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Absolute Amber from 28g Keif


Enormous Member
I've been meaning to get this thread going for a while. If I don't get the pictures up first, I never will. Pictures first, words later.







Enormous Member
I still need to run my 3rd butane wash, and possibly a final Ethanol wash. I'll post an explaination and more pictures later.


I kinda follow since I'm doing the same thing with press bubble, that I'm micro plaining into dust like your kief. Anyways look forward to hearing the story!


I also have a full distillation setup, do you have a sep. funnel? I'm stuck trying to get my hexane hash to shard (i've got friends i complete with for quality and the crappy part is my buddy gets his shard from someone else which is so unfair). Are you willing to try to get to shard I'd love someone to compare notes with. If you want to consider ester-ing the THC P.M. me I have acetic anhydride and i'll share my source.

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Enormous Member
I used the, "Absolute Amber from Banana Silver Ladyboys" thread as a base for reference. I'll try to use the same terminology used there.


I created my extraction vessel from a 40 ounce vacuum thermos with the bottom half of a refillable lighter used as a butane port.

I had originally used a small 12 ounce glass teapot as an evaporation flask, but found that a quart mason jar worked much better. It also allowed vacuum purging in place with the right attachments. Also, using a lid band to secure a coffee filter on the quart mason jars worked waaaay better than a coffee filter in a funnel. No leaks and fewer impurities.

I used an ounce, 28.35g, of high grade keif as a starting point. Where I live, I do not have access to high proof alcohol, so I decided to refine my own, starting with 100 proof Zenkha vodka. I got the distillation setup piecemail from ebay. It probably cost me about $150 for everything, including hot plate and clamp stand.

Make sure that your adapters match when buying seperate pieces. This is why a few hundred dollars more might be worth while, to buy a matched set from one of the many websites dedicated to the personal still.

I was surprised that the keif was not more soluable in the butane. There was definitely a lot of gunk left behind. I should smoke some to see if anything (mind altering) was left behind after the 3 washes.

My first wash yielded 6.8 grams of amber. The second, 3.1. The 3rd was yielded somewhere inbetween 1-2 grams. Total yield was about 11.5 grams. Not that great considering I started with an ounce of great keif.

I'm not too worried, since I was planning to use this with a batch of home brew beer, so after decarbing everything at 250 for 10 minutes, I redissolved everything into 200 ml of the 190 proof. I'm still dosing this, but I think 1ml is a good amount. I need to ask friends though, since I have mucho-grande tollerenco.