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Ace 2018 outdoor and greenhouse grow

Just received my order for this years outdoor crop, won't be starting anything for a few weeks yet but just wanted to get the thread going so I could thank the ace seeds crew.

I ordered:
5 panama fem(received 6)
5 early bubba hash (received 6)
5 panamaxMalawi (received 6)
7 pckxerdpurt (received 8)
3 malawixpanama (received 3 smashed seeds, reshipment was sent with 3+ an extra 2!)
14 old timers haze freebies

The early bubba hash and pck x erdpurt will be going into the ground or raised beds outside, just cleared 20-25 trees so they will get virtually all day sun.

my light dep greenhouse will have OTH, Malawi x panama, panama x Malawi, Zamaldelica regs, Zamaldelica trippy regs, golden tiger regs.

Haven't yet decided what to do with the Panama, might end up with some in the light dep greenhouse and some in the regular greenhouse.

Thank you Dubi! Gonna be an amazing year.

I am going to try to keep this thread updated with pictures, probabaly starting in a few weeks gonna pop the OTH and take clones in the hope of reducing their flower time.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Moderndayhippy :)

Thank you very much for choosing our genetics for your this year outdoor grow! :yes:
Really nice variety and selection of genetics!

Please, keep us updated when you start the grow. Best wishes for the outdoor season!


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
ModernDayHippy, Welcome to these forums. How far north are you? I did my first greenhouse grow last season. I don't have a blackout system on mine. I had some issue with some of the very long flowering sativa's. I ended up culling my Acapulco Gold's. I hope all goes very well for you this season. Peace
ModernDayHippy, Welcome to these forums. How far north are you? I did my first greenhouse grow last season. I don't have a blackout system on mine. I had some issue with some of the very long flowering sativa's. I ended up culling my Acapulco Gold's. I hope all goes very well for you this season. Peace
Thank you farmerlion, I live at about 43 degrees North just a few miles from the coast normal growing season last till maybe October 20 with the greenhouse maybe extending it another 2 weeks.

Zamaldelica from the light dep greenhouse 5+ month cure


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Started some regular seeds going to take cuts then sex them, the cuts will go in my first greenhouse run some point in April. So far I have 8 golden tiger 2 Zamaldelica trippy phenos, and 2 old time haze. The OTH takes longer to germinate than anything I have ever grown, but they are slowely starting so should have at least another 5 OTH.


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Moderndayhippy,

Yummy Zamaldelica cured buds! :yummy:

Not sure about your germination method, but Oldtimer's Haze germinates much better directly in soild rather than with the paper towel method.
Glad to see the babies breaking the surface! :)
Hi Moderndayhippy,

Yummy Zamaldelica cured buds! :yummy:

Not sure about your germination method, but Oldtimer's Haze germinates much better directly in soild rather than with the paper towel method.
Glad to see the babies breaking the surface! :)

Hi Dubi,
Yup that's what I did and certainly wasn't a complaint as it looks like I'm going to get good germination rates I just found it kind of funny that all 8 of the GT popped at least 3 days before any of these 7 OTH popped but that's probably just hybrid vigor I assume. I am really excited for the OTH it will get as much time as it needs to reach its full potential.
one last OTH popped yesterday and got moved to a pot, took a couple weeks but 8 of 9 popped and one died for whatever reason so ended with 7. That goes along with 8 golden Tiger and 4 trippy Zamaldelica, should be a fun first run in he greenhouse before I pop all the fem sativas


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gorilla ganja

Well-known member
Look's like it's going to be a great show. love seeing Ace genetics in greenhouses.
Best of luck and may all your Buds be Huge.
Peace GG


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Moderndayhippy, can you tell me about greenhouses? What sizes, how long have you been growing in them? I only have one grow in mine. I'm always looking to learn. Peace
Moderndayhippy, can you tell me about greenhouses? What sizes, how long have you been growing in them? I only have one grow in mine. I'm always looking to learn. Peace
Hi farmerlion,

Right now I only have one but will be getting 1-2 more for this season, my current greenhouse is 12x20 and I think 7 and 1/2 feet in the middle, fully automated light dep. side roll up at 730 and roll back down at 630. I got this greenhouse basically for the reason of running longer flowering sativas, I've tried growing them indoors and it is such a pain and they don't finish outdoors for me so this is the only thing that worked. I also was tired of running 1000 watt lights in mid summer and dealing with the heat.The light intensity mid summer is an absolute game changer, everything was finishing at least a week earlier than inside.

I am by no means a greenhouse expert, I've used a smaller greenhouse before, but last year was the first with the light dep. biggest thing I learned is you need a ton of air flow and I need multiple dehumidifiers to keep everything from going moldy, so I have a giant fan for airflow and then have 2 70 liter dehumidifiers running all night and any time the sides are down like cool or rainy days.

The other greenhouse(s) I am getting are 15x25, they will be for full season plants I am getting them just so I have something I can close up and run a dehumidifier in after last fall and literally over 96 straight hours on dense fog and mist in late September that molded 90% of my bud.
Loving the looks of these OTH in veg, all the other sativas have a very modern hybrid look to them in veg so far but the OTH you can tell is just pure sativa goodness can't wait to watch these grow.


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Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Modern day hippie, thanks brother for the reply. I look forward to watching your grow. Peace
Had four plants big enough to take clones of, two golden tiger and two Zamaldelica trippy put the plants in a window that gets an lot of sun to sex them. hoping they will show sex by the time these get rooted or pretty close to it, should have a good month of veg after they root before they go in the light dep. the OTH aren't super fast in veg so far so might just veg these and top them a few times before flower hope to keep them somewhat manageable.


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Decided to mainline few of the bigger seedlings, still have at least 6 weeks before they will get in the greenhouse so need to slow them down a little and hopefully help control the stretch. I will probably try to get them to at least 8 tops each.

Also just popped my Panama, Panama x Malawi, and Malawi x Panama wanted to get these going early enough that I can take clones and possible get two runs this summer if they are as good as I hope.