze x Malawi terpene profile is much more complex than 'pure' Oldtimer's Haze or pure killer Malawis.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Golden Tiger cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Golden Tiger cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Amazing THC content in the Golden Tiger sample grown and analyzed by mayan :huggg: Thanks friend!

This is the second, improved, current Golden Tiger version, breed with the 2 Killer Malawi parental plants and the 2 Thais (Koh Chang and Hmong/Meao).

His Golden Tiger has probably shown the highest THC content (close to 30 %) found in any ACE Seeds' flower analyzed. It contains a bit of CBG (0.7 %), CBD (0.5 %) and CBC (0.2 %) too.

It has a quite complex terpene profile. Monoterpenes found in the sample are mainly myrcene, then smaller quantities of limonene, linalool, ocimene, isopulegol, alpha and beta pinene, camphene and terpinolene. Main sesquiterpenes found in GT are Nerolidol 2 and beta caryophyllene.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Kali China x New Killer Malawi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Kali China x New Killer Malawi cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Another interesting cannabinoid and terpene analysis provided by mayan. :)
In this case it's a Kali China x New Killer Malawi hybrid, not officially released yet although a few growers have already grown it, and asking for more as they were very satisfied with the outcome.

This sample of Kali China x New Killer Malawi shows a high THC content (23,7 %), close to the THC rates of the New Killer Malawi parental plant, and a very high THC/CBD ratio (due the almost lack of CBD: 0,1 %). Only traces of CBG and CBC (both around 0.2 %).

Main monoterpenes found in the sample are myrcene and alpha pinene, then lower quantities of beta pinene, limonene, linalool, isopulegol, carene, ocimene and terpinolene, Sesquiterpenes found in the sample are mainly beta caryophyllene, followed by nerolidol 2, then humelene and finally only traces of nerolidol 1.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Panama x Bangi Haze cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Panama x Bangi Haze cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Here are the cannabinoid and terpene analysis of the Panama x Bangi Haze released this year. Sample provided by The English Cut, thanks friend ;) Sample was grown organically outdoors in the colder and rainy north of Spain.

It's the Panama Goddess x Bangi Haze F29 hybrid. You can find the analysis of both parental plants in the posts #9 and #2 (respectively) in the first page of this thread.

This Panama x Bangi Haze sample shows a moderate/high THC content (around 16,5 %), slightly higher than both parental plants, very high THC/CBD ratio (due lack of CBD) and a remarkable CBG content (close to 3 %), even higher CBG content than both parental plants too.

Main monoterpenes found in the sample are terpinolene, alpha pinene, myrcene, beta pinene, then limonene, trans ocimene and 3 carene. Sesquiterpenes found in the sample are nerolidol 1, beta caryophylene, guaiol, then alpha bisabolol and alpha humelene.
Very complex terpene profile in both: monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes.

I can confirm about the potency and complexity of the effect of this hybrids and concretely of this sample. It delivers a super complex, long lasting and deep sativa effect, very thought provoking and that moves a lot your more inner psychology, you must have your mind, heart and soul in the right place for not being overwhelmed by the intensity of the effects. The buds have a very intense smell and taste of fermented citrics (lemon), slightly incensey and woody too. Closer to Panama Goddess kind of aromas than Bangi Haze F29 parental plant.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Pure Mauritius landrace sativa cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Pure Mauritius landrace sativa cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Here are the cannabinoid and terpene analysis of a new pure sativa landrace coming from Mauritius islands we are working with since 2015.

Sativas from this part of the world are rare and always interesting to explore, they are also unpolluted tropical sativas, without any modern indica influence or any influence from western genetics.

Despite Mauritius is located in a subtropical latitude, this pure Mauritius landrace is a super wild extreme tropical sativa of very long floweting time (16-20 weeks), wild and extremely tropical at the level of Oldtimer's Haze. Yield is low too.

Pure Mauritius grows tall and branchy, with medium node length, very thin pure sativa leaves, very light green color, extremely flexible stems, shows also the extreme lateral branching typical of the Zamal sativas from the neighbouring Reunion Island, although i find this pure mauritius has a different psychoactivity and terpene profile than most zamal i've tried.

We have found 2 main phenos (based on effects and terpene profiles) in this pure mauritius sativa. The first pheno (female 7 in the analysis) produces classic floral/fruity/woody african sativa aromas and tastes, it's the stronger pheno of the line, with higher THC content, providing a very clear, uplifting and exciting mental effect without body effect or hangover.

The second pheno (female 6 in the analysis) is less powerful and has lesser THC content, but offers a more interesting terpene profile: it has a very pleasant sweet lavender aroma. The effect is weaker than first pheno but i find the effect of this second pheno very desirable: clear, pleasant, positive and anxyolitic effect, it's not nervous or electric like the first pheno.

We had to deal with a few hermies and a few low vigorous plants through the selection process with the strain, but at the end we end up finding good vigorous parental plants from both phenos that are sexually firm. Males are not very frequent in the line (like it usually happens with most of the true extreme tropical sativa landraces) but finally we have found a good vigorous male that seems to be sexually firm too. We need to do more outdoor tests with the strain this season before decide whether we finally release or not this landrace strain in the future.

Now let's comment about the analysis of both phenos. The samples analyzed were grown indoors in our first testing with the strain, so i think their cannbinoid and terpene content could be a bit higher if they are grown outdoors in a climate with a benign, sunny and warm autumn. We will see outdoors this season.

This Mauritius sativa has overall a moderate THC content for a P1 landrace sativa, and high a THC/CBD ratio (due the lack of CBD). Pheno 1 (female 7) has the higher THC content (7,3 %), a bit of CBG (0.5 %), the second pheno (female 6) has lower THC content (around 4 %) and also a bit of CBG (0,25 %).

The terpene profiles are clearly different in each pheno, as the graphics of the analysis show, having the second pheno a more complex terpene profile. Main monoterpenes found in the first pheno (woody, floral, slightly fruity) are alpha pinene, trans ocimene, beta myrcene and beta pinene. Sesquiterpenes found in the first pheno are beta caryophyllene and humelene. On the other hand, main monoterpenes found in the second pheno (sweet lavender smelling pheno) are beta myrcene, trans ocimene, alpha pinene, limonene and linalool. Sesquiterpenes found in the second pheno are mainly beta caryophyllene, then humelene and nerolidol 2.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi :)

We have modified a bit the design of our website so all the cannabinoid and terpene analysis we currently have available from the different ACE Seeds landraces, inbred lines and hybrids are from now onwards posted in the frontpage of the description of each strain at our website (I will keep posting them here in this thread too). For example:


I know this scientifical info can be 'boring' for some people, but i find it vital to have a better and wider view of the genetic background of our releases. The analytics also provide objective and irrefutable facts about the genetics being discussed.

I think it should be a must for the breeders, seed companies, etc ... to really explain in detail the genetic background of their strains and to provide objective and scientific information about them. Cannabis community is only starting to understand the synergy between all the cannabinois and terpenes that this amazing plant can produce, so i think is important be make an effort to school each other in this sense and to get and share these kind of analytics.

Now the strain descriptions at our website also state the cannabigerol (CBG) content of our strains. I think it is also time to start to understand better about the CBG properties (its medicinal qualities and also how CBG interacts with the psychoactive effect of cannabis).

Unfortunately, we don't have all the cannabinoid and terpene analysis of all the ACE strains released, but we will add them to our website and in this thread as soon as we get new analytics. We are doing our best (spending lots of resources, with the greatly appreciated contributions from other growers too) to get as many good analytics from our genetics as we can. In fact, we have recently brought more samples of old and new ACE Seeds strains that currently we don't have analytics for them. I will post the results as soon as we receive them.

An interesting point to clarify. Not all the labs use the same standards to be able to detect all the cannabinoids and terpenes that cannabis has to offer, so analysis coming from one lab or other may differ in the info they can provide. In fact, new lab standards are still being developed to be able to find rarer cannabinoids and terpenes that nowadays most of the labs cannot detect in their analytics with their current analysis standards.

Another interesting point to clarify. The results of the cannabinoid and terpene analysis of a sample can provide very valuable info about that concrete sample/parental plant and strain, but may be not fully representative of a whole line (especially when working with unstable poly hybrids that can produce lots of different phenos with different cannabinoid and terpene profiles). To make it properly in a real scientific and statistical way, thousands of plants from a concrete line should be grown and analyzed, and then make real representative averages, but unfortunately cannabis industry has not reached this step yet (hopefully soon!) and only big pharma companies can do this kind of massive analysis nowadays.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Nepal Jam cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Nepal Jam cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Nepal Jam cannabinoid and terpene analysis, the analyzed sample was grown outdoors organically past season around 40ºN latitude in a highland continental climate.

The sample shows that Nepal Jam has a moderate/high THC content (14 %) for an inbred line (F6), a high THC:CBD ratio with only slight amounts of CBD (0.45 %) and no presence of CBG and THCV.

Very high content of myrcene monoterpene, followed by also remarkable content of nerolidol and beta caryophyllene sesquiterpenes. Then only traces of beta pinene, camphene, alpha pinene, linalool mono terpenes and Guaiol sesquiterpene.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Orient Express cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Orient Express cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Orient Express cannabinoid and terpene analysis, the analyzed sample was grown outdoors organically past season around 40ºN latitude in a highland continental climate.

The sample shows that Orient Express has a moderate/high THC content (16 %), a high THC:CBD ratio with very little content of CBD (0.15 %) and no presence of CBG and THCV.

The analyzed sample has a very high content of myrcene and alpha pinene monoterpenes, then followed by also remarkable content of beta pinene mono terpene, nerolidol sesquiterpene, p cymene and camphene mono terpenes, beta caryophyllene and bisabolol sesquiterpenes, then traces of humelene and isopulegol mono terpenes, guaiol sesquiterpene and linalool and terpinolene monoterpenes. Quite a complex terpene profile.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Orient Express X Nepal Jam cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Orient Express X Nepal Jam cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Here are the cannabinoid and terpene analysis of the new Orient Express (F1, green hashy indica chinese pheno, reversed) x Nepal Jam (F6, purple indica pheno, reversed) limited edition released in 2018.

Orient Express x Nepal Jam has a quite high THC content (close to 18 %), higher than both parental plants used to create the hybrid due to the hybrid vigor. It has a high THC:CBD ratio with very little content of CBD (0.10 %) and no presence of CBG and THCV.

Its terpene profile is closer to Nepal Jam than Orient Express, although it is a bit more complex and with overall a higher terpene content than straight Nepal Jam.

The analyzed sample has a very high content of myrcene monoterpene followed by beta caryophyllene and nerolidol sesquiterpenes, then in lesser quantities: camphene, humelene, alpha pinene, beta pinene monoterpenes and then traces of linalool monoterpene, guaiol sesquiterpene and p cymene and alpha terpinene monoterpenes.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
PCK x Kali China cannabinoid and terpene analysis

PCK x Kali China cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Cannabinoid and terpene analysis of a sample of the Purple PCK 2002 x Kali China F3 (more sativa KC parental plant) hybrid.

The sample shows a moderate THC content (close to 12 %), more or less on the average between both parental plants. It has a high THC:CBD ratio due only having traces of CBD. There's no presence of CBG or THCV.

This first version of this hybrid (in the second one i used a F4 more hashplant type of Kali China parental plant) had 2 distinctive phenotypes: the purple one, obviously leaning towards the PCK; and green fruity pheno, which has more influence from the F3 Kali China parental plant.

The terpene profile of the sample shows a super high content of humelene sesquiterpene, and only traces of alpha pinene, beta myrcene, terpinolene, beta pinene, p cymene, ocimene, isopulegol, camphene, 3 carene and alpha terpinene monoterpenes and guaiol, beta caryophyllene and nerolidol sesquiterpenes.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
PCK x Panama cannabinoid and terpene analysis

PCK x Panama cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Cannabinoid and terpene analysis of a new Purple PCK 2002 x Panama Goddess (F10) hybrid.

This new hybrid has never been released commercially (not even privately as far as i can remember), as we just produced a few dozens of seeds of the hybrid and most of them were grown in the farm by our licensed collaborator. The outcome of the hybrid was really interesting and was rated among the best hybrids we tested past season (and many many new hybrids were tested last season), getting the best desirable traits from both lines. Indeed we consider it (along with Malawi x PCK) as the one of the best sativa x PCK hybrids that can be done.

A single seed germinated from this hybrid also won the 2nd prize in a local cannabis cup in Zaragoza, Spain. Pics of the PCK X Panama hybrid can be found here:


The third pic shows even the typical PCK purple colors with the Panama classic pink pistil trait. Beside its beauty, which is obvious, all her other traits (vigor, adaptability, resin production, quality of terpenes and effects, resistance against outdoor conditions, etc ...) are outstanding, so we are considering to reproduce again the hybrid with the same parental plants when we have the chance, this time producing much more seeds so it can be released to the public.

Now let's comments about the results of the analysis.

The cannabinoid analysis of the sample shows a quite high THC content (around 15 %), a THC content closer to Panama rather than PCK. It has a very high THC:CBD ratio due having only traces of CBD (0.04%). Curiously this Panama Goddess hybrid has not the remarkable CBG content that are so typical with the crosses of this parental plant. In fact it's the first Panama Goddess cross that has not shown CBG content, which makes me think/doubt about the analysis standard that this concrete lab has to detect CBG. Or maybe i'm wrong and the sample in fact lacked of CBG. There's also no presence of THCV.

The terpene profile of the sample is quite complex and interesting, as it contains as main terpene a sesqui terpene (nerolidol) when most of the strains show usually as main terpenes the most relevant monoterpenes. Nerolidol is followed in order of content by beta myrcene mono terpene, bisabolol sesqui terpene, humelene and cymene mono terpenes and beta caryophyllene sesquiterpene, and only traces of isopulegol, beta pinene, linalool and camphene mono terpenes.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Early Bubba Hash cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Early Bubba Hash cannabinoid and terpene analysis

And here's the big surprise from the recent cannabinoid analysis. :)

That's why it is so important to bring to the lab representative samples of the strains (especially the new ones) so we have the chance to discover unexpected cannabinoid contents and ratios that only lab analysis can provide.

Early Bubba Hash cannabinoid analytics have shown that the strain has a high CBD content (around to 10-12 %) and a low THC content (3-4 %). Her THC:CBD ratio is 1:3. No presence of THCV or CBG.

Despite the THC content is low for modern standards, the CBD content of this sample is really interesting and remarkable, because beside the Cannatonic lines, which are nowadays the main source for CBD breeding worldwide, now we also have another source for high CBD content from another completely different family.

Early Bubba Hash is a 3 way afghani polyhybrid between Bubba Kush Katsu, Hashplant 90s and ErdPurt, but the results of the analysis confirm the 1:3 THC:CBD chemotype is stable in all the plants.

3 different cannabinoid analysis from 3 different Early Bubba Hashes, along with an oil analysis of the strain.

The terpene profile of Early Bubba Hash sample is really complex and interesting as well. Main terpenes found in the sample are alpha pinene monoterpene and nerolidol and guaiol sesquiterpenes. Followed in order of content by cymene and beta pinene monoterpenes, then only traces of isopulegol, myrcene, humelene, linalool, camphene monoterpenes, then beta caryophyllene sesquiterpene, then ocimene, limonene, alpha terpinene, terpineol, terpinolene and 3 carene monoterpenes.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Oaxaca 79 cannabinoid and terpene analysis

Oaxaca 79 cannabinoid and terpene analysis

A per request of the users, here are the Oaxaca 79 cannabinoid and terpene analysis from the Oaxaca #8 and #24 parental plants, the other 2 oaxacan parental plants we also keep (#16 and #23) produce an equally interesting finished product, although they have not been analyzed yet.

This old school oaxacan sativa line from the late 70s has a moderate/high THC content (12-14 %) for a landrace, a very high THC/CBD ratio (null CBD content) with traces or small amounts of CBG.

The terpene profile is the more complex we have found in a landrace line so far, the graphics look like a rainbow, very rich in sesqui terpenes too, simply amazing!

Both terpene analysis show a quite uniform terpene profile for the monoterpenes. The main monoterpenes found in Oaxaca 79 are terpinolene, followed by beta pinene, trans ocimene and limonene, then alpha pinene, beta myrcene and linalool.

The main sesquiterpene found in the samples is beta caryophyllene, followed by alpha humelene, guaiol and trans nerolidol, then alpha bisabolol (only found in parental plant #8) and oxide caryophyllene (only found in parental plant #24).


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    Oaxaca 24 análisis de cannabinoides.jpg
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    Oaxaca 8 análisis de cannabinoides.jpg
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    Oaxaca 24 análisis terpenos.jpg
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