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So beautiful!Experience and skills evident.You're definitely older than Old Toker :laughing:


Active member
So beautiful!Experience and skills evident.You're definitely older than Old Toker :laughing:

based on an irrefutable equation (?) I am older, aren't I? :biggrin:

Now it looks as if the dame is only a breath away from decapitation...and the right lower branches underneath will have to get the chop as well for they won't be getting any sunlight come thicker growth...

In the last photo the grasshoppers have made their appearence but long blade scissors are ready and about :biggrin:
Thing is my veggie patch is teeming with all kinds of creatures, beneficial and non ... I hate them beautiful butterflies laying their eggs all over the leaves...yet, thanks to the swarming swallows, their population is kept minimal... :)


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Well-known member
Whew, she's a beaut, got a beautiful color. Reminds me of Panama but leaf shape maybe bit different;) I'd do as you say and trim up the bottom good, then maybe stake all the branches out wide; they'll probably be 2ft taller by flower!
I threw the ZAm x Panama in the ground this AM. All looked good;)


Active member
Whew, she's a beaut, got a beautiful color. Reminds me of Panama but leaf shape maybe bit different;) I'd do as you say and trim up the bottom good, then maybe stake all the branches out wide; they'll probably be 2ft taller by flower!
I threw the ZAm x Panama in the ground this AM. All looked good

Tah, mate!

She looks a lot like MxP elite of last year...if only you could take a glance with your own apple pies and sigh or wonder at her being lofty even somewhat haughty...vigour is obvious... :biggrin:

I'd be very happy if she gets 2ft only, three months to go till flower is quite a long stretch...I'm afraid I'll have to dig out my bending and snapping and pulling about skills... ;) I really don't wanna think about the space predicament I'll surely have to tackle...but then growing unchallenged makes it no growing no more...just to keep the blood flowing... :biggrin:

You say ZxP in the ground, is that outdoors or am I missing the game?



Well-known member
Tah, mate!

She looks a lot like MxP elite of last year...if only you could take a glance with your own apple pies and sigh or wonder at her being lofty even somewhat haughty...vigour is obvious... :biggrin:

I'd be very happy if she gets 2ft only, three months to go till flower is quite a long stretch...I'm afraid I'll have to dig out my bending and snapping and pulling about skills... ;) I really don't wanna think about the space predicament I'll surely have to tackle...but then growing unchallenged makes it no growing no more...just to keep the blood flowing... :biggrin:

You say ZxP in the ground, is that outdoors or am I missing the game?


Yep, with 3 months to go, she'll be even bigger than that. Big plants= big buds, and Panama x's never disappoint in that area;) I don't think there will be a square centimeter of light getting through the mass of buds she'll be. Good problem to have!

ZAmPams are in coco pots, will be run indoors from seed in 3 gal (as I like the size plant produced) and cloned for possible small outdoor end o' summer run, as they'll finish @2 weeks earlier than from seed.


Active member
Two Zamaldelicas, one "pure" and one adulterated with KC :biggrin:
gotta love the branching and vigour of the "pure" one...not that the other one is falling behind...it's the influence of KC that makes the difference I suppose...



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Well-known member
Two Zamaldelicas, one "pure" and one adulterated with KC :biggrin:
gotta love the branching and vigour of the "pure" one...not that the other one is falling behind...it's the influence of KC that makes the difference I suppose...


Woohoo, both looking great! Most/all of the ZAm x KCs I've seen have been way KC dominant... I think the Zam is present on the invisible levels;) Very interested to see how they do outdoors


Well-known member
Two Zamaldelicas, one "pure" and one adulterated with KC :biggrin:
gotta love the branching and vigour of the "pure" one...not that the other one is falling behind...it's the influence of KC that makes the difference I suppose...

Tweedly dee tweedly dum gorgeus plants I gotta get me some old son..:tiphat:


Active member
Thank you both you dear chaps!

Now this Orient Express has found its way into the small trough and I hope I will manage to keep her below the top of the wall...yet I have a hunch I'll have to resort to brutal handling, does she get unbridled.. :biggrin:
As for the last picture, unlike some folks whose opinion on wine goes as far as sour grape juice, I have been drinking the extract for the last couple of thousand years :biggrin: and I do relish tending my vine ... only for the last couple of decades :biggrin:



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Active member
So the dame has finally lost her head, couple of nodes below the top, and so have the two tallest side tops in an attempt to bring the canopy even...so far so good...




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Active member
equinox nearing and migration into more abundant and richer "lands" has begun...30 lt pots that is... Purple Mex is at 1 m now and Zam x KC panting behind :biggrin: strange thing they look very much alike...

Farmelion, "Parent child collaboration on CannaFlora" is the new text book that's becoming the norm in comprehensive schools... in my mind at least :biggrin:



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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Orfeas, very strong, healthy and beautiful plants you have going. Peace


Active member
Thank you, farmerlion!

Today it is ZDL x KC's turn to get king size shoes ...could have kept her in that 5lt a little longer but I got fed up with daily watering plus the need for nutrients being evident and mandatory...
La diosa is expanding alright, the trough space almost taken up by her canopy ...
got a few mites here and there but spinosad keeps them under control... no big deal...
The big deal is outside in my veggie patch where various kinds of critters abound and make me resort to drastic measures...abamectin that is, in combination with thuringiensis...can't afford to be kind to such living creatures :biggrin:

Have a nice summer, folks in the northern part of the world!




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Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
Abamectin. That's interesting. From Wikipedia:

Abamectin is a mixture of avermectins containing more than 80% avermectin B1a and less than 20% avermectin B1b. These two components, B1a and B1b have very similar biological and toxicological properties. The avermectins are insecticidal and antihelmintic compounds derived from various laboratory broths fermented by the soil bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis. Abamectin is a natural fermentation product of this bacterium.[1]

Plants are looking fantastic!


Active member
Abamectin. That's interesting. From Wikipedia:

Plants are looking fantastic!

Yeap! It does the job alright!

Now my question is "To repot or not to repot?"
Were I sure the fan leaf yellowing is due to root restriction, I'd repot without a second thought. Yet, I've had the same yellowing before with Jamaldelica(same seed batch) and it had nothing to do with root restriction...thing is I'd like to keep her in that 5lt pot for as long as possible to keep her low...repotting her now will give me a heck of a space problem...speaking of space things have started getting tighter... :biggrin:



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Well-known member
I'm not sure if I should say this or not, but I would definitely repot very soon(in ground) and trim her tops quite a lot to keep the bushy growth and prevent her growing too high(and put a net on top of her).
I'm sure she would not like such stress but I feel she will get huge otherwise.
Of course topping all tops should help in this phase.

The plant is looking great, how high is she now?


Active member
I'm not sure if I should say this or not, but I would definitely repot very soon(in ground) and trim her tops quite a lot to keep the bushy growth and prevent her growing too high(and put a net on top of her).
I'm sure she would not like such stress but I feel she will get huge otherwise.
Of course topping all tops should help in this phase.

The plant is looking great, how high is she now?

Tah, mate!

Aye, rubbing salt into wounds isn't that agreable... :biggrin: for the glorious days of 10+ footers are bygone! Now, I have to make do with what I'm left with, the restricted roofless cave that is ... :biggrin:
The lady is now at 120 cm instead of 200 for she had a taste of a crew cut I gave her weeks ago...some more is definitely bound to follow...I've got the same feeling as you have about her future size.
However, I fancy her airy foliage, the very thin blades and red stalks, quite unsual amongst the sativas I've been growing...


P.S. dubi, what have you to say about the pheno?


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gorilla ganja

Well-known member
That's a lovely looking plant. Well all your plant's are looking healthy.
So you just gave it a haircut and kept it in the same pot?
Do you ever take fan leaves off to help control growth?
When do you think she will start flowering, a few more months of controlling height?

Peace GG

Claude Hopper

Old Skool Rulz
She looks beautiful, like a Japanese maple.

I've had decent plants with 5L pots and smaller, though I remember having some issues with getting the fertilization right.


Active member
That's a lovely looking plant. Well all your plant's are looking healthy.
So you just gave it a haircut and kept it in the same pot?
Do you ever take fan leaves off to help control growth?
When do you think she will start flowering, a few more months of controlling height?

Peace GG

shooting question marks! I like them 'cause they end up in periods :biggrin:
So here's some background feedback: She sprouted sometime mid-April in a small cup and about a month later she moved into a 2lt pot. A month or so ago she got into this ~5lt pot and had its 3-4 top nodes clipped. A tad later a couple of nodes of the tallest tops were removed too...never thought of removing fan leaves let alone do it...you sure it helps?
Flowering won't start until late August/beginning September, which leaves me two long months to tackle height :biggrin:

She looks beautiful, like a Japanese maple.

I've had decent plants with 5L pots and smaller, though I remember having some issues with getting the fertilization right.

*Spit on your bollocks*, mate! :biggrin:

You're right about them 5lt pots and so are you about the feeding problem...

* in Greek slang the phrase i used to avert an evil eye...bad intentions aren't necessarily included, which I think suits your case... :biggrin:

Now the heat's come rushing in and mercury hits 95 that calls for daily watering...yet the Aegean waters are still cool/chilly in contrast to air temps...divine pleasure the refreshing diving after sweating in the veggie patch...
