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Ace Panama Grow. DR60. ProGrow 180 LED

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
indoor growing isn't really my thing. but I had these panama seeds sitting around for a few years been itching to grow them

going to see if this Pro Grow 180 can produce any flowers, been happy with it as a veg lamp, been running it on and off for a year, only complaint is the fans are too loud, wouldn't want it in your bedroom

these are the 2 females I am flowering


Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
here they are on day 0 of flowering. January 15. should have probably trained and pruned them a little better, but I dont really care about efficiency so much, this grow is just for fun and maybe find a tasty Panama. this strain is supposed to stretch quite a bit so I thought they would fill in the tent about right




Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
here we are today Jan 21. Day 6 of flowering. was sick for almost the entire week so they were ignored, got a bit thirsty but are fine now. starting to stretch pretty good. think I've got a bit of a calcium def happening. will try to rectify that




will try to keep this thread updated every week or so. feel free to post any advice, comments, questions, concerns, rude remarks etc.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
couple more pics from today. Day 9. I hope I get lucky with one of these. also have cuttings of a couple nice looking males, going to make some interesting crosses next summer




ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
tagged for sure

Ace's panama seems like a fine choice; they look great too

what medium?

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
thanks guys. growing in pro mix hp cc, its fairly new I think, never seen anyone else using it, has chunk coir in it. feels like Im getting faster growth and it sucks up water a lot easier. I hate when promix is too dry and then resists water. feeding with canna coco a+b because I have it and need to use it up


Looks like a nice light, and one that won't break the bank. Good stuff so far.


ecks moe baw teeks
ICMag Donor
is it the selective light w/ veg and flower 'mode?'

seems to be a '660/whites/430' probably blue too? and UV {cool}

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
Im not sure what the deal with the selective switch is really or how supposed to use it? has a blue and red switch. I used just the blue on young seedlings before, but now I just leave them both on all the time. maybe at some point in flower you could use just the red, I dunno

heres some pics


Power Armor rules
Those plants are looking nice under that LED light. I would keep both the red and blue on for more overall light. More light generally means more production.


Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I must have been on glue when I sexed these plants. P6 was actually a male. and I think a couple of the ones I thought were male are actually female. a complete fuck up. I thought I had them figured out a while ago so I didnt even bother looking lately haha. good thing I still have cuttings of them all.

oh well, will prob turn out for the best anyway. was too crowded in there. tied this one over, should fill in ok, dubi says they will stretch for like a month

Day 11





Looking nice and healthy!

How big is the container? Now that there's just one plant in there maybe go for one more quick repot if you have a larger container available. That lady is probably still going to stretch for a while and you could boost yield a bit.

In any case count me in for the ride - I bet she'll turn out super nice. Always looked towards ace genetics and one day I'm definitely going to get some nice sativas from them. Perhaps the panama?


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