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AB 390 passes!!!


I HAVE a medical card. Prohibition of cannabis DOES exist in California though.

Can I talk to my neighbor about my grow? NO! (Not unless I'm retarded and don't care about getting ripped off.)

Can I share some cannabis with my neighbor because they don't like beer? NO!

Can I smoke a doob on my front porch? NO!

Can I sell my extra smoke to someone or trade openly? NO!

Fuck you and your "Prohibition doesn't exist in California B.S."

ummm dude, i don't know what state you live in, but in Cali if you are medical you can definitely:

-talk to your neighbor about your grow (you could do this even w/out a doctor's rec)

-share some cannabis with your neighbor (if he/she has a doctor's rec)

-smoke a doob on your front porch

-sell/trade your extra smoke (as long as the recipient has a doctor's rec)

so what were you saying again?....

oh yah, you think people should have to pay tax on every bag of weed they buy, rather than just paying $100 per year for a doctor's rec?


Active member
ummm dude, i don't know what state you live in, but in Cali if you are medical you can definitely:

-talk to your neighbor about your grow (you could do this even w/out a doctor's rec)
No I can't... my neighbor's aren't allowed to grow and if they talk, I'll get jacked.

-share some cannabis with your neighbor (if he/she has a doctor's rec)
And if they don't.... I'm prohibited. (Duh!)

-smoke a doob on your front porch
No... I can't, because then I have to explain why I'm doing it which leads me back to the whole getting jacked point.

-sell/trade your extra smoke (as long as the recipient has a doctor's rec)
Considering the security issues in So-Cal... it's unwise to contact anyone for sales. I have a family so I'll wait until it's legal for everyone to do so.

so what were you saying again?....
Basically that you don't know anything about actually 'Living' in cali as a patient. That's all.

oh yah, you think people should have to pay tax on every bag of weed they buy, rather than just paying $100 per year for a doctor's rec?
I don't think ANYONE should have to pay $100 a year for a doctor's recommendation. Do you pay for a recommendation to take asprin?
Do you pay for a recommendation to drink a beer?

Cannabis should be completely free for people to use as they see fit. Anything else is just nonsensical bullshit perpetuated by the preponderance of existing ignorance on the subject. You still don't get how many rights have been stripped from you.

Wake the F' Up people, it'll make it easier for you to.....

Stay Safe! :tree:


^^my neighbors grow. maybe yours do too, but you will never know because you are too scared to talk to them. It sounds like you're just worried about getting jacked

here's a tip: don't possess things that people want to take. If you do, then have a safe and a gun.

legalization will not stop crime, sorry. If you have enough ganja to worry about getting robbed, you probably have other nice things too, and the thieves in Cali want more than just your weed, trust me.

i am all for legalization of ganja BTW, but it must be treated like any other vegetable, not another government cash cow. there is no limit on how much lettuce I can grow, is there? i don't pay sales tax on tomatoes do i?

and when i say "treated like any other vegetable", let it be clear that I am NOT for corporate farming, genetic crop engineering, pesticide use, or underpaid labor. these thing should be changed along with our drug laws , then cannabis will be grown alongside corn and we won't have to worry about either one being fucked up by chemicals.

AB390 was a sick-minded attempt for the CA government to capitalize on the very same people it has been locking up for years under false pretenses.

I DEMAND REPARATIONS!!! Those fuckers have already taken thousand$ from me in confiscated ganja, not to mention the time i've spent in multiple county jails... do I get a TAX CREDIT for that? huh?

anybody disagree?


Garden Nymph
Well, I would also like legalization because for those who want to pass drug tests (such as those hair follicle ones) it is difficult and nerve-wracking to have to go through all that BS. A person who has done coke or heroin or drank alcohol will be able to pass these tests...what about cannabis users?? This should be taken into consideration too, if any of these bills are passed.


Well, I would also like legalization because for those who want to pass drug tests (such as those hair follicle ones) it is difficult and nerve-wracking to have to go through all that BS. A person who has done coke or heroin or drank alcohol will be able to pass these tests...what about cannabis users?? This should be taken into consideration too, if any of these bills are passed.

this is a whole different subject , but If Cali were to legalize/tax, I highly doubt that employers would all-of-a-sudden be chomping at the bit to hire stoners...

and even if a few businesses stop testing for pot, you think chain stores like Sears, Walmart, Safeway, etc.. are gonna change their drug testing and hiring policies just for cali?

face it, the propaganda that THE GOVERNMENT (the same ones who now want to tax MJ for their own purposes) has spread about marijuana over the years has done irreparable harm to the reputation of pot-smokers nation/statewide


Active member
here's a tip: don't possess things that people want to take. If you do, then have a safe and a gun.

legalization will not stop crime, sorry. If you have enough ganja to worry about getting robbed, you probably have other nice things too, and the thieves in Cali want more than just your weed, trust me.
WTF? Show me micro home brewers that brew super grade top notch beer that have to lock up their beer? No... because beer is legal and CHEAPLY AVAILABLE BECAUSE OF QUANTITY. It's not worth a home invasion for some 'better than store' beer.

As soon as cannabis is legalized and available IN QUANTITY, the 'Value' of what I have in my house goes to almost nothing. Definitely not worth a home invasion for it.

Get your head out of your :whistling: and actually think about the consequences of removing prohibition. So far all I hear are people making shit up and not applying real world scenarios that have been going on for decades.

Want to know what will happen when prohibition on cannabis is over? Biggest differences I can see coming will be the decline in the number of people clogging the healthcare system and an increase in the number of people going back to work.

All the rest of it is just going to be your normal craziness that happens when something forbidden becomes suddenly available.... once the sparkle wears off though, things will die down to a normal dull roar. Fortunately, cannabis happens to be one of the safest substances on earth so there will be minimal fallout. All the more reason to let it free.

Get educated and get real folks... the truth is waiting for you to find and absorb it.

Stay Safe! :tree:

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